fatphobia incel genocide incels misogyny rape culture

Incel: Western women should be tried in the Hague for genocide against “manlets”

The International Court of Justice in the Hague

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Ladies! Has it ever occurred to you that your alleged lack of interest in having sex with short men is a form of genocide? I’m guessing not.

But one inventive incel, fueled by resentment and aided by an exceedingly expansive definition of genocide, has declared it so — and is demanding that women (or at least western women) should be tried in the Hague for their alleged acts of genocide.

As he sees it, by allegedly refusing en masse to have sex with short men, women are making it impossible for short men to reproduce and pass their genes along to future generations. They’re also causing these so-called manlets “serious … mental harm” by refusing to fuck them. And so these dastardly sex-denying women should be packed up and sent to the Hague to stand trial for their non-sex-having crimes against humanity — or at least those portions of humanity that are short and male and sexless.

“Women are not allowing manlets to procreate,” he declares.

They’ve set uniform height requirment for all sperm donors, so manlets can’t reproduce. Short women don’t like short guys, because they don’t want their kids to be short. Taller women hate short men and call for their death on twitter. The suicide rate is higher for short men As a result of all this europeans are getting taller and height at which one is considered manlet is rising…but they’ll prob say women have the right to choose so its okay…bla bla bla.

Apparently the right to say no to sex is hardly a basic human right at all. Who cares about the bodily autonomy of women when set against the sacred right of incel manlets to get sex from the woman of their choice? In the OP’s view, an incel’s sexual frustration outweighs the right of a woman to control what happens to her own body.

Most of the commenters agree with the OP here, with some suggesting that all women, not just western women, should be sent to the Hague. But a few raise awkward questions.

“Should I be dragged to the Hague for not fancying landwhales?” asks one not-entirely-involuntarily celibate commenter. Not that he doesn’t have what he sees as a good reason for his “no fatties” stance: “Fatties yield subhuman kids,” he writes in a followup comment. “I have science backing me up in court.”

The OP is quick to answer that, no, the fat-hating volcel’s sexual tastes are not the same thing as a woman’s sexual tastes, because in his mind fat women choose to be fat, while short men don’t choose their height.

Nah landwhales can lose weight, plus BBW porn is very popular. Also, westerners are getting taller, not thinner, so no genocide.

It would be interesting to see how these arguments would fare in the Hague, or indeed in any courtroom.

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4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Isn’t there some thing where height directly correlates to calcium uptake in childhood?

That might be a factor, I know that malnutrition can lead to people being a lot shorter than they would otherwise be, and that can cause epigenetic changes that can last generations. My great-great-grandparents on my mother’s side were under 5 feet because of childhood malnutrition, and to this day that side of the family is significantly shorter than average.

As for the Dutch, there’s of course the old joke that they need the height because much of their country is below sea level.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I hate to be the pendant, but The Hague is spelled with a capital T.

I have seen some Tinder profiles that specify nobody shorter than [arbitrary height limit] and even saw an otherwise-progressive blog post by a woman who referred to a guy at 5′ 8″ as needing a booster seat. So it’s not like these women don’t exist. But women who are perfectly happy dating shorter men also exist. The one does not cancel out the other. It’s not an incel’s height that is keeping him from a relationship, it’s his toxic personality.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Yeah, I hate to be the pendant too. Your arms get soooo tired and after a while you just want to go lie down with a solid surface beneath you!

4 years ago

Protein is another big factor, but yes.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


There actually is a minimum height requirement for sperm banks, generally only for white donors because there are so many more of them compared to other ethnicities. Donors are marketed based on family health history and physical characteristics (both of which are easy to quantify and very heritable), and height is one selling point. Not necessarily because women are shallow (it’s not like recipients are actually dating these guys), but because people who’ve been dealing with the heartache of infertility and genetic issues want their offspring to start off with the best chance in life, and height correlates to (perceived) leadership and income potential, a situation which is perpetuated by insecure ninnies who call short people “manlets”.

It wouldn’t matter if these guys were 6’6”. Sperm banks would still reject them based on their repellant personalities. There’s no hiding that.

“Fatties yield subhuman kids,” he writes in a followup comment. “I have science backing me up in court.”

Wait, why is litigation involved here? With SCIENCE testifying on his behalf, no less. I hope it’s wearing a white lab coat and holding a beaker, so the judge takes it seriously.

4 years ago

Ah, so it is a thing. I didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me.

4 years ago

I suspect the “sperm donor” in OP refers to women generally selecting fathers or sperm donors for their children. It’s terminal nihilism (reducing fatherhood to sperm) and/or slut shaming (implying that women these days mostly have children from casual relationships, by choice or by accident).

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
4 years ago

So some guy in a Halloween costume just rampaged through Quebec City, killing two people and wounding others with a sword.

Wonder if he’s an incel.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

We should all go to some lawyer, get a class certified, and then sue Cronus for gross negligence on the basis that his latest product, “2020”, is dangerously defective and harmful. :/

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

@rabid rabbit

Oh no, another horrible thing.

A suspect has been arrested, so maybe we’ll find out if the killer is a man claiming to be enraged by a lack of sex.

4 years ago

@rabid rabbit
If he used a sword to do it I can almost guarantee that he’s either an incel or some other flavor of alt-right dipshit. They’re very into swords and other old weaponry.

4 years ago

Note that the generation born of mother who had malnutrition during WW2 is smaller, despite them being conceived after the war. The effect was lowered on subsequent generations.

It’s one of the first found example of hereditary trait not alway being genetical or cultural. Also, it remind that improving alimentation may take some time before having any effect !

@Buttercup : the marketing of sperm donor alway make me queasy. On one hand, some level of selection make sense, since it’s a costly operation (and not just in money), but the people who market nobel prize sperms and the like seem to go way too far on the opposite end.

4 years ago

AFAIK in Finland it’s illegal to select sperm donors based on traits like intelligence or looks, because that would be considered eugenics. You can only select traits like height and skin/hair color to “match” the general appearance of the recipient family. There’s general shortage of sperm, so I think tall donors are likely allocated to families that “need” them.

(However, it’s not considered eugenics to screen out inherited diseases, in addition to STDs and poor functional sperm quality.)

4 years ago

Naglfar said For the most part, I think this idea that women don’t like short men is a projection from men, since a lot of men don’t seem to want to date women taller than themselves.

Said this before, but this was my experience. In spades. Got turned down by at least half a dozen guys for this, and I’m only counting the ones who stated height as a reason. One of these would have been exactly my height in heels, a bit taller without. I never wore really high heels because I’ve always been crap at walking in them and they make my feet hurt anyway.

I’m 5’7″ and always gravitated to men who are shorter than 5’9″ and stocky, a bit chubby, or both.