MGTOW misogyny vaginas

Scotland makes period products available for free; MGTOWs respond with their customary good sense

The Scottish Parliament just voted (unanimously) to make tampons and other period products available for free to those too broke to pay for them. It’s a big victory for the campaign against “period poverty.” Now no one in Scotland will have to miss school or work because they can’t afford sanitary products.

Naturally, the fellows in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have reacted to the news with their customary good sense.

“Sanitary products” are free, EXCEPT THEY’RE PAID FOR WITH MEN’S TAX DOLLARS, blared one headline in the subreddit. And the assembled MEN waxed furious about this terrible new financial burden. (The cost of the program is estimated to be roughly £8.7 million a year, or less than £2 for every inhabitant of Scotland.)

“Every time I see the word free I know it means some man or group of men are paying for it,” complained one commenter.

“Guys in Scotland, including bachelors, asexuals and homosexuals, are going to be paying for vaginas that they dont care about, regardless of their financial status,” charged another.

“The only thing free for men, is dying,” still another commenter moaned.

Several MGTOW Redditors fantasized about ways to sabotage the program. Wrote not_a_beleiber:

If I was Scottish, I’d buy a woman’s pant suit, put it on, then demand free hygine products. Increase the cost, the commentary, and hence the regulation on this.

“No need,” replied Miserable-Lemon.

If I was scottish I’d immediately open a drug store that only offers feminine products. You hand them out like candy, charge like 50$ a pop to the government and buy as much stock as you can store it. You’ll make a hundred times your investment on a monthly basis

(In fact, the products aren’t going to be available at stores bur rather distributed by schools and other public facilities.)

The-Rover-666 demonstrated his keen grasp of period products and their use, writing “[s]o their whymin are that smelly they had to give them free…”

Replied Legs2Big:

They’ve always spent so much of their time hiding their true appearance from a young age, they act like their lives depends on it.

What that has to do with sanitary products is anyone’s guess.

Non-w0ke offered this perplexing political program:

Because single moms are pure toxic cancer for children it makes sense to let those independent to go their own way and provide free stuff only to those who are willing to care for children. It includes a stress free home, food, housing, full family and adequate attention.

Cant provide for a kid? Fuck off, buy your own tampons.

What any of this has to do with sanitary products is also anyone’s guess.

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4 years ago


Yes you can. my husband mother did it with her first couple of birth and said it had a lot of things she would need and helped with milk supply. I’ve been thinking about doing it as well. it basically just cuts up the placenta. Freezes it like one would do with like freeze dried food. put it into swallow capsules and then you just swallow it like you would any other vitamin. I have a great want to be a mother, not so much be pregnant but I would like to experience it.

4 years ago

I was born at home, like most babies in the UK in the 1950s, and apparently the midwife gave my father the placenta (in a saucepan I believe, a handy container!), and he one day told me that he had had no idea what to do with it – so he buried it in the garden next to the roses. But that afterwards ( he was probably joking) he realised he could have given it to the cat.

4 years ago

So weird. In a cool way.
Pregnancy is the tip of the iceberg for me. I have trouble around kids (it’s the noise and bodily fluids) and I’d be a pretty horrible mother. I wonder if that makes me more or less terrifying to the troll? No chance of me stealing sperm but he seems like the type to think I’m unnatural.

Viscaria, purveyor of briny slattern wine
Viscaria, purveyor of briny slattern wine
4 years ago

Looks like LindsayIrene and I both got stuck in Mammoth limbo at the same time because we both made the same joke with our nyms. There is only one way to settle this: epic rock paper scissors battle. I choose paper. Your move!!

MEN dont break into CHEAP, STUDIO APARTMENTS, to literally STEAL AT GUNPOINT semen from divorced men so that they can get pregnant and get even more of that sweet, sweet money, which they will NOT spend on pretty dresses and wine and shit.

This is such a delightfully specific scenario. Why do women only break into cheap places? IANAL, but to my knowledge, in most places child support is tied at least partially to income. Why would women want to STEAL AT GUNPOINT from men who presumably don’t earn as much money?

