Over in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars recently found themselves debating “Why do women hate when men get with younger *legal aged* chicks so much?” Naturally, the assorted commenters had a lot of very creepy opinions on the subject.
“Seriously, all I see nowadays is men being called predators for dating legal 18 year old girls,” complained the OP, a felllow calling himself outtacontroIl.
Women, simps, and the new generation practically bombard any post about a legal age gap and call the older party a predator. Teenagers are not children, they are adolescents.
He boasted about his own (alleged) experience with some of these “younger *legal age* chicks.”
I’m 31, live in the UK, age of consent is 16. Fucked and dated plenty 16, 17, 18 year old girls. They’re in their sexual and thoughtful prime.
A woman my age is not. A woman my age also cannot be taught anything. Men are supposed to teach. I taught those those young women about being feminist indoctrination [sic], the natural roles of men and women, and liberal brainwashing. I gave them some sense of values. Much better than the “I don’t need no man!” 31 year old cat lady.
Only a tiny handful of the commenters had any problem with outtacontroIl dating girls around half his age. As far as the majority of the commenters saw it, the real problem is that older women are jealous of younger women and girls.
“Women hate younger women,” declared someone called MGTOWlF7xEtsJyj.
“[T]here is no way in the seven kingdoms a bitter FDS [Female Dating Strategy subreddit] hag can compete with a hot legal chick in her sexual and unbaggaged prime,” agreed External-Can-7839.
“[T]hose 30+ women blew their window to settle down with a good man who meets their strict standards,” argued MuchIndependence,
and now they’re left facing the reality that they either have to settle for a 30+ man who isn’t good enough to attract younger or a man who does but is older.
shaming is the last ditch effort to try and convince good men that we’re filthy antisocial predators if we date any younger and that of course would mean having to date women our own age.
“Older women know that they can’t compete with young women,” wrote Jaren01.
Also there is nothing worse to a woman than being shamed so they try to do the same thing to men.
Women have no real morals. Justice, fairness, honor, these are concepts that women can never truly understand. Women will say and do anything to gain an advantage in life, anything. They will lie about rape, they will murder their own children and they wont even think they did anything wrong because to a woman the greatest good is whatever is best for her.
Apparently complaining about predatory dating behavior is the moral equivalent of child murder.
So why do men date younger women anyway?
“Because we can,” sneered bjred78.
I never date anyone over 30. Wymin my age are all fat with crotch goblins. Like I told my 42 year old, obese single mother co-worker, I work out, I’m fit, healthy and have money. Why would I or anyone else in my position throw it away to settle with a land whale roastie?
I’ll stick to the 20 year old who buys me stuff and leaves me alone, all I have to do is fuck her once a week.
Others insisted that there weren’t any real differences in maturity between teen girls and adult women anyway, so the accusations of predatory dating were meaningless.
“Women never really mature past a certain stage,” 0signal0 contended.
What for? The are pampered by the world around them,
This is why there are no real differences between a 16-year-old girl and a 30-year-old woman, other than the teenager being more attractive and less damaged.
Others suggested that the maturity cutoff age for women was closer to 14 or 15.
“Women stop maturing mentally near the end of puberty,” argued Jarin01.
For a woman that is around 14 or 15 years old. They might gain more experience after that but they never really mature beyond the mentality of a teenager.
Women become easy to deal with when you realize that you are talking to a child.
In a followup comment he explained the “science” behind this argument.
A man’s brain is larger and has more grey matter. A woman’s brain is pretty much fully developed by the end of puberty, around 14-16. A man’s on the other hand is still developing until around 25.
No, the brains of men, women and nonbinary folks are all still developing until the age of 25.
It’s very difficult to find scientific studies about this because it wouldn’t be politically correct to say there are physical differences between men and women’s brains. If you Google it everything you find will just say that “kids” brains can take until they are 25 to fully develop. They are very careful to not mention any difference between if those kids are male or female.
But I have been able to find some papers that show that most of the brain development takes place during puberty so it would make sense that if girls start puberty earlier and finish earlier than boys that their brains would fully develop earlier too. So by the time her brain is fully developed she is still only about 14 or 15 years old. Which is exactly how most women act, like they are still 14 or 15 years old.
It’s all very scientific, you see, according to the prestigious Journal of Some Papers I Once Saw.
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That’s a lot of words to say when women gain any awareness, they want nothing to do with that creature. Seriously, why in the world do these idiots think any woman would want any of their attentions? Also, they need to stop inflicting themselves on girls who are too young to understand they’re being manipulated.
