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On this election day eve, 4chan’s /pol/ board is awash in Trumpmania, with the president’s fans calling on fellow anons to do everything they possibly can to support their beloved leader.
“I FUCKING MEAN IT, POL!” shouts one anon.
Still another anon takes it one step further:
TRUMP win babay!!!
…lord Jesus Christ, we know you are the only son of God.
And here Lord, we remain in your service.
ALL we saints in battle, the banners of your army, your messenger Kek.
AmenK E K
But not everyone on /pol/ is a Trumpist. One anon has a suggestion for a write-in vote:
If you write in N*gger the poll workers are required to write it on the 4 canvass statements in the write in area and one gets posted on the door of the building, often a school.
Not sure that is technically true.
And there are even a few anons who are voting Biden. Alas, they are also complete assholes. Take this angry anon who’s not exactly a fan of Trump or his supporters.
“You people are literally retarded cucks for thinking Trump gives a fuck about any of you uneducated f*ggots,” he begins, following up this dramatic intro with a giant wall of slur-ridden text.
You people are shooting yourselves in the foot on some bitch ass paranoid “BIG GOVERNMENT SCARY CRY CRY CRY” gay shit. … Trump is a fucking TV SHOW HOST You fucking f*ggot ass retards! He’s playing you all like a bunch of fucking bitch ass husbands letting a bull blow loads into your wife while you jack your shit in the corner and wait for opportunity to suck daddy trumps cum out.
Someone has been watching a lot of porn. Like, a lot.
It’s fuckin gay as hell.
Well, it’s certainly not everybody’s cup of tea, but it strikes me as a lot more heterosexual than it is gay.
It’s hard to watch people who use to be tough and do shit to stand up for people be revealed as a bunch of fucking pussies on their knees waiting to take a load in the mouth and that all the f*ggots on the left actually have more a spine and love for this country.
Someone is a little bit obsessed with male ejaculate, huh?
You people are fucking bitch made pussies and you have no LITERALLY NO right to say you represent my country.
The copy editor in my head changed that to “bitch-made pussies.”
You people are a bunch of weak willed cucks who would have died along the fucking oregon trail because you’d be too busy pissing your pants cause ERRR LIBTARD BAD WAAHHHHH.
It’s a little strange to bring Oregon Trail into it at this point but, hey, at least it’s better than a couple more slurs.
Grow the fuck up. This isn’t a TV show. This is real fucking life. Let the fucking adults run the show. Not a bunch of ad agencies. There’s a reason why people with education don’t vote for this f*ggot. because he’s fucking retarded and you fucking people are falling for it.
Yeah, yeah, we get it.
Fucking Qanon shit. Are you fucking serious?! How good Obama’s economy must have been to make the country so fucking financially secure that you f*ggots get to sit at your house and jack off to hentai and write thought pieces about how you’re so much better off than the tumblr all while a bunch of actual adults are taking care of the country for you to do so.
GOd help me if you f*ggots don’t vote for Biden tomorrow. You start letting the government crumble you beta f*ggots are going to be the fucking first to go. I promise you that. Vote Biden or you’re a f*ggot.
If we set aside the raging homophobia and ableism and toxic masculinity for a moment, I think he’s got a few good points buried in there. I mean, it’s true that Trump is a former game show host who has no idea what he’s doing. It’s true that Trump doesn’t give a shit about his supporters or, really, anyone who isn’t him. It’s true that QAnon is stupefyingly nonsensical. He might have a point with that Oregon Trail shit.
But I can’t imagine this blistering, slur-happy attack on Trump and his fans swaying any Trump votes. Calling someone a “f*ggot” is rarely going to win over any hearts or minds. Maybe if he repeats it a few dozen more times.
I’m pretty sure it isn’t true. That’s not how ballots work.
As for the Biden supporter here, I’ve never heard any Biden fans sound like this, so I’d imagine this is an alt-rightist cosplaying (poorly) at being a Biden fan.
Minus the homophobia and misogyny, that’s actually close to coherent.
I’ve heard Boomer liberals make homophobic jokes, but this doesn’t sound like them.
