The Scottish Parliament just voted (unanimously) to make tampons and other period products available for free to those too broke to pay for them. It’s a big victory for the campaign against “period poverty.” Now no one in Scotland will have to miss school or work because they can’t afford sanitary products.
Naturally, the fellows in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have reacted to the news with their customary good sense.
“Sanitary products” are free, EXCEPT THEY’RE PAID FOR WITH MEN’S TAX DOLLARS, blared one headline in the subreddit. And the assembled MEN waxed furious about this terrible new financial burden. (The cost of the program is estimated to be roughly £8.7 million a year, or less than £2 for every inhabitant of Scotland.)
“Every time I see the word free I know it means some man or group of men are paying for it,” complained one commenter.
“Guys in Scotland, including bachelors, asexuals and homosexuals, are going to be paying for vaginas that they dont care about, regardless of their financial status,” charged another.
“The only thing free for men, is dying,” still another commenter moaned.
Several MGTOW Redditors fantasized about ways to sabotage the program. Wrote not_a_beleiber:
If I was Scottish, I’d buy a woman’s pant suit, put it on, then demand free hygine products. Increase the cost, the commentary, and hence the regulation on this.
“No need,” replied Miserable-Lemon.
If I was scottish I’d immediately open a drug store that only offers feminine products. You hand them out like candy, charge like 50$ a pop to the government and buy as much stock as you can store it. You’ll make a hundred times your investment on a monthly basis
(In fact, the products aren’t going to be available at stores bur rather distributed by schools and other public facilities.)
The-Rover-666 demonstrated his keen grasp of period products and their use, writing “[s]o their whymin are that smelly they had to give them free…”
Replied Legs2Big:
They’ve always spent so much of their time hiding their true appearance from a young age, they act like their lives depends on it.
What that has to do with sanitary products is anyone’s guess.
Non-w0ke offered this perplexing political program:
Because single moms are pure toxic cancer for children it makes sense to let those independent to go their own way and provide free stuff only to those who are willing to care for children. It includes a stress free home, food, housing, full family and adequate attention.
Cant provide for a kid? Fuck off, buy your own tampons.
What any of this has to do with sanitary products is also anyone’s guess.
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AFAIK at the time, mass use of disposable cotton was relatively new, whereas relying on Sphagnum moss would have been (in much of northern Europe) returning to a traditional bog standard (Hah!) for bandages and diapers.
MGTOWs and other redpillers are so predictable.
Woman is married or otherwise in a (heterosexual) relationship = she’s a manipulative prostitute trading sex for resources, or maybe just outright robbing the male partner
Woman is not in a (heterosexual) relationship = she’s too gross and disgusting to attract a man
iirc, condoms (non-lubricated) and elastic hair ties were in demand among soldiers in both Gulf Wars, because as a combination, they’re very useful for keeping sand out of rifle barrels.
I’m not that keen on corporeality myself, and I got luckier than a lot of people with the body I was assigned; I just think it’s a ridiculous thing to blame anybody for.
Anyone remember those safety ads (the original version with practical FX looked much better than the CGI remake) that end with the robot warning kids “I can put my arm back on—you can’t?” It seems to me that if self-aware robots ever become common, they might need their own version in which an human says “your skin isn’t self-healing like mine—be careful not to get scratched or scraped.” Except that as Surplus noted above, robots that advanced would likely have quasi-organic bodies.
No one is having sex with the Amazon delivery people. Have you seen how fast they move? Some days they’re coming up the driveway at a full run. Bezos doesn’t give them time to fuck.
Ah, I forgot the glass sponges, or whatever their English name is. The iron mineral shell I mentioned belongs to some recently discovered deep sea snail.
There’s various fantasy species, like Discworld trolls, that are supposedly made of hard rock, yet are somehow capable of movement and metabolism. I remember a world building detail in the space adventure comic Valerian, a type of organism called “living gems of Arfal”. These are sessile things that look like crystals of different types, and can be temporarily attached on almost any surface to be used as jewelry. I imagine they’d normally live photosynthetically on rock surfaces like lichens, very slowly digesting the rock and using the minerals for building most of their body mass.
My new-and-improved nym seems to have landed me in approval limbo, but in case anyone ever sees this
I’ve never put makeup on a clock, and I’m not sure why I ever would. I have seen ugly clocks, and I have had clocks lie to me.
The association of feminists and free bleeding is mostly due to a 4chan op where they made fake accounts to promote it. Although I’m sure some people do free bleed, Mr. Depletionist probably only knows because of the 4chan hoax.
For too many MGTOWs, 4chan IS reality, and they get very upset when the actual reality doesn’t match what 4chan told them.
I was less upset when I figured out Santa Claus wasn’t real.
I’ve only ever heard of it used as a way to raise awareness for people who cannot afford menstrual products.
I think I’ve mainly heard about free bleeding in the context of competitive/pro long-distance running, where it could certainly be a practical option for some people.
You’re want to argue I’m normal? Not to support our new friend here, but I don’t think that will hold up in court. ;D
I meant normal in the sense of “not a extreme misogynistic weirdo/MGTOW.” I didn’t mean to imply anything else about you, sorry if I did.
@The Depletionist
So, your premise for me not going gay or MGTOW when faced with women sans makeup is that I am not attracted to women without makeup, I have a weird fetish, I like me some porn, I want to go my own way, but am too scared to do so, and/or I am a woman myself?
