makeup is a lie MGTOW misogyny

“Make-up is for psychopaths,” explains angry MGTOW in intermittently ALL-CAPS rant

Ugly woman deceiving men with makeup

MGTOWs have a bit of a thing about makeup, which they consider a dastardly way for ugly women to fool men into thinking they’re hot. MGTOWs dismiss makeup-wearing women as con artists and “spineless, mindless c*nts.” Some MGTOWS even think women should be denied equal rights until they give up the lipstick and eyeliner; others argue that the makeup-wearers are destroying the gene pool by flooding it with their ugly DNA.

But few MGTOWs are quite as animated in their anti-makeup tirades than a fellow I recently ran across on the forums who goes by the oh-so-clever name Buck Fitches. (Get it, get it?) In a 500-word, intermittently ALL-CAPS rant, he explains,

Make-up is for psychopaths. Every day girls get up in the morning and ask themselves at some point, “should I wear make-up today?” Their brains will quickly do a cost-benefit analysis to determine their destiny and the results are horrific. Why would they choose to wear make-up? No seriously. Why?

He tries as best he can to put himself in these women’s shoes for a few moments, but he doesn’t quite succeed.

The immediate/noticeable cons are
-it takes time
-it costs money

Girls don’t pay for s~~~ or understand money so that clearly isn’t a good con for them. Girls enjoy taking hours to get ready so that also isn’t a good con for them [either] …

But maybe there’s an even more powerful con out there?

[W]hat about losing your identity, self respect, and sanity in the process? I don’t think girls realize that wearing make up probably f~~~s up their entire psyche as well as their egos. They really think they are that chick in the mirror staring back at them. This gives them a confident boost, but at what price? The price of darkening their black hearts.

For I have seen the lipstick on your soul!

As they watch this “perfect looking girl” that doesn’t actually exist live their lives for them and get tons of attention from boys / other girls, it kills them inside because they know when the make up comes off so does the power.

He almost seems to feel sorry for these poor women dark-hearted psychopaths.

Since their tiny brains are born to focus on status rather than real emotions or love, make-up fits right into their daily lives. It’s like fuel for them.

The real con for makeup is losing your identity, but here’s the M. Night Shyamalan twist for ya: WOMEN FIND THEIR IDENTITY IN STATUS.

That’s an even worse twist reveal than most of Mr. Shyamalan’s.

So no-s~~~ they wear make-up regardless of whether or not it makes you a s~~~tier person in the long run. All they care about is status.

I think he’s about to start shouting.

Men find their identity in ACCOMPLISHMENTS. We take pride in getting things done while girls take pride in getting people to do things for them….. BITCHES

Oh and don’t give me that bull-s~~~ of “but not all girls wear make-up!” Congratulations you ruined my argument…


Powerful rebuttal.


Any girl who acts like she’s too cool for make-up is pretty easy to understand actually… Either she’s too afraid to take that step into modern day womenhood, but really wants to


She’s got her status locked and loaded and therefore make-up won’t make life easier, BUT if a girl who thinks like this was put in a new situation she would change her principles IMMEDIATELY. I’ve seen it happen.

You’ve seen women who don’t wear makeup suddenly start wearing makeup when “put in a new situation?” Like what? Forgive me for concluding that you’re just talking out of your ass

My point is: Make-up is a symptom of being a psychopath and all women are psychopaths. Some men are too, but not all of us THANK GOD.

I’m just glad that not all men are like you, “Buck.”

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epitome of incomrepehensibility

What’s if some “girls” wear makeup sometimes but not other times? Are they only partly psychopathic? Asking for a friend.

@Surplus to Requirements – Where do I sign the petition to add “Purple Pulverizer” to the Avengers? 😀

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants – That’s an interesting question! Gretchen McCullough talks about it in her book “Because Internet”: it seems the lengthening is supposed to be expressive rather than actually pronounce-able. I don’t mind it, but if you’re trying to read something out loud it might be frustrating.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility – Interesting! I’d love to read that. I can see where visual emphasis might take priority on a medium like the internet, where a comment isn’t intended to be read aloud (though as always, there’s an xkcd for that

In singing, vowels are usually prolonged, as that’s where the expressiveness is carried. Emphasizing consonants makes you sound like Bob Dylan.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ epitome and buttercup

As you’re talking about deliberately unpronounceable words, this is pretty meta:

there’s an xkcd for that

4 years ago

NOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT looks like it should be pronounced “noot”

4 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements I really hate that you beat me to it, but I have to admit mine wouldn’t have been as good…

Anywho, I actually did the reverse of the typical “men don’t realize women wear so called natural makeup.” I was homeschooled and sheltered, so when I hit the working world after reading some article informing men that women apparently always wear makeup, I took note. This was a source of confusion to my female coworkers who favored little more than lipstick/eyeliner or nothing at all. Would come running to them with makeup questions from some customer or another only to be met with a weird look and “How should I know? I haven’t worn makeup in years.”

