dogpill gynocracy incels misogyny

Is the Pumpkin Spice latte a sign of female privilege? Incels say yes

Everyone, it seems, loves to rag on the Pumpkin Spice Latte — except, perhaps for those who shell out something like $100 million a year on the seasonal offering at Starbucks. But even those who are fans of the drink sometimes feel a little uneasy about making the purchase. Some women worry they might be labeled “basic,” while some men worry that someone might see them drinking a supposed “girl drink.”

Indeed, when Vice sent out a reporter to examine the gender politics of the drink, she spoke with a barista who told her that guys ordering the drink “speak more quietly and their eyes get shifty.” But despite the nervousness, he said, men bought roughly half of all the Pumpkin Spice lattes he prepared. Not such a girl drink after all.

Just don’t tell that to the incels, who disdain both the drink and its buyers, and consider it so much of a girl drink that they see its very existence as a sign that we live in some sort of secret gynocracy where (white) women are catered to over men.

“Pumpkin spice is a prime example of white female privledge,” wrote someone called SlayerSlayer on the forums recently.

It’s fall again, and I can’t help but notice that they have PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING. You go to Trader Joes- PUMPKIN SPICE. You go to Starbucks- PUMPKIN SPICE. You wanna buy fucking soap from Target- PUMPKIN SPICE


Cuz of the huwhite womenz. This is fucking ridiculous. Yeah, pumpkin spice is not the worst flavor but I hate being reminded of dogfucking and basic bitchery every time I buy a vanilla latte, or just anything in general.

Dude, I hate to tell you but you are the only one “being reminded of dogfucking” whenever you step into a Starbucks. It’s only incels who are utterly obsessed with the delusional belief that most white women fuck dogs

Another incel suggested the problem extended much further than pumpkin spice.

Starbucks + Jamba Juice + Trader Joes + Whole foods = white foid central.

Rage fuel places to go. I always avoid these places. I make my own coffee or get it from a gas station.

Well, that’s good news for everyone who works at or shops at Starbucks, Jamba Juice, and the rest of his list. I just feel bad for the employees and customers of that gas station.

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Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
4 years ago

fellas, is it gay to drink spicy coffee?

4 years ago

Meanwhile, I’m just baffled that they keep calling it “pumpkin spice” when it’s not even made with pumpkins. That’s false advertising!

Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
4 years ago

I wish people would stop whining about PSLs. They’re a seasonal item! They’ll be gone in a couple months! You don’t have to drink them!

4 years ago

“On today’s episode of ‘Incels Working Themselves Into a Frothing Rage About Trivial Bullshit’…”

4 years ago

I don’t drink coffee so I’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte. I don’t really have any opinions on it one way or another.

“Pumpkin spice is a prime example of white female privledge,”

Dude, you can drink a pumpkin spice latte too if you want.

Yeah, pumpkin spice is not the worst flavor but I hate being reminded of dogfucking and basic bitchery every time I buy a vanilla latte, or just anything in general.

That’s a you problem. I’ve never once been reminded of bestiality when in a coffee shop, though that might change now that I’ve read this.

I make my own coffee

Is incel coffee like MGTOW food?


Frothing Rage

Is that a coffee pun?

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

[OT] I guess it was bound to happen. The right are now spewing conspiracy theories about all the prominent Rethugs who caught the covid:

(Warning: link to right-wing kookshite!)

Of course there’s a racist angle, blaming the Chinese. Undoubtedly there will be antiSemitism too. The Scalise shooting is also incorporated into the conspiracy theory, along with a train wreck that I’d not heard about before (and cannot therefore assume even actually happened).

Not mentioned? The obvious explanation, that Republicans and especially Trump have been cavalier about the virus for ages and eventually it bit them in the ass, with a superspreader chancing to attend the mask-free, non-socially-distanced Rose Garden ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination and a maskless, infectious and beginning-to-be-symptomatic Trump subsequently spreading it to debate stage personnel.

4 years ago


Is that a coffee pun?

No, but it should have been. Thank you for thinking of it!

4 years ago


The obvious explanation, that Republicans and especially Trump have been cavalier about the virus for ages and eventually it bit them in the ass, with a superspreader chancing to attend the mask-free, non-socially-distanced Rose Garden ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination and a maskless, infectious and beginning-to-be-symptomatic Trump subsequently spreading it to debate stage personnel.

Plus, there’s the fact that all the GOP senators apparently eat lunch together without masks every day, including the two senators who tested positive.
Statistically speaking, given that most GOP senators are old men, if they all get COVID it’s likely that at least one will die.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, I don’t like having to hear about (American) football all fall. So there.

That's a Moray
That's a Moray
4 years ago

@Anonymous Starbucks actually changed its recipe to contain some amount of pumpkin this year

4 years ago

Ironically, the only thing I can’t reconcile with pumpkin spice is coffee.

4 years ago

my nearest starbucks is several towns away and i’m avoiding public transport unless absolutely necessary until the pandemic ends. this means no pumpkin spice for me and i’m annoyed.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Yeah, pumpkin spice is not the worst flavor but I hate being reminded of dogfucking and basic bitchery every time I buy a vanilla latte, or just anything in general.

Why would I consider dogs when I can have Chad. Guys, try to make a little sense.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

What’s the formula for determining the circumference of a pumpkin?

Pumpkin Pi!

(I’m in town all week)

4 years ago

“Isn’t it suspicious that only the Doorknob-Licker Party is getting this doorknob-licking disease?” asks a prominent member of the Doorknob-Licker Party while licking a doorknob.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

Yet another example of an incel whose attitudes cause him problems, but instead of changing them, he blames other people (preferably women).

The problem is in your head, Slayer. Nobody else can fix it. However, as I like to point out, this is a good thing: It means the solution is 100% in your power. You can change your life, just by changing your mind and that’s a lot easier than changing other people’s.

4 years ago

Speaking of Trump, has anyone else seen the videos of him gasping for air last night?

I am not a doctor, but I would guess that this is because he is on high dose steroids, which can give a feeling of euphoria or make patients think they are better than they are, so Trump probably thinks he’s fully recovered. It’s also common for COVID to get much worse about 7 days in after appearing mild, so Trump is still very much at risk.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Deleted this as it was a moving image and a bit annoying; but (broken) link below:

h(delete this bit to see)ttps://

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@Anonymous: Properly, it’s pumpkin pie spice, much like this stuff from Penzeys, but somewhere the pie part got dropped. The stuff that actually does have pumpkin flavoring, BTW, is often awful (pumpkin doesn’t seem to be a flavor that’s synthesized well).

Interestingly, if you poke around Penzeys’ site, they have three different pie spice offerings. I suspect the difference is in the ratio of the components, but you’d need at least a taste test to figure that out.

4 years ago


(pumpkin doesn’t seem to be a flavor that’s synthesized well)

At least to me, a lot of synthetic flavors based off of fruits or vegetables don’t taste much like the thing they’re supposed to be like. For instance, artificial cherry flavor doesn’t taste much like cherries to me. I’d imagine it’s the same with pumpkin flavoring.

4 years ago

I really don’t like nutmeg, so I assiduously avoid pumpkin spice things. But, you know, it’s just a flavor. If you don’t like it, order another flavor.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Naglfar,

a lot of synthetic flavors based off of fruits or vegetables don’t taste much like the thing they’re supposed to be like

Kids often refer to “purple-flavoured” candy (rather than grape), and it’s absolutely accurate as far as I’m concerned!

4 years ago


Kids often refer to “purple-flavoured” candy (rather than grape), and it’s absolutely accurate as far as I’m concerned!

Fair enough. If those candies weren’t labeled as grape I probably wouldn’t make the connection. Same with watermelon or banana flavors.

The watermelon flavor particularly frustrates me because I love actual watermelon but I hate watermelon flavored candy because it doesn’t taste like the actual fruit.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@Naglfar, I agree 100% about the wrongness of “watermelon” flavour candy. ?

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

The watermelon flavor particularly frustrates me because I love actual watermelon but I hate watermelon flavored candy because it doesn’t taste like the actual fruit.

I have that issue with bananaflavor. It is the bane of my existence./overstatement

As for Trumps covidness… I’ll withold judment until we’re a bit further down the line.

As for the incel-crap: I am very annoyed by the holiday stuff creeping further forward in the year but it has nothing to do with dogs or perceived female privilege. Get a grip, Slayer, the lyrics of that band have a healthier outlook on life than incels do.

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