Yeah this doesn’t sound like a Biden fan.
Well, it might be more effective than Trump fans’ latest canvassing tactic that consists of blocking highways in New Jersey. Still homophobic garbage though.
Everyone on 4chan calls everyone else the f-slur. It’s literally a synonym for “person” over there. I’m not sure that someone who frequents 4chan is going to find it as offensive as a normal person would.
It would have been true in Pennsylvania,well at least before we got new machines after the 2016 election, anyway. All write in votes printed on the results tapes below the candidates on the ballot. You could see all the “Anybody but”s and “Mickey Mouse”s along with actual write in candidates names. I’m not sure how it works with the new machines.
@Policy of Madness – Yeah, I’ve seen that. It’s weird. I mean, I’ve also seen things where gay men were reclaiming that word, but it hardly seems cool to go throwing around something that potentially insulting at random.
I get that it’s part of the in-group “charm” – like, now I’m having flashbacks to college where I did that with friends by making sentences with imaginary words from LOTR/Finnegans Wake/Clockwork Orange/Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – but that seems, er, Mostly Harmless in comparison.
(okay, one CAN critique my desire to create an in-group illusion, or limiting the “imaginary language pool” to white masculine-coded works, or just that I was wasting time by being silly and avoiding homework…but it seems better than throwing around slurs)
…Gah, why am I wasting time now? Trying to avoid homework again, I guess. Seems to be a lifetime theme 😛
Another thing, though, I don’t get why the pro-Biden (?) ranter and lots, lots, lots, of others seem to think that sexual metaphors are so debasing. I mean, why’s there so much “ha ha ha, you’re metaphorically sucking s/o’s dick?” and such? …I’m guessing a mix of homophobia and gross-out humour, since it’s often from/to guys, but even then, why…?
One distinction between gay men reclaiming it and 4channers throwing it around is that when one reclaims a slur, one mainly uses it for oneself or friends. For instance, although I am not a gay man, I have somewhat reclaimed certain slurs for myself (not the f slur) but I never use them as insults because I’ve reclaimed them.
I think in addition to the homophobia there’s also a misogyny component. They see sucking someone’s dick, metaphorically or otherwise, as something for women to do for men. As such, they see it as debasing and emasculating.
OT fun facts
At a Trump rally the giant American flag collapsed while Trump was speaking.
At the same time at the Biden rally two Bald Eagles swooped in and soared majestically overhead.
Sounds like some one is trying to tell us something.
Not to mention, it’s wrong. They would have died along the fucking Oregon Trail because fucking dysentery. Or maybe by crashing during that fucking rafting section, but in my experience it’s usually been the fucking dysentery.
@epitome of incomprehensibility:
I see what you did there. 🙂
These are people who use sex to debase, rather than to elevate or just for pleasure.
This is a reminder of just how much misogyny, homophobia, toxic masculinity, and the like can be found among centrists and liberals and even parts of the left.
Oh, and could someone please tell me how we’re supposed to do nested quotes now? Even editing the source to manually do it doesn’t seem to work correctly for some reason. :/
You could have saved time by just saying “4chan is a bunch of huge raging assholes”. This is all typical 4chan-ese.
I’m sure President Trump appreciates the motherfucking energy from you and your online friends, Mr. Anon, and your “all of me,” other Mr. Anon.
Just don’t try to drop in on him. He’s in no mood for visitors right now. There’s a fence around the White House that’s supposed to be nonscalable. You might rip your pants. Maybe worse.
@an autistic giraffe
Well, Poseidon already seems to have endorsed Biden.
I think this might actually be a well-meaning liberal or even lefty trying to talk to the 4chan nazis in a language they understand. I’m not sure that it’s a good approach, but I find this quite possible.
Emotional support cat says hi.
@epitome of incomrepehensibility
I’m not at all saying it’s cool. I’m just saying that the target(s) of the rant are unlikely to find the term particularly offensive. It’s objectively offensive. Subjectively, from the perspective of the people who are going to read it, probably not so much.
@Policy of Madness – I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest you were justifying it. What you and @Leila said makes sense.