anti-Semitism memes racism

What they’re mad about on Facebook now

I decided to take a little break from the manosphere for the day and plunge instead into another maelstrom of delusion, disinformation and hate: Facebook. Or at least the Very Mad side of Facebook, as helpfully curated by the contributors to the InsanePeopleOnFacebook subreddit.

So what are the angriest people on Facebook mad about now? A lot of things. Here are the trends I noticed after going through several hundred recent posts on the InsanePeopleOfFacebook subreddit.

They’re mad about the supposed secret advantages that Biden supposedly had in his recent debate with the Trump thing — from alleged secret earplugs to alleged better lighting that made him less orange than Trump.

Oh, and did you know that Biden is a clone? You can tell by the earlobes.

Not that they would need to do a very good job duplicating Biden, as some of his non-fans seem a little confused as to what he looks like. (They’re definitely confused about something.)

Some people are very mad that Chrissy Teigen had a miscarriage, because they think she may have actually murdered the baby to extract adrenochrome from its pituitary glad or something. (This is a common belief amongst the QAnon set.)

There’s plenty of racism on hand, no shortage there.

(I’m about 150% sure that’s not a picture of a Black Lives Matter rally and only a tiny bit less sure that the dudes with the clubs are actually white supremacists.)

Speaking of racism, have you considered the perils of white genocide?

I just feel bad for all the white girls and women stock photo models who get used for these racist memes.

Speaking of feeling bad for white girls used to make political points:

And let’s not forget the antisemitism, as expressed in this case by someone who doesn’t seem to understand that marionettes consist of more than just the heads.

On an unrelated note, did you know there’s a second Chris Rock who has blue eyes, a chin and a hairline? At ;east according to whoever put this thing together.

So what are angry people on Facebook the maddest about?


I’m just jealous that whoever made this last one is better at Photoshop than I am.

But this is my favorite mask one:

Let me leave you with this vision of pure horror:

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4 years ago

Umm… that’s Chris Rock, not Will Smith…

4 years ago

Chris rock became Will Smith?

4 years ago

InsanePeopleOnFacebook subreddit

I don’t really love the ableism in the title of the sub.

You can tell by the earlobes.

The earlobes look attached in the all photos to me. Just a slightly different angle. Also, if he was a clone, wouldn’t the earlobes still be attached since that’s a genetic thing and clones are genetically identical?

Some people are very mad that Chrissy Teigen had a miscarriage, because they think she may have actually murdered the baby to extract adrenochrome from its pituitary glad or something.

I saw some TERFs earlier today mocking Chrissy about her miscarriage because according to them, “only females” can be pregnant. When you sound that much like a conservative, you may wish to re-evaluate your feminism.

Biden Likes Minors

Whoever did the photoshop for that shirt needs to be fired.

Tomorrow: You can’t make a purchase anywhere without a bank card

I’m sure I know who they think is behind this bank card scheme…

You didn’t have the vaccine? You cannot travel.

Sounds reasonable. You shouldn’t just go out and expose random bystanders to disease.

You see non mask wearers as defiant, disease spreading

Speaking of which, this happened.

As far as I can tell, they define freedom as “right to be a jackass and let others deal with the consequences.”

I’m just jealous that whoever made this last one is better at Photoshop than I am.

I feel like they might have stolen the image. Generally alt rightists aren’t fond of Black people, so if they’d created it the picture would probably be a white person.

In satanic rituals, they stand 6 feet apart and wear masks

Does that mean that when surgeons operate on someone, they are actually doing a satanic ritual? Big if true.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Does that mean that when surgeons operate on someone, they are actually doing a satanic ritual? Big if true.

When you have a surgical operation, your soul escapes through the incision. I saw it on Babylon 5 and we know that what we see on TV is 100% true. If you’ve ever had a surgery you are a soulless shell.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Yep. First 2 commenters nailed it.

David, get on that correction, my dude!

@Policy of Madness:

I agree I have no soul.

4 years ago


Also, if he was a clone, wouldn’t the earlobes still be attached since that’s a genetic thing and clones are genetically identical?

I am extremely amused by the idea that someone cloned Biden (for, you know, reasons) but in doing so decided to mess with the gene controlling attached earlobes (also for reasons).

4 years ago


If you’ve ever had a surgery you are a soulless shell.

No matter, I shall simply wear my mask, stand 6 feet away, and steal someone else’s soul through a satanic ritual.

4 years ago


WOOOOOOOO!!! Trump caught the Rona!!

Still skeptical on what effect this will have on him, considering he will have the absolute best healthcare in the world available to him, and also considering that both Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson walked away almost unscathed, but it might work against him if he can’t perform in the next debates.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Ah, Diego beat me with the Trump covid news 🙂
Twitter is absolutely feverish right now. Ben Shapiro is enraged that people are laughing. It’s incredible.
Now I will scroll back up and read the actual post!

