misogyny racism white genocide women aren't human

Male bag: “Women are an infantile race, and providing them the same rights as men is a recipe for societal decline and depravity”

We get letters! From angry weirdos! In this case, the strange missive came in the form of a comment that someone calling himself The Depletionist tried to leave here in response to a post of mine. I didn’t let the comment through, but it’s too good — by which I mean too terrible — not to share with you all.

The topic at hand: Do women destroy society just by having basic human rights? Mr. Depletionist says yes, because of course he does. Also, he’s afraid we’re all going to turn Chinese. We’ll get to that in a second. But first:

There is no form of civilizational decaying method quite as effective as those which utilize women, and you all know it.

And why is that Mr. Man?

Women are an infantile race, and providing them with the same rights (actually, given our current gynocratic world order, I should say MORE rights) than your typical well-bread western male is a recipe for societal decline and general depravity the world over, no matter where such deracinating schemes unfold (and, through the use of international pressure groups, such as the US military, an institution which is part of the current gynocrat occupied government, there will be no corner of our world safe from this sickness, and it will no doubt be spread through the use of violence).

That was all one sentence.

Evidently, it all comes back to birthrates: We’re not producing enough (white) babies for the country to survive, and it’s all the fault of the ladies.

I’ve seen the numbers, I’ve done the math. I’m quite aware that brains such as your are not good for anything rigorous and analytical, like mathematics of science, but instead, stupidly specialized for infantile spending splurges on horrendous “fuck me” paint that you smear on your face like cream cheese and caviar on a bagel, but I’ve investigated the causes of decline in birthrate in western civilization, I know what the socialist-supported deficit and trade debt amounts to for western males, this being an integral piece of the part to disincentivize work amongst men by enslaving them, if not the debt of shrieking hags that they are bound to by the vice grips of the state , then through the powers of governmental debt, likely wasted on socialistic excess.

That was all one sentence too.

This sinister plot from within will lead to the gradual weakening of our civilization, until we are each and every one of us replaced with Asians.

Er, what?

You dance in the streets like heathens when Biden wins, but his radical left wing agenda will mean the death of our nation, our entire way of life, as we will be sitting ducks for the China-lead takeover, and have you seen that Biden is soft on China, allowing them to trade with us without so much as just a little bit of terrifs, well, he is.

I’m sure you’re quite the expert on “terrifs.”

It’s game over, bitches. I’m leaving america, I’ve got skills that can be quite useful in the rising world, there’s nothing worth living here for anyeway, least of all you ungrateful slags.

Well, you’re not leaving any time soon, alas, as Trump’s criminal mishandling of COVID has led most other countries to close their borders to Americans. But good luck with that. We won’t be sorry to see you go.

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4 years ago

The irony when “men logic, women dumb” manospherians are gullible enough to believe sexist myths that can be debunked just by going outside and talking to people.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

I’ve seen the numbers, I’ve done the math. I’m quite aware that brains such as your are not good for anything rigorous and analytical, like mathematics of science

I would love to see the math that says women are a race.

4 years ago

You can’t demonstrate that they aren’t a race via mathematic, so mathematic prove that they are a race. Checkmate atheists !

4 years ago


*Holds up index finger* I’ll have you know I make the best bread, the very best bread, because I am an American, and you know the US makes the best bread in the world. Just super amazing bread, let me tell you.

Only the biggest, most beautiful loaves. They’re saying they’ve never seen bread like this. That’s just what some people are saying.


Fucking hell man… I sure hope it doesn’t happen again.

Idk about the situation in South America, but unfortunately a significant number of Trump fans have already announced plans to move to Mexico. I feel sorry for the Mexicans who will have to deal with them. When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best apparently.


By the way, you’re not seagull boy, are you. Yeah, you are. Your bloviating purple prose gives you away.

Maybe, but he didn’t have enough bizarre citations of fascist ideologies or weirdness about weak left wing males, so I’m not so sure it’s Skimmy.

@Not Edward

Slightly puzzled as to why all the “selfish woman aren’t having babies” crowd should be admiring eastern Europe of all places, which is currently suffering from a crash in birth rates and catastropic population decline?

I’d guess it’s because those countries restrict women’s rights, such as Poland’s extreme abortion laws that are currently being protested.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
4 years ago

“I’m leaving america”
No. Stop. Don’t.

4 years ago

Oof. It’s Big Brain Time in Mister Depletionist’s home this week-end.

