I want to thank everyone who has donated, some quite generously, during this pledge drive so far. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough of you (yet); I’m less than half the way to my goal.
You can help to change that by clicking the button below (even if you don’t have a PayPal account).
You can also find me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I know that some of you have been hit hard by the pandemic and can’t afford to give now. But if you’re doing ok and can possibly swing a donation, I sure would appreciate it. If everyone reading this blog on a regular basis just send along a couple of bucks, it would easily put this pledge drive over the top.
Your donations keep this blog (and me) going, providing unique and independent coverage of the misogynistic backlash that underpins so much that is wrong in our culture and our politics today. And I do this with an intact sense of humor — and without ads and hectoring popups.
Despite its subject matter, this blog is a labor of love for me, and I’m grateful it’s become part of so many people’s daily life. Let’s keep this good thing going.
Thanks again!
Your work means a lot to me and many other people. Thanks for what you do. Hope my small contribution helps.
Sent a little something your way. Thanks for the bunny.
Long time reader, your site means the world to me. I’m already a donor but I threw more your way. This work is important. Big hugs and lots of love
Sent some your way, hope it helps
I have given to previous pledge drives but this time round I’m too tight on cash. Sorry David. I really hope you get what you need.
I’ve donated a little more. I hope, in this time of trouble and economic uncertainty, you’re able to reach your goal.
I recently wrote on how Paypal wants me to download a photo (apparently) of an ID document to confirm my name and birth date. After a while, I got into contact with a support person (still difficult to get straight answers to specific questions, though).
They claim it’s related to KYC legislation (and possibly only relevant here in Europe?):
I’m still inclined to abandon the account, rather than comply.
@Lumipuna : I think I would abandon the account. AFAIK, we aren’t required to do that in the US.
It seems redundant and super fishy, to me. I already have a valid credit card, the information is uploaded into PayPal, why should anything else be required?
I mentioned your delimma to my spouse. His response: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
I know nothing about KYC laws, but if this hasn’t happened before I’d say to take your info out of the account and make a new one.
So it seems Biden has officially won the election.
I’m not sure whether to be pleased that this means no more Trump, or worried that we’re now going to be stuck with another disappointing centrist who I suspect will carry out many of Trump’s policies (ICE, lack of a Green New Deal, no M4A) in a more subtle, “civil” manner.
I’m cautiously optimistic about the next few years. At the very least, Trump will no longer be in charge of the nukes.
Well… first, we be thankful that we’re no longer facing an openly hostile executive branch. Next, we use the lack of immediate open hostility to push real progressive changes through BLM, putting ICE in restraint (abolishment would be ideal, but is unlikely), finding the kids’ families and setting them free, etc and getting anti-LGBT/anti-woman policies overturned. This will either turn into open hostility (showing their true face) OR we’ll get some good work done, possibly a bit of both.
That being said, expect some serious protests from gun-toting right wingnuts who are convinced the sky is falling. “Your feelings don’t matter” only applies to people who aren’t right wing, apparently.
A quick survey of some european paypal account holders suggests that they’ve never needed to do such a thing. Probably you’ve been caught up in some odd automatic fraud detection system.
Shame there aren’t many good alternatives.
@David though it probably won’t make much of a difference to your bottom line, have you considered anything like Patreon or Liberapay? The former is quite popular after all, and the latter doesn’t take a cut of the transaction.
This is obviously not nearly as big a deal as what you’re dealing with, Lumipuna, because at least I’m still able to use the service, but I can’t get PayPal to update my name even after sending them my marriage certificate (at their request). I think they asked me for my driver’s licence and a bunch of stuff too when my initial application was rejected, and I just never bothered. One might think they would be happy to have the account name match the name on the credit card, but one would be wrong.
I’ve heard it’s way harder to change your account name as a trans person than in pretty much any other instance, which is particularly awful.
tl;dr PayPal sucks. It’s unfortunate that it’s the only practical option in a lot of instances.
Interesting. This issue came up three months after I started the account. Skimming the rules, it seems I could have another PP account related to my bank account, but not a third one, if the problem recurs. Or maybe that’s just a limit on simultaneously active PP accounts?
I just wanted a near-universal payment method for occasional donations and hobby shopping. I don’t want to share my debit card everywhere, and I don’t want to manage a separate credit card for rare non-essential use. I don’t want to study different online payment technologies at length. If there’s a payment dealer that’s secure and cost efficient but not universal, I don’t really need it.
I agree, that’s why I prefer using services like Venmo or Apple Pay where possible.
I managed to chip in a little.
Hey David – just to let you know, I will be donating. Just been a wildly busy few days! But I promise I’ll get onto it as the work you do means a lot to me too.
I have put a drop in the bucket. I’ll donate more later, since my renter will be working again soon, hallelujah! But I will have to pay the new, improved* property taxes on that house** first. *sigh*
*not an improvement for me, for the house itself and the state, though
**the one I inherited from my dad, we didn’t go out and buy a house as an investment just because