I think that might be what caused Roosh to have his midlife crisis last year where he converted to Orthodox Christianity. He probably convinced himself that men aged like fine wine, then reality hit him that as he got older fewer young women wanted to sleep with him. This made him pivot to Christianity so he could keep the misogyny and keep the money flowing in.
I will say that some people do age better than others and there are older people I think are good looking, but they’re the exception and not the rule.
@Some Chick
I don’t think it’s that they think we want them, it’s that they think they’re entitled to us.
Off topic, but I’m surprised no one I follow seems to be discussing the now ongoing trial of the Toronto incel van mass-murderer whose defence team is currently arguing he did it because he’s autistic because everything is terrible.
Sounds like someone’s looking to justify not wanting to treat people who identify as women like human beings or something.
As we know, no man ever has done any of these things! Nope, not once. And this is definitely not projection on the part of Jaren01 or any of his cohort!!1!
I saw that and posted about it in another thread. Personally I find it really frustrating because a) being autistic does not make you a murderer, b) the father’s argument that autistic people lack empathy or don’t understand consequences of actions is false, and c) this is only going to increase stigma against autistic people. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but I’m still so annoyed about the way the trial is going.
You’d think, if men really do age like fine wine and are surrounded by throngs of young women by age 40, that the majority of “how to attract women “ sites would be run by middle-aged men, not 20-something grifters. The usual life trajectory seems to go incel > MGTOW > white supremacy > Nazi QAnon uncle getting blocked on Facebook > elderly Fox watcher. I don’t see any George Clooney phase in there.
Outtacontrol is not , it seems, privy to the folk wisdom on this side of the Pond which holds that girls grow up faster in terms of developing responsible attitudes to life.
One would also think that if this were the case, we’d see it in the way people interact in meatspace. Very few women have ever said to me, “I can’t wait to see how that guy will look at 50!”
And now the elderly Fox watchers are deserting Fox after they called the election for Biden and are turning to even more extreme right wing channels like OANN or Newsmax. This is obviously worrying for the future, but I can’t say I have much sympathy for Fox after they’ve lost their viewer base, they played a key role in making the cult of Trump and now it’s come back to bite them.
Good point. Still, you’d think something would occur to them the way they seem to think all adult women are going out of their way to be unattractive to them.
@Battering Lamb
I don’t understand this at all, to be honest. Why make this distinction? I am legitimately asking, because I know someone who makes this distinction. He is not a manospherian. He does not support ephebophilia, and in fact has been an expert witness that has put a pedophile—excuse me, ephebophile—in prison. He absolutely will acknowledge there is no difference mentally between a 12 year old that hasn’t got her period yet and an 11-and-a-half-year-old that has and has started to get boobs. But he still says that there is a distinction even though both sets of abusers should go straight to jail for the same amount of time. I don’t understand the purpose of making that distinction at all.
OT: Elliot Page, star of Juno & the Umbrella Academy, just came out as trans. Cool statement, too.
Also OT:
British courts made a ruling on Keira Bell’s case that means it will likely be harder if not impossible for trans children to access healthcare measures such as puberty blockers.
Re: Elliot Page
I am not familiar with that actor, but good for him.
O, that doublethinking “women are fully developed at fifteen” yet somehow “frozen as fifteen-year-olds!”
Amazing to see such close-formation self-contradiction, if not particular surprising anymore.
@Big Titty Demon: Yeah, I’m not sure. I know a lot of self-identified internet libertarians rely on that distinction, probably because it isn’t as well known and doesn’t carry the same stigma as pedophile to deflect criticism of their creeping on younger girls.
@Crip Dyke: I was about to mention the same thing. Good for representation to have a fairly famous trans man come out. Super happy for him too.
@Naglfar: maybe this image helps: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0680983/mediaviewer/rm3600586497/
if we hated younger women we would be encouraging them to date you.
Cops and shrinks need to make the distinction. Jailed pedophiles are capable of living a full life on release without re-offending (with a shedload of support, which they rarely get, but that’d be another tale). Ephebophiles generally are not.
The rest of us – we don’t particularly need to make the distinction, and I tend to look at anyone who does so with great suspicion.
Viscaria wrote:
Curiously, my sister and her ex-boyfriend were about exactly those same ages when they started dating – and she was studying in England, where he was a local.
After graduating from that English university, they tried living here in Finland, and eventually broke up, amicably, because it was too impractical for him – he had an ex-wife and minor children back in England. (And that was shortly before the UK filed divorce from the EU.)
