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Incels have a curious double standard when it comes to virginity. They view their own virginity as both a cause and a symbol of ultimate failure and deprivation, proof that they’re inherently worthless in the sexual marketplace and possibly in life itself.
But when it comes to girls and women, incels see their virginity as the only thing about them that makes them valuable. And when they lose it, they lose all value. “[W]hen a foid has sex with another man she’s broken for good,” writes one commenter on Incels.co in a recent discussion. “[S]he’ll always remember chad’s cock and she’ll never be satisfied with you.”
But the weird thing is that it isn’t just these hypothetical non-virgin “foids” who are preoccupied with Chad’s cock. The incels seem positively obsessed with it — and with the sperm it supposedly dispenses in large quantities. As I’ve noted before, incels seem to spend more time thinking about other men’s semen than a director of bukkake videos does on a busy day on the set.
In am Incels.co thread titled “How can cucks love a non virgin girl?” an incel called Braindamage indulges in a weird paranoid fantasy involving rather a lot of other men’s semen.
“Its so insane to me,” he writes,
that a man can pretend he loves a girl that have had tons of sex, getting every holed filled with someone elses semen, getting her holes stretced out by another man and having threesome with many dudes filling every hole and filling them with sperm, probably spitting on her face and choking her since girls love that. Just fucking lol and then she will pretend she loves him if she actually loved him she would not do anything of this disgusting shit just for “pleasure”. She will think about those memories when she is with her new cuck.
She enjoyed getting her holes filled by another hard dick and then she will love you
dont worry buddy boyos its completely normal but dont get [s]hocked when sperm will drip from her evertime she moves.
Dude’s been watching way too many “creampie” videos.
Even aside from the fact that women aren’t out there walking around in public with sperm dripping from them, the logic here is ludicrous. When you have sex with someone, does it matter that they may have had sex with one, or ten or even a hundred people before you? I mean, we don’t use this logic in other situations in life. When you hug someone, do you worry that they may have hugged someone before? When you talk to someone do you get mad about all the people they’ve talked to before? When you sit in a chair do you worry about all the people who’ve sat in that chair before you?
Dudes, unless you’re literally hiding in the closet watching them go at it, you’re not being “cucked” by your girlfriend’s previous partners.
I’m no mathematician, but wouldn’t that be two dudes?
These guys sound like they’re afraid of mixing the peas with the mashed potatoes.
Dude needs to lay off the porn.
This is a weird gotcha (I think?)
Do they think this actually happens? I know they’ve never had sex, but even before I had sex I never thought that it meant semen dripping out of orifices forever.
Wait. Do they believe the old myth that breastmilk is somehow made from semen? Given how they think of semen, they might.
Given how insecure incels are, they probably do.
Normally I wouldn’t, but given that there is a pandemic I would probably wipe down the chair before sitting if I didn’t know who had been in it.
@Alan Robertshaw
Maybe it’s many subsequent threesomes with different guys? That’s how I read it.
@ naglfar
He said ‘threesome’ singular; and I’m a strict constructionist.
Prissy sod, isn’t he?
(Got the giggles at the thought of his reaction to an actual threesome … )
Every time I see an incel or MRA or adjacent say this, it scares me. They are far more likely to listen to each other than even the woman they happen to be sleeping with, I really wish we could stop the spread of this shit. Yes, I know some women do actually like being choked and I’m not judging that but this allows these assholes excuses to do whatever they want.
Every hole? Look, buddy, if I walk out of a bedroom dripping semen from my nose and ears, something has gone terribly wrong.
Not as wrong as it would have gone for the balls of a guy who tries spitting in my face and choking me though…
This. I personally am terrified of being choked in any context, sexual or not, and the idea that all women want this just makes me nervous. And at least part of why I don’t consume porn or erotica is that this kind of thing is in so much of it without warning and it’s not something I want to see.
“Don’t worry, buddy boyos, it’s completely normal for women to spew semen every 70 minutes, like clockwork. That’s why we call them ‘Old Unfaithful’.”
SHOEBURYNESS (n.) The vague uncomfortable feeling you get when sitting on a seat which is still warm from somebody else’s bottom. (Douglas Adams)
Eww! I hate that! Not as much on a chair or couch or whatever, but putting my naked butt on a toilet seat that still has someone else’s butt heat? Nope! Nope! Nope!
There’s a charming phrase people use in the north as they pass someone exiting a lavatory.
“If the chain’s still swinging, the seat’s still warm.”
And do lavatories still even have chains anymore?
@Alan Robertshaw
Here in America I haven’t seen any that do outside of museums or historic buildings (in which case people probably weren’t using them). Maybe elsewhere they do, but not in any of the places I’ve visited.
Edit: Even though I hadn’t seen this, apparently you can still buy chain toilets with high tanks. This appears to mainly be for nostalgia above all else.
Fellas, is it gay to be obsessed with other men’s semen?
Actually, from a health perspective it kinda does. More partners means more chances for STIs. I’d want to know if all partners practiced safer sex.
Other than that, no, it doesn’t matter.
what is it with incels fear of like bdsm type sex? I see this all the time when they post something, even like the not intense “rough”sex stuff like spanking, hair pulling, hell even scratching down someone’s back really sets them off? Like I’m not sure what they are actually expecting a women to do during sex. Like what does there dream girl do in sex?
Excuse me? what old myth?
in his book boy Roald Dhal writes about older boys at his boarding school using the first years as seat warmers for the cold loos
I’d guess it’s that they don’t understand consent so BDSM is a bit outside their grasp. Also that they don’t like the idea of women doing anything with the fictional Chad.
In a lot of cultures historically it was believed that the semen used to conceive a child became breastmilk to feed the child after the pregnancy. As a result, some older anatomical diagrams of humans before modern medicine (hundreds of years ago) showed special ducts leading from the vagina to nipples. These obviously do not exist.
I recall reading that book when I was younger. Interesting book even though Dahl was a somewhat problematic person.
You know, dudes, it’s 2020. You can go out & get some of that Chad cock yourself, if it’s so enchanting.
Yeah, really upset about the idea of putting semen in a baby’s mouth.
That is a disturbing mental image. Fortunately today AFAIK very few seem to still believe this idea. I wouldn’t put it past the manosphere, though.
Yeah a lot of idiots seem to think about that. Not the same thing but i hear arguments about breast feeding in public because the female nipple is apparently comparable to an erected adult penis according to some guys. When you point out a mother nipple is meant to go into a babies mouth to feed them and a man’s penis is not meant to go into a baby’s mouth, they suddenly don’t have anything to say about that.
Interesting to me how Chad’s penis and lovemaking is always better than any Incel’s. In other words, why are Incels so certain they will be horrible in bed?
@Shoeburyness discussion
Sooooo… I’m guessing that hot-racking is not a thing you guys would consider? 😀
Oh, so funny on so many levels! I’m just gonna call you “Alan ‘the Strict Constructionist’ Robertshaw” from now on.
Normally I’d say ‘self-awareness’, but these are still incels…