Add “trans men” to the long and ever-growing list of things that incels just don’t understand.
In a discussion on the Incels.co forums, commenters suggest that “MTF tr*nnies” are “the stupidest people on earth” for giving up their allegedly vast female privilege to take up a life as an oppressed man. Women have it so easy, the incels agree, that it is almost inconceivable that anyone would voluntarily give up life as a woman.

Others second this, er, analysis.
“Many of them stop after some time and detrans because they realize living as a man is much harder,” writes Lebensmüder.
Just fucking lol. Most foids wouldn’t survive a day in a man’s shoes without suffering enormous damage to their mental wellbeing.
“It’s good because JFL at those who think being a man is easy,” adds OldIncel. “Serves them right.”
“Imagine being born into tutorial mode and throwing it all away,” Of Manlets and Men scoffs.
“Dumb dirty toilets thinking they can become chad by taking some hormones,” snorts Radishman.
It goes without saying that this isn’t how any of this works. And that incels, while demanding empathy from the rest of us, are themselves the least empathetic people in the world.
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Is this Manosphere Transphobia Week or something? This is the second time in a week that misogynists have spewed out garbage takes about trans people.
“MTF” means trans women. Does he mean FTM?
Note: I don’t like either of these terms much, but I just noticed this error.
Does he know that testosterone is a thing? And that some cis men are short with broad hips? I’m not a cis man but I am AMAB and I have naturally wide hips and am short (I’m about 5’6″ or 168cm).
And yet trans men probably have more sex than incels.
How do I get to be infinitely valuable? I don’t think I’m infinitely valuable right now.
Have we found the point of incel/TERF convergence? To be fair I’m surprised it took this long.
This just gave me the mental image of someone dumping testosterone pills down a toilet and getting angry that it isn’t becoming a big muscular dude. At least that mental image is less transphobic and misogynistic than the intended meaning.
Dumb, dirty toilets with infinite value!
Incels, Red Pillers, etc are basically conspiracy theorists of the highest caliber. A central part of their beliefs is that a massive portion of society, particularly those of the more educated persuasion, are lying through their teeth because, well, reasons. Only those of the enlightened true faith are blessed to know the truth. This of course makes them better than the sheeple.
Wacky thought. Maybe trans men transition because they’re men. Not because it makes life easy. Glad I could help.
@Naglfar It’s always Manosphere transphobia week.
Fair enough, we’re just seeing more examples of it here than usual.
This is all pretty funny since transguys have often spoken of the NEW feelings of privilege after having begun their lives “out” as men. If there are any incels reading here, I’m talking about born-as-female people becoming [trans] men and living their lives as men live their lives.
@CarrieV Indeed. I remember this article, too. https://everydayfeminism.com/2015/06/more-male-privilege-trans-man/
Aren’t almost all detransitioners trans women?
Who detransition because of pressure from outside factors(financial and societal)?
And most of who retransition later anyway?
Why are AFAB detransitioners so “popular”?
If destransitioner were a common phenomen, the transphobe would have a ton of their belief validated. So they insist that they actually exists. Simple as that.
If something doesn’t exist but would sure be super convenient for bigots, you can bet they will loudly insist on how much of a scourge to mankind they are. See also : mexican joyriding into Texas to loot and rape ; trans toilet rapers ; women abusing the divorce system, among phenomen that actually are between non existing and very rare but are loudly used as talking points.
But why do they focus so much on AFAB detransitioners, them being even rarer?
Their whole point (such as it is) is that being a man is hard and women have it easy, so AFAB detransitioners prove their point.
They’ll not care overmuch about trans* women – except the core of them that despise all forms of “cope.” Which they consider transitioning to a woman to be.
I remember reading (but don’t actually know, since I’m a cis looking at this from outside) that since our society is more accepting of “manly” women than of trans men, it can be easier in some respects for a trans man to just identify as a butch woman – of course, not actually easier because of dysphoria and so on, just easier in terms of acceptance. Again, I don’t really know much about it (and would appreciate corrections), but it seems reasonable simply because of how widespread transphobia is – and in that case, I can imagine there would also be some “detrasitions” for a similar reason.
This is, of course, assuming the claim is even true to begin with, which I kinda doubt.
Re “detrans”
I believe this is called “decistance”.
Yes and yes. Less than 2% of trans people detransition and of those who do, more than 50% will detransition later and less than 1% claim it’s because they were actually cis all along.
Idk if there are more trans women or trans men detransitioning, it’s hard to find accurate statistics.
Transphobes are obsessed with them because that sits better with their “theories.” They think that trans women are evil predatory men, so the fact that some detransition doesn’t mesh with that claim. At the same time, they think that trans men are poor misguided young butch lesbians, so by focusing on the (very small) number of detransitioning AFAB people because that supports the idea that they’re misguided by some sinister agenda. Of course, this sucks for actual detransitioners because transphobes don’t help them. They pretend to, but don’t actually help them at all.
To be fair, detransitioners do exist, they’re just not nearly as common as transphobes claim. What doesn’t exist is the wave of detransitioners and lawsuits that they like to threaten is coming.
Desistance usually means no longer identifying as trans, i.e. identifying as ones assigned gender at birth. Detransition is the social, medical, and legal processes associated with this. They’re separate so some people might desist before transitioning and therefore not detransition, while others might detransition but not desist in their identity.
I beleive TERFS inflate the number of people desisting by changing the definition halfway through. So if worried parents send their child to a spcialist for a chat and it’s decided that she’s a tomboy not a trans boy, they count that as desistance and bizarely use it as proof that tomboys are being pushed into transitioning. Because they never transitioned.
Naglfar wrote:
I made a random silly pun, but this is actually interesting detail. Thanks for helping us understand these distinctions.
@Sheila Crosby
There definitely is some degree of that happening. One of their more prominent figures, Charlie Evans, claims to be a detransitioner but never medically or socially transitioned and appears to have never even told her friends that she identified as trans. She has dropped off the radar lately after her last grift, where she claimed to be collecting funds for a detransitioner advocacy network, then, like most bigoted grifters, took the money for herself.
Oh, I didn’t notice the pun. Sorry, I’m tired.
@Nagflar : I think the point stay the same regardless of whether it litteraly does not exist or is extremely uncommon. The transphobe did not make any research on the topic anyway, and if you use a big enough data set you can find exceptional cases in pretty much any situation.
I am not sure of that figure, but I have heard of about 200 trans per million human. If 2% detransition, that’s for the US roughly ~1200 detransitioned individual. It’s too small a sample to make rigorous statistics on them ; the error margin mean it would be impossible to say whether AMAB or AFAB are more likely to.
I would be more interested to know how many people have been intimidated out of coming out as trans. My speculation is that there’s a lot more people in that category than trans themselves.
This is probably the case, given that countries with better acceptance and support for trans people have a higher percentage of the population that is trans. I would think that as society becomes more accepting more and more people will feel safe enough to come out. Same goes for other LGBTQ+ groups.
Of course, increased acceptance has meant that more people, including children, have been accessing transition resources, so TERFs have been able to spin that to claim that being trans is a social contagion or fad among the youth.
As for number of trans people, it’s hard to know but the number I’ve seen most often is that trans people are about 0.6% of the general population according to US surveys. The real number is likely much higher and since young people are more likely to be open about it, I expect that over the next few decades this number will increase.
Pretty rich for these people to argue that women play life in tutorial mode while continually comparing them to lower life forms and waste disposal objects, and also straight up advocating for violence, rape, subjugation, and removal of rights from women. Gee, that sure sounds like Easy Street. Sign me up!
Women can’t be both “infinitely valuable” and “foids”. Much the same way that Jews can’t be both weak and secretly running the world, and immigrants can’t be both genetically inferior but also taking over all the wimmenz and jobz and outbreeding whites. It’s always whichever version best allows them to play victim in the moment. If they’re feeling sexually inadequate, the enemy is all-powerful. If they’re feeling entitled, the enemy is inferior.
And it is that kind of doublethink which is at the core of fascism. By making the enemy both all-powerful (or “infinitely valuable”) and weak (or a “dumb dirty toilet”) one can easily gin up anger against them while simultaneously propping up the audience.
@Naglfar – Yeah, that zero-sum thinking is what fuels bigots and misogynists. When a group that they think is beneath them gets even the slightest crumb of respect or attention or compensation, they start screaming about the unfairness of it all.
There’s a saying that I’ve heard ascribed to a lot of people, mostly to Abraham Lincoln, about how conservatives will only think things are fair and that they have free speech if everyone agrees with them. It isn’t enough for people to let them have their opinions and/or be indifferent, everyone has to agree or they think their rights are being violated. Anyone else getting respect is a violation of their exclusivity and they can’t tolerate it.
In a more contemporary context, this is why I have conservative relatives that insist I have to be “fair” and say something good about Trump. They think that I’m violating their rights by refusing to praise their Dear Leader.
One thing I only recently realized is how much of entertainment is based on that idea of a all-powerful ennemy that is somehow extremely easy to defeat. That’s basically the recipe of most James Bond movies, of the original trilogy of Star Wars, of a lot of video games, and it’s not even that far from the plot of the Lord of the Ring.
I am wary of saying that people are influenced by that tropes, but it might help an existing blind spot to grow.