coronavirus empathy deficit MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW Redditors agree: Covid is the best thing that’s ever happened to MGTOWs

Nearly 300,000 Americans have died of Covid already and cases are spiking nationwide. Meanwhile, over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit the regulars have been talking about what a great thing Covid has been for MGTOWs, at least according to their own perverse logic.

Covid was really the best thing for MGTOW yet,” someone called Luciano700 declared in a recent thread, and his fellow MGTOWs were quick to agree. (This isn’t the first time MGTOWs have declared Covid an “ally,” but the reasons they give this time around are a bit more varied than the ones they gave the last time I caught them doing this.)

A commenter called fritobandito214 set forth a whole list of reasons he thinks Covid has been a gift to MGTOWs and men more generally.

Covid has been good for men in general:

We’ve been givin the right to keep women 6ft away from us without any repercussion for once.

Restaurants are closed, no expensive meals to buy, now the whores have to come over to our place and get plowed or keep their sorry ass at home.

Strong wymyn are being forced to stay at home to deal with and home school the monsters they’ve unleashed on society. (This one i especially love,love,LOVE!)

Men aren’t attention whores vs. women who are losing their minds in quarantine with no one around to give them attention, ENTER OnlyFans, exposing them for the true whores they are.

MGTOW men for the most part live a life of solitude so it’s business as usual during this pandemic, while wymyn are becoming pill popping, alcohol soaked addicts.

Other commenters suggested that Covid was exposing women’s perfidity — and tendency to cheat in relationships. Usual_Sir wrote

The thots can’t hide the truth to their beta provider, about Chad and Tyrone. Text messages and late night phone calls. Look for those covid red flags guys.

Some think that Covid essentially makes the case for MGTOW for them. Isthisthelasttime34 explained:

From purely a social perspective it has given men much firmer ground to stand on for not wanting to go the traditional marriage, kids, and soul crushing job route. Who can argue with somebody anymore for not wanting to do that? Absolutely nobody. And while we knew all along what we were doing, now all we have to do is point to the events of 2020 to shut down anybody getting upset about it.

Still others are glad that something has come along to disrupt daily life for everyone:

“Covid is good,” wrote non-w0ke.

It brings some balance back into play. Monkey branching is extremely hard after a major disasters, such as World War. Because people do not behave when asked nicely (kids, Karens) they are forced to deal with harsh reality. Reality and natural selection are the best teachers.

Others waxed rhapsodic about the possibility of even more apocalyptic social chaos — which they think will “put women in their place” again, like in the good old days.

“[I]t’s a nothing bug,” wrote Mozambique4Life.

But a wake-up call. if we had widespread Ebola for example, what would the world resort too.

Funny thing is we all know if society really turns to anarchy women will fall back on very traditional roles, just hide behind big strong men and suck cock to survive. nothing new there.

Keep dreaming, boys.

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Some Chick
Some Chick
4 years ago

It’s sort of impressive how they managed be wrong about basically everything, working from home, Ebola, distance learning, even expensive meals.

4 years ago

Meh. My actual before-times life isn’t that much different than my Covid-shelter-in-place-life. The hardest thing I’ve had to do is learn to grocery shop for two weeks at a time rather than weekly. We never did relax our behavior when everyone else did because we live in a land with lots of snowflakes who think wearing a mask in public equals taking away all of their gods-given rights.

I’m a little grumpy right now because Husbeast and I were exposed to a Covid-positive person (from his visit with Kidbeast) and have been self-quarantined for almost two weeks. We get the results of the tests we took yesterday in the next day or two. We’re very lucky in that we can afford grocery delivery and some delivery meals, but I’m so looking forward to picking out my own produce again! Pro tip: don’t select the “ok to substitute” button unless you like random surprises!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

One thing that scares me right now is that there don’t seem to be any grocery delivery companies willing to operate in my area. (It’s not anything you’d call a “rough neighborhood”, so I’ve no idea why it’s apparently systematically redlined by these businesses, but it evidently is nonetheless.)

If I am ever expected to quarantine at home due to a potential exposure or a positive test I’ll starve, or worse, run out of something hygiene-critical such as soap or TP. I’d be forced into the choice of suffering serious deficiency of some sort or risking spreading the virus by going out to the store anyway (certainly I’d wear a mask if it came to that).

To maintain an over-two-week supply of everything I use around here would likely run into space issues, especially in the refrigerator, and wouldn’t be possible anyway as some of the things I regularly use simply do not have the necessary shelf life. Bread in any form, for starters: I’ve never seen it with more than 13 days to expiry, ever in my life, and if I wanted to keep >2weeks of everything with a reasonable shopping-trip frequency of once a week I’d need to find some that was guaranteed not to go moldy for three weeks. Seems impossible. Cutting out bread entirely is equally so: I’m fairly sure it’s my only substantial source of B vitamins.

