ben shapiro candace owens cultural marxism gender policing toxic masculinity

Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens lose it over Harry Styles in a dress

When Harry Styles agreed to model a series of dresses and skirts for a Vogue cover shoot, he knew it would stir up controversy. He probably didn’t think he was going to be blamed for undermining civilization itself. But that’s what some right-wing opinion-havers would have you believe.

“Blexit” leader Candace Owens started the brouhaha with this melodramatic tweet:

She followed up with a swipe at feminism:

It wasn’t long until fast-talking dunderhead Ben Shapiro decided to chime in.

But Ben wasn’t content to simply share a couple of tweets on the issue, and so he took it to his podcast today, delivering a nearly half-hour rant on the subject, interrupted only by Shapiro reading out ads for luxury bedsheets and his publication the Daily Wire.

He began by not-so-subtly suggesting that men wearing dresses might deserve a punch in the mouth, and followed with a rambling, repetitive rant taking on what he, likes Owens, sees as a dire threat to western civilization: men in “floofy” frocks.

This excerpt will give you some of the flavor of the thing:

But Shapiro wasn’t just annoyed; he presented himself as a noble guardian of civilization fighting off the cross-dressing barbarians.

“This stuff matters,” he declared.

It matters. Because these are fundamental ideas for the preservation of civilization. Boys and girls are different. Boys and girls are different. And it’s important to inculcate in your children that boys and girls are different. And any parents who fail to inculcate in a boy that manliness is a good thing, and that responsible manliness helped build civilizations … any parent that does not teach their girls that femininity, meaning the protection of hearth and home in a different way than masculinity, is a good thing. Any parent that doesn’t teach their girls that is not doing their kid any favors. They’re undermining the civilizational compact that men and women [have], based on biology and in every human culture.

Dude, it’s just a man in a dress. Cis male musicians have been donning dresses for decades — from David Bowie to Kurt Cobain — and somehow civilization hasn’t come tumbling down.

But Shapiro thinks this is a Very Important Topic.

We shouldn’t be shy about discussing these issuesl the left certainly isn’t shy about discussing these issues. They’ll put these [ideas] in public schools, they’ll tell your kindergartener that real men wear dresses. And then you’ll be explaining to a five year old that real men don’t wear dresses. And I don’t feel that’s an acceptable ramification of our cultural discussion.

I really don’t think there’s much discussion of cross-dressing in kindergarten.

Shapiro throws in a weird racial aside:

Harry Styles is a free man, living in a western country, in a west by the way that is defended by white masculine men, as a general rule.

Shapiro insists he has nothing against Harry Styles. It’s just that when Styles puts on a dress he is TEARING APART THE VERY FABRIC OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION

I’m not saying don’t pick up his CDs; I’m not saying don’t listen to his music; I’m not saying don’t watch the movies he’s in. All I’m saying is that when you put out an argument that men ought to act like women and that this is a good thing you’re doing something that tears at the fabric of not only civilization but family and the fabric of childrearing and everybody with half a brain knows this.

Again, Ben, it’s just a man in a dress, a playful tweak of conventional notions of masculinity. How fragile is masculinity — how fragile is civilization itself — if it can be brought to its knees by a handful of pictures of a man in a dress?

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Do you know what trolling means.

Oh no. A troll has joined the discussion. Whatever shall we do.

If you think we didn’t know you were a troll from the jump, you’re too undeveloped to do it properly.

4 years ago


Nobody talks about hating women other than SecyMGTOW.

I have no idea who any of these people are, but you are free to peruse the blog’s archives on MGTOWs to see lots of hating women.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

No MGTOW talks about hating women other than SecyMGTOW.

HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH okay, that genuinely made me laugh.

4 years ago


We are already one step ahead of you in our discord servers we are discussing technology and how to invent it

And what technologies would those be?

and also talking about our new plans to troll websites like yours

I’m positively quaking with fear. /s
Out of curiosity, how is that “going your own way”?

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

we are discussing technology and how to invent it

We all know that the most amazing technology comes from Discord servers.

and also talking about our new plans to troll websites like yours

new plans

HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH again you make me literally laugh. You should go into comedy when you grow up, you have a natural talent for it.

4 years ago


don’t patronize me. My goals are beyond your understanding.

Your big man-brain man-smart smart man goals?

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Do you know what trolling means.


Now go bug a meat person for attention.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

don’t patronize me. My goals are beyond your understanding.

