At times it seems like the incel movement is as much about celebrating pedophilia — sorry, ephebophilia — as it is about lamenting celibacy and railing against women. Incels rhapsodize over “jailbait” and “teen love,” and many of them seem to believe that they unless they have sex with a girl in her “prime” — that is, somewhere in the vicinity of 16 years old — their lives are essentially meaningless. Most incels are not themselves in their teens.
“Teen love is the most natural purest form of love the only real love,” wrote someone called uglyautisticrice on the Incels.co forums.
if a girl is older than 18 she is automatically used goods even if she is virgin you must lock a girl down in her prime 16 for many girls. absolutely over if you are not a teen father that means no girl wanted to settle down with you in her prime.
In other words you missed out on the most important part of life. being normal and getting a girlfriend in high school
It’s hard to even know where to start with this one; it’s fractically wrong, down to the smallest detail. Teen love is not “the most natural purest form of love,” although it may be the most melodramatic. Girls older than 18 are not “automatically used goods,” nor are women of any age. No one’s “prime” is when they’re sixteen, unless perhaps they’re an Olympic gymnast. “Getting a girlfriend in high school” is not the “most important part of life.” If high school romance happens for you, cool; if it doesn’t, well, you have the rest of your life to make up for it — or to decide that maybe the romantic life is not the thing for you.
But that’s not how many incels see it. They see sex with girls in their “prime” as something like a birthright and they’re alternately angry at the world for “denying” them this pleasure and angry at themselves for not being good enough to score themselves a teenage girlfriend. (Incel ideology is a little bit contradictory.)
Most commenters in the thread more or less seemed to agree with uglyautisticrice. “Finally some high IQ shit here,” wrote one, while another said of uglyautisticrice’s ugly remarks about 18-year-olds that “truer words have never been spoken.”
The lack of teen love, a commenter called Solo Disident lamented, “left me broke for life as I only find atraction to teens. Im in my 30s now. So what to do? its over.”
But one commenter disagreed mightily. Not because of uglyautisticrice’s creepy fixation on 16-year-olds but because ugly believes at least some of the world’s female inhabitants are capable of love. According to wereqryan, “teen love” is an illusion.
“In spite of seeing the blackpill and seeing the utter inferiority of women and their parasitic natures,” he told ugly,
you still desire for their unadulterated and unconditional affection, for which you’ve coined the term “teen love”. Its a lie.
Women don’t love unconditionally. Women don’t give anything for which they don’t receive ten-fold more. They wish for constant entertainment, constant dopamine hits, constant never-ending pleasure all obtained for minimal of compensation. They use their bodies cheaply in the most primitive of fashion to obtain these treasures.
Oh lord. This dude thinks he can write.
And even if teen love is real, I can assure you that the teenage years only last for a short while, after which the stressors of the world, pertaining to earning resources come into play. And when that happens, the transactional nature of relationships will rear its ugly head more and more.
Many of you still reek in sexual frustration because of your raging hormones which makes you think that having a woman in your life will improve your quality of existence dramatically. It will NOT. It will not improve anything because, I want to remind you once again that women don’t give anything without extracting something that’s worth ten fold. By this logic, they will give you 10 to 15 minutes of pleasure for the price of raw genetic prowess, which is priceless.If you can’t give them genetic prowess in the form of Chadhood, they will ask for near equivalent compensation in the form of financial slavery. In other words, women are cucking men and stealing from men! WAKE UP SHEEP!
Well, at least he didn’t use the word “sheeple.”
The only real solution is to abandon females entirely, and reduce their worth to 5 minutes of fapping to rid yourselves of testosterone driven thirst. Once you acquire post nut clarity, you’ll realize that women are not worth any more than 5 minutes of masturbation. Have a nice day.
I fully support any incel who wants to go his own way from girls or women, to borrow a term from the MGTOWs (who never quite live up to their name). I could do without the misogynistic rants, but hey, at least wereqryan doesn’t seem to be an ephebophile, which in the world of the incels these days is saying something.
