antifeminism memes that's not funny!

Women’s Rights or Zipling Dog: World’s Most Confusing Men’s Rights Meme released


You guys try to figure this one out:

poll: women's rights or zipling dog?

picture of ziplining dog

By “zipling” I assume they mean “ziplining,” and I guess they’re suggesting that, like a ziplining dog, women’s rights are supported by a metaphorical zipline, allowing women to get where they’re going quickly without any effort? Or without knowing where they’re going? Or maybe that women’s rights make as much sense as a ziplining dog — that is, none?

Those are my best guesses, but who knows, maybe I’m missing the joke?

I’m eager to hear your explanations.

H/T — the Blursed Images subreddit, via the Blatent Misogyny subreddit

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TB Tabby
TB Tabby
4 years ago

My best guess: They’re saying people are picking the ziplining dog over women’s rights, but, well, por que no los dos?

4 years ago

I don’t think dogs would much like zipling —or ziplining. I’ve never taken mine but I don’t think she would like it.

My question is, why can’t we have women’s rights and zipling dog? They don’t seem mutually exclusive.

ETA: ninja’ed by TB Tabby

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

96% of respondents feel the picture is that of a ziplining dog?
I got nothing.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
4 years ago

Maaaaaaaybe it means ‘which do you prefer to see: a zipling dog or women getting rights?’

Is there a Reddit thread someplace that debuted that meme, that also has a discussion on what it’s supposed to mean? Might be the only way to find out for sure.
4 years ago

You know how youtube videos showing off pets, will sometimes randomly have piles of comments saying “OMG that’s animal abuse!” Yeah, I’m going to have to be That Guy about putting a dog on a zipline

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Best guess?

They’re asking which dog you would prefer, and referring to two well-known dogs in the MRA/MGTOW community: a mellow dog that some MRA who can’t spell named “Zipling Dog” and some chirpy chihuahua that some sexist dude named “Women’s Rights”

Apparently large fluffy dogs are more popular in MRA circles than chihuahuas.

What do I win?

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
4 years ago


4 years ago

@[email protected] : if he is untrained, I am in full agreement with you.

Even if he is trained, him being alone seem highly unconventional. I have seen dogs paradrops and zipline before, but they were litteraly in the arms of their handlers.

That being said, it is fully on brand for MTGOWs to support abuse.

4 years ago

Samuel Johnson once said about a woman’s preaching that it wasn’t the excellence of the preaching which was in question but the fact that a woman was preaching at all. I guess this guy is trying to make the same point <i>vis-à-vis</i> ziplining. Somehow, it doesn’t work.

4 years ago

I’m afraid it has something to do with the “dog pill,” i.e., the belief that women in general love to fuck their dogs.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I don’t think dogs would much like zipling —or ziplining. I’ve never taken mine but I don’t think she would like it.

Depends on the dog – they’re as different as people. Got a woman I hang-glide with that takes her collie up with her – and he loves it! Funny as hell to watch though.

Last edited 4 years ago by Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


4 years ago

Which one of the two overrides the will of the living being in question the most? Ha ha, just kidding. That would make sense.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

I think the question is, Who wore it better?

On the one hand, the zipling dog is adorable. On the other hand, women’s rights are absolutely necessary.

So my answer is yes.

Also, I certainly hope the photo is photoshopped.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

My brain keeps wanting to read “zipling” as some Shakespearean English adjective: “Lo, the zipling dog glideth o’er the fields.”

Last edited 4 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Maybe it’s supposed to be Kipling dog.

“If you can lose your head and blame it on women, when all around you……SQUIRREL!!!!!”

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Had to laugh.

Acid Kritana
3 years ago

Perhaps it was people trying to see which they would rather prefer to see? And then showed a picture of the result.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Kiddo either stop being a coward and go to threads and address the things people have talked to you. Or at least go to one’s of this year. Either that or go get your attention needs met by your 12 year old friends. You are just an annoyance here with nothing to add to any conversation and your to much of a coward to actually respond to people who call you out on your bullshit. It’s sad and pathetic

3 years ago


At least don’t necropost.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
3 years ago


You’re a coward who can’t take any criticism. Until you grow a spine nobody is interested in your deep thoughts.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Can you imagine being this little shits teacher? Jesus Christ i feel bad for any teacher that has to read a paper from him.

Acid Kritana
3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch


Kiddo either stop being a coward and go to threads and address the things people have talked to you. Or at least go to one’s of this year. Either that or go get your attention needs met by your 12 year old friends. You are just an annoyance here with nothing to add to any conversation and your to much of a coward to actually respond to people who call you out on your bullsh*t. It’s sad and pathetic

I tried to respond to you, but it said that it needed to be accepted or moderated first…



At least don’t necropost.

The post wasn’t from that long ago.

(All I was doing was searching up “Men’s Rights” into the search bar, and this came up.)

@Policy of Madness


You’re a coward who can’t take any criticism. Until you grow a spine nobody is interested in your deep thoughts.

Like I said, my comment is being moderated. Until then, you’ll have to wait for the response.

@Elaine The Witch


Can you imagine being this little sh*ts teacher? Jesus Christ i feel bad for any teacher that has to read a paper from him.

First off, at least I don’t call people “little sh*t.”

Second off, every time I turn in a paper that includes my Men’s Rights stuff, I get 100%. Even for that teacher that doesn’t agree with me on Men’s Rights.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Sure thing kiddo. I totally believe you on that. And what’s the matter? Upset you can’t call me bitch to my face? You don’t call people little shits but you’ll right post about them being psychotic because they told you things you didn’t like. Your a spinless coward who runs the second someone holds you accountable for your words.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


You just talk behind people’s back like the scared sniveling little boy you are. You want to be an adult but you can’t even handle insulting someone to their face. Not in from a fucking screen. How fucking sad is that. All of that and yet you want people to treat you like an adult. I’d laugh if you weren’t such a pathetic excuse for a troll.