Why are all the victims divorced men? Are these gun-wielding semen stealers* maintaining some sort of list of divorced men in the area so that they can target them specifically? Where do they get that information?

Are there no legal consequences for all of these women breaking into homes and threatening the residents with lethal violence to force them to do sex acts? How are they all free to buy pretty dresses and wine and shit after these serious, violent criminal acts?

*They use it to make magnets

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

MEN dont break into CHEAP, STUDIO APARTMENTS, to literally STEAL AT GUNPOINT semen from divorced men so that they can get pregnant and get even more of that sweet, sweet money, which they will NOT spend on pretty dresses and wine and shit.


Why would we do that when we can just use our zombifying vagina goo and oppressive misandrous sexy butts to seduce the sperm out of the men folk.

Be real.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

MEN dont break into CHEAP, STUDIO APARTMENTS, to literally STEAL AT GUNPOINT semen from divorced men so that they can get pregnant and get even more of that sweet, sweet money, which they will NOT spend on pretty dresses and wine and shit.

So am I to understand that WOMEN DO break into CHEAP STUDIO APARTMENTS to steal semen from divorced men AT GUNPOINT, so that these same women can get pregnant and thus get more of these impoverished men’s sweet, sweet money — but then will NOT spend the aforementioned sweet, sweet money on pretty dresses and wine and shit? Now I’m even more confused. Dude, even when a jokester is trying to joke — actually, especially when a jokester is trying to joke — an understanding of the rules of grammar is essential.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Goddammit, are you even FUCKING paying attention? I’ve spelled it out time and again, it’s WOMEN. GOD DAMN FUCKING WOMEN. They are behid EVERYTHING wron with civilization [blah, blah, blah]

Wron? I dated a Wron once. Actually, I’m pretty sure he spelled it Ron.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Oh wow, seems like I missed an impressive meltdown.

At this point it becomes so hard to believe that people actually think stuff like that. I mean, I know they do, but it feels so unbelievable. I mean, they must live in the world, they must be able to just… you know, see people. See women working as nurses, for example (to choose a profession that is traditionally seen as feminine, because I’m sure he’ll claim that women engineers or professors or whatnot are just pretending and using men to, umm, something). To see women helping society along, or even just living their lives without bothering anyone, as so many of us do. To see couples being ordinary and happy together. To just see people. It’s so weird, and so sad, the way he is blinded by his rage and his poisonous ideology. He thinks he sees the world clearly, but the veil of hate is over everything, and it makes him miss so much. Kind of like when Kai got a shard of the devil mirror in his eye, in Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”.
I would almost feel sorry for him, except he did this to himself. Whether he truly believes the stuff he said here or whether he’s exaggerating just to be a troll, he’s the one poisoning his own mind. He can stop this any time, but doesn’t want to, because he’s grown comfortable to his hate and to the feeling of superiority over others that comes with it, and because stepping away would mean acknowledging that his beliefs and actions had hurt people.

Going back to his sort-of attempt to reply to one thing I said (while ignoring the rest, presumably because he has no answers for that), I like how he points to the French Revolution as the turning point for the corruption of all ideologies by the evil women (somehow; unclear how that was the point of change, but I guess it made for a good “ye olde days” point for him). But if all ideologies after this point are tainted, that would necessarily include his own ideologies as well, be it MRA or libertarianism or what have you. They’ve all been touched by the evil women so they’re all impure now.
(I’m sure the way he looks at it is that he and his ilk are the sole enlightened ones in a society of sheeple, but according to his logic that thinking must be tainted as well. It’s what They want you to think. How can you prove it isn’t, since everything is tainted and nobody has free will?)

Last edited 4 years ago by Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Also, by wondering about why the French Revolution specifically I got to looking up some early feminist literature, and ran into Rachel Speght’s early-17th-century pamphlet A Muzzle for Melastomus, the Cynical Baiter of, and Foul-mouthed Barker Against Eve’s Sex. Or An Apologetical Answer to that Irreligious and Illiterate Pamphlet Made by Jo. Sw. And By Him Entitled, “The Arraignment of Women” (a bit of a mouthful, but that’s how titles were at the time). I’m still to read the whole thing, but it opens with a marvelous explanation of why she is bothering to answer the troll. Feels true even four centuries later.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago



Semen retainer.