I made the mistake of looking at the comments on Elliot Page’s twitter. There was the predictable TERFy nonsense I won’t go over because we’ve seen it all before, but I did see a funny incel comment where the guy was complaining about how now short guys have to compete not just with tall guys but trans guys too.
Out of curiosity, why are ephebophiles more likely to re-offend? Is it because it’s harder for a person to avoid all contact with adolescents than with young children?
Sorry, I’m not sure. Only know about the relative re-offending thing because our old next door neighbour were a psych nurse down at Belmarsh prison and we’d have a beer or two from time to time.
Having said that, I do think opportunity is part of it, as is the complete social revulsion against actual pedophiles. Which is totally understandable.
Concerning the distinction thing amongst people who aren’t pedophiles, I wonder how much of that may just be nit picking Grammar Nazi behavor. I.E. so they can smugly inform you “Actually, I think you meant to say…” type thing. Never underestimate human arrogance and the desire to be “right”.
I’m 22 years old & I spend a hell of a lot of time with young girls. I genuinely don’t know a single girl dating a guy 30+.
Its so bizarre to me, how they will constantly cite ‘biology’ yet will ignore the plethora of biology that states time and time again that women find men roughly their own age most attractive. Therefore 18-21 year old girls are not attracted to them. Theyre attracted to 18-21 year old guys. Shock horror? Its not as if thats what you see 99% of the time in the real world. Its hilarious to me how they’ve deluded themselves so far they really think ‘young hot girls’ find THOSE old misogynistic dudes hot? like what???
I don’t think they need to worry. According to the most recent study I saw, conducted in 2018, 98.2% of straight cis women won’t date a trans man. But they’re in good company, as 88.5% of gay men won’t date a trans man either. And even 48% of trans people wouldn’t date another trans person (NBs were, unfortunately, excluded from the poll, it was binary genders only).
Yet we’re extremely popular as a fetish/one night stand novelty for cis folks. Joy.
I’ve actually been wondering if it’s even worth it, just because of that. Looking at those odds just makes me feel exhausted, and I haven’t even started trying to date yet.
@Seth S
This is just my opinion, but I’d rather be dateless and less dysphoric/able to be out rather than having to keep up the façade of being a gender I’m not and dating people who would abandon me if they knew the truth. Of course, it all depends on how much you value different aspects of life. I have a pretty low sex drive and a lot of dysphoria, though, so I don’t feel the need to have sexual relationships as much and your situation may be different.
FWIW most of the trans men I know are in relationships, granted that’s a small sample but it’s definitely possible to have fulfilling relationships as a trans guy.
I had a pretty strong and consistent sex drive even before I started my (microdosed, about halfway between cis male and cis female levels) testosterone, so it’s been, uh… interesting. That being said, my spouse I’m divorcing from hasn’t touched me that way in nearly 3 years and that’s not been helping matters. Quarantine has really driven home how estranged I’ve been and how little actual affection of any sort I get. And I’m the type of guy who REALLY APPRECIATES touch and words as love languages, not just sex. He wouldn’t give me any of it, because as I’ve been told, I don’t “deserve” it.
on a very related note, I’ve also got a lot of bad history because I have a habit of falling for people who are clearly not good for me if not just bad people, so I have a lot of worries and insecurities about whether I’ll ever find anyone who isn’t going to be abusive and manipulative too. That’s not helping, either.
Maybe I could go off testosterone once I’m passable, to give the sex drive a rest, but I still want companionship and family most of all (I would love to raise more kids with someone, even if I can’t sire them myself.) But taking away the T won’t do a thing for that.
It just feels really harsh to think about being rejected for something I can’t control, out of hand, when I’ve already spent most of my life feeling unlovable or like I had to earn what love I got, you know what I mean? I’ve never even been at a place where I had enough optimism about my transition to be like “yes this will absolutely make my life better 100%, can’t wait”. I look forward to it because HOPE it will, because I’ve never been happy. But my parents didn’t… accept things very well when I came out, and I’ve finally realized that they were the first to use withholding affection and attaching conditions as a control lever on me that’s wound up leaving me feeling so broken and unworthy of love. I can’t even be “out” with anyone else in the family yet, probably not for at least another 6 months, and I’m not optimistic about that either, so… I can’t even move any further with my transition, and… it just feels really bad and I want to stop feeling bad for just ONCE in my life because I’ve spent nearly 40 years at some point in this place of bad feels and I’m so tired. lol sorry for the b*tchfest.