men who should not ever be with women ever red pill

Red Piller finds the perfect girlfriend. There’s just one problem: She’s (gasp!) 30

Typical 30-year-old woman, according to the Red Pill

Good news, everyone! One lucky Red Pill Redditor has found the girl of his dreams.

In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, gumdrops1 exalts in his good fortune. His dream-girl-come-true is an

asian girl, working medical professional, cute, in shape, well-adjusted, cooks, cleans, all the good things you’d expect. She is in love with me and is naturally trying to lock me down.

I’ve been dating her about a year and thus far, she is the best girl I’ve ever dated… And I have dated many. …

Great intellectual connection. Sex is great, she has no problem with me taking the lead … Great mother / wife potential. Really rare… seriously. I don’t meet many girls like this period. Everything I’d want. Is she supermodel? No, but she has skinny genes and will probably look great for a long time.

Better lock her down, bro; sounds like she’s the one for you.

Oh but there’s a problem: She’s thirty years old.

Granted, so is Mr. Gumdrops1. But here’s the thing: he figures if he breaks it off with her, he could easily find some hot 19-year-olds to date fuck.

I am in the “sh*t or get off the pot” phase of this relationship. Dragging on any longer as “FWB” would be stupid as she has great long-term dating potential. My problem is that she’s 30 and I know I can pull much younger women. Call it shitty but it is what it is. …

I’m just starting to hit my SMV peak and I would prefer to play the field and see what I can get.

Ladies and gentlemen (and everybody else). we appear to have found the world’s biggest idiot.

Indeed, he’s such an idiot that even some of the other idiots who frequent the Red Pill subreddits think that he’s an idiot.

“Don’t be retarded,” writes ppvknifefight.

Contrary to popular RP belief, there are quality 30 year old women out here who’d run circles around a goofy ass naive 25 year old. Sounds like you have a solid chick, who’s attractive and actually gives a fuck about you. If you want a LTR, lock that shit down and build, bro. RP theory overload got you all confused.

A commenter called Scissor_me_timbers00 throws a heaping of misogyny into his advice:

I’m leaning towards LTR with her. Young women are fucking retards these days and it’s doubtful you’ll find a real connection with one, probably just some fun sex. Sounds like you found a match that is LTR worthy. I think you maybe don’t realize how hard it is to actually find a real connection like that. Say you break it off and then in a year realize what you had. And dude, 30 is not too old, that’s ridiculous, especially if she keeps herself in good shape and is Asian.

But the top-ranked post in the discussion takes a rather different tack:

The broad is 30. If you’re not planning on knocking her up, pass her along to someone who is willing to do the job. …

You’re 30, make six figures, and are dating as young as 19. Keep dating then, if you are uncertain about her, until you meet a woman who you DO feel some certainty towards.

I honestly have no idea which road Mr. Gumdrops is going to take. But I’m pretty sure that whatever choice he makes, he’s going to end up miserable in the end — unless he’s able to get all this Red Pill nonsense out of his head. If he dumps her, there’s an extremely high chance he’ll never find anyone else he has this sort of chemistry with, and he’ll regret losing her for the rest of his life. If he sticks with her, he’ll resent her forever for keeping him from the hot 19-year-olds he sees as his birthright.

The Red Pill really poisons your brain.

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4 years ago

I hope he leaves her. She doesn’t deserve to be saddled with this guy.

Great intellectual connection.

I take this to mean that she’s probably also a conservative/manospherian. Red pillers wouldn’t know intellect if it was right under their nose.

we appear to have found the world’s biggest idiot.

Eh, I still think the fellow at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is more of one.

Contrary to popular RP belief, there are quality 30 year old women out here who’d run circles around a goofy ass naive 25 year old.

Well this is a surprise. I thought they thought “the wall” was at 18.

4 years ago

I mean it’d be nice if he ditched his RP MRA ways in the name of love, but uh, idk if that is gonna happen.

4 years ago

She deserves better. No one should be with a dude who thinks about their relationship like this.

4 years ago

Naglfar: I thought the wall was around 15? At least that’s where Borat put it.

4 years ago

I hope she realizes what an asshole he is and dumps him. There’s no way he won’t turn abusive, if he hasn’t already.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

I am in the “sh*t or get off the pot” phase of this relationship. Dragging on any longer as “FWB” would be stupid as she has great long-term dating potential. My problem is that she’s 30 and I know I can pull much younger women. Call it shitty but it is what it is. …

I’m just starting to hit my SMV peak and I would prefer to play the field and see what I can get.

Gumdrops, you are so right. So right. Let this woman go and keep looking. Your SMV will peak many decades from now. (Don’t worry about any so-called shittiness. Nonsense.) Trust me on this one.

4 years ago


Your SMV will peak many decades from now.

Of course it will. Stefan Molyneux says so and he’s never wrong about anything.

