So the guys over in the Semen Retention subreddit — a more hardcore spinoff of the larger NoFap subreddit — are discussing the mysteries of female nature, as weirdo misogynists are wont to do. Specifically, the guys are trying to explain to one another why men often seem socially awkward, while women seem like naturals who can easily get along with anyone.
Turns out it’s because, at their essence, women are basically just large bees. According to a commenter called Tredolo214,
Women are natural, because women with each other are hive minds that think alike. They sense each other’s similar views of men, and their feminine energy reassures each other when they’re with each other. Many women always move in groups of two or more.
In a followup comment, he elaborates (somewhat incoherently) on his basic position:
The “safeness” of a woman’s solipsism is what gives her that confidence with interactions and men. If she’s with her girlfriends, she’s even more confident because of the secret view of their brain wiring they both share. It’s why women all seem to communicate at sub level when they’re with each other if you pay attention. … They’re vulnerable if they’re alone because they’re in a perpetual state of potential arousal at random shit of men.
Most of the commenters seem to agree that women are more natural because so little is expected of them, while men, as Tredolo214 argues, are “expect[ed] to be everything, charming, funny, intelligent, etc.”
“[M]en are the ones under attack,” he insists in another comment.
Masculinity is under attack. The reason so is because no one is sensing “off” in women. “Men” is this sort of scab women are picking at, because they themselves are manipulated to believe they’ve a reason to hate men. It’s what drives modern feminism. It’s clowned out and system is out of balance. Probably won’t be in balance any time soon until after some sort of collapse from men completely ejecting from system. That won’t happen any time soon, or at least in our lifetimes because simp mindset is too pervasive and anything other than is [seen as] “women hate”.
Someone called saltamontes11 agrees:
Women are not under attack. Anyone who denies that masculinity in general & boys in particular are constantly ridiculed in concept & discriminated against in fact, is probably helping perpetrate those new-world virtues. Everything a young man is or does he does conscious he can be troubled by anyone for anything about it, & that to defend himself opens him to MORE censure. … By LAW. Girls, the world is yours & you can SUE for more. Boys, HOW DARE YOU! How dare you whatever! WHATEVER! Girls good, boys bad. Simple as that.
Well no wonder women are more relaxed and natural than men! Ukdudeman explains further:
[S]ociety has given women an undeserved entitlement – society enables women at every turn; they have lost their restraints. Women push boundaries and society dares not reprimand or shame.
Uh oh!
This leads women to engage in ever-more perverse behaviour to boundary-test. Society then enables women even further for fear of being seen as “misogynistic”. We see this everywhere now in the west.
We do?
At the same time, men are shamed by society for their masculine traits. Masculinity is “toxic”, yet women will always find it attractive. Regardless, many men act “beta” because society tells them to – even though they are not rewarded for doing so.
At the same time, with no boundaries being enforced, women’s behaviour is becoming more aggressive and masculine which men find unattractive.
It’s a kind of upside down world where society is basically telling people to be more unattractive to the opposite sex (if you follow the rules as a man, or realise there are no boundaries if you’re a woman).
Clearly the only appropriate response for beleaguered cis men is to stop masturbating at once. Guard your essence!
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What I’ve been able to find is that he’s on dexamethazone, one of the side effects of which is euphoria or feelings of unusual wellbeing. In other words, he feels fine now but is by no means cleared. It is hard to find information on him because his doctor openly admits to lying about his condition and refuses to release chest scans.
I will add that his bout with COVID has not been good for his polling and ratings, as those have all fallen since he got sick. Some polls are showing Biden leading by double digits in Florida.
Nope. Know a couple people work there and they’re saying nothing. Except he’s apparently not terribly charming when he’s ill.
Was he ever charming to begin with?
I was going to image search and post the horrible kissy face he made in that one film he was in that won a Razzy and make a sarcastic comment about his irresistible charm, but squicked out before I finished typing the search. You’ll just have to imagine the raw animal magnetism.
@Threp, Naglfar: I just saw on the news that Dump, in 2019, requested that staff at Walter Reed hospital sign a nondisclosure agreement relating to his care. I guess that shouldn’t be surprising.
There’s actually been scholarly papers written about VIP Syndrome – that’s where Very Important Patients are able to direct their own medical care. As you might expect, they often wind up getting subpar care.
There was an article in the NYTimes suggesting that that’s what’s going on with Trump. It could explain why he got all the experimental treatments and steroids so quickly, if he’s dictating his own medical care he would likely request everything possible.
O/T: Trump is refusing to participate in the 2nd presidential debate because it’s virtual. It appears he’s unhappy with the fact that he can’t talk over Biden, as the moderator could mute him if he tries.
Serves ’em right, the bloody idiots, and no fault of the staff. Who are generally all round awesome people, not just at Bethesda but everywhere.
