Over in the MGTOW subredddit, one fellow offers up what he thinks is an ingenious strategy for dealing with demanding women.
“Do what I do,” writes deathtocontrollers.
When I’m around women, I pretend to be retarded. Once you reveal anything positive about yourself(a high level of intelligence or skills), they start nagging you to do shit for them, even if they know you aren’t a simp and they aren’t close to you. Because they know, some non simps will give in, just to avoid going insane from the nonstop nagging.
Brilliant, dude. As clever as the standard male practice of pretending not to know how to wash dishes when the time comes to wash the dishes.
Anyway, I lied when I said I’d have other tips for gracious living. I just have this one. But deathtocontrollers does have a little story to share about nagging. An allegedly TRUE STORY that couldn’t sound more fake.
A woman I knew many years ago would avoid paying taxi drivers by just nagging them nonstop with her shrill voice to lower the cost of the ride. Eventually the taxi drivers would just say she doesn’t have to pay anything to make her leave as soon as possible. Sometimes, she’d do this with a female friend and then the taxi drivers would be nagged by two different women at the same time for a discount… That kind of behavior from women should be banned by Geneva Conventions…
This story doesn’t even make a lick of sense. The only way to get this women to “leave as soon as possible” would be to drop her off before she got to her destination. But how would that be a good thing for the nagging woman? Then she has to get a second cab, or a third, or a fourth, before she even gets close to where she wants to go. Has this guy ever ridden in a taxi?
I mean, come on, dude, at least make a little effort to make your bullshit stories sound a tiny bit real. This one makes even less sense than Kramer’s pants story on Seinfeld.
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That make sense given both the relative low number of human per tribe and the relatively low technology at the time. Also, their extinction is a bit later than that, toward ~12.000 or ~10.000, or at the start of neolithic, which might have something to do.
(not necessarily hunting, since humans are well known to make species extinct simply because they are problematic for their rows of tomatoes and peppers)
There are some groups in the far north of Europe that still hunt or herd reindeer. Finland’s Sami, Russia’s Nenets, and others. One must wonder if they can trace their lifestyle, and line of descent, all the way back to those people 35,000 years ago. The descendants who kept the lifestyle would have had to slowly migrate north as the ice retreated, so would have ended up right where the Sami and Nenets are now.
Which is “threatened by climate change”. If the ice retreats all the way up into the Arctic Sea and the northern European tundra melts, they’ve nowhere left to go, and a 35,000 year heritage may come to an end.
is impossible, because they haven’t been. They know perfectly well what they’re voting for, and that’s what they want.
Saw this article recently about a Missouri county health official who’s literally been stalked by people:
More on topic, is anybody else getting a Holden Caulfield vibe from this? “I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn’t have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody.”
@Dalillama : that’s utter bollocks. Why talking if you don’t know anything about them ?
Ah. Yes. Because it reinsure yourself about your belief, the same way they say that mexicans are born rapists and that the elites hide a child trafficking ring where they kill and extract recreational drugs from the corpses at the end. In some way, you’re a comfortable view : you talk exactly like my cousin, just about a different minority.
If anything, they want the fabled nazi efficiency where trains turn at time and laws are applied swiftly. Darkly, with Trump, they got the actual nazi efficiency, where half the energy is used to enrich officials and even the things dear to the Conducatore Trump aren’t done because it’s too much effort.
But there’s also the fact that they vote to remove the thing that block their dreams. They have been bamboozled into thinking that that thing is a convenient scapegoat when in fact it’s quite often themselves. (also the corporate overlords friend of them). Sure, it’s a very convenient illusion for them as much as for the Trumpist. It’s still a con. You act like people cannot be miserable hatefuls fucks *and* conned at the same time.
I was going to get my pandemic hairstyle cut short. But now that you’ve alerted me to the dangers involved — mockery! gossip! — I won’t. Thanks for taking the time to educate us women.
Oops! Wrong conversation.
I’m quite certain Dalilama does know quite a lot about them. Likely more than you do. They hardly bother to hide their motivations. I really think you underestimate people’s desire to hurt people that are different from them. You underestimate the power of malice.