You’re right. I genuinely do not understand why MGTOWs don’t simply go their own way already, but instead spend all their time seething about women and trolling feminists and just generally letting women live rent-free in their heads. I certainly don’t think about MGTOWs nearly as much as they think about me. Basically once I close this tab in my browser, MGTOWs fly directly out of my mind, in favor of things I enjoy, but MGTOWs think, talk, obsess constantly about women.

It’s a very toxic thing, thinking constantly about the things one hates. If you hate women so much, just let them go. Go your own way. Nobody will miss you.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


And what technologies would those be?

Oh, they’re super secret! They involve a tree house, and lots of water balloons. And enemies. You always have to have enemies.

4 years ago


thats partially true. We are having a Mr.Beast hide and seek challenge between MGTOWs and Anti-MGTOWs and if they lost they have to say MGTOW is the best for 10 hours.

That’s cute. Just be very careful to social distance and wear masks, there’s a pandemic going on.

But that’s not what we meant by technologies.

Do you mean seekrit spy supplies and c0d3z?

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago


Your putting yourself, your sister, your family endanger, is that what means to be a man to you? And no i didn’t assume your gender, you told us that you identify as a male. You’re a ifunny user aren’t you.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

a man is someone with a masculine identity. That was a misogynistic assumption for someone who says gender is a “social construct”.


4 years ago


You’re annoying little kid. Most 12 year old to teenagers are. But your putting yourself at risk and it makes me nervous because your a child and you’re vulnerable. I don’t care what you do. I don’t care if your a boy, if your gay, I think it’s shitty that your an annoying little bully. But the only thing I want is for you to be safe. Adults will hurt you. And you’ve made it easier for them to hurt you. Stop using your name, stop posting your home address, maybe focus on trying to kiss another 12 year old boy instead of being an annoying little shit. Because I’m an adult, you are the child, you aren’t my child but I teach and take care of kids your age for my job. You deserve to be safe, the world isn’t going to give you that freely. Not all adults are going to try to protect you. Luckily the ones here will. So stop making it easier for those to hurt you and your sister and your family. Do not put personal information like that out online. Do not link to that information. Do not put things out there that employers are going to be able to look up with your names down the road and say we’re not going to hire this person because he’s going to treat the female staff like shit. Be a kid and try to be safe.

4 years ago


a man is someone with a masculine identity.

False. A man is a masculine identity, but not all masculine identified people are men (see: masculine-aligned non-binary people, butches, some trans mascs, etc)

That was a misogynistic assumption for someone who says gender is a “social construct”.

How is it misogynistic? You call yourself a “man going their own way”

4 years ago


No you dumbass kid. A man is someone who calls themselves a man. A boy is someone who calls themselves a boy. You called yourself a boy. You called yourself a man. You self identified. Nice try though. Good luck with puberty.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Oh no! A 12 year old called me a TERF. Whatever shall I do. Someone please get my fainting couch and the smelling salts.

4 years ago


you know what kid whatever. Maybe i will send a letter to your mommy letting her know what you’ve been up to.

4 years ago


I am the 12 year old Milo Yiannopoulos.

So you’re banned from all of social media and millions in debt?

The land of make believe!

I’m sure my butch and non-binary friends will be devastated to know a 12 year old thinks they don’t exist.

You don’t even know my adress.

A word of advice: once you’ve put something on the Internet, it’s there forever. You shouldn’t put your address online for this reason.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago


my good friend Naglfar does though.

4 years ago

Er, no, that would be cissexist, not misogynistic. Look, kid, you’re out of your depth. You left the kiddie pool and dived into the deep end and now you’re flailing.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It really breaks my heart that a minor is doing the same jokes that angry boomers on Facebook do. Even I was cooler when I was 12.

4 years ago


did you write it down

No, that would be wrong of me. I just know that what is posted on the internet never really goes away, given the existence of caching and web archives.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago


Lol why would you suffer? would you get grounded if mommy knows what your up to? would you be ashamed if your mom is disappointed in you? Do you know your doing something wrong that should be punished? Would you be upset if your family knew what you’ve been up to and they give you a lecture and tell you how disappointed they are in you?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


I am the 12 year old Milo Yiannopoulos.

Your ambition is to get banned from all the major platforms and end up $2 million in debt?

Find a better role model. Alt-right supervillains are so 2015.

4 years ago


boomer is an ageist slur.

Nice try.


Your ambition is to get banned from all the major platforms and end up $2 million in debt?

If this is his current trajectory, it’s probably doable.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
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