
A note for regular readers of this blog

Just a note to let you all know why I haven’t been posting. My mother died last Friday. I hope to begin posting again soon, but right now I’m taking it a day at a time.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m so sorry. Take all the time you need

Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell
4 years ago

I’m so very to hear this. All very best wishes.

4 years ago

You have my deepest sympathy, David. Please take all the time you need.

4 years ago

I’m sorry for your trouble.

4 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss Dave. Mourning is a human necessity, and thought some part of you may feel obligated to contribute to this blog, please keep in mind that none of us will hold it against you if you don’t post regularly. Take all the time you need to sort out your thoughts and feelings.

4 years ago

My condolences.

4 years ago

I’m so sorry. Best wishes for you and those you love in this difficult time.

Last edited 4 years ago by Elimilech
4 years ago

My condolences.

Jenni Olson
Jenni Olson
4 years ago

I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for your work here — speaking as a parent, I can only imagine how proud of you your mother must have been.

4 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that David. May her memory be a blessing.

All the best to you and yours.

4 years ago

My condolences.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
4 years ago

Many, many blessings for you and yours. No rush to return. <3

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
4 years ago

@Banananananana dakry: still fat and deranged: Many condolences to you as well. F*ck 2020, indeed. <3

@nobody Condolences to your friend. <3

Last edited 4 years ago by Fishy Goat
Steve Dutch
Steve Dutch
4 years ago

I join everyone else in expressing my condolences. Take your time.

4 years ago

David, I’m sorry to hear that you have experienced such a loss. I send you well wishes and good will for you in a difficult time and painful time.

Stay Frosty.

an autistic giraffe
an autistic giraffe
4 years ago

I’m so sorry.

4 years ago

I am very sorry for your loss. You have my sincerest condolences. Take all the time you need to mourn.

Critical Dragon1177
4 years ago

Sorry to hear about your mother passing away David. It is always hard to lose a loved one.

Julia walker
Julia walker
4 years ago

I’m so sorry David. I lost my mum five years ago, so I know how you feel. Give yourself all the time you need. We will all be here when you are ready. Xxxxx

4 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss – take care.

4 years ago

David, my heart goes out to you. Take all the time you need.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

My condolences, David. My mother passed away some years ago, after a long and harrowing struggle with cancer; oddly enough, I had just dreamed about her last night (it’s taken me a while before she started appearing in dreams in her pre-illness state, so I always feel a little grateful when that happens). What a crappy little club to welcome you to.
I hope the next few days/weeks/however long you need are a helpful time for you to start healing. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Take care of each other.

Last edited 4 years ago by Penny Psmith
4 years ago

David, I’m very sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you.

Last edited 4 years ago by StaceySmartyPantsTwiceRemoved
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
4 years ago

I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully you have plenty of support from your family, friends, and the kitty overlords to get you through the majority of your pain.

Sphinx of Black Quartz
Sphinx of Black Quartz
4 years ago

Oh no. All the hugs and vibes, David. My deepest sympathies.