creepy empathy deficit harassment incels misogyny

Incel: “Whenever I see a lone woman late at night I try to look as menacing as possible”

Incels don’t just talk shit about women online. Some of them act out their misogyny in real life. A few, like Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian, resort to murderous violence; others take out their hatred of women in more subtle but still deeply unsettling ways.

On the forums recently, one incel confessed how much he enjoys frightening women walking alone at night.

Whenever i see a lone woman late at night i try to look as menacing as possible
 Thread starterSpeedloader  Start dateSunday at 6:00 AM
Inceldom Discussion
May 14, 2019
141d 5h 41m
Sunday at 6:00 AM
So the bitch would get uncomfortable :lul: :lul:
I do weird low inhib walks and stare at them without blinking
Works every time, foid alway

Other commenters agreed that this was a hilarious thing to do.

“Thank you for your service,” wrote meisterguido.

“[B]ased and blackpilled to the max,” added simulacrasimulation, suggesting that the OP was merely

exploiting their narcissistic belief that “everyone” wants to rape them or attack them

you have no intent to do anything but shining the mirror or on the bitches self love and egocentrism

Other commenters suggested ways to improve the harassment.

“Also make some weird noises while walking behind them,” wrote one. “Scares them haha.”

“[R]un up behind them and tickle them,” added another.

Still another commenter confessed he liked to scare young girls in a similar way.

“I do the same with lolis,” wrote LOLI BREEDING.

they get scared much easier and don’t know what to do so it’s double the fun. also who cares if roast gets scared? best done after school, check them out on public transportation then walk behind them for a while after they get off. I’ve made them run in fear on multiple occasions. once by accident in fact

Only one commenter objected to the OPs confession — not because it’s wrong to deliberately scare people in vulnerable situations but because it makes men look bad.

“This is bad not only for you, but for all of us,” wrote soymonkcel.  

You are giving them credibility when they complain about our behavior (even if you weren’t serious about it), which will turn against us in the end considering how cucked is soyciety.

Don’t do that again. I don’t want to pay for the consequences of something I didn’t do.

This isn’t the first time I’ve run across incels talking about following girls to scare them.

Actions like this are not only evil in themselves; they can also be a sort of test-run for more extreme actions against girls and women. It’s distressing to see not only these sorts of confessions but the enthusiasm with which they are received by other incels, who may be inspired to do similar things themselves. is a toxic environment that breeds ever more toxic beliefs — and encourages the more “low inhibition” incels to take their hatred out on real women in the real world.

I can only hope that one or both of the confessors here was making things up.

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Seth S
Seth S
4 years ago

Let me get this right… they’re harassing women… in order to “exploit” their presumably unfounded worries about being harassed, raped or killed… and thereby show them how “narcissistic” they are? Instead of just admitting they and other men like them are the very reason women are worried about harassment, rape and murder?

Just how much of their craniums did they have to fill with sand to start doing this Mobius-double-reacharound groupthink?

Last edited 4 years ago by Seth S
4 years ago

So the bitch would get uncomfortable

Such a shock that this guy is unable to get a date. Can’t possibly be that, though, must be his wrist size and canthal tilt.

I don’t want to pay for the consequences of something I didn’t do.

Maybe stop associating with a group of men that do this, then?

4 years ago

TBH I’m so bad at social roles and such as that that if someone was just staring at me, I probably wouldn’t notice or care, because i space out and stare all the time too. If they started walking towards me, probably wouldn’t even think they were walking towards me, just in the area I am at. If they were making some noises that weren’t talking again, might assume their a different type of ADHD or Autistic then I am and they make noises, I randomly hum or make noises out of no where or just start talking. But if someone ran up and touched me you are getting peppered sprayed in the face, because when I’m out my keys are always in my hand which means my pepper spray is always in my hands, and my reaction to a stranger touching me is going to be mace them. So have fun ranting about that incels when someone woman pepper sprays you because you thought it was funny to touch her. I’ve pepper sprayed strange man before for touching me, I have no problem doing it again, and I’ll leave your ass there to suffer.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
4 years ago

So on one hand they want to act like assholes and make women uncomfortable but on the other hand they’re mad women won’t give them the time of day. The pretzel logic is amazing.

Anon Get-It-On
Anon Get-It-On
4 years ago

oh, my, I can’t even…

Just when I think I’ve seen it all with the manosphere and neo nazis…

(Trigger for talk of suicide and really gross pictures!)

I think I now now why you call it the manure sphere now!

