empathy deficit incels misogyny self-hatred

Incels wonder: “Is it even possible for females to have low self-esteem?”

Impossible scenario, according to incels

Incels feel so little empathy for women and girls that they simply refuse to believe that they could ever feel bad about themselves.

Over on the forums, one unempathetic fellow called MaxZM98 wonders aloud if it’s “even possible for females to have a low self-esteem in 2020?” Naturally, he answers his own question with an emphatic “no.”

I’ve been wondering, is this even possible? since women are pedestalised and treated like queens even if they aren’t good looking, how can they not have an inflated ego?

I like how he assumes that only hot women deserve to feel good about themselves.

they may have their confidence reduced if chad insults them, and they could have a low self-esteem compared to other females, but they would still reject their looksmatch because they believe they are ‘above’ him and he is not worthy.

There’s no law saying that women (or men) are required to date their “looksmatches.” This is just an incel fixation.

all the positive reinforcement from society throughout their lives makes it impossible for them to think badly about themselves, at least to the extent that men do.

[Citation needed]

perhaps if she is obese and disfigured, and has been abused throughout her childhood…but that’s like 0.5% of the female population and even then she’d probably get hit up by desperate guys giving her validation.

Being “hit on by desperate guys” is not necessarily the fun ego-boost that incels assume it is. (Seriously, incels, spend an hour or two in the CreepyPMs subreddit and tell me again how much fun it is to get sleazy come-ons from horny weirdos.)

Of course, Max’s colleagues on agree with him.

The only women with low self-esteem, one writes, are those with

[S]evere mental issues (like autism, BDD, BPD, etc.) or extreme ugliness/disabilities/chronic illnesses. Otherwise it’s (nearly) impossible, maybe after chad rejects her for a few moments sadness/doubt, but otherwise the positive reinforcement is too much. And even when they have severe issues they still live a dozen times better than their male counterparts or most males tbh. Mental illnesses and physical disabilities reduce the dating pool for women, but they aren’t fully excluded unlike their male counterparts.

Another adds that

Even the ugliest of women gets constant validation through social media 24/7. You’re average foid probably gets more validation per minute than we’ll get in our entire lifetime

Weird creepy messages from total strangers aren’t “validation.”

Trust me, incels, you don’t have a monopoly on feeling shitty about yourselves; the fact that you think you do is a large part why no one wants to get with you. Try a little empathy.

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4 years ago


Yes! it’s so easy to end up doing that. When I turned legal to drink my sister in law and I would go wine tasting together. My bank ended up calling me to make sure my card hadn’t been stolen because of unusual activity.

4 years ago

Well you’re in luck cuz this place is full of balding virgins who track misogyny for fun, just your type I guess.

You=dying a virgin 100%
Keep writing stories for me tho


Well you’re in luck cuz this place is full of balding virgins who track misogyny for fun, just your type I guess.

I tend to prefer other women, but I’d much rather date a man who isn’t a misogynist over any incel.

You=dying a virgin 100%


4 years ago

@Annoying Jackass
I wasn’t gonna bother replying to you, but you have managed to be even more utterly self-centered than any previous example of your ilk. You genuinely believe anyone here cares enough about you to make up stories, it’s incredibly pathetic.

4 years ago


Awww little pissy baby mad that he has no love in his life because he’s awful and he’ll die unloved and without a wet dick. so sad. Really dude, get a life.

4 years ago


Idk, these dudes think calling people virgins is an insult. Haven’t been a virgin since I was like 15 and one of his kind decided to take that from me. But details am I right.

4 years ago

@ Fenwick

Do you…do you think I’m Dalilama for some reason? is that why you posted incoherent thing with me tagged in it or are you just high and can’t read?

4 years ago

My page did something really weird because those we’re not three sperate comments. it like split them up

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago

Not hating on anyone but this place is full of bullied virgins and autistic transwomen. So idk but it sounds like we’re both pathetic, by the standards of society anyway.

4 years ago


Then why are you here. What kind of sad loser hangs out at place he’s not wanted and gets negative attention at. It’s so sad that you are so pathetic you come to a place to get negative attention because at least it’s attention from women. Why you are just really pathetic and sad the world won’t give you a woman to rape huh

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Is anyone else seeing the last few posts as walls of characters like that thing in The Matrix?

4 years ago

@ Alan

On my laptop yes. I switched to my phone

4 years ago


Not hating on anyone but this place is full of bullied virgins and autistic transwomen. So idk but it sounds like we’re both pathetic, by the standards of society anyway.

Autistic trans woman here, I will never be as pathetic as you. Unlike you, I don’t spend every day fantasizing about raping women and wallowing in self loathing. You could be better than you are now, but you refuse to improve yourself.

@Lainy, Alan
It was looking weird on my computer but normal on my phone. Idk why. This happened once when David did the new comment system but I thought it was fixed then.

4 years ago

Fenwick dude, if you’re going to insult people, you need to try harder. Balding virgin or autistic trans women ain’t cutting it.

4 years ago

Anyway, I think there’s only 4-5 autistic trans women around here, the most of y’all are cis IIRC, and quite definitely allistic.

4 years ago

Of the regular commenters, I can think of 3, myself included. There might be other commenters that I didn’t know were autistic and/or trans, though, so there may be more.

4 years ago

Something weird is happening to the comments here.

Last edited 4 years ago by Makroth