And spewing out what seems to be half-baked radfem and Marxist screed, except reversing the gender roles in the former and leaving out the rather-important role of the rentier class in the latter. It’s like some weird Andrea Dworkin/Ayn Rand crossover comic!


There is only one way to settle this: epic rock paper scissors battle. I choose paper. Your move!!

That’s not going to end well. Fortunately, I know how to fix it for an asynchronous medium like this one.

First, you need to agree upon a difficult to reverse hash function, such as SHA-256. Next, each of you needs to post the hash that results from taking your move and appending some random stuff, so, in your case something like “paper hlfflasdjsajffkhbltoos”. Once both of you have posted your hashes, you then post your moves in the clear, including the random stuff, and then verify that the other person’s move-plus-random-stuff hashes to the hash they’d posted earlier. Then you figure out the winner.

Otherwise, it’s an easy second-player win every time. Same if you don’t include the random noise after your move with the hashing.

4 years ago

@Penny: he is probably some kind of neo-monarchist.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

@SpecialFrog: But for that ideology to exist, non-monarchic ideologies must exist first, which means it’s post-French-Revolution,which means it’s tainted. There’s no escape, and no free will, everything is an illusion. Muhahahaha

4 years ago

Earlier, I was trying to get the troll to admit to antisemitism. I was pretty sure when he said “cultural elites” and “Marxists” he meant Jews, but he wouldn’t admit it. Pretty much every conspiracy theory is based in antisemitism, so I’m sure it’s there somewhere in his worldview, but he wouldn’t admit it as readily.

Anyway, we might have scared him off after last night, not sure if he’ll be back after the meltdown he had.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

How are we supposed to believe MGTOWs are manly men who would face down a mammoth armed only with a spear and a sneer, when we keep seeing examples like the Depletionist, who’s scared of a little blood?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

The BLM movement is not antiSemitic. It’s possible that individual adherents of BLM might also be antiSemitic here and there, but it is not a trait of the movement as a whole, unlike the case with, say, Nazism.

Viscaria, purveyor of briny slattern wine
Viscaria, purveyor of briny slattern wine
4 years ago

Are you overmuch concerned about anti-semitism, guy with a website listing his handles for parler and gab and videos he’s done on something called mgtow dot tv and something apparently attacking Surplus in particular that I didn’t click on because I didn’t want my phone to start sprouting hives but I assume is specifically about a comment that he’s left here?

4 years ago


how do you cope with the BLM movement Bieng anti Semitic such as Gazi Kodo.

I’ve been involved with BLM for years and have not found it to be an antisemitic movement. I have not encountered this person. If you are not Jewish, please do not try to dictate what is and isn’t antisemitic, kthx.

And I don’t think that has anything to do with anything I said here, so it’s just weird concern trolling.

Oh, and while I’ve got your attention, you probably shouldn’t leave your home address just out there on the Internet, just as a practice. I know you think you’re a man, but you’re a young boy.

I read his thing to Surplus. It’s pretty much your standard alt right response, calling Surplus a “stupid cuck” and demanding a debate 1 on 1.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

I’ve been called worse by better. Needless to say, it’s going to take more than someone ranting on a blog I didn’t even know existed until five minutes ago to rattle me …

4 years ago

Every time these guys use terms like “coomer,” I’m reminded of the film Good Boys, which features a conversation in which the main characters discuss the pronunciation of the word, with one quite insistent that it is pronounced “coom.”

Because they are eleven years old.

Is that really the demographic that miggies want to emulate?

4 years ago

Good to see you again, it’s been a while.

Because they are eleven years old.

Is that really the demographic that miggies want to emulate?

Well, upthread there’s a 14 year old boy who says he’s a MGTOW, so possibly.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Victorious Parasol – I know, right? How did men ever build civilization, what with women menstruating at them all the time?

