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Incels have a curious double standard when it comes to virginity. They view their own virginity as both a cause and a symbol of ultimate failure and deprivation, proof that they’re inherently worthless in the sexual marketplace and possibly in life itself.
But when it comes to girls and women, incels see their virginity as the only thing about them that makes them valuable. And when they lose it, they lose all value. “[W]hen a foid has sex with another man she’s broken for good,” writes one commenter on Incels.co in a recent discussion. “[S]he’ll always remember chad’s cock and she’ll never be satisfied with you.”
But the weird thing is that it isn’t just these hypothetical non-virgin “foids” who are preoccupied with Chad’s cock. The incels seem positively obsessed with it — and with the sperm it supposedly dispenses in large quantities. As I’ve noted before, incels seem to spend more time thinking about other men’s semen than a director of bukkake videos does on a busy day on the set.
In am Incels.co thread titled “How can cucks love a non virgin girl?” an incel called Braindamage indulges in a weird paranoid fantasy involving rather a lot of other men’s semen.
“Its so insane to me,” he writes,
that a man can pretend he loves a girl that have had tons of sex, getting every holed filled with someone elses semen, getting her holes stretced out by another man and having threesome with many dudes filling every hole and filling them with sperm, probably spitting on her face and choking her since girls love that. Just fucking lol and then she will pretend she loves him if she actually loved him she would not do anything of this disgusting shit just for “pleasure”. She will think about those memories when she is with her new cuck.
She enjoyed getting her holes filled by another hard dick and then she will love you
dont worry buddy boyos its completely normal but dont get [s]hocked when sperm will drip from her evertime she moves.
Dude’s been watching way too many “creampie” videos.
Even aside from the fact that women aren’t out there walking around in public with sperm dripping from them, the logic here is ludicrous. When you have sex with someone, does it matter that they may have had sex with one, or ten or even a hundred people before you? I mean, we don’t use this logic in other situations in life. When you hug someone, do you worry that they may have hugged someone before? When you talk to someone do you get mad about all the people they’ve talked to before? When you sit in a chair do you worry about all the people who’ve sat in that chair before you?
Dudes, unless you’re literally hiding in the closet watching them go at it, you’re not being “cucked” by your girlfriend’s previous partners.
It’s that, when they refuse to listen to their hypothetical partner and are awful in bed as a result, they can console themselves by thinking “Chad was too good, she’s ruined!”
I once lived in a house that had a separate WC, and the toilet may indeed have had a high tank and a chain, I can’t quite remember. (It was an old house. We could only plug in our electronics in one particular room that had had the wiring upgraded recently enough to accept three-prong plugs. There were rooms we had to close off during the winter or use as extra refrigerator space. It was the closest I’ve ever come to living in a run-down country manor house in a 1920s novel. My friend and housemate being a queer academic with a taste for vintage menswear didn’t exactly hurt the Bloomsbury-set vibe either.)
@ .45
Well first off, a lot of them think things like oral sex on either partner, spanking, hair pulling, grinding, anal sex, fingering, group sex, causal sex, male penetration, and hickies are deviant, degenerate and disgusting sexual behavior so right off the bat i can tell you they all lack imagination are afraid of pleasure.
This same dynamic applies to the incel version of misogyny: that women (and chads) have stolen the pleasure that should be the incels.
Also, in Linda Williams’ Hard Core, she talks about how the ubiquitous “money shot” of the man ejaculating on the woman’s body or face as the climax of the scene represents the abundance the male viewer feels he lacks.
In addition to what Lainy said, I’d add that incels also absolutely loathe any and all potential partners, which means that sex will not be pleasant. They also hate themselves and make no secret of it, so that has an impact too.
Tell me what an idiot I am guys. I’m sick with the plague, and right now driving around the city I live with my uncle (he’s in a different car). Looking for my cousins car her meth head addicted boyfriend lost last night because he got so blitz out of his mind, got in a fight with some other dudes. they pulled him out of the car. He’s walking around in the middle of the nights on a weak night in the fucking cold in just his underwear. two kind homeless women gave him some clothes so he didn’t freeze to death, he got arrested trying to get into a car that wasn’t my cousin but he thought it was. Now he’s sobering up for the day and I’m out here in the cold looking for this fucking car because I’m the only one who actually lives in this city!
I think my aunt and uncle are going to be saints when they die because they put up with all of this shit my cousin gets into. At this point, if my cousin didn’t have kids and my uncle hadn’t asked me for help, I would have told her to find someone else to help her find it because I’m just so done right now
Okay rant over.
yeah not to mention that even if you are a person that likes really gentle, slow vanilla sex you still have to actually like yourself and your partner for that sex to be good and have an imagination to like to change positions, pillow/ dirty talk if their into that, finding out what things feel the best for each other. Incels basically just want to masturbate with someone else body, like how you would use a flesh light.
To them “chad” is basically any guy that has at least one woman that likes to have sex with them because “chad” at the very least cared about his partner feeling good during sex.
@ lainy
Sorry to hear about your car quest woes. I empathise; done something similar on past occasions. (“OK, where was the last place you remember having it?”)
