MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW: Constantly complaining about women online is “the equivalent to Christians reading their bible every day”

Apparently MGTOW is a religion now. At least according to one MGTOW Redditor, who suggests that the scriptures of this new religion consist of all the whiny posts about the evils of women that are regularly posted to assorted MGTOW forums.

Let’s let the good Reverend Roflcopt0rz_returns MGTOWsplain it all to us:

"WhY dO yOu gUyS aLwAyS pOsT aBoUt WoMen???!!!1!!" (self.MGTOW)

submitted 20 hours ago by roflcopt0rz_returns

You'll get a lot of wahmen and cucks who complain about us, how we apparently are not going our own way because we "complain" about women.

To which, I ask them this question; why do religious people constantly read their bible or testament or other religious scriptures, even though they've probably read the whole thing several times already?

Same reason why MGTOW posts about divorce rape, false accusations, marriage statistics, etc.

Same reason why people write down their goals that they supposedly should know and refer to their notes constantly (because, you know, it's their life goals).

Sometimes no matter how devout you are, your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you from every direction, and you need to remind yourself of the path you're on and why you believe it is right. A Christian will pull out his bible and read a random passage from the book to enforce his conviction. MGTOW's scriptures are real-life stories from men who were destroyed by the system for no reason, case studies, science, and statistics.

MGTOW is the path to happiness, enlightenment, and the truth. However your sex drive is your biggest enemy as it draws you to women and off the path of MGTOW. Reading about divorce rapes, gynocentrism, watching MGTOW videos, and so on, are the equivalent to Christians reading their bible everyday.

Wow, I thought you guys were just whiny woman-haters who couldn’t shut up. I had no idea you were doing the Lord’s work.

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Seth S
Seth S
4 years ago

great. Now, given how 2020 has gone, I half expect them to declare themselves a legit religion so they can get that sweet religious freedom of bigotry that Christians generally seem to have been freely gifted with by our government in the last several years….

4 years ago

your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you

You would think that for MGTOWs that would be a time to re-evaluate their lives.

MGTOW is the path to happiness, enlightenment, and the truth.

Weird, they don’t seem all that happy or enlightened. Or to care much for the truth.

I don’t know about MGTOWs, but I think incels most likely meet the requirements to be considered a cult. They oppose independent thought, isolate their members from the world, radicalize members, and worship terrorists. MGTOWs don’t seem quite as culty as incels, but the two groups seem to be converging ever faster as of late.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago


You would think that for MGTOWs that would be a time to re-evaluate their lives.

Yeah, but of course that’s not how a person fundamentalists.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sometimes, no matter how devout you are, your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you from every direction, and you need to remind yourself of the path you’re on and why you believe it is right.

Almost like extreme obsessive misogyny is not innate to men and needs to be constantly reinforced. What if he stayed away from the manosphere and started enjoying life instead of being filled with hate all the time? Wouldn’t that be just horrible?

4 years ago

Wow, and from the headline I thought the mgtow was saying that like it’s a bad thing. Should have known better.

Now the way I always saw it as an atheist is that people with obviously unevidenced beliefs they themselves arent all that convinced of deep down need to constantly reinforce those delicate paper-thin walls around their belief. But I’m sure few mgtows have the level of self-awareness necessary to even realize that.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Wow, I thought you guys were just whiny woman-haters who couldn’t shut up. I had no idea you were doing the Lord’s work.

And here I thought that they were trying to incite hatred against women in an attempt to bring about a sex war.

4 years ago

Bruh. You ain’t us Jews reading the Torah over and over every year, on a schedule (or three years for some sects). For one, we get a celebration when we get to the end. Plus, we’re supposed to ACTUALLY DEBATE it and its meanings. Y’all being on repeat with no broker for dissent is frankly proof of your iniability to truly think about the concepts you so constantly repeat.

4 years ago

I’m always particularly moved by the Bible passage where Jesus’ post-wall ex gets in touch “just to check in” but Jesus knows she’s trying to beta-bux him, so he humiliates her by saying something like “this gravy train is not stopping at YOUR station, Miss, and lol you’re ugly now” and he just rolls on into his happy MGTOW future.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ lollypop

I’m always particularly moved by the Bible passage where Jesus’ post-wall ex gets in touch 

Well Jesus was a chad before it was fashionable. See Revelation 22:13.

