He’s figured you out, ladies! Or so he thinks. One bold MGTOW has a new explanation for why women generally prefer taller men. It’s because every woman is a golddigger at heart, and tall men die younger than short men, which means a briefer wait to cash in on the life insurance.
“What’s the obsession with harlots claiming to only desire men that are 6’0-7’2?” writes NoMeansYesNate in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
It has nothing to do with penis size that’s for sure.
No, the reason gold diggers prefer to focus on tall men is because their life span is shorter than theirs by 7.9%..
This means she won’t have to commit to the poor sap forever, just long enough to get a nice insurance payout when he dies.
Oh, those sneaky women!
Nate continues:
That’s a devious path to take just to gain short-term financial security but what other options do they have?
There isn’t an abundance of easy old men waiting around to get tricked into marriage for an easy comeuppance anymore (e.g. Howard Marshall II) & escorting + onlyfans subscriptions can only generate so much revenue at the sacrifice of them becoming incapable of enjoying sex later.
So naturally the ladies have turned to seducing tall men. Natually.
There are a few small problems with Nate’s theory here. First though there are some scientific studies suggesting that tall men (and tall women) die younger than their shorter counterparts, pretty much no one is aware of this. (I never heard of it before Nate’s post.) Second, if the point is to marry a guy who will die soon, why does this preference for taller men also apply to young men who aren’t likely to die for fifty or sixty more years? I mean, if you’re a heartless golddigger, that seems like a very long time to wait.
And then there’s the fact that women aren’t actually a bunch of heartless golddiggers.
Nate addresses none of these obvious challenges to his thesis but instead changes the subject to an old MGTOW favorite — the supposedly upcoming societal crash that will send once-haughty women scurrying back to men for help.
It’s basically going to take the societal collapse we’re all witnesssing to get things back to normal. All of this happening right now was inevitable & is one of the things I’m excited to see. Who thought watching the world burn could be such a joyous experience?
Plenty of them are facing evictions & unemployment, so expect to see more strays changing their standards in hopes you’ll take them in off the streets and provide shelter.
Nate’s colleagues in the MGTOW subreddit don’t all buy his argument.
“Dude, we are talking about women here,” writes Ocjab.
Women can barely understand math. Let alone what percentile means.
Nah, the reason they go for tall men is because they are rare. That is it. They view rare as “high value”. They want to out do other women and to do that, they want rare men. Everyone can get a plumber but not everyone can get a tall guy.
Others suggest that women like tall men for no other reason beyond plain old peer pressure. Global_MGTOW writes:
I really think the tall meme is something women picked up from other women. Sort of how the majority of women wear makeup, even if they hate makeup, they do it because that’s what other women do. Like retarded giraffe women who are insecure about their height, yet STILL wear high heels. It makes sense for most women to wear high heels because they’re midgets compared to the average guy, but a 6’5+ giraffe of a woman who is already insecure about her height wearing high heels?
99% of women are followers, not leaders. So if one girl and her friends say they only want to date 6’2+ guys, then the vast majority of women will repeat that meme so they can fit into their herd. I’ve banged girls who have posted the tall meme and I’m pretty short.
Dunkman83 put it a little more concisely:
One day a pretty woman said.”i only like tall guys”
And every other woman followed suit like a bunch of lemmings
This only popped up in the last 20 years..
Yet another commenter is mad that Nate’s argument isn’t evo-psychy enough, grousing sarcastically that
I’m sure it has nothing to do with tall men being more able to provide and protect. Let’s take evolution, shove it up our ass, and shit it in the trash bin.
What a lovely bit of imagery.
While the cause of women’s preference for tall men may remain elusive, one thing is for sure: Women definitely don’t prefer MGTOWs.
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Wait what? I thought that in MGTOW/incel land everything was about penis size.
I thought they thought women didn’t like sex anyway and it was all about money.
I must admit, there are a lot of contradictions with usual MGTOW/manosphere logic here.
I had heard of it before, but IIRC unless you are extremely tall it doesn’t make much of a noticeable difference.
And yet, the people doing the best right now aren’t the macho ultra-masculine men. They’re the people who can build networks of support, who can fix and make things themselves. Whenever society collapses, it isn’t macho posturing that keeps anyone alive.
*stares in woman with math degree*
Men with 12 fingers are much rarer. Am I supposed to be into polydactyl people? I haven’t given it much thought, but I probably would feel the same way about a 12 fingered person as I would if they had 10 fingers.
Someone has been watching too much of those porn movies about plumbers.
I think most women wear makeup because society/patriarchy forces it upon us, not because other women do it.
Oh, right, aren’t we all a hive mind?
Isn’t that basically what manosphere evo-psych is anyway?
It’s weird how cis men are allowed to have preferences without them thinking there’s something nefarious behind it.
I have met very few men under 5’5 so shouldn’t we all be fighting over these rare men?
Joke’s on those gold-digging harlots — my family is very long-lived *and* tall!
Isn’t that speaking in INCREDIBLY general terms that big people – Icelandic strongman types – tend not to live as long because your heart just has to work harder over a lifetime to get blood round a bigger frame? Kinda like how Great Danes have a shorter lifespan than Jack Russels. I am an idiot though so this might be completely wrong.
So women are conformist creatures to the core, but they also treat it as a status symbol to have a partner who’s in some way (or literally, lol) outstanding.
Reminds me of the Discworld pun about “Dwarf Campaign For Equal Heights”. In Finnish translation it was rendered as “Dwarf Campaign For Level-Headedness” because in Finnish that idiom stands for dull conformity (which could be seen as parodying the ideal of equality) while literally invoking a group of equally tall people.
Indeed, short men of certain percentile should be equally rare by definition. I think there’s this bias where taller than average is perceived as “rare” because it’s desirable and the author is jealous for it, and the author himself also feels he’s fundamentally “normal” while identifying as “short”, regardless of his actual relative height. Then there’s this sloppy thinking/expression where “outstanding” is conflated with “outstanding in some desirable way”.
As far as I know, being “reasonably” tall, like 1m80, 1m85 don’t have much of an impact. The 7.9% cited by that MGTOW seem fishy to me, it’s a lot and I would suspect it’s only true for certain death risk and/or context.
2m and above is however an health risk, and it can be a rather severe one the taller you are. A bunch of mathematicality are involved, but mostly it come out to the fact that humans are optimized for 1m50-1m80 or so, and being out of bound reveal design flaws in bone resistance and general scaling. It’s also why an elephant does not look like an horse in general shape, or why tigers aren’t just scaled up cats in body form.
As for gold digging, marrying for 40 years or for 50 years don’t seem *that* different to me, and if I was purely a golddigger I would not care about the difference.
Also, does anone think 7’2 is an oddly specific upper limit for the height range women allegedly consider desirable? Is there actually an optimum range for male height, or is it like (allegedly) with penis size, where more is always better? If the upper limit doesn’t really matter (for obvious practical reasons), why even mention it? Manospherians aren’t very clear on this.
Apparently, there does exist a practical limit on how much money “any woman” can make on onlyfans. I think this must be a major revelation for manospherians.
Speaking of practical limits, I think 6’5 is about the tallest woman I’ve ever seen. Women of this height certainly do stand out, but also I get a sense this author tends to overestimate the height of any tall women he sees, and feels vaguely offended by their existence.
As for heels, some women might indeed like the extra height when dealing with other people, especially men. But, if women are so deeply conformist creatures, how did heel wearing get popularized in the first place? In my area for example, heel wearing is common enough to be a thing in some social environments, but it’s not really a standard.
Me and my 3 separate math degrees are sitting here ready to go toe-to-toe with this very stable jenius about who understands more math.
MGTOW: Will they ever learn that a grammatically complete sentence requires both a subject and a predicate.
No person with principles thinks that watching the world burn is exhilarating. So I’m going to guess that MGTOW and incels think that. Am I right?
