At times it seems like the incel movement is as much about celebrating pedophilia — sorry, ephebophilia — as it is about lamenting celibacy and railing against women. Incels rhapsodize over “jailbait” and “teen love,” and many of them seem to believe that they unless they have sex with a girl in her “prime” — that is, somewhere in the vicinity of 16 years old — their lives are essentially meaningless. Most incels are not themselves in their teens.
“Teen love is the most natural purest form of love the only real love,” wrote someone called uglyautisticrice on the Incels.co forums.
if a girl is older than 18 she is automatically used goods even if she is virgin you must lock a girl down in her prime 16 for many girls. absolutely over if you are not a teen father that means no girl wanted to settle down with you in her prime.
In other words you missed out on the most important part of life. being normal and getting a girlfriend in high school
It’s hard to even know where to start with this one; it’s fractically wrong, down to the smallest detail. Teen love is not “the most natural purest form of love,” although it may be the most melodramatic. Girls older than 18 are not “automatically used goods,” nor are women of any age. No one’s “prime” is when they’re sixteen, unless perhaps they’re an Olympic gymnast. “Getting a girlfriend in high school” is not the “most important part of life.” If high school romance happens for you, cool; if it doesn’t, well, you have the rest of your life to make up for it — or to decide that maybe the romantic life is not the thing for you.
But that’s not how many incels see it. They see sex with girls in their “prime” as something like a birthright and they’re alternately angry at the world for “denying” them this pleasure and angry at themselves for not being good enough to score themselves a teenage girlfriend. (Incel ideology is a little bit contradictory.)
Most commenters in the thread more or less seemed to agree with uglyautisticrice. “Finally some high IQ shit here,” wrote one, while another said of uglyautisticrice’s ugly remarks about 18-year-olds that “truer words have never been spoken.”
The lack of teen love, a commenter called Solo Disident lamented, “left me broke for life as I only find atraction to teens. Im in my 30s now. So what to do? its over.”
But one commenter disagreed mightily. Not because of uglyautisticrice’s creepy fixation on 16-year-olds but because ugly believes at least some of the world’s female inhabitants are capable of love. According to wereqryan, “teen love” is an illusion.
“In spite of seeing the blackpill and seeing the utter inferiority of women and their parasitic natures,” he told ugly,
you still desire for their unadulterated and unconditional affection, for which you’ve coined the term “teen love”. Its a lie.
Women don’t love unconditionally. Women don’t give anything for which they don’t receive ten-fold more. They wish for constant entertainment, constant dopamine hits, constant never-ending pleasure all obtained for minimal of compensation. They use their bodies cheaply in the most primitive of fashion to obtain these treasures.
Oh lord. This dude thinks he can write.
And even if teen love is real, I can assure you that the teenage years only last for a short while, after which the stressors of the world, pertaining to earning resources come into play. And when that happens, the transactional nature of relationships will rear its ugly head more and more.
Many of you still reek in sexual frustration because of your raging hormones which makes you think that having a woman in your life will improve your quality of existence dramatically. It will NOT. It will not improve anything because, I want to remind you once again that women don’t give anything without extracting something that’s worth ten fold. By this logic, they will give you 10 to 15 minutes of pleasure for the price of raw genetic prowess, which is priceless.If you can’t give them genetic prowess in the form of Chadhood, they will ask for near equivalent compensation in the form of financial slavery. In other words, women are cucking men and stealing from men! WAKE UP SHEEP!
Well, at least he didn’t use the word “sheeple.”
The only real solution is to abandon females entirely, and reduce their worth to 5 minutes of fapping to rid yourselves of testosterone driven thirst. Once you acquire post nut clarity, you’ll realize that women are not worth any more than 5 minutes of masturbation. Have a nice day.
I fully support any incel who wants to go his own way from girls or women, to borrow a term from the MGTOWs (who never quite live up to their name). I could do without the misogynistic rants, but hey, at least wereqryan doesn’t seem to be an ephebophile, which in the world of the incels these days is saying something.
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Well, my guess would be about seven years; although maths isn’t my strong point.
(Seriously, it isn’t; I literally had to work that out on my fingers)
Does he realize that most teenage boys probably don’t want to be fathers?
We are, we just don’t love incels.
Who left the projector running again? This from a man who thinks that by virtue of being born with a penis he deserves a wife to provide him with constant entertainment and sex for free.
Even if this isn’t including foreplay it sounds a bit short. I don’t know if most cis men want foreplay, but I’d assume most would want more than 10 minutes of sex.
Financial slavery? Dude, if you’re into findom there are women who will do that for you.
@Alan Robertshaw
The question becomes more complex too. Are we including pre-teens? Depending on the circumstances I’ve also seen 20 year olds lumped in with teens.
@ naglfar
I just counted every number that ended in ‘teen’. It’s really weird because in my head it seems like it should be six; but when I actually count them out it’s seven!