What is the reverse of Hanlon’s Razor? Because that’s how i see them.
My thoughts on the “Intentional Malice VS Gullible Stupidity” in the thread right now:
Por qué no los dos?
(DISCLAIMER: My Spanish is rather limited and I don’t know how to do the flipped question mark at the beginning of a phrase with my keyboard setup…)
Again, I have to know if these …people…have ever talked to a real human ever.
Also, I highly doubt anyone, male, female, or nonbinary, would spend anymore time around this jackass more than absolutely necessary. No one is ever asking this idiot for anything ever.
Ooo, do you think that’s why he came up with this story? Assuming he has co-workers, none of them will interact with him more than they need to. So he made this back story to justify why no one will talk to him?
You know what, mate? Fuck your ignorant mealymouthed bullshit too. You haven’t spent your whole fucking life listening to these fuckers talk about how you should be lobotomized for the good of society. You didn’t hear them laugh and gloat while your community died of a horrible plague. You don’t have to hear your cousin wish that he would grow up white like his mom so he could go back to America someday without being arrested or killed. You never had to worry about a loved one on federal jail for begging for his people’s lives, you haven’t been beaten and gassed every time you dare to demand better. You don’t walk among people who think you’re one of them and tell you how happy they are about the mass murders being done in your name, or how much the victims deserve it. You know nothing about oppression and you have the fucking nerve to call me a bigot for pointing out that conservatives want to kill me and everyone I love, and openly fucking gloat about it. You really are the most repulsive quisling I think it’s ever been my misfortune to speak to.
Addendum: you really need to stop conflating a political position with an ethnic background, because it’s a bad look, and also staggeringly fucking racist.
Well, technically all modern humans have a lifestyle, culture and genetic heritage that have evolved directly from precursors 35,000 years ago.
Ice age mammoth steppe was somewhat unusual as a human habitat, with an abundance of large grazing animals and a cold climate that more or less forced people to rely on hunting those large grazing animals (reindeer or anything else over 50 kg count as “megafauna”). In warmer areas, people would usually live mostly on plant foods and small animals. That said, while people in late paleolithic times became increasingly effective at big game hunting, there was also a gradual revolution in trapping and fishing technologies. All of this allowed humans to expand into living in cold areas in the first place. In coastal cold areas, people increasingly specialized in hunting anything aquatic from fish to whales.
In recent history, the best analogue for Aurignacian Europe would have been the people of interior arctic/subarctic North America. In interior northern Eurasia, people had mostly shifted from a hunting/fishing economy and stone tools to a herding/fishing economy and iron tools over the last couple millennia. Before that, there was a gradual degradation of northern megafauna, probably due to a combination of overhunting and less favorable climate after the ice age ended. People still routinely hunted moose and reindeer/caribou, but were more reliant on fishing and small game, and obviously there was no mammoth or rhino to hunt any more. In modern era, arctic indigenous hunting/fishing/herding traditions have evolved to use modern technology, while the people mostly rely on global economy for living, all while the people try to adapt to the effects of colonization and climate change.
Another thing off topic:
Since the longtime US sex positive activist Betty Dodson died recently, there was a Finnish article on her career and the “bodysex workshop” she invented:
Naisen seksuaalisuuden guru Betty Dodson opetti tuhannet naiset masturboimaan: “Jokainen orgasmi parantaa maailmaa” | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi
The other woman pictured in that story is Finnish sexologist Veera Uusoksa, who was recently certified as the first Finn to run these workshops consisting of women’s nude group bodytalk and group masturbation.
Since I haven’t avoided noticing the recent US kertuffle over some guy who was caught masturbating at a Zoom work meeting, I was amused by this mention in the article:
@ lumipuna
“Although one weirdo keeps trying to submit New Yorker articles.”
Alan – Oh, snap.
The MAGA meltdown over today’s GSA announcement is quite a thing.
ETA Naglfar already posted in the other thread, but it’s worth mocking it twice!
I read that as NASA and maga and my sick brain was really confused for a bit
What, nothing to say for yourself now, you pusillanimous pissant?