Imagine how far your head has to be up your own ass to ask a question like this.

Nothing’s stopping you from starting up your own OnlyFans, dude. Maybe you could find yourself a nice sugar daddy, if that’s what you really want.
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About the NY Post article, one of my main questions/concerns about it is how the writer of that article figured it out to begin with. A quick perusal of the OnlyFans faq seems to indicate that the only personal location info given out is what country/state a model lives in. I don’t have an account there, and right now have no reason to get one as either a creator or fan, so I don’t know how they lay their pages out around that info.
So how did this writer learn that an EMT was also an OnlyFans model? Did he happen to see her working her day job, and realize he’d (I’m ASSuming a ‘he’ here) seen her OF page before, and though ‘story idea!’ ? Did she ‘diss’ him in the performance of her EMT duties and this was his way of getting back at her for being ‘rude’ when speaking to him? Do a location search on one of her pics to see if he could find and meet the model as ‘her biggest fan’? Hell, did this gal even agree to do this story to begin with, let alone with this slant?
So many questions, with few, if any, good answers.
You got food? I got a couple pints and the sitting fee. 😛
It were … an interesting experience. Kinda odd knowing there’s dusty, never looked at portfolios out there with drawings and painting of my younger self.
I was like, wait what? Didn’t she get the degree? What could be the possible reason? So I looked up the article (or reporting, because paywall).
“Madame First Lady—Mrs. Biden—Jill—kiddo: a bit of advice on what may seem like a small but I think is a not unimportant matter.”
Ooooooo boy. Anyway, his main point is, PhD =/= MD. I have news for him. I know many MDs, some of whom have PhDs, and kind of unfortunately for his point, THEY say the PhD is a harder degree. What’s his problem again? (Yes, I know what it is. He wants a first lady that considers Lady her highest earned title and doesn’t seem more educated than the president. You can’t help some people.)
His claim about “you can’t call yourself a doctor unless you’ve delivered a baby” amused me.
I’ve delivered two. Can I skip the schooling and go ahead and use the title? Somehow think he’d be a touch upset if I did.
Ben Shapiro thinks you shouldn’t call yourself a doctor unless you can save someone having a stroke at a dinner party. AFAIK even most MDs couldn’t do much in that case because they probably wouldn’t have any medication or equipment at the party.
The WSJ’s opinion editor has responded, and it’s even worse than the original piece:
Someone on Twitter posted this poem, and I thought it was perfect. (Hmm, how do you post an image? Nvm, it’s short.)
“My First Name,” by Susan Harlan
No, you can’t call me
By my first name,
And yes,
I know that
A male professor
Told you that titles
Are silly
Because a certain genre
Of man
Is always dying
To performatively
Divest himself
Of his easily won
@ Naglfar:
C’mon, even Dr. Heimlich only got to personally save someone with the Heimlich manoeuvre once.
@Moon Custafer
Be fair, it is dim wee Ben, who believes his wife’s reassurances that women only get wet when they’re ill. Medical knowledge – or indeed human knowledge – is a bit much to ask of him.
@Inconstant Reader
That article is…something. One could definitely play some sort of bingo game or drinking game with how often the editor leans on tires tropes.
It may also be worth noting that the author of the original piece previously published another piece declaring that gay people are subhuman and suggesting that society should relegate them to “n****rdom,” so this isn’t his first brush with bigotry in the press. It also just occurred to me that his last name is Epstein. Is he related to Jeffrey Epstein?
Not as far as anyone on fark has been able to find out – and they’re pretty good at ferreting.
My guess is that it’s someone else who fed it to the reporter as the “revenge journalism” counterpart to “revenge porn”. Seriously, just in terms of odds, even if revenge isn’t a motive, it’s much more likely that someone knows the EMT and then went looking for a reporter (since any person has a lot of acquaintances) and just happened to find this douchegabber, than that the reporter himself noticed the connection between the EMT and the OnlyFans account.
@ crip dyke
Almost certainly. Very few journalists actually investigate their own stories. That’s why “investigative journalist” is a specific thing. Nearly all stories either come from tip-offs; or just re-writing bulletins from Reuters or AP.
Alan! On’tday ogay eadingspray ouray ecretsay!
@Crip Dyke, Alan,
You’re right, I should have thought of the ‘revenge porn’ angle myself. :/ Though I do think that the Post has left itself open for a lawsuit, given that ‘local EMT moonlights as OF content provider’ isn’t exactly news that the public needs to know, ya know?
I know this is hard for assholes like this to understand, but while I was never a Stacy, I was a solid Becky. I worked as a legit, non-sexual massage therapist with a clientele made up mostly of wealthy people, especially lawyers. At the same time, I was sleeping around for the fun of it. The idea of sex for material gain didn’t appeal to me. The idea of choosing my sexual partners by their net worth did not appeal to me. The idea of waking up and thinking, “Oh, damn, Monday. Sex *again*?” did not appeal to me.
Even less appealing was the idea of marrying for money. I would sooner have been a sex worker. The notion of sharing a house and a bed with someone for whom I had little feeling or affinity seemed much the most difficult way to make a living. I’d rather take my money on the night stand and have my space to myself in my off-hours, thanks.
What I did instead was marry a guy with whom I fell madly in love and who made, and makes, solid middle class bucks, while I kept doing massage and also became a successful writer. We’ve been together for 31 years, married for going on 26, and I still love him like crazy.
Re the question of whether being a sugar baby is sex work, if you’re having sex with the expectation of money in return, that’s sex work. And FTR, I consider marrying for money sex work, too.
“Speaking of, did everyone see how the NY Post (Murdoch trash) decided to post an article outing a NYC EMT for having a side job on Onlyfans to make ends meet? Because apparently it’s vitally important news worth getting some random woman fired because some creepy ass writers decided they think she’s a slut. I mean, I knew the NY was a shit excuse for journalism, but this is a real low.”
The thing I find shocking and immoral about this is that NYC EMTs make so little money that this woman needed *any* kind of side job.
Why do these other beings I insist aren’t people keep acting just like they’re people in all the ways that matter? Truly a mystery for the ages.
What really gets me is that he never quite gets to the point of “hm, maybe if everybody’s not doing this incredibly obvious thing it doesn’t work.”