Well, several of my makeupless coworkers I did regard as potential love interests, so seems like a miss on your first suggestion. (I’m thinking of one in particular with sparkling blue eyes and a mischievous smile, but she was also, shall we say, amply padded, so I imagine you would disapprove regardless.)
As for a fetish, although I like to think I am accommodating, I am relatively vanilla, sorry. (That is assuming you and I mean the same thing when we say “fetish”. I.E. Something basically essential for the given individual to have good sex.)
Porn? Not sure what that has to do with anything. Does watching a video of a woman getting herself off in a hot tub change a guy’s view on makeup?
Too scared to go my own way? Excuse me while I laugh. I am known to be a standoffish dick to new people, and have rejected far more advances than I have accepted from women.
Lastly, as a dude who identifies as a dude, was issued the usual dude parts at birth, yeah, no, not a woman.
So much for that…
@Surplus to Requirements:
As I’ve noted to people before, when you get right down to it, enzymes (really, proteins in general, but enzymes in particular) are nanomachines in any way that the definition of nanomachines is useful.
I’m morbidly curious what the Depletionist’s take on porn is. I’ve got a suspicion he’s a semen retainer, but not sure.
For someone who’s likely to go on a long, raging, overly-thesaurused rant about Marxism at the drop of a [trilby] hat, Depletionist sure seems to be really into the whole “false consciousness” thing, huh?
I’d put money on “hypocritical.”
Given that heterosexual porn often involves vaginas and fluids (though usually not blood), I get the feeling he doesn’t care for it.
I’m of mixed minds when it comes to the redeployment of menstrual talk as troll repellent. One the one hand, I dislike reading talk of most bodily functions. On the other, the last time I read through this particular brand of troll repellent I did learn that some of the things I was wondering about my own periods were (apparently) normal, so…. ?
Speaking of pads, does anyone else here miss those old Modess pads? They died out sometime back in the mid-80’s, probably because the company wouldn’t make beltless versions of them. But the overnight size of that brand was the only one I ever found that was long enough to cover from the top by the clitoris down to the butthole. Not even the current Kotex overnight pad is that long. Miss that in my stock of pads.
Also, some years ago I mentioned to the guy who owned the gas station I was then employed at that it would be a good idea to put tampon/pad dispensers in the ladies room, since many women would find that a necessary thing to find in a public restroom. Long story short, one was installed, and…instead of a tampon/pad dispenser it was a tampon/condom dispenser. Because evidently dispensers that only gave out menstrual supplies always operate at a loss while condom dispensers turn a decent profit, so the only way to get a tampon dispenser into a restroom was to pair it with condom dispenser #23643. So if anyone out here was wondering why ladies rooms always seem to have 10 zillion condom dispensers and almost literally no menstrual dispensers, that’s the answer. Or so I was told all those years ago.
Regarding pornography:
Pornography is repulsive medium which deprives men of the will to better themselves and gives women with nothing else to offer society but fake tits and performative moans a way to get rich by capturing the minds of men desperate for some kind of interaction. Low budget schlock with soap opera-esque production values, unsuitable for male consumption due to its highly-addicting nature.
@ .45
You may also want to consider the possibility that you might have a vision impairment of some sort, but I strongly suspect that the real cause of your attraction to these sloppy sluts from Bitch Lagoon is something far more sinister.
Have you ever considered the possibility that your actions are not your own, that living under a gynocratic society has warped your perceptions and left you unable to make decisions freely and uncoerced by societal pressures imposed upon you by cultural elites? Is it not possible that there is no such thing as a man having uncoerced sex with a woman in a gynocratic society? You may like to think that your actions arthe result of your own desires and deliberation, but you don’t choose what to desire, and subliminal messages which are abundant in our female-worshipping society are quite possibly manipulating you in ways that you are not even fully aware of.
There is no such thing as a free action occurring in a gynocratic society. All of our decisions are produced within minds poisoned by gynocracy, our actions either leave us acquiescent towards its aims, or are done in reaction to it. Even some men who, on paper, oppose gynocracy may, in fact, but useful idiots, advancing its strength without even realizing it.
Think about it.
Does anyone ever consider what happens to a man when he inserts his penis into a vagina? Does anyone understand the role that oxycontin addiction plays in a man’s drive to please women? How a man may find himself addicted to opioids and painkillers because of this?
Sex with a woman is an ADDICTION; it is NOT HEALTHY to pollute your mind with frivolous, physical stimulation requiring that you deal with a sex hell-bent on robbing you blind and draining the happiness out of your life with each orgasm you have because of them.
Oh hey, there’s the false consciousness argument, fully spelled out. How very Marxist, if Marxism was all about hating women.
Also, fascinating how while oxytocin is released in both partners during sex, only one of them gets addicted and depleted. Tsk tsk, men must be so weak, in that case.
Also also, what about gay sex? It achieves the same physical result, but is between two men or two women, depraving your theory of its precious made-up power structure.
Also also also, you are very welcome to never have sex with any woman ever. We’re not gonna miss you.
[Note to regulars: I know that my previous comment was very cis-centric, and monogamy-centric for that matter. I just didn’t want to cause the troll’s little mind to go into full apoplexy. I apologise to anyone excluded.]
An hour or so of mutual pleasure, followed by a nap.