But was just dropping a line to say Happy Marine Birthday for your chappie.
I’m sorry you had to go through all that with your cousin. Hope you feel better soon.
Yes, but I think for incels it is completely about status and power. They don’t want to have orgasms, they want to have power over women. They want to level up in the status system toxic masculinity creates.
Which is why they’re not interested in sex with sex workers, not that they should be inflicted on sex workers regardless. It’s not sex in particular that they want, it’s the status (such as it is) of sex-haver.
Heh. My questioning of Incels being so certain they will be lousy in bed was more or less a rhetorical “Why are you so determined to be pathetic?” However, I like the responses, so that’s something. ;D
Incels generally seem to have this extremely superficial and immature, one might say theoretical approach to sex. It’s like, all perfectly rigid Chads penetrating non-elastic roasties on a frictionless surface. It doesn’t sound like someone who’s mature enough to even desire partnered sex, let alone function in a relationship.
Hard to say how much of it is their real selves, and how much is performative edginess/misogyny/nihilism brought out to entertain/dominate/abuse other members of the incel community. For example, they probably don’t literally believe that non-virgin women’s bodies are permanently sticky with former partners’ semen, but they just want to express it like that, in desperate search of language that would properly convey a sense of extreme disgust (real or feigned) at “used” women’s metaphysical impurity. It’s all rhetorics, and realism or consistency simply aren’t high priorities.
It stands to reason that most of them have no experience with partnered sex – though some supposedly do have that experience. Supposedly most of them are adults (or close enough) who at least believe they need to having sex already. Supposedly, they have long experience with masturbation and a motivation explore solo sensuality, but it doesn’t sound much like that.
When I was young and (for a long time) too immature for sex, I had plenty of wank fantasies and general curiosity about sex, but I intuitively felt that seeking partners could wait. By the time I started to desire partnered sex, I was still quite awkward socially, but began thinking of sex as a form of intimacy and exploration, more or less. That was also when I first started worrying about my ability of attract partners, or function in a relationship.
I’d guess it’s because they are simultaneously convinced that they’re inferior but also deserving of only the best of everything. It’s a weird inversion of the typical fascist doublethink that “[insert scapegoat] is both weak and easily destroyed but also controls the world.”
I think when it starts it’s performative action to fit in, but when they constantly repeat and reinforce these ideas to themselves they start to believe them. Judging by how some go on terrorist rampages and obsess over all of it as a justification, I’d say there are probably a significant number of true believers.
If anyone needs a chuckle, some white guy Republican politician from PA was caught trying to sock as a black gay Trumper but he forgot to sign out of his main account.
Very Scott Adams of him!
Oops. Reminds me of that time Stefan Molyneux tried to pretend to be a young girl who loves his videos.
Assume a spherical vagina in a vacuum …
This seems to be true of conservatives’ ravings more generally.
@alan, thank you
Right now all I’m trying to do is not die. It’s going about as well as expected
> Crip Dyke
Would not it be better if reversed as “the Constructionist Strict” (do not know if possible in english) ? Which made Alan the Constructionist Strict, or in short, Alan the Constrictor ?
Don’t get shocked, guys, but the truth is that sperm is invisible. Also, it doesn’t drip.
@occasional reader
In English adjectives are typically placed before nouns, so the former would be rather unusual grammar. And a constrictor means something which increases pressure, such as a boa constrictor.
… I hate being choked during sex, and so do all my girl friends. It’s one of the things people should ask before doing. Just like coming on the inside. Just saying.
Logically, if the cistern was higher, wouldn’t you need less water to flush? So maybe we’ll go back to high citerns and therefore chains to pull.
@Sheila Crosby
It’s possible, but I don’t think it makes a tremendous difference. None of the low water usage toilets I’ve seen had high cisterns, so I don’t know what effect it would have.
@Lumipuna, Naglfar:
To use one of my favourite Kurt Vonnegut quotes:”We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@Sheila Crosby, Naglfar:
Most of the modern low-flush toilets have some other way of achieving the extra pressure, though. One that I’ve seen has a little rocking tray at the top of the tank and just drops the water down so by the time it gets to the bowl it’s been in freefall for a brief time and is moving faster.
I’ve ranted before that the reason so many people have poor opinions of low-flush toilets is that fundamentally there are two different ways of creating a low-flush toilet: the first is to take the previous standard toilet and just put baffles inside to reduce the effective size of the tank; the second is to actually redesign things to achieve the same flow with less water (and there are multiple designs for that). The first is cheaper, the second is reliable. When a contractor building new houses is handed a law that says they must install a low-flush toilet, but never has to deal with the people who actually own the house, which do you think they’re going to choose, the cheap one or the reliable one? The cheap one, of course, and thus most people’s first experience with toilets marked as ‘low flush’ ones were ones that didn’t really work very well.
@Jenora Feuer:
Surely not? Or else I would be a 5’11 genderfluid expert swordsbeing and intergalactic bounty hunter armed with the Triforce of Courage and a Chozo Power Suit by now.
I can’t help you with the height and space warfare stuff, but a bit of advice: if you find yourself wishing you were a certain gender identity, that’s quite likely a sign that you are that gender.