4 years ago

What a coincidence, I just saw a newspaper report of some guy doing this in a neighborhood near me. Witnesses describe him being about 50yo, 170 cm tall (clearly a heightcel /s) and with a facial appearance like one of Santa’s minions.

4 years ago

Terrorism, essentially – and grooming each other to be unrepentant and worse terrorists.

This has already started happening to my granddaughter. She’s 12.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Incels are angry that women get attention…so their plan is to give women even more attention…which makes incels even more angry…

That’s an infinite feedback loop that never leads to a good place.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Incel: “Whenever I see a lone woman late at night I try to look as menacing as possible”

So you’re totally good with her calling the cops? Using pepper spray? Screaming? Recognizing you from around the neighborhood and pointing you out to her big, strong dad, brothers, and husband (all of whom are violent criminals)? Or recognizing you and calling your mom? Using martial arts?

You guys never, ever think anything through. That’s why you’re incels.

Correction Automatique
Correction Automatique
4 years ago

I can’t help but feel if an incel was trying to look at me menacingly I’d call an ambulance as I’d assume he was having some kind of medical episode.

Once again, that was a very long way to explain that women terrify them.

4 years ago


Or recognizing you and calling your mom?

I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t like that, and would then claim afterwards that it didn’t happen and be very mad.

4 years ago

<blockquote>“[R]un up behind them and tickle them,” added another.</blockquote>

Where I live, that’s assault. Assuming that my reaction time was good enough, he’d regret it in the moment, and I’d do my best to make him regret it in a courtroom, too.


North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

I’m so oblivious o everyone around me that an incel could stare as menacingly as he liked at me and I wouldn’t notice. But I’m fat and 37 so I probably don’t exist in there world. I’m also not a woman, I just have breasts.

Haggis Wallington the 30ish
Haggis Wallington the 30ish
4 years ago

Umm if some nerdy ass looking dude was staring at me making weird noises, I wouldn’t find it menacing. I’d think he was special. Sorry, just being real. Now if a stranger comes up and tickles me, they will regret it.

4 years ago

@Anon Get-It-On

oh, my, I can’t even…

This isn’t the first time you’ve linked to that particular blog to share the shock images in its comment feed.

The blog isn’t anything special nor does it appear to be popular or even have its comment thread monitored, and I don’t really understand why you feel the need to link it here or show us scat porn. It’d be nice if you didn’t.

Last edited 4 years ago by Pie
4 years ago


The blog isn’t anything special nor does it appear to be popular or even have its comment thread monitored, and I don’t really understand why you feel the need to link it here or show us scat porn. It’d be nice if you didn’t.

That commenter has also done this with other sources in the past, then disappears for a while. I agree, it would be good if they’d stop doing this.

4 years ago

Articles about social media commentary is a sure way to remain as a freelance writer.

Nate M
Nate M
4 years ago

They probably walk faster because it looks like he’s about to shit himself and they don’t want to be near that

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The depressing part is it’s not just incels who do this. They’re just the ones who admit it. Street harassment is very much about scaring women and girls (or people who are perceived as women or girls) and keeping us in our place. And most street harassers target the vulnerable, such as young girls, heavily pregnant people or the visibly disabled. All the street harassers are not incels.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

OT, but the entire Jordan Owen thread has apparently disappeared from this site. Reloading it to check for new comments produced a 404! Presumably a malfunction, but a severe one causing a loss of publicly-visible data.

The “incels wonder…” thread is still misrendering, also.

Acid Kritana
4 years ago

Please. Women have much less to fear walking down the street.

Men are far more likely to be assaulted, murdered, mugged, or other on the street.

If I recall correctly, women are safer than children.

4 years ago


I’ve been assaulted twice this year on the street and that’s a decreased number because of the pandemic. Shut up.

4 years ago

@Acid Kritana

Women have much less to fear walking down the street.

[citation needed]
Though really I know you don’t have one because you’re wrong.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

@Acid Kritana

Strange. I, a dude, have in fact been yelled at many a time from passing motorists, my favorite being “You’re a goofy looking motherfucker”, but such events are not particularly common, though I do take walks quite often. On the other hand, for one of my sisters who does not own a car, catcalling, threats, and the like, are basically a daily occurence.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Crime statistics don’t reflect the constant harassment that women and people who are perceived as female experience in public spaces. All but the most serious of incidents are not logged by the police. All of those seemingly small incidents of harassment add up quickly and absolutely cause trauma. It’s exhausting to have to try and evaluate every man who passes near you for red flags, never knowing if when he looks your way it means he’s going to flirt with you, verbally abuse you, maybe even assault you. Because of times that’s what fucking happens.

Last edited 4 years ago by weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee