open thread trump

It’s here: Election Day Open Thread

Let’s get this dude out of the White House and into prison

It’s here.

Discuss. Here’s a question to start out with, maybe: Are you a bundle of nerves? Because I’m a bundle of nerves.

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Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
4 years ago

I voted for Biden/Harris even though neither one was my first choice in the primary but we can’t afford another four years of Donald trump, his incompetent and corrupt cabinet picks and federal judges, or the loud-mouthed bullies who support him. It’s disgusting and sad how many people are still voting for him even though he admitted to LYING about the pandemic and has been endorsed by the Taliban.

4 years ago

Number me among the innumerable hoping for the better, and wishing USAnian Mammotheers well. May you scupper the trumpets, and with them our own UKnian trumpet-wannabes.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
4 years ago

Seeing the footage of boarded-up shops and a walled-off White House has been horrific. Wishing you folks all the best; please stay safe!

Black Rose
Black Rose
4 years ago

I can’t even begin to describe my anxiety level. I don’t know how I’m going to get any sleep tonight. It doesn’t help that my workplace is staffed almost exclusively with Trumpers, so no matter what I’ll hear ridiculous BS.

4 years ago

I don’t live in America any more, so I can’t vote, but to everyone who can- good luck and stay safe!

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Four years ago I was chatting with Mammotheers when I found out that Trump could win. My heart stopped. My world stopped. I had to be the one to break the news to my boyfriend. It’s been four dangerous years. Mammotheers, win or lose, we’ll make this world a better place.

4 years ago


I voted for Biden/Harris even though neither one was my first choice in the primary but we can’t afford another four years of Donald trump, his incompetent and corrupt cabinet picks and federal judges, or the loud-mouthed bullies who support him.

Same here. I backed Warren in the primary, then switched my support to Sanders after she dropped out, but I know now that Biden is the only hope of ending Trump’s time in office.

Reminder that we probably won’t know who won on election night and that Trump will try to claim victory long before all the ballots are counted. FiveThirtyEight gives final odds of 89% Biden, 10% Trump, which is significantly better than the 71% they gave Hillary on Election Day 2016.

4 years ago

Due to my timezone, both US election results and new WHTM posts typically come out while I sleep. This blog was the first thing I checked on (as usually) that Wednesday morning in 2016. I’ll do the same again tomorrow, even knowing the result likely won’t be done yet. Should be better discourse here than on mainstream news outlets.

That Wednesday morning in 2016 we had thick fluffy first snow on the ground. Now the weather is unseasonally warm and occasionally even sunny.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
4 years ago

I am so anxious, and i am not even American. But whatever happens is going to have such an effect on the rest of the world… aaaahhhhhh

Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
4 years ago

I hope Biden/Harris wins, but I’m also aware it’s not gonna be pretty no matter the outcome. Trumplings absolutely will make a scene, whether it’s out of vindication or sore-loser vengeance.

4 years ago

I was just listening to the Young Turks, and Ana Kasperian recommended a website – Basically, it’s a rundown of how to know if a coup is taking place, and what to do if it does. It provides historical examples of coups in other countries. I don’t have time to read it in its entirety now, but I believe it to be legitimate, and wanted to pass it on.

Thank you to all the international well wishers. It really boosts my morale.

I voted first thing this AM.

4 years ago

I’m going to be very high for the foreseeable future.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

I’m safe in Spain but I’m worried. Not so much about the actual votes as whatever the hell Trump’s going to try to pull and whatever the Trumpsters are going to do.

Here is an emtional support cat for anyone who’d like to borrow her

4 years ago

I expected to be completely nonfunctional today, but seem to be numb enough to mostly function? So that’s kind of nice. Sometimes dissociation is useful I guess.

Still going to remember not to eat any favorite foods today though. I made that mistake the day of the Massachusetts Q3 vote back in 2018, and… let’s just say that what I had for dinner that day is no longer a favorite, or even something my body can tolerate.

Last edited 4 years ago by Cyborgette
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I went to bed cautiously optimistic and woke up a wreck. The good news is, if Biden holds on to all the states Clinton won and adds Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden wins. He doesn’t need Florida and Ohio. But FL and OH will have their votes counted before PA, so even though it looks pretty good for Biden in those 3 states, it could still be hellish waiting. On the plus side, if Biden picks off FL or OH, it’d be next to impossible for Trump to win.

Either way, I expect a lot of fuckery from the Trump camp.

Can I just say, fuck the electoral college though.

4 years ago

Good luck lovely USA-ers! Fingers and toes crossed Trump is chucked out.

4 years ago


The good news is, if Biden holds on to all the states Clinton won and adds Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden wins. He doesn’t need Florida and Ohio. But FL and OH will have their votes counted before PA, so even though it looks pretty good for Biden in those 3 states, it could still be hellish waiting. On the plus side, if Biden picks off FL or OH, it’d be next to impossible for Trump to win.Either way, I expect a lot of fuckery from the Trump camp.

That’s my fear, that Trump will have a lead before mail-ins are counted (many states allow them to arrive days after election day if they were postmarked before) and will declare victory. If he can’t halt the counting of ballots, he’ll at least try to rile his supporters to be violent. Swing state residents should be very careful.

4 years ago

Well I could barely sleep last night and have felt nauseous all day. How are you all doing?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
4 years ago

Aight, Murrica, let’s try this one mo gain

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Work is keeping me crazy busy, but Mr. Parasol and I voted early. If it turns out we flipped Texas blue, I’ll be happier ‘n a hen on a junebug.

4 years ago

FiveThirtyEight says you’ve got 39% odds, so definitely possible. If Texas goes blue, it will go to show how bad Trump is for his own party if he cost them a Republican stronghold.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I am … surprisingly chill. I’m working today (from home, even though I usually go in on Tuesdays) so I’m keeping pretty busy and not watching any news coverage. It’s like any other Tuesday for me right now, although I’m sure things will change after I clock out.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
4 years ago

Standing in line, waiting for my thin dime…er, vote. Line’s longer than it usually is at this time of day (3:30p) on Election Day, while the early voting in this state (Indiana) broke a few records for the sheer number of folks just doing it. Also it’s moving fairly quick, so hopefully I’ll be done with it soon.

Though whether this election will stop folks from claiming Covid will be gone by tomorrow at the latest (because it’ll have fulfilled its political purpose by the end of today), and stop decrying the evils of Socialism (like cancer patients in Canada dying in droves and droves because the wait to see a doctor there Is soooooo long they can’t see the doctor in time, or that Socialists mismanaged the Venezuela economy so badly they turned it from one of the richest countries in South America to one where the starving people had to eat the zoo animals to survive), remains to be seen.

*crosses fingers and toes to make sure Trump gets fired tonight*

4 years ago

Thinking of everyone in the US – best of wishes to you all.

4 years ago

I am so anxious, and i am not even American. But whatever happens is going to have such an effect on the rest of the world… aaaahhhhhh

@Rhuu – I feel similarly. I’m in Scotland and feeling anxious.

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