He’s figured you out, ladies! Or so he thinks. One bold MGTOW has a new explanation for why women generally prefer taller men. It’s because every woman is a golddigger at heart, and tall men die younger than short men, which means a briefer wait to cash in on the life insurance.
“What’s the obsession with harlots claiming to only desire men that are 6’0-7’2?” writes NoMeansYesNate in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
It has nothing to do with penis size that’s for sure.
No, the reason gold diggers prefer to focus on tall men is because their life span is shorter than theirs by 7.9%..
This means she won’t have to commit to the poor sap forever, just long enough to get a nice insurance payout when he dies.
Oh, those sneaky women!
Nate continues:
That’s a devious path to take just to gain short-term financial security but what other options do they have?
There isn’t an abundance of easy old men waiting around to get tricked into marriage for an easy comeuppance anymore (e.g. Howard Marshall II) & escorting + onlyfans subscriptions can only generate so much revenue at the sacrifice of them becoming incapable of enjoying sex later.
So naturally the ladies have turned to seducing tall men. Natually.
There are a few small problems with Nate’s theory here. First though there are some scientific studies suggesting that tall men (and tall women) die younger than their shorter counterparts, pretty much no one is aware of this. (I never heard of it before Nate’s post.) Second, if the point is to marry a guy who will die soon, why does this preference for taller men also apply to young men who aren’t likely to die for fifty or sixty more years? I mean, if you’re a heartless golddigger, that seems like a very long time to wait.
And then there’s the fact that women aren’t actually a bunch of heartless golddiggers.
Nate addresses none of these obvious challenges to his thesis but instead changes the subject to an old MGTOW favorite — the supposedly upcoming societal crash that will send once-haughty women scurrying back to men for help.
It’s basically going to take the societal collapse we’re all witnesssing to get things back to normal. All of this happening right now was inevitable & is one of the things I’m excited to see. Who thought watching the world burn could be such a joyous experience?
Plenty of them are facing evictions & unemployment, so expect to see more strays changing their standards in hopes you’ll take them in off the streets and provide shelter.
Nate’s colleagues in the MGTOW subreddit don’t all buy his argument.
“Dude, we are talking about women here,” writes Ocjab.
Women can barely understand math. Let alone what percentile means.
Nah, the reason they go for tall men is because they are rare. That is it. They view rare as “high value”. They want to out do other women and to do that, they want rare men. Everyone can get a plumber but not everyone can get a tall guy.
Others suggest that women like tall men for no other reason beyond plain old peer pressure. Global_MGTOW writes:
I really think the tall meme is something women picked up from other women. Sort of how the majority of women wear makeup, even if they hate makeup, they do it because that’s what other women do. Like retarded giraffe women who are insecure about their height, yet STILL wear high heels. It makes sense for most women to wear high heels because they’re midgets compared to the average guy, but a 6’5+ giraffe of a woman who is already insecure about her height wearing high heels?
99% of women are followers, not leaders. So if one girl and her friends say they only want to date 6’2+ guys, then the vast majority of women will repeat that meme so they can fit into their herd. I’ve banged girls who have posted the tall meme and I’m pretty short.
Dunkman83 put it a little more concisely:
One day a pretty woman said.”i only like tall guys”
And every other woman followed suit like a bunch of lemmings
This only popped up in the last 20 years..
Yet another commenter is mad that Nate’s argument isn’t evo-psychy enough, grousing sarcastically that
I’m sure it has nothing to do with tall men being more able to provide and protect. Let’s take evolution, shove it up our ass, and shit it in the trash bin.
What a lovely bit of imagery.
While the cause of women’s preference for tall men may remain elusive, one thing is for sure: Women definitely don’t prefer MGTOWs.
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@ nobody
Re: gym members
I have some clients who were looking at opening an upmarket spa/gym. Very much the wellness market. I thought it might be useful to introduce them to the manager of my gym.
“I see what you’re after. That up-market professionals demographic. We cater for people like Alan.”
“Hey; I am that f***ing demographic!”
Lol I hope that was humor.
That is a very temporary effect of cartilage compression that goes away in minutes (probably, never actually measured it).
I don’t know of anyone who has permanently lost height. If anything people keep their height longer because age related boneloss is halted. I’ve been the exact same height since my late teens, and I’ve been lifting nearly none stop since I picked it back up again almost 20 years ago. Top squats, 200#, top deads, 305#. Not professional, but solid amateur. Certainly more than the average fitness population.
Or the “meat market” as we call the local box gym.
I never really noticed because I was there to lift and I was lucky they hadn’t converted the old Gold’s gym they’d taken over. So much old awesome equipment…that was dumped in the remodel. Grr..
Which ironically made it harder for the gym bunnies investing in this to pick up dates at the elliptical “bar”.