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I do think my lack of dating or understanding girls was a big impediment to my emotional development. But I don’t blame the girls, even though some of them were mean to me, those were individuals. I blame the church and my parents for making me ashamed of my own body and completely normal feelings.
The usual age of marriage is the early-mid twenties and basically always has been, pretty much everywhere that 2 person marriage is practiced. Both parties need enough time to learn all the necessary skills, and to build up some capital to finance the new household (trousseau, bride-price, dowry etc.)
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten”
70 has been considered a reasonable age to die in the West for a long time, and other places had similar life expectancy.
I always thought the word “prime” to describe an age best suited for attraction was really uncomfortable. It’s like grading meat.
It’s not just you, or I wouldn’t have had to memorize that trick myself. And I have to stop and use the trick every time to convince my brain that it can’t just subtract the small number into the big number and call it a day.
amtep: find someone who’s 28; they’re perfect.
Alan: the type of issue you’re having is what leads to the “off by one error” that is so extremely common in software development.
For your particular question, I make the problem smaller. How many teen numbers are there from 13 to 19 inclusive? That’s complicated, so make the problem smaller: how many there are from 13 to 13? There’s one. 13-13 = 0, so clearly to get the right number you’ll need to subtract and add one. Hence 19-13 = 6 means there’s seven teen years.
@ rikalous
@ numerobis
Ah, thanks for that. I find that reassuring. I so often ask “Is it just me…” to be met with “Yes.”
Speaking of technical incompetence; I appear to have done something that’s made the text on this site really small. It is just this site; so I don’t appear to have accidentally hit ‘zoom out’ or anything.
It occurred after I’d tried to paste something that I’d copied from another website into a comment. So I’m wondering if there was a hidden control character or something.
Anyone have any ideas as to how to remedy?
You’re on a Mac, right? Try pressing the command and zero keys at the same time.
@ naglfar
Ah cheers. cmd (plus) ‘+’. did it!
@Alan, numerobis:
In computer programming, that’s known as the ‘fencepost’ problem, because a straight fence with six segments requires seven fenceposts. It shows up a lot because the ‘obvious’ way to determine how large a range is, would be to subtract the smallest one from the biggest one; but that always leaves you one off because of that extra fencepost.
(I’ve been on one project where ‘fencepost’ was practically a swear word because we kept running into that, and the person who had written the original code was no longer working at the company. No longer working there in part because of this issue.)
@Amtep, Naglfar, Alan, numerobis, et al:
My favourite bit along those lines showed up in a story I was reading where two characters were discussing how the villain was trying to ban the number pi:
“I’ve heard of irrational hatreds before, but this is ridiculous.”
“I think it’s actually a transcendental hatred, but that’s beside the point.”
@Jenora Feuer
I think both are accurate for pi.
Yes, that was rather the point in the dialogue snippet, and why I found it amusing.
(In fact, transcendentals numbers are a more restricted set than irrational numbers, because transcendental numbers are any numbers that can’t be represented by any rational polynomial, so all transcendentals are irrational, but many irrationals are not transcendental.)
I think some of the Incel crowd get their ideas from the old Axe body spray ads. One version of Axe changed its smell with heat, or something. The ad for it stated that women are easily bored, so if you used this version of Axe they’d hang around longer.
Body sprays seem to lead to dodgy ads. Impulse body spray ran campaigns in various markets in the ’80s like this one. Women were supposed to be flattered, but the idea is pretty creepy.
“Nearly all” irrational numbers are transcendental, though. The algebraic numbers (rational + non-transcendental irrational) are all solutions of polynomials with rational coefficients, and it’s a fairly straightforward argument to show that they are countably infinite. What’s left over, the transcendentals, must be an uncountable set.
@ Naglfar
Yeah… i know they will never do what they always preach. They just like a petulant children who scream they will go away, but in the end always come back again and whining endlessly.