When Harry Styles agreed to model a series of dresses and skirts for a Vogue cover shoot, he knew it would stir up controversy. He probably didn’t think he was going to be blamed for undermining civilization itself. But that’s what some right-wing opinion-havers would have you believe.
“Blexit” leader Candace Owens started the brouhaha with this melodramatic tweet:
She followed up with a swipe at feminism:
It wasn’t long until fast-talking dunderhead Ben Shapiro decided to chime in.
But Ben wasn’t content to simply share a couple of tweets on the issue, and so he took it to his podcast today, delivering a nearly half-hour rant on the subject, interrupted only by Shapiro reading out ads for luxury bedsheets and his publication the Daily Wire.
He began by not-so-subtly suggesting that men wearing dresses might deserve a punch in the mouth, and followed with a rambling, repetitive rant taking on what he, likes Owens, sees as a dire threat to western civilization: men in “floofy” frocks.
This excerpt will give you some of the flavor of the thing:
But Shapiro wasn’t just annoyed; he presented himself as a noble guardian of civilization fighting off the cross-dressing barbarians.
“This stuff matters,” he declared.
It matters. Because these are fundamental ideas for the preservation of civilization. Boys and girls are different. Boys and girls are different. And it’s important to inculcate in your children that boys and girls are different. And any parents who fail to inculcate in a boy that manliness is a good thing, and that responsible manliness helped build civilizations … any parent that does not teach their girls that femininity, meaning the protection of hearth and home in a different way than masculinity, is a good thing. Any parent that doesn’t teach their girls that is not doing their kid any favors. They’re undermining the civilizational compact that men and women [have], based on biology and in every human culture.
Dude, it’s just a man in a dress. Cis male musicians have been donning dresses for decades — from David Bowie to Kurt Cobain — and somehow civilization hasn’t come tumbling down.
But Shapiro thinks this is a Very Important Topic.
We shouldn’t be shy about discussing these issuesl the left certainly isn’t shy about discussing these issues. They’ll put these [ideas] in public schools, they’ll tell your kindergartener that real men wear dresses. And then you’ll be explaining to a five year old that real men don’t wear dresses. And I don’t feel that’s an acceptable ramification of our cultural discussion.
I really don’t think there’s much discussion of cross-dressing in kindergarten.
Shapiro throws in a weird racial aside:
Harry Styles is a free man, living in a western country, in a west by the way that is defended by white masculine men, as a general rule.
Shapiro insists he has nothing against Harry Styles. It’s just that when Styles puts on a dress he is TEARING APART THE VERY FABRIC OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION
I’m not saying don’t pick up his CDs; I’m not saying don’t listen to his music; I’m not saying don’t watch the movies he’s in. All I’m saying is that when you put out an argument that men ought to act like women and that this is a good thing you’re doing something that tears at the fabric of not only civilization but family and the fabric of childrearing and everybody with half a brain knows this.
Again, Ben, it’s just a man in a dress, a playful tweak of conventional notions of masculinity. How fragile is masculinity — how fragile is civilization itself — if it can be brought to its knees by a handful of pictures of a man in a dress?
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If you don’t want to know you can leave. You have that freedom. You don’t how ever have tue freedom to shut me up mr sad boner troll
So far in this thread, radium poisoning, patent medicines, company towns, and rampaging mercenaries, among others. Hint: Reading Machiavelli is completely meaningless without also knowing about the context in which he’s writing. Also, citing The Prince is a damnfool move for someone who claims to be against the state. I suspect that this is because you’ve never heard of the Discourses on Livy, let alone read it. This is another place where your shallow faux-erudition fails you, because to anyone with any knowledge of political science you sound indistinguishable from the 12 year old who just got banned. You also avoided the question of what specific historical societies “lived without the state, even though we’ve been doing it for millennia,” and how they did so. I even provided some suggested reading on stateless societies and how they have historically operated so you wouldn’t be coming to such a discussion entirely unprepared, but you have provided nothing but assertions, not backed by references to any actual historical time or place, such as would be necessary to back up your claims.
I shall taunt you a second time.
That’s the other thing about ancaps, y’all are such fragile fucking flowers. This is ordinary discourse in leftist discussions, academic discussions, and my family dinners. The only threat implied is that you’ll be intellectually demolished.
PS: Your apparent belief that the only political tendency that disagrees with you is liberalism, even though multiple people have mentioned otherwise in this very thread, only serves to highlight your complete intellectual bankruptcy.
Uh oh Lainy! Eric is going to sue you. He claims you lied about calling his parents and is setting up a Patreon for his “legal defense fund” (apparently unaware that he is the plaintiff).
Be sure to wear some deceitful makeup when you appear in Internet Court so the gynocracy will rule in your favor.
Someone donated $2.5 million to fund a pro-Trump organisation’s attempts to overturn the election results. But they’ve abandoned the litigation so now he wants his money back.
ETA: In view of Buttercup’s post, this was a bit prescient.
Wow someone sounds mad that they got in trouble lol.
He may find it’s a bit hard to sue random people on the Internet that he knows nothing about (especially since he’s convinced Lainy is a wine mom). Oh well, he can’t do much worse than the Trump legal team.
