alpha males misogyny red pill

Red pilled alpha dude gets a job requiring empathy — and is terrified some of it will rub off on him

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Another crisis in the Ask the Red Pill subreddit.

Seems one Red Pill Alpha male has gotten the job of his dreams. And it’s worrying him to death.

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I finally managed to land a job working with children. Now, as a guy who’s 6’3” tall and jacked you’d be thinking this guy doesn’t even fit the stereotype. Yes, I agree with you cause most women would entertain a job like that. However, I actually enjoy working with children and I see it as a way of ‘passing the torch’ and I could do so by not submitting to a monogamous relationship.

Also, he adds, he is getting a masters in “this type of field,” which I presume is something like child development; ultimately, he hopes to get a job “working with children who are neurotypicals [or] who have learning disabilities such as adhd, dyslexia and so on.”

There’s just one little problem. He’s spent the past year or so training himself to be an “assertive and blunt” alpha male and, well, this doesn’t go down so well at his job:

[S]ince I’m working with children there is this change from being assertive and blunt in my personal life to this caring and validating figure with children. I tend to associate the latter with feminine qualities.

Uh oh.

[T]he philosophy of the workforce I’m in heavily encourages traits of empathy and understanding, which I can totally understand because it is a mental health clinic. … My identity is quite volatile at the moment, especially since I just recently landed this job and have to figure out how much I can transfer of what I learnt in red pill to the workplace environment. 

Just don’t try negging the children, dude.

In fact, why not leave all your Red Pill “education” at the door. Even better, leave it in the garbage, where it belongs, and focus on being a sincere, decent person not only with the children you work with but with the adults you meet at work and in the outside world as well.

That, of course, is not the advice he gets from the Red Pill squad. One commenter tells him to go ahead and smoke the empathy — just don’t inhale it.

“Don’t go too deep emotionally if you don’t want to, keep a distance,” writes helpmeverymuchthanks. “Also, note the 38th law of the 48 laws of power, Think as You Like, but Behave Like Others. Hope it gives you some insight.”

I guess fake empathy is the only kind of empathy allowed in the Red Pill world. What a healthy philosophy on which to base your life.

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Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
4 years ago


4 years ago

Jesus Christ! This guy WORKS WITH KIDS??!!

Srsly, those poor kids are screwed.

4 years ago

Get this man away from children. He should not be anywhere near a child. Or an adult, for that matter.

Now, as a guy who’s 6’3” tall and jacked

This self-description seems a bit…exaggerated.

I see it as a way of ‘passing the torch’

Does he mean filling their heads with red pill garbage? Sadly I think that’s what he means.

this caring and validating figure with children

This isn’t going to end well.

it is a mental health clinic

Wait…he’s working at a mental health clinic? Of all the places he could work, this is one of those where he has the most potential to cause harm.

keep a distance

How about keeping a distance by not working there?

the 48 laws of power

Is that the sequel to Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life?

Edit: I looked it up and it appears to be a book in a similar vein which has become very popular with prison inmates and celebrities while being heavily criticized by actual academics.

4 years ago

To this guy I would say:”Yes turn to the dark side, let empathy flow through you, use your love, your compassion.” Best of luck for him in his journey toward a healthier lifestyle and outlook to life. That’s how most tween douches end up anyway. They get a job, get a life, meet people and realise that there is a world beyond their penis and sexual frustration. Some, of course, never really change, but I would say they aren’t majority at all.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

There are 48 laws of power? Who even has the time?

Big Titty Demon’s One Law of Power: Be careful not to accidentally trample those with less power than you and try to help them get to your level if possible. There! Solved it! Only needed one law!

4 years ago

But remember the 208th Rule of Acquisition: “sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer”. This applies especially to answers obtained from Reddit.

4 years ago

This is just so sad. Such a missed opportunity for everyone.

Coily be praised
Coily be praised
4 years ago

I still am focused on the “6’3″ and jacked” part. I really want to see proof of this physical description, not that it really matters.
But yes, the important part is that “not being a dick” runs counter to the red pill way of thinking. Everyone knows that being a nice, caring human being is traditionally a FEMOID trait right?

4 years ago

The only law of power I follow is “With great power comes great responsibility.”

4 years ago

comment image

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
4 years ago

Oh fuck, I hope he’s a porter or janitor and not some kind of care giver or medical personnel…

4 years ago

I wonder how this person got sucked into the Red Pill BS, in the first place. Since he seems to be interested in the ‘helping’ professions, and psychology, it just seems odd to me.

Echoing other posters – those poor kids.

4 years ago


I wonder how this person got sucked into the Red Pill BS, in the first place. Since he seems to be interested in the ‘helping’ professions, and psychology, it just seems odd to me.

I’m guessing it’s because he has all the wrong reasons for getting into helping professions, like that he’s trying to spread red pill ideas. There was some guy a few years ago that we talked about like that, who wanted to work with old men because he thought he could get alpha ideas from old Chads.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

Echoing everyone else, those poor children!

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

Let’s not forget that a lot of those kids (unless he’s working in a gender-specific institution) are going to be girls; what torch does he plan to pass to them?

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

what torch does he plan to pass to them?

If I had to guess, I’d say he wants to tell them all about how they must be feminine, subservient, and docile. Patriarchal indoctrination starts young.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

I think it’s great when men, macho-looking or not, ignore stereotypes and go for jobs that people think are more for women.*

I just don’t think it’s good that this guy is doing so. He seems like a self-absorbed asshole and the Red Pill stuff is probably only making it worse. 🙁

*e.g. my dad’s a librarian – well, retired, as of this summer.

4 years ago

Fuck. This chilled the hell out of me reading it!

My identity is quite volatile at the moment, especially since I just recently landed this job and have to figure out how much I can transfer of what I learnt in red pill to the workplace environment.

I agree with @Naglfar, @Ginger and everyone else – get him AWAY FROM CHILDREN!

I’ve worked (and still do) in dozens of different types of social care settings – all the way from children to adults living with dementia – and this guy isn’t just a red pill, he’s a massive permanently honking neon siren of a red flag. Blimey heck.

Unfortunately one thing I have seen a fair bit of in the sector over here – and my partner has too, they work with children – is that sadly some people appear to be attracted to this type of work as they have power issues. And the worst thing is that these types allow them to play out both towards those they are meant to be supporting, and to the staff they work with.

I’ll be honest, I don’t have research to back this up, but it’s just an observation from years in the sector. Damn. Get him the hell out of there!