Gotta say I wonder what his SUPR SPESHULL skills are. Not writing coherent phrases with proper spelling I hope. And I doubt whichever country he’s going to needs breadmakers quite that badly. Unless it’s a spectacularly poor country, but even then the problem would be more along the lines of having the ingredients for bread available rather than the people to make it.

@Trying: “deracinating” sounds an awful lot like “déraciner”, French for “to uproot”… FUCK. Means that guy could actually be from my neck of the woods. (No, Quebec is still part of Canada, but I expect neither logic nor honesty nor grade-school basic geographic knowledge from this ilk)

@Not Edward: Well, Poland (the right-wing government currently in control at least) has recently moved to forbid abortions, so there’s that… (no, it won’t stop the decline, if anything it’ll speed it up by sending more people packing away from the country towards more permissive Western European ones; IIRC Britain France and Germany have pretty big Polish expat populations)

@Buttercup: Me too; I’d like to see his “research” material as a whole, and also have a look at his “l33t sk1llz, yo” that he considers so marketable in developing countries.

@Diego: Damn, that’s another place he could think heading to… Fuck, definitely don’t wish that on your compatriots (especially with the current shitstorm in Peru).

@Naglfar: Seriously? Trumpers moving to Mexico of all places? I think my irony meter just broke so hard it retroactively stopped having ever existed at all.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paireon
4 years ago

It’s always about race and white birth rates in the US. Every single time. These white guys are terrified of becoming a minority because they’re terrified of being mistreated in the same manner that they mistreat minorities now.

It’s game over, bitches. I’m leaving america, I’ve got skills that can be quite useful in the rising world, there’s nothing worth living here for anyeway, least of all you ungrateful slags.

Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
-graffiti in Pompeii

Lol nothing has changed in these hundreds of years for incels.

Good luck leaving the country though since nobody will take Americans right now due to covid.

4 years ago

I’m kind of stuck at the part where people put caviar on their bagels.

4 years ago


Seriously? Trumpers moving to Mexico of all places?

Yup. There are a few who seem to want to move to Canada too. Because the right wing is incapable of an original idea, they must have overhead some Democrats in 2016 talking about that and are now just parroting it back without thinking about what it would mean for them. This is of course setting aside the fact that neither Canada nor Mexico is letting in US travelers right now because of Trump’s failure to manage the pandemic here.


These white guys are terrified of becoming a minority because they’re terrified of being mistreated in the same manner that they mistreat minorities now.

Or, in meme form:
comment image

As a Jewish person I don’t like the idea because bagels are traditionally a Jewish food and caviar (or, at least, beluga sturgeon caviar) is not kosher, so it seems like a faux pas. Like making a BLT with challah or a Philly cheesesteak on matzo.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Prith k'Dar
Prith k'Dar
4 years ago

“Deracinate” is a word in English, meaning to “uproot or displace (usually people, not, like, plants), so I think you can rest easy that he’s not Canadian. But the way he used it, I suspect he thinks it means race-mixing until there are no distinguishable races, i.e., getting rid of racial boundaries. I’m sure he doesn’t realize that’s always been the way things are, and those boundaries are entirely made-up.

I did get a chuckle out of his surely deliberate combination of “well-bread” and “recipe for decline,” though he probably only used the latter because he thinks that’s how you spell the former.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I’m kind of stuck at the part where people put caviar on their bagels.

You don’t? Smoked salmon, small dollop of caviar, a drizzle of lemon, and a quick grind of green pepper. Heavenly.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

well bread Western man

Crepey PITA Refuses To Mate With Bagels

brains such as your are not good for anything

Tsk, such sloppy grammar. It’s “brains such as you’re”.

4 years ago

It’s an anti-semitic shibboleth.

4 years ago

@Naglfar: As a Canuck, I was fully ready to accept anti-Trump refugees in my country (also, there was a huge migration of French Canadians to mostly New England in the late 19th century – we overall lost something like 1/3-1/2 of our populations because the fucking cassocks (in collaboration with the landed elite of Francophone landowners and British businessmen) kept the mostly Catholic populace in a state of enforced feudalistic agrarianism and Prodigious Breeding(tm) even by the standards of the time, to say nothing of Acadian descendents, so in many cases we French Canadians would be basically welcoming back lost brethren). I am most definitely NOT willing to extend the same courtesy to MAGAheads, we already have far too many crypto-Nazis (and open Nazis too) as it is.

Also, I’ve seen it before, but that is definitely my favorite iteration of the Condescending Wonka meme. Finally, pardon my non-Jewishness but I am quite intrigued by caviar on bagels; and is there another type(s) of roe that’s considered kosher?