Like others have said or implied here though, applying makeup is an art form. I am sometimes surprised at the extremes. Two of my ex coworkers come to mind on that subject.

One was a young woman who favored heavy wings and foundation. Didn’t really pay much attention until one time she was sick and didn’t wear any for a couple of days and I realized she was way cuter than I had thought underneath it all. I’m sure MRAs have appropriate things to say on how much of a psychopath she was.

The other was an older woman who exemplified the natural makeup look. I knew she wore it, but she made it look minimal. Then I saw her without it and realized she was the evil woman MGTOWs fear for performing miracles and transforming herself from a 4 to an 8. Evil I tell you, evil.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

The last time I wore makeup was the 1990s, but I’m not necessarily an example for anyone because I have great genes and no fucks to give. I literally don’t remember how to apply it and I was never that good at doing it.

By the MGTOW metric, am I a psychopath or a mere psychopath wannabe?

4 years ago


That makes sense! The more fit you are, the less likely you’ll be able to get pushed around. I see also alot of people feeling better about themselves when they get stronger at the gym which abusers despise. I read a short experience from a woman who took up powerlifting and worked out at her friend’s home gym. Her boyfriend at the time, I’m assuming now is an ex, claimed that all women were weaker to men no matter what. He never lifted or worked out. Just played video games. He decided to join her at the gym one time and there she actually met a goal of hers lifting a certain amount weight and was pretty happy to share the goal with him there. He thought he could easily do the same since he’s a guy. He couldn’t lift anything and failed pretty badly and was in a sour mood the whole rest of the day. I kinda think it’s like that. These guys like Cooper and other redpill mgtows believe so strongly in one thing like women being weak and needing men for everything so seeing a woman powerlift and get super fit with abs and thick muscles scare them. They achieved a goal that they probably wanted to meet and failed at. And seeing a woman, who they believe is always weaker, achieve it must burn their self esteem pretty good.

4 years ago

I’m a psychopath (well, sociopath, technically) but have worn make-up perhaps 5 times ever at the age of 38 (just at weddings/funerals really) So I’d be extremely intrigued as to what mra types would make of me….I don’t give a damn about snagging anyone, chad or otherwise, who is not willing to put up with my slight oddness

Prith k'Dar
Prith k'Dar
4 years ago

@ Ohlmann

I don’t know of a civilization where make up was specifically seen as masculine, albeit it probably exist

The Wodaabe of Chad’s Sahel region must be a mgtow’s nightmare. During a ritual festival called Gerewol, the men apply elaborate makeup and costuming and dance all day for the women, who choose their favorites as lovers, even if one or both are already married. It’s part beauty pageant, part mixer. 🙂

For their part, the women have scarification tattoos on their faces, to indicate a woman’s tribal affiliations, as well as her strength and valor. And we all know how the manosphere feels about women and facial ink.

-it takes time

-it costs money

Yeah, those are the main reasons I never wore makeup. But to be honest, I suppose it was also a matter of self-esteem, or lack thereof. Like not wanting to be laughed at for trying to look good when it was so hopeless to begin with. Silk purses and pigs’ ears and all.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

I’m not a woman, but even when I thought I was, and when my genderfluidity flows feminine, I do/did not wear make-up. I have no status, so according to this jerk I should be caked in the stuff. Actually, I can’t stand the way it feels on my skin, it itches and I look like a clown. I don’t even like nail varnish or lipstick. It hurts and itches. Why would I wear something that causes me pain?

4 years ago

I am a recording harpist on YouTube and also weer make-up. I find joy in music and looking presentable. I dont give one iota about status…oh wait…mascara…

4 years ago

What I was trying to say (And Dailet badly at) is that women can accomplish things too and wear make up at the same time. My identity is more rooted in my music than my looks, I mean, they will fade, it’s never a good idea to base your identity on that alone.

4 years ago

Also, f*ck autocorrect in my native language messing up my posts!

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

As they watch this “perfect looking girl” that doesn’t actually exist live their lives for them and get tons of attention from boys / other girls, it kills them inside because they know when the make up comes off so does the power.

This is some amazing makeup.

4 years ago

Girls enjoy taking hours to get ready so that also isn’t a good con for them [either]

Yes, it’s true. Women famously hate sleep. And if by “girls” he actually means teenage girls, well, they hate sleep most of all.

Last edited 4 years ago by Viscaria
4 years ago

I don’t wear makeup. I’m bad at it and hate the way I look in it. Especially lipstick.

I will sometimes wear a matte bb cream foundation if I’m going to be outdoors in the daytime for the sunscreen. Mostly because I won’t touch my face as much to avoid smearing it everywhere and it’s (for some reason) more comfortable to have on my face than regular sunscreen. Possibly because of the eczema I have?

I’m always amazed by people who are adept at makeup!

4 years ago

I’ve gotten judgement for not wearing makeup at work. There’s pressure for women to look a certain way, and they are told they don’t care about their appearance if they don’t wear makeup. Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup, they’ll find a way to judge.