4 years ago
Reply to  Naglfar

I’ve yet to stumble across a happy MGTOW.

4 years ago

lol actual science and statistics needed, please.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
4 years ago


That’s because all the happy MGTOWs are not spending their days on the Internet obsessing about women who don’t want them. They’re out there spending their free time on things they enjoy doing instead. “OMG just look at this radio-controlled airplane I tricked out to look like a TIE fighter! It can do loop-the-loops and corkscrews and EVERYTHING!! Wanna see?” “Yeah, I just got done hiking in Yellowstone National Park last week! Got some gorgeous photos of Old Faithful while I was there too! Wanna see? And next month I’m taking the Appalachian Trail into Canada! Wanna come with me?”

4 years ago

@darthtimon, Redsilkphoenix
Of course, if you ever ask MGTOWs about their hobbies they get very upset. And as for their cooking, the less said about it the better.

There definitely are happy single men out there. Generally the happy ones are the ones who aren’t seething with rage.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Haha! Proof if any were needed!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

MGTOW dogma, like scripture, is filled with fantastical stories and conveniently non-falsifiable authoritarian BS that flatters the faithful with promises of unearned greatness. Sounds about right.

MGTOW is the opiate of the messes.

4 years ago

comment image

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

Ninja’d by Naglfar! (I was just about to reword my comment)

Last edited 4 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@Buttercup Q Skullpants

MGTOW dogma, like scripture, is filled with fantastical stories and conveniently non-falsifiable authoritarian BS that flatters the faithful with promises of unearned greatness. Sounds about right.

MGTOW is the opiate of the messes.

Wow, ok. I’m sorry you were hurt.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

I appreciate your sympathy, but we’re going to have to agree to disagree here. The Bible isn’t literally true (though there’s some beautiful allegory) and I don’t want to get into a no true Scotsman debate about the ways in which the right wing have perverted Christianity.

4 years ago


The Bible isn’t literally true (though there’s some beautiful allegory)

My favorite take on this was from a Maseritic rabbi I knew, who stated that her position was “The Bible is truth…and also some of it might have happened.”

Note: she was referring specifically to the Old Testament, but I imagine the same thing could be said in relation to the NT as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I appreciate your sympathy, but we’re going to have to agree to disagree here. The Bible isn’t literally true (though there’s some beautiful allegory) and I don’t want to get into a no true Scotsman debate about the ways in which the right wing have perverted Christianity.

Oh, did you mean only right wing perverted Christianity? I thought you were insulting every religious person of every scripture, equating them to MGTOW and saying they were in it for the flattery of unearned greatness. My bad, couldn’t distinguish that nuance. Carry on then.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

Sorry, that was my bad for highlighting the bathwater and not the baby. I think the Bible is a fascinating mixture of history, poetry, myth, and moral guidance, but it gets egregiously and vocally misused by the usual suspects.

What I meant by “unearned greatness” was the idea, beloved among regressives and easy to find in supporting passages, that certain groups automatically have inborn authority over others, regardless of merit. And that such authority can never be challenged because the source is divine and unassailable. It’s a perfect closed-loop system that’s hard to change.

That’s distinct from the unearned greatness of “because you were born, you are worthy of love and respect, beautiful human being.” Something the MGTOWs will never find in their scriptures, tragically.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I also find it funny that this guy thinks Christians read the bible a lot. Some do. But a lot of them don’t. Fundies in particular, frequently don’t read or study it on their own, they just listen to selective quotes in church services. My fanatically Christian MAGA uncle has admitted that he does not actually know the bible that well.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Took a break in mid-miggie screed to say, “divorce rape” is the stupidest made-up term ever. Now I’ll read more. I enjoy laughing at absurd whining.

4 years ago

Do Christians really “read a random passage” from the bible to reinforce their conviction? If you truly pick at random, you’re in danger of picking one of the passages where God orders his followers to commit violence, even genocide. Or the bit in Deuteronomy where he gives instructions about how to poop in camp, so that God doesn’t tread in it.

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