I usually aim to keep my supplies in the one-to-two-weeks’-supply range, and even that is often difficult since the stores are not very reliable about keeping some items in stock. As far as I can tell they wait to run right out of a thing before ordering more of it, rather than ordering more when the amount they have left is the amount they sell, on average, in an amount of time equal to the average time between ordering more and more arriving. It seems a lazy and slipshod way of doing things.

And (warning: rant ahead, those with class privilege may find it uncomfortable) it’s one more of society’s systems that seems to have been designed under the assumption that everyone (or everyone “worth caring about”, perhaps) is middle class and owns a car and telling them they’ll have to come back tomorrow for an item would only be a minor inconvenience. That also fits with the retail calendar being littered with random land mines, mostly on Mondays and Fridays, when they are closed or close early, which are not specific identified special occasions like Easter or Christmas. For middle-class job-having people getting the odd extra Monday or Friday off must be a godsend, and they won’t be expecting the stores to have their normal hours that day. For unemployed people on fixed incomes without a car, on the other hand, it means the only safe days to go out to shop are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the afternoon on Saturday; any other day and you could put in 45 minutes of time and physical labor walking there only to find the place dark and the door locked, and after another 45 minutes get home again with nothing at all to show for 90 minutes of physical labor — an unacceptable outcome! Thus, an unacceptable risk. Which compounds the problem if the store is out of something on Thursday, or worse on Saturday, as it’s a two or three day wait until the next day that has zero chance of being booby-trapped. If the thing you were after runs out sooner than that, you’re screwed. Which means the only real safe shopping days are Tuesday and Wednesday, as then you really can come back tomorrow if you really, really have to to get that one item because it’s on the very verge of running out. And even then they are asking you to put in 180 minutes instead of 90 minutes of labor getting that week’s supplies. So to avoid that it’s also necessary not to let anything get below about four days’ supply — longer if near a major actual named holiday such as Easter, and preferably a week. And then of course the short shelf life of bread comes back to bite you, as if you get too little you dip below a week’s supply before the next shopping trip and if you get too much you risk some spoiling before it gets around to being used and for a single person living alone the difference between too little and too much can easily be smaller than the size of one package, and leaving aside the moral issues with letting food go to waste while elsewhere there are starving people, if you’re on a tight budget you literally can’t afford to have food spoil as that’s several precious dollars up in smoke.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago


Over the years when I was too broke to get delivery and was too ill to walk to the nearest shop, I learnt a few things about storing food, but they all rely on having a freezer. Do you have a freezer or just a refrigerator? Bread, butter and milk can both be frozen for later use. I have also learnt to check the website/social media of a shop before going, to check they are open because it can be a bit hit and miss, especially at the moment with lockdown and with bank holidays.

I’m lucky there are multiple supermarkets near me that do delivery, because I don’t have a car and it takes twenty minutes to walk to the nearest and cheapest (Lidl) that doesn’t do delivery and I’m not always physically able to do that. I’ve only recently been able to afford delivery and there are still weeks when it’s not possible, because of the ways benefits are paid here.

I hope you manage to find a time to go shopping or get a delivery.

4 years ago


That sounds really difficult, I can empathise a bit and know how stressful and time consuming this stuff is when you don’t have spare money/a car. Like @sparklydragon I’d recommend filling the freezer if that’s possible, and while it’s hard to give advice without knowing your diet, Jack Monroe (link below) has lots of great recipes which often rely mostly on canned food. Cheap tinned beans, fish, dried pasta, tomato puree etc can be surprisingly versatile and good in a tight spot when time/money has run out.

The only downside is tins tend to be heavy, so not great on a 45 minute walk – stocking up slowly with a few items per shop may make things feel less precarious as time goes on.

4 years ago

What says it all about Jack Monroe is that she has personally very much walked the walk herself, as a single parent living with all the sheer fucking terror of the brown envelope (if that image doesn’t travel well – it’s that bills and letters from government bodies come in brown envelopes here). She’s personally lived for many years with every single last penny counting.

And she has NO truck with judgemental shit from the comfortably-off looking down on the poor for “not knowing how to manage money” or for not eating cooked-from-fresh-ingredients every single time. Or for not having an oven/time/a freezer/etc. And she knows you have as much right to the pleasure and health benefits of varied food as the rich who think the poor should live on porridge alone.