Also, I’m pretty sure Lainy is telling the truth, she seems trustworthy and it would be really out of character for her to lie. There would also be literally no motive, since he’s just a kid on a blog.
It also confirmed my suspicion that he’s lurking angrily.
Anyone remember who the person was who’d post concern troll type stuff here, get slapped down for idiocy, then run back to her blog and write a post about it?
Totally blanking on their name.
Yeah I’m 10 years older then the kid but I’m a “wine mom” i don’t even like wine. I’m partial to edibles and coke and rum. I haven’t even been with my husband yet to actually try for the children we want.
Hah hah, imagine getting grifted like that. LOL. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
Gee, if only you’d left your real name and address all over the internet so he’d know who to sue.
It is weird that he’s still being allowed to update his blog. If that were my kid, he’d have had all computer and phone privileges revoked the moment I got off the phone.
Yeah idk what’s going on with that. They’ll punish him how thet see fit i suppose. Its not like ot was hard to find her. She’s on FB with the same last name and she’s got Eric in the profile picture with her. And ue already said what state he lives in so I just had to find the one with the same and send a FB message. Kid really set himself up for failure here.
He also seems to think everyone lives in New York. I almost want just to see him get laughed out of court. Not that any lawyer would take the case or that he could afford it, but he just really doesn’t think anything through.
I checked his Parler to see if he’s angry there as well, but nothing from today. He did, however, post something 4 days ago about being nervous that his parents were meeting with someone called “Dr. Frank,” which makes it sound like he was already on thin ice.
Not sure why either, maybe she hasn’t punished him yet? We’ll see if he keeps posting.
I don’t think kids can have a Patreon? And raising legal fees is more of a GoFundMe kind of thing. Which minors also can’t do. He sure does like to throw random phrases around. Lainy, you absolutely did the right thing.
It’s too bad there’s nowhere nice to send kids for digital detox. Somewhere way out in the woods with no cell phone service where kids could spend time in nature, learn some skills that will make them feel capable, maybe ride horses. Unfortunately, anything close to that ends up being an abusive hellhole because no one really cares about tweens and teens.
I think that might have been about the gay rape porn. The mother seemed really distraught about it but I’m really sure it was because of the violent nature and not the fact that it was two men
Also my southern ass is about as far away from New York as you can get.
Yeah, unfortunately I think his hunger for attention and Milo Yiannopoulis-style celebrity overrode common sense. He didn’t even know enough to create a separate online persona, one that’s anonymous. Maybe his parents want to thoroughly check out his websites and videos first and decide what to do before they talk to him. If he’s giving out his home number to random adult men, that’s really dangerous and needs to be shut down right away.
Who’s going to donate to his Patreon (that he can’t have because he’s a minor)? His blog gets zero traffic. I think we probably quintupled his views today.
Edit: Wow. I just checked out his Parler and he describes himself in his bio as a “beer snob”. Earlier, didn’t he say he’s never pretended to be anything but a child?
(I guess technically you could be a beer snob without ever having tried it, but that seems disingenuous)
Tbh I would have to do research and sleep on it. The mom didn’t even know what a mgtow was and I think I did a shit job at explaining it to her other then it’s a woman hating cult and that I had concerns about her son putting way to private and personal out there and that he might be getting groomed
Also, maybe they don’t want to have a big family scene in the middle of the long Thanksgiving weekend. It’s not easy pulling a kid away from a cult. Best of luck to them.
They might also be trying to think of how to broach the subject. That’s my guess.
Re: beer snobbery
It could also be that he’s underage drinking. I hope that’s not it, but given how he seems to behave, it could be.
You did the right thing. So long as she knows that he’s into bad stuff, she should be able to pull him away from all this. Don’t stress about the details.
Lol i just glanced at the brat blog
Sure kiddo, I’ll go to court if you have something more on me then the nickname my husband and mom call me. Until then good luck sueing someone who’s smart on the internet and doesn’t give ever detail of their life so random people can find them. Then you can sue me in your little fantasy land
MGTOW is not a cult, and possesses none of the distinguishing features common amongst them. The information disseminated by MGTOWs is no less counterintuitive than that disseminated by Galileo in his time, only more controversial and truer. The mere fact that disingenuous hacks who have seized our institutions of “higher learning” might find it farcical, or that the MSM, with its female-dominated narratives and tendency to break out in hives when exposed to the truth, tends to downplay its viability, says nothing about whether or not our movement (if it should indeed be called that) is a cult or not.
@ dumbass
You’re part of a cult. And your a delicate little flower which is a funny combination
It seems to be a pretty common combination given how most alt right/Trump people are so fragile. They project their insecurities onto everyone else.
If Eric wants to sue me, he can certainly file a suit against a Norse mythological object and/or a photo of my dog. Aside from that, I don’t think he could easily get any of my personal info from here.
Just looking up his name and his handle produces a social media footprint about ten miles wide. If If were his parents, I would be taking my time looking at all this stuff before bringing it up to him. They’ve probably parental locked the obvious sites like Twitter and Facebook, but he uses Parler and Gab instead. A non-savvy parent isn’t going to necessarily lock out Gab, because who the fuck uses Gab?
I mean, cheesus, his phone number is still out there and you don’t even have to look at an archive to see it.
Oh, you’re still talking. Why?
Miggies are just incels who haven’t admitted they’re incels.