@Threp: Wow, that does sound rather exquisite; got anything less expensive than beluga caviar that would work, though? 100$ a gram (give or take) is a bit much for my lowest-income-tax-bracket wallet.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


I’m giggling now 😀 . Lumpfish roe works just fine, and is about £2.50 per 100g. Salmon roe also works, but swap out the green pepper for red or white.

4 years ago

Goodness gracious, can you imagine being this angry and miserable? 

He was greatly offended by people dancing. Dancing. Like heathens. People were having fun and experiencing joy and it was terrible!

4 years ago

@LindsayIrene: Also note that he likely considers being a heathen (no idea if he just means old European pagan religions, or also includes others from elsewhere including some still active today like Hindus and Buddhists, or even includes unbelievers in the mix) to be a Bad Thing, which is a millenia-old red flag for butthurt Abrahamites the world over, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim.

@Threp: I’ll try and see if I can find that in my local grocery stores, and I’l check if we still have a specialized fish shop near my home.

Last edited 4 years ago by Paireon
Margaret Pless
Margaret Pless
4 years ago

Question: Do people write these comments on purpose in the hopes David will showcase them in a post?

4 years ago

About deracinating, the rule of thumb is that if someone vaguely likely to be far right use a word you never have seen before, it’s probably an euphemism or code word for something super racist. At the current stage, white supremacists still very often need to disguise the most extreme part of their doctrines. (it work for other non socially supported extremism too, but it’s most often seen on white supremacist simply because they have a lot of social status to lose if they are careless)

The french word is most often used for people who are forced to grow far from either their family or their birthplace. Pied-noirs (white peoples who were evacuated from Algeria and Tunisia during decolonization, as well as their descendants) are a big user of that word, which actually make sense for the original one, but is a bit ridiculous for the second and third generation, among which there are some who feel cheated out of their birthright. Feel familiar ?

4 years ago

@Ohlmann: Can confirm. It’s seen similar uses here in Quebec, although sometimes in less racist context (like when First Nations/Native Americans very justifiably use it, or Acadians, due to the Great Derangement i.e. expulsion of the Acadians).

4 years ago

You dance in the streets like heathens when Biden wins…

Try as I might, I cannot imagine these fellows doing a dignified Pavan or Almain instead. Even a waltz seems a bit far-fetched for them. So how, exactly, would they dance, I wonder?

It’s almost like anything people might do to celebrate the Carrion King’s deposition would be considered “heathen” to them.

4 years ago

China-lead takeover

China does mine a fair amount of lead-bearing minerals, I believe, but Australia has far larger reserves.

(It’s “led”, not “lead”, you semi-literate spunk trumpet)

4 years ago

Hello David, this has nothing to do with the above article, but.
I’ve Heard of that Thing where some TV person cited his reason for not believing Biden won legitimately as “He Didn’t even really campaign”. The idea that how much time and Money goes into an election campaign should directly correspond to how likely winning is Like a vending Machine, reminds me A LOT of Guys who Wonder/complain that spending Money on a Woman and performing chivalry/niceguyhood, does Not automatically entitle them to Sex and/or attention. Yet somehow No one (that I’ve come across) has Pointed Out that parallel yet which confuses me a little. It’s literally about how voters, Just Like women-who-are-open-to-dating-men, have agency and reasons.

4 years ago


I find it almost amusing that these racist sociopaths screeched about wanting a White ethnostate and when they failed to get it, they simply said they would relocate to a country with more brown people.


We overthrew the illegitimate president Manuel Merino. It took us a week of back to back protesting. If anything I really don’t want to hear the dirtbag left trying to Whitesplain fascism or grassroots movements to us. The police has been shooting to kill and we don’t have access to assault weapons, and we still overwhelmed the fucks and all their riot gear.

Now we are trying to hold each and everyone responsible for these murders accountable. There is another national march programmed for tomorrow.

4 years ago

@Klaara : I do find your analysis interesting. It’s indeed in line with how misogynists declare themselves cheated out of sex when their date don’t follow up the dinner with intimate action, and there’s also parallels with peoples who feel like they should have more responsibility or a raise just because they have X year of experience.

Popular entertainements, chiefly videogames but also movies and books, do sell the notion that you “just” need to put enough effort toward a task to accomplish it ; they rarely acknowledge luck or adaptation to the situation. It’s essentially what the average romantic comedy is about, someone putting effort toward their “goal” until it’s met.