She roasts sneering right-wing politicians alive, and I take all my hats off to her.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

She roasts sneering right-wing politicians alive, and I take all my hats off to her.

She/they also took down Katie Hopkins; so deserves a medal just for that.

4 years ago

Yes! I had forgotten the Hopkins thing; could not have been more well-deserved. Need moar hats to take off.

Also thank you for the heads-up that Monroe goes by they/them as well as she/her. (I didn’t know they were nb or if I did I had forgotten. Swiss cheese brain, me. (Which will be even tricker than usual soon, with imported cheeses languishing together with imported everything else, somewhere on the road near Calais probably))

Last edited 4 years ago by opposablethumbs
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

somewhere on the road near Calais probably

I’m thinking of a post Jan 1st sideline of walking up and down the M3 selling over priced loo roll to truck drivers.

4 years ago

Oof. Nice to know they still got their priorities straight… /S

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Freezing bread has been suggested to me before, but runs afoul of two problems:

  1. Space in my freezer is at a premium, and once everything that actually has to be frozen is taken into account the remaining space tends to be either “very little” or “none at all”.
  2. The bread is used to prepare things that are supposed to be prepared quickly — in two minutes or so, typically. This is incompatible with freezing the bread. Extra time, and consequently extra planning, would have to be taken to allow time for the bread to thaw. I am also concerned it would then become soggy, so there’d be a big loss of quality.
4 years ago


you could buy one loaf of bread and freeze the other so it last longer. But i know that won’t be good enough for you. Maybe clear out your freezer it’s pack full of shit you aren’t eating since the space is used up oh so fast (even though that means there is food in your freezer that you can eat but whatever)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

The only things in my freezer that I’m not eating are the two chemical ice packs for using in a freezer-bag in the summer when I need to keep something cold all the way home from the store.

4 years ago

If all you gonna do is to go to the first, abandoned subreddit and do weak man Arguments
Then your writin about MGTOW is inherently useless, like you.

4 years ago

I’m waiting for the virus to take as many of these goofs out as possible.

3 years ago

Wonder what would happen if all MGTOW men bought video camera and began recording women having affairs, at work, at the gym, at the coffee cafe, bars, etc and sending them to their husbands. The guy needs to know he is being chucked and the sooner he knows, the sooner he recovered from what that knowledge would do to him. He’ll find out eventually, most likely, but it would expose women and their nature. The results might be an eye opener. I don’t know all the legality of this, but think if it is all recorded in public places, I’m guessing it is most likely legal. Might want to check on that before you act. I suspect two affairs in progress where I go to the gym and at one bar I frequent.

3 years ago

Wow, trolling on a post from last year? You must be bored, my dude.

Out of curiosity, how do you know that so many of the women you see at the gym, store, workplace, coffee stand are having affairs?

Isn’t it possible that, I dunno, a random man and a random woman might be friends? Or maybe the public display of affection is actually with their partner? Or maybe you’re seeing generic politeness to a stranger as flirting because your brain is in OMG THE CHEATERS mode?

Local laws about photos in public vary.

Also, harassment is usually pretty illegal, and stalking people for the express purposes of photographing them and sending images to loved ones could easily be considered harassment. So, like, consult a real lawyer.

Or just don’t be an ass to random people? Is that too much to ask?

If you have a friend whose spouse you think is untrue maybe talk to your friend and be there for him/her instead of pontificating about “chucking” and recording all women everywhere who somehow are all having affairs with mystery men at Starbucks or something… on an article from 2020.

Might be more effective and less like wearing your posterior for a fedora.

Just a thought for you.

RA Baker
3 years ago

I must say that I am not surprised, but disappointed by the crudeness of some of the comments left here. Though I fully understand their disgust with feminists, the MGTOWs still need to be gentlemen. Think about your mother or your sister.
I taught philosophy and religion at an HBCU. I had some great students and had them in my office to jaw constantly. i learned some very interesting things from a few young black men one day. We were talking about black dudes getting white girls. One of them asked me if I knew why they went after white girls? Their answer surprised me, yet as soon as I heard it other things I had seen suddenly made more sense. “White chicks treat us good. White chicks are nice. The black girls think they can treat us like crap.”
They went on to tell me that hooking up with a white girl is a great way to get back at the black girls who act so demeaning. They hate their black brothers going to white women.
THIS is exactly what feminists are doing. This constant demonizing of masculinity is leading strong men to walk away from the women OR find themselves a nice woman from overseas who have not been duped by this radical feminism.
Like I tell my two professional daughters: “Who is going to protect you from bad alpha males?” The answer is obvious – the good alpha males. If things continue to deteriorate in our nation this will all become quite clear. Pajama boys cannot…and will not protect anyone. This was clear when a dozen people took video for over 40 minutes while a man sexually harassed (and worse) a woman. A good WGTOW would not allow this to happen.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ R A Baker

This constant demonizing of masculinity 

I’m curious as to your thesis; but I think first it might be helpful if we define some terms. So I understand exactly what you’re saying.

