Incels feel so little empathy for women and girls that they simply refuse to believe that they could ever feel bad about themselves.
Over on the Incels.co forums, one unempathetic fellow called MaxZM98 wonders aloud if it’s “even possible for females to have a low self-esteem in 2020?” Naturally, he answers his own question with an emphatic “no.”
I’ve been wondering, is this even possible? since women are pedestalised and treated like queens even if they aren’t good looking, how can they not have an inflated ego?
I like how he assumes that only hot women deserve to feel good about themselves.
they may have their confidence reduced if chad insults them, and they could have a low self-esteem compared to other females, but they would still reject their looksmatch because they believe they are ‘above’ him and he is not worthy.
There’s no law saying that women (or men) are required to date their “looksmatches.” This is just an incel fixation.
all the positive reinforcement from society throughout their lives makes it impossible for them to think badly about themselves, at least to the extent that men do.
[Citation needed]
perhaps if she is obese and disfigured, and has been abused throughout her childhood…but that’s like 0.5% of the female population and even then she’d probably get hit up by desperate guys giving her validation.
Being “hit on by desperate guys” is not necessarily the fun ego-boost that incels assume it is. (Seriously, incels, spend an hour or two in the CreepyPMs subreddit and tell me again how much fun it is to get sleazy come-ons from horny weirdos.)
Of course, Max’s colleagues on Incels.co agree with him.
The only women with low self-esteem, one writes, are those with
[S]evere mental issues (like autism, BDD, BPD, etc.) or extreme ugliness/disabilities/chronic illnesses. Otherwise it’s (nearly) impossible, maybe after chad rejects her for a few moments sadness/doubt, but otherwise the positive reinforcement is too much. And even when they have severe issues they still live a dozen times better than their male counterparts or most males tbh. Mental illnesses and physical disabilities reduce the dating pool for women, but they aren’t fully excluded unlike their male counterparts.
Another adds that
Even the ugliest of women gets constant validation through social media 24/7. You’re average foid probably gets more validation per minute than we’ll get in our entire lifetime
Weird creepy messages from total strangers aren’t “validation.”
Trust me, incels, you don’t have a monopoly on feeling shitty about yourselves; the fact that you think you do is a large part why no one wants to get with you. Try a little empathy.
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Incels: they really, actually couldn’t organize a fuck in a brothel.
Well I already live a much worse life than the one you’d have under a sexist government.
Why can’t women be satisfied in a gov where they’re banned from sex and have no repro rights?
I mean you’re asking me to be satisfied with a life of inceldom and loneliness so idk
1. I already live under a sexist government. I want less of it, not more.
2. Have you been raped? Killed? That’s what you incels advocate for women.
“Why do those stuck-up bitches demand human rights? Why can’t they just be my sex slaves?”
I didn’t ask you anything. You’ve chosen to be unhappy. There are plenty of people who don’t have sex but aren’t incels, because they realize that there are more things in life than sex. You’re failing to do this, so you’ve made yourself feel this way. I have no sympathy.
If there’s more to life than sex then women shouldn’t care about abortion rights.
Just abstain instead, like lainy and the rest of the woman respecting virgins on here are already forced to anyway.
Do you…do you think abortion is a kind of sex? Abortion is different than sex.
1. Lainy’s married and isn’t a virgin.
2. Most people here probably aren’t virgins.
3. Once again, abortion is not a kind of sex so idk what that has to do with my argument.
Well there’s a 40 yo virgin commenter on the first page, idk if it’s lainy or whoever.
Anyway the average straight guy on here is very likely a virgin, the few who do get laid are prolly balding losers all the same.
Sexhaving chads definitely don’t spend their lives tracking and mocking misogyny online. This is an incel in denial hobby.
Most abortions are done for pregnancies out of consensual recreational sex.
Women wouldn’t get to have as much carefree sex if abortion was banned.
You should be happy with this ofc cuz sex isn’t everything after all
That would be Paireon. Lainy’s a woman, not straight, and younger.
[Citation needed]
Since Chad isn’t a real person, that’s technically correct. Fictional characters don’t typically visit blogs. Chad is someone you made up to be angry at, not a real guy.
That doesn’t bear out in reality. When abortion is banned, it doesn’t decrease the amount of abortions, it just makes people turn to less safe ways.
Still a non sequitur.
Out of curiosity, why are you so obsessed with abortion anyway? You don’t have a dog in this fight, it doesn’t affect you at all if someone gets an abortion. Why do you care?
There’s actually a difference between the government removing your bodily autonomy and you not being able to get a date.
If you want to make an incel equivalency to outlawing abortion and restricting access to birth control, it’s not “some men can’t find a partner.” It would be more along the lines of forced sterilization for men with small wrist circumference or refusal to provide reproductive health care for men with non-Chadlike canthal tilt. But that’s not happening. It’s not being proposed. It never will happen.
Quit trying to conflate lack of human rights with lack of satisfaction with your personal life. This kind of self absorption and entitlement is why no one likes incels. Nothing to do with your looks.
Also, you can fuck off with your assertions that your life is worse than anyone else’s. You don’t know any of our lives.
If his life is worse, it’s because he’s made it so. He chooses to stew in his misogyny and self-loathing.
Daves pics are a good citation, no hate but he’s ugly.
There’s definitely some women out there getting slippery wet for his long history of respecting them on the internet, but idk if it’s a majority.