Why were the Depletionists of the world given all the dirty/dangerous/disposable coal mining jobs and tabbed as the Strong Gender, when they can’t even handle the mere thought of bodily fluids, let alone the reality?

(And we haven’t even begun to explore all the gross things babies do, which by and large are also handled unflinchingly by women.)

How can Depletionist claim to have risen above the sheeple when the basic facts of life make him completely melt down? It’s kinda hard to be Superman when half the world is Kryptonite, when the mere mention of “Boo! Periods!” has him climbing the drapes. He seems to think revulsion is the mark of an advanced spiritual being, rather than a normal human impulse that has gone badly awry in his case.

How can he claim to be so much smarter and freer than everyone else, when his world is so tiny and blinkered? As Penny said, hatred poisons one’s ability to understand humanity.

Depletionist scorns porn as unhealthy, but his idea of how the world works is 100% informed by porn. Every man walks around continually horny, every woman desperately craves semen, every interaction leads to sex. The other 99% of human activity gets erased. There are no parents cheering on their kids from the sidelines of youth soccer games, no nurses holding the hands of hospice patients, no teenagers making music, no kids learning to ride bikes in the park. Nobody has hobbies, unless it’s to attract women. Even the pets only exist for the purpose of sex. Chocolate and wine are there, but only because they symbolize sex.

It’s an airless, angry, obsessive dystopia. Depletionist sits at the center of it, raging because his genius isn’t recognized and Perpetually Horny World has no use for him. Of course he thinks “Marxists” and women are to blame. He’s such a ripe target for conspiracy thinking.

It’s enjoyable watching him get mad at us “sheeple” who won’t wake up and see How Things Really Are. Sorry, dude. We’re too busy living life and building civilization.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


Because they are eleven years old.

Is that really the demographic that miggies want to emulate?

It’s the demographic that they never mentally outgrew. See also: their heavily stereotypical-school-clique based conception of sexual relationships; their preference for dispute resolution methods that involve trash-talk plus an often-physical contest, rather than any slow process involving long-winded lawyers and such boring stuff as “facts” and “evidence”; and their general antipathy toward nerds and anything associated with nerds, including “facts” and “evidence” again.

Applies equally to incels.

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

his world is so tiny and blinkered

Anyone can be the master of all that they survey, if they put a football helmet on backwards.

Last edited 4 years ago by Surplus to Requirements
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Apparently Eric is an “entertainer/athlete/academic/politician/artist”, at the tender age of 12 years and 6 months.

I don’t want to dunk on him, because he’s just a kid, but geez: Eric, if you’re reading this, back away from the MGTOW stuff. It will lead you to very bad, very dark places. You’re not even old enough to be dating. Where does your anger at women come from?


Anyone can be the master of all that they survey, if they put a football helmet on backwards.

It’s much less of a challenge to sack them and cause a fumble, too.

Last edited 4 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


Nobody has hobbies, unless it’s to attract women.

This describes PUAs pretty accurately.

Even the pets only exist for the purpose of sex.

I don’t want to know if the Depletionist has pets. I hope he doesn’t.

Re: Eric
From a cursory look at his blog, it looks like he’s gotten into it through friends he met online. I fear we might be seeing online child recruitment/grooming in action. I wish there was something we could do but not sure what. An address is given (which he shouldn’t have done), if that helps, but I don’t know what to do with it. I could tell the parents, but idk if they’re abusive and I don’t want to incite more abuse.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

Looks like LindsayIrene and I both got stuck in Mammoth limbo at the same time because we both made the same joke with our nyms. There is only one way to settle this: epic rock paper scissors battle. I choose paper. Your move!!

Grar! That’s what I get for trying to change my nym on a holiday.

I know this is a ways back, but our chew toy flipping out over placenta-eating and calling Lainy an animal… I guess this is the root of his problems? That he can’t accept that we’re animals and not some sort of perfect ethereal beings? Kind of like the guys who are only attracted to anime women because real women are too… real.