Specifically, what so you mean by masculinity; and what aspects of that are feminists demonising?

I’ve seen toxic masculinity criticised in feminist circles of course; but that’s not synonymous with masculinity per se; otherwise it wouldn’t need the adverb.

But to my understanding, toxic masculinity would include things like societal expectations that men shouldn’t show emotion; over competitiveness; performative violence and the like. And I can see arguments why they’re bad things.

But a lot of the consequences, like higher male suicide rates are things that MGTOWs purport to be concerned about. So I’d have though you’d be supportive of the feminist position there.

So to get back on point, could I trouble you for some specific examples of masculinity, as defined by you, that feminists demonise?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

[H]ooking up with a white girl is a great way to get back at the black girls who act so demeaning.

Uh-huh. That’s certainly the way I’ve always treated my love life: as an opportunity to get back at the people who have demeaned me. Back before the Interwebz was a thing, it was a lot harder to get the word out. I’d cut out individual words or letters from various magazines (LooK WhO KAT is DAtING), add a photo, and slip the message under the doors of those who had offended me. Now I just post photos on Instagram. Two words: sick burn.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@r a baker

Or i protect myself from your “bad alpha males” which are normally a fragile snowflake who didn’t like it that I told them no, and then continue being married to my nerd husband who treats me right.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

Let’s unpack this lil suitcase…

Though I fully understand their disgust with feminists, the MGTOWs still need to be gentlemen. Think about your mother or your sister.

But it’s OK to be crude towards women if they’re not a mother or a sister?

I see men invoke wives and daughters all the time to remind themselves to behave decently and not rape people, and it’s really weird. You can only be decent towards women if they have some kind of (property-based) relationship to another man?

“White chicks treat us good. White chicks are nice. The black girls think they can treat us like crap.”

Please be more specific. By “treat us good…treat us like crap”, what does that mean exactly? Men like this often use “niceness” as a synonym for submissiveness, for willingness to take abuse, for willingness to subordinate her needs to his. When they don’t get what they want, they flock to some other ethnic group in search of validation.

They went on to tell me that hooking up with a white girl is a great way to get back at the black girls who act so demeaning.

I don’t think the black girls know, or care. If anything, they’re thrilled not to be dealing with these guys.

They hate their black brothers going to white women.

Then why do they keep doing it?

This constant demonizing of masculinity is leading strong men to walk away from the women

Yes, I can see it takes a strong man to take his bat and ball and stomp away because he can’t handle an equal relationship that occasionally requires him to think about someone other than himself.

Asking someone to be a considerate adult is not “demonizing of masculinity”. If you think it is, then you need to ponder why masculinity is so closely linked with selfish petulance in your mind, and whether that’s a healthy thing,

Who is going to protect you from bad alpha males?” The answer is obvious – the good alpha males.

First of all, what defines a “good” alpha male versus a “bad” alpha male? It’s as specious as the good guy with a gun/bad guy with a gun argument. Who the good guy is depends on your frame of reference, I’m guessing, though, that a “bad” alpha male is anyone she sleeps with who isn’t you.

Second of all, this is the old gender protectionism racket, and it’s not an argument that makes men look good. “We’re predatory and horrible, so you need one of us around!” Nice misandry. And what’s to stop the “good” alpha male from turning into the “bad” alpha male behind closed doors, the first time she does something that displeases him?

Pajama boys cannot…and will not protect anyone. 

What the hell is a pajama boy? Sounds like they’re in bed with all the girls, and you’re salty about it.

3 years ago

One would think that a former academic would understand ‘alpha males’ is a pseudo-scientific concept based on debunked science.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

@LouCPurr – Also, college professors definitely use terms like “Pajama Boys”, because that’s how serious academics talk. Why be neutral and precise, when you can be derogatory?

And they hang out in their office for hours jawing with all the black guys about hooking up and getting laid and how terrible women are, because that’s totally professional and not at all an inappropriate crossing of boundaries.

It’s even better when you consider he’s a pastor and religious historian.

3 years ago

Is it okay to “track and mock” people? Will this make the situation better or worse? Are the people you mock inherently evil? Did the people you mock have the same opportunities that you had?