Maybe you’ll finally get laid! Or maybe once Biden is in office, the government will do what taxpayers pay it to do: take care of its constituents.
I’m a bit concerned now because my son is 6ft 3″ (1.93 m)
I rather like tall men and my husband is 6ft, but it was (and is) a very minor consideration.
Completely OT: https://news.yahoo.com/south-dakota-er-nurse-recalls-151800579.html
Actually not totally OT. I’ll take a midget who lives in the real world over delusional 7-footer any day.
His statistics are wrong. Within a given ethnic group, tallness is a function of quality of life, particularly access to sufficient food. That’s why (say) white Dutch people now are taller than white Dutch people were were in the middle ages.
Increased quality of life – especially access to food and medicine – brings about longevity. That’s why life expectancy in (say) the Netherlands has more than doubled since the middle ages.
In other words, we “first worlders” are taller than AND we live longer than our ancestors.
@Daughter : beware, because your statistic are misleading too. The life expectancy in the middle age wasn’t that low, and it was lower mostly because of infant mortality. AFAIK we are at almost but not quite double the life expectency in middle age, not more than double ; and if you take the median age of death instead of the average, it’s much less than double.
The relation between feeding and size is also a lot more complex than what you make it out. There’s a ton of complex inheritable traits who factor in, a bunch of which aren’t genetic. The long story short is that in the long run, better access to food mean taller humans, but it can take several generations to have an effect and one single famine event can change things a lot.
Point taken, @Ohlmann.
It’s a little ridiculous to argue that women are obsessed with height, when these guys are the ones constantly talking about it.
I suspect it’s because they are engaging in the Psychological Projection again.
I admit, I like that Mr. Parasol is 6 ft 5 inches tall because it means he can reach things I can’t. But I know that he has trouble because of his height – people making the same old jokes, the difficulties he has finding clothes that fit, the circulation issues, etc. Besides, the things I love the most about him have little to do with his height and everything to do with the person he is.
“Let’s take evo-psych, shove it up our ass, and shit it in the trash bin.”
Fixed that for him.
The author is probably close to average height but has convinced himself that average height is something like 2m, sort of like how incels convinced themselves that average penis size is 7 inches. That way they can both pretend to be victims and also see themselves as the standard by which everything else should fit.
@Lukas Xavier
For the most part, I think cishet men obsess over perceived symbols of masculinity way more than any woman ever has. This is the case with height but also with muscularity, penis size, etc.
If banging your head on low beams in old pubs is a major cause of death; then there may be something to this.
Wait wait wait, tallness is gonna get me the women? Well I’d just like to say I’m 6’3″….ladies (assume that last part was said all sultry-like)
I’m confused. How would acknowledging this help him blame women for everything?
As a side note, I’m very bad at paying attention to what people look like, so all of these rants about one thing about a person’s size or appearance being all-important seem bizarre to me.
Once when I started at a new job and was asked to tell who had instructed me to do what I was doing, I was like, “Uh, a… guy?”
“So you don’t know his name?”
“Was he taller or shorted than you?”
I imagine I’m not the only one with this problem, so there must be times when an incel or similar accuses a woman for not giving a guy a chance because he wear glasses (or something) and she’s like, “He wears glasses?”
They are hardly rare. I meet/see them all the time. But I’m an inch taller and some people think I’m a tall woman, which is equally inaccurate.
I’m human average.A 5’5″ male is also human average, but short for European males. Most of this is down to how much we travel, socialize and our self selected groups.
Cultural feedback influences perception. For instance many women who would really crush military academy don’t have the confidence to go against cultural norms so we don’t see them. Hollywood is full of 6’5″ adonis “everyday” jacked men. But I’m here
to you the average guy at the gym is between 5″6′-6″, with both shorter and taller individuals being about the same percentage.
But then my self selecting group is an old lifters gym. The big box gyms have more Hollywood pretty people types who are taller on average, women and men.
@ nobody
I can lose an inch in height even after my relatively modest squat sessions; so one might expect serious lifters to be even shorter.