I am surprised there’s studies on these fools though – shouldn’t be, it’s something that really has to be known about and trainees taught how to handle, but it never crossed my mind!
Because that’s exactly how human nature works! Carrots? Sticks? Totally irrelevant!! Who needs ’em?
Why do manosphere types keep saying that women are, en masse, attracted to toxic behaviour? Wishful thinking, maybe?
@Lainy – Glad to hear that you have some more clarity on that!
My experience with ADHD was similar in some ways – it wasn’t diagnosed until I was 23, and when I got the news I was both relieved and embarrassed. The embarrassment was a little silly – it was because I’d thought ADHD was only a kids’ problem, kind of like chicken pox (which adults can get too, of course).
But, yes, it was a relief having something to explain why I kept having trouble with deadlines and/or getting multiple things done at once.
Anyway, take care, and if people come out with stupid stereotypes about either thing, they’re the ones with a problem. (I mean, you know that, but sometimes it helps to hear it.)
Militia plot to kidnap Michigan governor thwarted:
This seems like a long-winded way of saying “for some incomprehensible reason, people are rewarded for working together, showing empathy and being considerate – this is a bad thing!”
Don’t you see it’s just that men are so logical. You tell them to do a thing, they do it. Regardless of personal outcomes, they’ll stick with it because they have this otherwordly, shared knowledge on what’s the thing to do. Like some sort of insects or something.
I saw that. One thing we have on our side is that most right-wing extremists aren’t very bright or good at planning. The bad news is that it only takes one group/individual being successful to cause a lot of damage. See also: Oklahoma City bombing, Austin IRS building attack.
They used Facebook as part of their organizing. How dumb can one get? They (probably) believe in sweeping state control over their lives, including the MSM, and “the government”, but Facebook is a safe place?
It was a private group, but still.
I hope all governors opposing Trump have increased their security.
Masse_ Mysteria
Yeah, I guess them no-fappers are right. Dopamine is for dopes!
OMG, this nazi website is disturbing, especially the comments.
I saved it here if they try to erase it.
(it is very bad)
David should write about how bad MRA nazi’s really are.
@nobody : there’s stupidest take than “Facebook hate government, Facebook have helped fascists at every turn thoses last five years, so using Facebook to organize is safer than other alternatives”.
It’s still stupid because it forgot that Facebook need to keep appearances. But I don’t think it’s purely by convenience and idiocy, and the fact Facebook have aided and abetted terrorism at every turn isn’t for nothing.
Then they’re naive or smoking their own supply.
Yukerberg resists banning their virtual playpens because he’s addicted to the revenue they bring in. I’m not sure he’s a bonifide Nazi, but he’s effectively a collaborator for freeze peach, Libertarian, blinded by privilege asshole reasons.
But the bottom line is money for him.
Being caught allowing the platform to be used to plan very specific felonies would threaten all of that.
Zuckerberg is not going to prison for a group of low rent freedumb fighters.
Of course they are still stupid. I mean, even if Zuckerberg was actually trying to replace the US governement (which, well, maybe he is thinking about it while shaving ?), he would still give them to the feds, because there’s no way a bunch of eight nincompoop bozos can help him more than hinder him.
They didn’t get that Facebook is only helping them as long as Facebook can maintain plausible deniability. Being thought as the far right great organizer is bad for everything, not just his bottom line. But “let’s use services from our allies even if his interests is snitching on us” is still a step up from “let’s use service from random bob”.
Re Facebook,
Nearly 10 years ago I saw an article whimsically speculating on the theme “What if social media existed 70 years ago, how would various contemporary politicians comment WWII events in their social media feeds?” Naturally in this scenario, where internet existed during the 1930, all the latest technology would have been developed in Germany, and consequently Facebook would be called Gesichtbuch, and so on.
Now, it occurs to me that
a) This was before it was widely demonstrated/understood how social media (first and foremost Facebook) can feed disinformation, radicalize bigots and pave way for fascism.
b) However, if all the great social media companies had been actually headquartered in Nazi Germany, in this scenario they’d emerge too late to drive the fascist revolution. The platforms would have been turned into state propaganda machines from start, if allowed to exist at all. But what if the anachrone here was not 70 years but rather 80 or 90?
c) Then again, Hitler didn’t need internet disinfo campaigns to take power. But how about British and American fascist wannabes of the time?
d) Also, ironically, this was before anyone imagined a fascist leader with unhinged ranting for communication style actually using modern social media.
That … sort of kind of actually happened.
@Lumipuma : note that while Hitler didn’t need *internet* campaign, he needed a disinfo campaign.
Propaganda use Internet because it’s here and useable. Regardless of whether it would be the best channel, they would use it nonetheless. And honestly, while it’s possible it would be particulary potent, I don’t have the feeling that far righters are all that more fanaticized, more rabid, or less aware than the one from before, be it 1935 nazis, 1914 soldiers going to war, or any kind of fanatics, religious or not.