@Alan: The trick to making that make sense is to subtract from the number set until you start with one. So from 13-19 you subtract 12 from each number to get 1-7, at which point it’s a lot easier to see there’s seven numbers.
They never try to reflect to their own miserable characters and become a better person, instead they blame it to something that they can’t control, only to justify their actions and their creepy fixation towards teenage girls.
And yet they never stop throwing tantrum and talking about women, they only want to continuously to dunk on women. I would really appreciate them to stop whining and go their own way just like MGTOWs.
Just want to point out that about every 5 years the world seems to rediscover the abusive nature of child gymnast training, vague promises of new guidelines are promised, it is forgotten and in another five years it happens again. Not to mention the damage to the body these high-level training regimens do to young girls.
Do they really think teenage girls have it easy?!!
I was bullied and sexually harrassed at school. All that I wanted was the bullying to stop. Having a girlfriend is not the most important part in life. Being safe is.
I would stop at : women aren’t goods, even less used goods.
Where do incels get their information about women. They don’t cite any sources. Also, they’ve never had a romantic relationship with a woman. So their information doesn’t come from a book or from the real world. And yet they feel free to pontificate about us, just as if their words were worth something. Oh, to have the confidence of the most ignorant and dateless of incels.
@White Rose
Careful what you wish for, I’ve never seen an MGTOW actually go their “own way.”
It’s like the blind men describing an elephant, if the blind men were all very misogynistic and racist.
Sixteen isn’t prime age anyway. They’re thinking of 17 or 19. After that, you have to go all the way to 23.
I, too, limit my affections exclusively to prime age women. Their love is more pure because it isn’t complicated by all these other factors. Unfortunately, they seem to be getting sparser as I get older.
But I would recommend steering clear of relatively prime people. They’ve got no factors in common with you.
I’d also recommend avoiding people who have an imaginary component. Too complex.
@ rikalous
Ooh, that works; thank you. I wonder why it seems so counter-intuitive? Maybe I just don’t have the brain wiring; or is there some underlying reason? Like how it’s hard to grasp the 0.99′ = 1 thing.
As for the general numbers comments, can we at least keep Pi out of this? Let’s keep this discussion rational.
@Alan Robertshaw
While we’re at it, we should avoid taking the square root of negative numbers. Better to keep it real.
O/T: This sounds bad.
Trump is literally signing up militia members to intimidate voters at polls.
They know that teenager fathers are a mistake right? like they weren’t actively trying to have a baby then, normally that happens on accident either by birth control failing, or not having it at all. even when a teenage boy wants to be a father, that is normally in the future that they want to be a father.
Before I met my husband, he and the girlfriend he had before got pregnant by accident. she was 17, he was 19. they had started dating in highschool and she had… a lot of problems he wanted to help with. My husband was nervous because of money, but was also really excited because he has always wanted to be a father. So what did he do? join the marines so he could insurance to take care of her through out the pregnancy and birth, and have money to take care of their child, also money to go to school.
Very unfortunately, she lost the baby while he was in bootcamp, the relationship kind of sizzled out mainly because they were both young, he was the only guy she had ever been with and wanted to find out life outside of that.
Because oldy enough, most teenagers are not ready for marriage, not ready for children, not ready for a fully committed relationship for the rest of their lives. Especially teenagers, that are still in high school.
This is something the alt right doesn’t seem to get. There’s a common myth that most people in medieval Europe got married in their early teens, and the alt right’s fetishization of the European Middle Ages has led them to think that this is true and that somehow that means that people today should do the same.
Even if that was true you’d have to bring in the other half of the myth, which is people only live to be like 40 if your lucky.
I’m loving all the math puns here, and so is Mr. Parasol. It’s taking our minds off the plumbing crisis of the week. 😛
@Amtep, Naglfar, Alan
I’ve nothing to add, I’m just appreciating the math humor. ?
The myth about marrying in the early teen was because at least in nobility, weddings were sometime decided rather soon. But the parties were still expected to wait to be of age before doing anything stupid.
I guess that teenagers being teenagers, there have been cases of nobles officially marrying at 13 and giving birth at 14. That wasn’t the norm however indeed. If my memory serve well, the age of marriage and children was still earlier than now, but more like 16-18.
The “being lucky to live to forty” myth meanwhile is due to confusing mean and median. Since a lot of people died at effectively 0 years, the mean age of death was quite lower to the median. It’s pretty much my go to example of why teaching maths and statistics should be mandatory.
What I never get is why these guys are always concerned about women stealing their “resources”. Why not just say money? Do they think my wife is only with me to get at my crude oil and timber reserves?
Incels are so odd. I can’t even.
IIRC if a person survived childhood, their life expectancy was about 60 (barring plague, violence, starvation, or many other unpleasant ways to die then).
Well, that explains their sin(x). It’s their only function.