4 years ago

I’ve been dating her about a year and thus far, she is the best girl I’ve ever dated… And I have dated many. …

I bet he hasn’t, also for the benefit of women I really hope he hasn’t! And also I wholeheartedly agree with other commenters so far that she dumps him first! What an awful thing to discuss her with others as if she’s a commodity.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gwynfydd
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago


Your SMV will peak many decades from now.

Of course it will. Stefan Molyneux says so and he’s never wrong about anything.

Correct. Gumdrops, if you’re reading this, aim for waiting six decades before you get married. That’s when (1) your sexual marketplace value (SMV) will peak, and (2) you’ll be ready to settle down. Take my word on this one.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

If you’re in a relationship and you’re regularly thinking about who else you could be dating, maybe that’s a sign that the relationship isn’t really working out (caveat for poly relationships). Sticking with someone you’re not actually happy with is a recipe for both of you being miserable.

4 years ago

I’m 31 in two days so leaving my 30th behind me (it’s not been the best year, because 2020). If I happened to be the particular ‘pot’ in this situation I’d want him to jump off and never look back. As Jarvis Cocker wisely said, “don’t let him waste your time”.

4 years ago

Remind me again how all women are hypergamous, Gumdrops….

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

I know there are probably worse things to be miffed about in this post, but referring to grown women as ‘girls’ really hacks me off! At 30, she’s been an adult for 12 years! I keep seeing adults in their twenties and thirties referred to as ‘boys’ or ‘girls’ and they’re not; calling young men ‘boys’ allows them to get away with all sorts of crap, and calling young women ‘girls’ infantilises them and suggests they’re not capable of rational behaviour. Argggghhhhh

4 years ago

Imagine finding out someone you care about talks about you in these terms with his misogyny club. Break up with her, Gumdrops, so she can stop wasting time with someone like you. Then, instead of pursuing 19-year-olds because you can manipulate them with the money and experience you have and they don’t, try being alone unless and until you can force yourself to see women as people. Then, I dunno, maybe get a plant.

Sphinx of Black Quartz
Sphinx of Black Quartz
4 years ago

Hi, David. I hope you’re doing okay. All the hugs.

4 years ago

Viscaria – Maybe a real plant is too big a leap. He could work his way up to having a plant by taking care of a discarded snake skin for a while first, then he could get himself a silk plant.

Baby steps.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

@Hambeast: I’d suggest a petrock, but I wouldn’t trust this type with a potential weapon.

4 years ago

@Battering Lamb
Maybe a pet cotton ball? Nevermind, too flammable. I’m not sure of any object I’d trust them with TBH.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

Off-topic, and for no reason beyond my own desire to share this Cool Thing with David and anyone else who might appreciate a moment of beauty: here’s a man (Tito Tsai) in a skirt, dancing prettily to classical music:

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

Thank you for that! I can’t wait to show my little nieces,whom I’m always telling to be strong and be more than just a pretty princess, but also telling that it’s okay for boys to dance or be pretty or to cry. I love having examples to show them.

On that note, I always think of things like this when some jackasses insists thatsports, football in particular,is crucial to make good examples of manhood to boys and to allow an outlet for impressing the ladies because there’s no other way to exhibit physical prowess and that’s way more important than crippling long term injuries. I think “Why not dancing? There are a million ways to show off physical ability in dance that don’t result in catastrophic brain injury and give more than a handful of guys a chance to prove themselves, and women fucking love dancers–maybe do as they do in nature for real and try to impress women by doing something that actually impresses women and not primarily other men, as raw violence tends to do?”I

Plus, as my brother once said, he always scoffed at the idea that dancing men or make cheerleaders had to be gay, as it was the least gay situation he could imagine. He said he’d much rather be surrounded by cute girls and showing off his sexy moves grather than be in a big sweaty man-household possibly being seriously injured in the process.

4 years ago


Waaaay back in high school, our phys ed class was split between boys playing football and girls playing volleyball. I hate football even more than most sports, and refused to play.

“Fine,” said the gym teacher. “But that means you’ll have to go play volleyball with the girls. Do you really want to play with the girls?”

Fifteen-year-old me looks over at the girls in their gym shorts, and tries to figure out the trick, because I’m not seeing the apparent downside. I later learn that wanting to spend time with girls is apparently gay, and therefore undesirable, because Reasons.

Last edited 4 years ago by Allandrel
4 years ago

@Demonhype, Allandrel
The idea that spending time with women in traditionally feminine activities was “gay” confused me as well. Wouldn’t a straight man presumably want to be surrounded by women rather than men?

4 years ago

How about a pet leech for this guy? Sounds like they have alot in common. Maybe not…even leeches deserve better.

4 years ago

My problem is that she’s 30 and I know I can pull much younger women

Yeah, sure Bruh.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
4 years ago


I’ll just leave this here: