MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW: Constantly complaining about women online is “the equivalent to Christians reading their bible every day”

Apparently MGTOW is a religion now. At least according to one MGTOW Redditor, who suggests that the scriptures of this new religion consist of all the whiny posts about the evils of women that are regularly posted to assorted MGTOW forums.

Let’s let the good Reverend Roflcopt0rz_returns MGTOWsplain it all to us:

"WhY dO yOu gUyS aLwAyS pOsT aBoUt WoMen???!!!1!!" (self.MGTOW)

submitted 20 hours ago by roflcopt0rz_returns

You'll get a lot of wahmen and cucks who complain about us, how we apparently are not going our own way because we "complain" about women.

To which, I ask them this question; why do religious people constantly read their bible or testament or other religious scriptures, even though they've probably read the whole thing several times already?

Same reason why MGTOW posts about divorce rape, false accusations, marriage statistics, etc.

Same reason why people write down their goals that they supposedly should know and refer to their notes constantly (because, you know, it's their life goals).

Sometimes no matter how devout you are, your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you from every direction, and you need to remind yourself of the path you're on and why you believe it is right. A Christian will pull out his bible and read a random passage from the book to enforce his conviction. MGTOW's scriptures are real-life stories from men who were destroyed by the system for no reason, case studies, science, and statistics.

MGTOW is the path to happiness, enlightenment, and the truth. However your sex drive is your biggest enemy as it draws you to women and off the path of MGTOW. Reading about divorce rapes, gynocentrism, watching MGTOW videos, and so on, are the equivalent to Christians reading their bible everyday.

Wow, I thought you guys were just whiny woman-haters who couldn’t shut up. I had no idea you were doing the Lord’s work.

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4 years ago

Protestants get a wee bit peeved (some, anyways) that we Catholics have a different set of Commandments from them. Had one guy calling me a heretic over that … 

My husband calls me that all the time.

4 years ago

O/T: Anyone else watching the debate? I’ll be watching at the start but will probably be multitasking later on.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

Well, that was…something.

4 years ago


The debate was an even bigger clusterfuck than I was expecting.

4 years ago

I cannot imagine caring even a little bit about anything either of them has to say.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

Are we calling it a debate then? I watched 5 minutes of it and had to turn it off because it was like watching my uncles yelling and sniping at each other and thinking that they are so clever. I just felt bad for Chris Wallace, he was trying really hard to have a decent debate and reign it in and, well, you know… that happened.

4 years ago

@PoM : the bit about correlation between aggressiveness and knowledge make sense since the new testament is rather clear about peace and non violence.

@debate : I have seen summaries and not the whole thing. The general impression is that Trump only signaled to his voters and did not even try to reach for the other, while Biden was visibly concentrated on convincing thoses few republicans that are on the fence.

4 years ago

The main thing I noticed was that Biden seemed to be trying to have a debate, while Trump seemed to think he was having a rally. I agree with Big Titty Demon in that I feel sorry for Chris Wallace, he had to act like he was trying to manage an unruly 3 year old.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Don’t feel sorry for Chris Wallace. He’s a Fox Noise shill just like the rest. He puts on a facade of being tough and fair like his father, but it’s just a front. If you pay attention to him you’ll see his bias.

I didn’t watch the debate but I’ve heard that he didn’t even try to get control of Trump. Of course he didn’t.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@Policy of Madness

I mean I did watch part of it and I disagree. 🙂 The problem is that Trump is a person with no regard for anyone but dictators, so he failed to succeed.

I can feel bad for someone who is not of my own exact political beliefs for being in an unfortunate situation. I also felt bad for how Trump treated Megyn Kelly in 2016 about the debates, blood coming out of her wherever, and she is a person with opposite political beliefs to mine.

4 years ago
4 years ago


Almost like extreme obsessive misogyny is not innate to men and needs to be constantly reinforced. What if he stayed away from the manosphere and started enjoying life instead of being filled with hate all the time?

Yup. The extra pathetic part of this whole thing is that, while everybody engaged in any kind of life effort does occasionally need to “remind [themselves] of the path [they’re] on” when their “conviction wavers” temporarily, the healthy way to do that is by reinforcing the positive aspects of their goals.

It’s perfectly normal for even happily single people to feel unenthusiastic about singlehood from time to time. If you make a habit of focusing on the good and positive things about your single life in order to cope with occasional feelings of dissatisfaction, that’s great and nobody objects to that at all.

But if you have to be constantly soaking your consciousness in negative reactions to bigoted misogynistic horror stories about how awful women are in order to reconcile yourself to singlehood? Sorry, buddy, in that case you’re not reinforcing healthy spiritual growth, you’re brainwashing yourself into a hate cult.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


The extra pathetic part of this whole thing is that, while everybody engaged in any kind of life effort does occasionally need to “remind [themselves] of the path [they’re] on” when their “conviction wavers” temporarily, the healthy way to do that is by reinforcing the positive aspects of their goals.

Isn’t that kind of moot now? The path everyone is on now goes straight down the gullet of a black hole. Look at the giant fires, barrage of hurricanes, fascists on the eve of ascendency, collapsing economy, species extinction rate, and plague, and the dire things the scientists are saying about the climate and ecology.

It sure looks like some kind of End Times now, doesn’t it? 🙁

4 years ago

The problem is, that’s exactly what conservative Christians want. They want to bring about the End Times because they believe that God will then intervene and take them to heaven and their enemies (Jews, LGBTQIPA+, Black people, anyone to the left of them, people of other religions, etc) will go to hell. When the pandemic was starting I recall seeing some evangelicals on Twitter speculating about how it was the rapture. They don’t see it as a problem that it’s the end times, because that’s what they want to have happen.

Of course, if this is the Biblical end times, they’ve all sided with the Antichrist.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads
–Revelation 13:16

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

They conducted rituals up on Fox News, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world. And now it looks like it may actually happen.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

They want to bring about the End Times because they believe that God will then intervene and take them to heaven and their enemies (Jews, LGBTQIPA+, Black people, anyone to the left of them, people of other religions, etc) will go to hell.

Always tell those ones they missed the boat by nearly a century. The rapture happened on the 18th April, 1930 and we’re just the leftovers …

😀 It don’t half upset them.

Last edited 4 years ago by Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

The problem is, that’s exactly what conservative Christians want. They want to bring about the End Times because they believe that God will then intervene

Holy shit. We’re actually living in a Lovecraft story.

4 years ago

@Lukas Xavier

Holy shit. We’re actually living in a Lovecraft story.

At least Cthulhu hasn’t risen yet. I’m expecting that for November.

I am obligated to repost this gem:
comment image

4 years ago


Isn’t that kind of moot now? 

With all due respect, I don’t think so. Without at all trying to dismiss or downplay the magnitude of the catastrophes facing us as a species, and without disregarding the appalling sufferings of the many individuals being directly and drastically impacted by disasters right now, I absolutely don’t think that undertaking any sort of effort to make things even a little bit better right where you are is in any way “moot”. Trying to be a better and happier human being is not and never will be moot.

In particular, the vast majority of MGTOW types liking stuff on the interwebs right now are, I would be willing to bet, not fleeing from an impending wildfire or hurricane or scrounging stale food from gutters or clinging to life on a respirator. I don’t think they or anybody else with even a modicum of stability and security in their current circumstances gets a pass on being a crap human being on the grounds that “well the whole world is collapsing into crap so what does it matter”.

If MGTOW types or anybody else want to be happily single without filling their minds with hatred and contempt and bigotry, I think that’s an endeavor well worth undertaking and supporting even in the midst of pandemic and climate change and tyrannical misgovernment. Yes, of course they should be putting in some work to help fix things on a bigger scale too. But striving for personal spiritual growth—and I’d say that working to be happily single, or happily married, or fulfilled in one’s job, or a better parent or sibling, or whatever, falls in that category—isn’t a selfish indulgence or a luxury reserved only for times of peace and prosperity.

Sorry for all the super clausey sentences, when I get all heartfelt and earnest I really go to town on the Ciceronian convoluted oratory.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

This is from a piece written by David Renton. He’s a barrister here.

You can imagine the men as they prepared for the showdown. For days, the papers had been predicting a “great sensation”. Press photographers besieged the entrance. No one could enter the building where the debate was due to take place without a special permit. In his dark blue suit, one question above all troubled the party leader, and with the help of his advisers, he puzzled how best to answer it. What if he was accused of links to fascist street gangs?

This wasn’t the United States in September 2020. It was Germany in May 1931.

For as the historian Benjamin Hett describes in his book, Crossing Hitler, the summer of 1931 saw Hitler being summonsed to court and accused of being complicit in the work of gangs who had beaten – and killed – their anti-fascist enemies.

Hitler’s response was to play a double game. First of all, he was worried about looking weak in front of his supporters, who had called him a coward and a conformist. So he needed to signal that the gangs still had his support. Second, he tried to pretend that any harm caused by his supporters was necessary since the country faced a much more threatening enemy: the far left.

“The SA men are the first men in the party,” he told his opponent, the private prosecutor Hans Litten. Then, in answer to Kurt Ohnesorge, the judge who moderated the hearing, Hitler said that the “red murderers” of the left were the real problem: “If an SA man really oversteps the boundary of self-defence, you can’t hold a man responsible for that.”

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago


Cores of pure selenium!!

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
4 years ago


Pretty sure it’s actually Satan the MGTOWs are working for.

3 years ago

I’m leery anytime someone says, “Constantly.” Most people spend, what? Two or three minutes commenting online? How long is the average person reading Reddit? Even when I disagree, to say someone is Constantly complaining, or Constantly this, or Constantly that is basically trying to reduce a person’s argument without actually dealing with their argument.