@ nobody
Wow; those are seriously impressive numbers.
I definitely ‘felt’ compressed so I did a before and after measurement and it’s about an inch. That actually fed into the feelings of being squashed, maybe psychosomatic? But I used to dangle upside down from the pull up bars afterwards. Then someone pointed out it would be exactly the same effect if I just hung off them the right way up.
I…wasn’t aware only women were facing unemployment and evictions. Last I heard, it was a pretty widespread problem. Seems to me that ladies who come begging men for help would be taking more of a lateral move–maybe a downward move, if they’re begging anything from.these particular men. Then we can hear about how all the whores and skanks prefer living in a cardboard box than living with them, and all that implies (which I’m afraid I can’t make up, seeing as how my brain doesn’t go that deep in the bizzaro fog).
And I don’t remember where I saw this, but I read years ago that lot of women were becoming the main bread winners because employers felt they could get away with paying them less than equivalently qualified men. Perhaps it might end up going the other way? Lol!
I used to know a couple who had a literal foot of height between them, 5’2″ and 6’2″. They complained about the height difference all the time and they both struggled to get clothes in their sizes, although the 5’2″ woman had marginally fewer issues on that front. Being tall can be hard! It hurts and can be inconvenient.
I’m 5’9.5″ so about average for a man and a touch taller than average for a woman in Britain. Since I’m neither, or both, depending on the day, I say I’m tall-average in height. I’ve rarely had a problem with people being intimidated, although the 5’2″ woman mentioned earlier didn’t like it when I joked or reached for something in a shop for her. She thought I was taking the mick, instead of being helpful or laughing at myself for being clumsy, or whatever. It was a problem more at school than as an adult, turns out adolescent boys are really insecure around taller girls their own age. I thought people matured and grew out of that nonsense, but clearly not, if these MGTOW are anything to go by.
Who’d have thought it, MGTOWs are immature and insecure.
But, in the MGTOW version of the apocalypse, it’s the big fighty aggressive guys with guns that will rule, so why are they assuming that women will flock to them for assistance when society collapses? Wouldn’t they just join a strongman’s harem or something?
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has just tossed Trump’s attempt to get the vote overturned, by a 5 to 2 majority.
What’s particularly interesting, to me at any rate, and humiliating for Trump, is that the dissenters didn’t rule that way because they thought the count was invalid. They dissented because they said the claim was moot. In other words, it should never have been brought so there wasn’t anything to make a decision about.
This is worth a read, and pretty short.
I’m going to take a wild shot in the dark here and guess Nate’s problems with women have nothing to do with his height and everything to do with him being a weapons-grade jerk.
@North Sea Sparkly Dragon:
Heck, my parents are almost that, my mother 5’1″ and my father 6’0″ (and he’s the shortest of him and his two brothers, though not by much). They get by reasonably well, though it helps that my mother is a decent seamstress and has been known to make or tweak her own clothes.
My mother does have to ask my father to get things from upper cabinets on occasion, but because she’s the one who set up the kitchen, the things that get used most often are all organized into the locations she can reach.
Yes, I was hearing that myself. Five votes of ‘no, you’re wrong’ and two votes of ‘we shouldn’t even need to make a formal decision on this anyway because that decision is better done elsewhere’. No support.
Of course, it’s also worth noting that many of the states take their ability to run their own votes without federal interference very seriously, and the ‘stay out of our jurisdiction’ attitude may have played a non-zero part in the court’s decision. When a federal office was opened to help regularize state voting mechanisms after the 2000 mess, most states were rather against it at first, although they came around later. (This being the same office whose head just got fired by Trump because he had been debunking conspiracy theories and pointing out that there was no actual evidence of massive fraud.)
@ Jenora
Indeed. The irony is, Pennsylvania has dedicated ‘election’ courts with judges who specialise in election law, just for such occasion. The dissenters made a point of this and that as that court had already ruled, the single judge’s decision was final.
Go for a tall man because he’ll supposedly die a few years earlier? Leaving aside the fact that I have long considered marrying for money to be much the hardest way to make a living, that’s a terrible plan. Far more likely to be effective: in your early 20s, find a man maybe, eh, 10 years older than you, already growing a gut, likes to sit around playing video games, has a decent job. We’re assuming that you’re pursuing this completely coldly, with no interest in whether you find him attractive or have interests in common. Use your magic vajayjay to wangle a proposal. Take out insurance on him while he’s young and insurable for reasonable rates.
Now set about pampering him like crazy. Bake him cookies, bring him soda and chips on the couch, buy all his favorite junk foods. Help him become diabetic before he turns 40. Then continue to pamper him, helping him justify every dietary indulgence — “Oh, honey, you worked so hard today! You deserve a treat!”
He’ll die a lot faster from that than he will from being a few inches taller than most guys.