I’m against abortion cuz women aren’t making it any easier for me to have sex, so if an abortion ban makes sex more risky for them, so be it.
A better question would be why all the no lifer dicklet virgins here support abortion so hard? They have no more of a dog in it than me.
I think Fenwick has done a pretty good job of summing up why he has no sex or love or companionship in his life: curiously, people who are vindictive, spiteful, small-minded, entitled and whose only pleasure appears to be fantasising about cruelty are actually less pleasant to be around or interact with on any level. Who knew?
At least Fenwick is being straight about his abhorrent personality and repulsive beliefs. Normally incels outside their safe spaces pretend to be pathetic sad sacks whom nobody loves for no fair reason. Fenwick is putting the very fair reasons why people avoid incels right out in the open.
Regardless of what you think of his appearance that doesn’t prove anything about his sex life.
Do you ever think David might have other things he does in his life other than the blog? Not everyone spends all day every day online. Or that not everything is done with the goal of having sex?
So your solution to not having sex is make other people have less sex? That won’t make more people have sex with you, in case you’re wondering. But if it tickles your fancy, I invite you to move to a country like Malta or the Dominican Republic where abortion is banned completely.
Maybe because other people realize that supporting someone else’s human rights like that doesn’t take anything from them? Not everyone is as self centered and angry as you, boy.
While we have you here, though, if you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions:
1. What do you think of Biden’s victory in the 2020 election?
2. Have you ever tried not being bitter and angry?
It’s a complete mystery why no one wants to have sex with Fenwick!
Anyway, I might regret asking this, but what exactly does women making it easier for you to have sex entail? If you had the ability to personally hold our bodily autonomy hostage, what is the ransom?
@ Naglfar
Respecting women is a full time hobby, so idk if dave and the rest here can do much else.
Anyway not like he’s gonna be doing anything chaddish. Prob will do some incel hobby, like reading or going to cheese tastings.
Abortion wouldn’t be needed if people didn’t have sex, and sex isn’t a human right ofc, so neither is abortion.
Idc about biden or trump
@ weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
I can’t tell if that was a failed attempt at humor or if you actually believe that.
I very much doubt many incels are reading or going to cheese tastings. If that was what you did, you’d probably be less bitter and angry.
You still fail to see the difference between sex and abortion. Sex isn’t a human right because you aren’t entitled to anyone else’s body. Abortion is about one’s own body and exercising autonomy over it. They’re different.
I would ask about whether you think abortion should be allowed for people who got pregnant by rape, but I know you’ll jump in with some rape apologia.
Out of curiosity, what would women get out of your deal? Say hypothetically women made it easier for you to have sex (whatever that means), what would we get in return?
How would that work precisely? How many women would have to have sex with you? Which women? Under what circumstances? Do we have to scour the earth to find a woman who wants to have sex with you? Or do you expect us to allow you to rape a woman of your choosing? Incels just seem to have never thought through how they want their ideal world to look. Almost like it’s not sex you want (because if you put in a little effort, you probably could just find a consenting partner) but the goal is in fact, hurting women and you’re just using your lack of a sex life as an excuse.
And LOL at calling reading and cheese tastings incel hobbies. I thought all women were gold diggers. Now all of a sudden women don’t like men who have posh hobbies?
Honestly, a guy who’s pro-feminist, likes to read and likes to eat fancy cheeses sounds pretty hot. I don’t think I’m the only woman who’d say so!
You’d prolly get to earn what you already have, nothing else. We support you having sex, you include us in the fun.
Most guys who support a woman’s freedom to enjoy limitless sex are lisping virgin losers themselves after all, it’s only fair they get included.
I mean respecting women can definitely be fulfilling on its own, esp for dave and all the 40 yo virgin non incels here. But most men want something in return
So I don’t get anything out of this? This is a shitty bargain.
You just said you wanted women to not have sex, so you clearly don’t support that. If your support for women depends on whether we have sex with you, it isn’t support.
I’d much rather sleep with someone who supports my rights over an incel, regardless of whether they are a virgin or have a lisp. Your problem isn’t that you’re a virgin, it’s that you’re a misogynist.
End result: no deal
You’re not the only one. I like cheese and books and would be glad to have a partner who also does.
@ naglfar
Knock yourself out!
Wow your whiny little shit. oh no, no one let your dick get wet, how sad.
No I’m not a virgin, I’m married and trying to have a baby. I fuck almost everyday when my husband is home. We just bought a sex toy to stimulate sex through long distance. your just a sad little creep who can’t read apparently. I’m not one of you and sex for me is really great with the man I love and the other partners we have join in sometimes.
@Alan Robertshaw
Nice. I’ve never seen cheese in book form before.
Not cheese tasting but my husband and i once went to a wine tasting thing and he discovered how easily honey mead wines can get you drunk without noticing how much you’ve really drank. We’re both light weights so trying to get back to the hotel was fun. But we made it and then i ordered us so many doughnuts through grub hub because when i drink i just want dangerous amount of fried dough and sugar.
There’s a wine bar in my city that sadly, due to Covid I haven’t been to since last summer. It has all kinds of wine flights, including a sparkling wine flight. It’s so delightful. They also have cheese platters. I can’t wait to go back there. I had so much fun with two BFFs last time we went. Although we ended up spending too much money!