Seth S
Seth S
4 years ago

Interesting news to hear Trump got the ‘Rona.

While “obese 74 year old male” is not the best demographic for COVID survival, I actually hope he doesn’t die, because I’m concerned his more batshit followers would assume the “Chinese-made Democrat-controlled virus” as they seem to think of it, killed their idol, and decide to take bloody revenge.

I DO hope he winds up having a horrifying experience on a ventilator, though, and a number of frightening relapses, and actually tells his followers to stop being idiots and wear their friggin’ masks because Rona sucks.

(The only thing that would make it truly top notch is if he were poor enough to worry about whether he could pay his medical bills like the rest of us, but alas that’s not to be.)

OTOH this is making me wonder about Biden now. Trump would have been potentially contagious during the debate, would he not? This thing hangs around in the air….

4 years ago

The one about miscarriage is a special kind of evil. Miscarriages are one of the most painful and debilitating experience for women, piling on that by suggestion they did it on purpose is borderline criminal.

4 years ago

@Nagfljar : at that point, it’s more that I would stop using “insane” for mental problems. Since, you know, almost all non neurotypical people don’t fit the popular criteria for not being sane.

Not gonna happen, I know.

4 years ago

@Policy of Madness:

When you have a surgical operation, your soul escapes through the incision. I saw it on Babylon 5 and we know that what we see on TV is 100% true. If you’ve ever had a surgery you are a soulless shell.

I remember that episode. (It’s called “Believers” if anyone wants to check it out.) I know you’re being sarcastic, but the whole point of the story is that the characters argue among themselves whether this alien religious belief is true or not.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@ soul-escaping discussion

Wait wait, now I need to know something important here. See I’ve been reliably informed that the devil enters the body through the hypothalamus when a woman wears pantsuits. This is 100% true, from an authoritative source.

So if I had a surgery before I wore pantsuits, and my soul left my body through the incision, is… is there nothing but the devil left??? Am I a literal big titty demon? If it was a laparoscopic surgery, am I ok because the incision is too small for my soul to escape? Is a soul bigger than a gallbladder?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

I’m sorry for her loss. The truth is This woman is EVIL!

I have a feeling you’ve been called out before for heartlessness. So it’s nice of you to insert a polite expression of sympathy before revealing the shocking truth about Chrissy Teigen.

4 years ago


but it might work against him if he can’t perform in the next debates.

The only people who think he did well in the first debate are his base, whose votes were already locked in. His team were immediately reported to be trying to make the leopard change his spots before the next debate.

4 years ago

If he is debilitated enough by corona, he might lack time to properly organize election fraud.

A human can dream.

4 years ago

The one with Trump labelled as Biden and the little girl was explicitly made to see if Trump’s supporters would be dumb enough to spread it. Apparently they really are that stupid.

4 years ago


it might work against him if he can’t perform in the next debates.

If that were the case, would they make the debates remote or just cancel? I don’t really care, it’s not like we get anything out of them.

@Seth S

if he were poor enough to worry about whether he could pay his medical bills like the rest of us

At the very least, he isn’t as rich as he claimed, but he can probably still afford medical care.

@Big Titty Demon

Is a soul bigger than a gallbladder?

Depends. How many of Ma’at’s feathers does a gallbladder weigh?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


My recollection is that the point of the episode was not arguing whether the belief was true, but arguing whether it should be respected anyway. Should we respect wild, out-there beliefs that can cause the death of a kiddo, but are sincerely held?

@Big Titty Demon

You knew what you were doing when you made your ‘nym. LOL

4 years ago

I have heard that the trick with surgery is to dye your hair red before the surgery. As long as you’re dyed you don’t have a soul, so it can’t escape, but as soon as it wear off you have it again.

Very handy.

4 years ago


That reminds me of the meme about Bill Gates creating facial recognition software that can detect if you’ve been vaccinated. Hopefully it tricked a few antivaxers into wearing a damn mask.

4 years ago


My recollection is that the point of the episode was not arguing whether the belief was true, but arguing whether it should be respected anyway. Should we respect wild, out-there beliefs that can cause the death of a kiddo, but are sincerely held?

Wait, so Babylon 5 wasn’t a documentary?! /s

Of course, since reality is often worse than fiction, we have real-world people who do actually kill their children because of their beliefs, such as anti-vaxxers and other alternative medicine quacks who give their kids bleach, etc.

4 years ago

This is barely on topic even to the off topic, but I’ve been watching Babylon 5 for the first time. It is great–or at least it was great. Less thrilled with the fifth season so far.

I hope Trump catching COVID doesn’t somehow lead to a sympathetic upswell in support or something.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ viscaria

You may already know this; but B5 was slated to run for five seasons. Then the network said they’d end it after four. So JMS wrapped everything up in a hurry. Then they said “Oh, hang on, yes we do want five”. Hence all the filler in season 5.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw