The Ask the Red Pill subreddit is a place where the wise elders of Reddit’s Red Pill community answer questions from aspiring alpha males who wonder if they’re doing the whole Red Pill thing correctly.
Here are a few recent queries posted there. Can you discern a trend here?
Really, there’s nothing more alpha than worrying endlessly that virtually anything you do might reveal you to the world as a beta.
Sometimes they ask on behalf of other people:
Sometimes they seem to be losing faith in the entire Red Pill ideology.
Wouldn’t you like to know, fellas, wouldn’t you like to know.
Not all of the questions posted there are about the dangers of inadvertent betahood.
I take that back. The gist of that first one is whether or not it’s beta to alert a woman that you’re about to come in her mouth.
This question, though, has me a little worried:
Ladies, let me know what’s up with that particular initiative. I’m just trying to plan my week ahead.
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I know this isn’t the mental image the Reddit writer meant to invoke, but I rather like the idea of a male deer made out of (clean) tampons. Sounds kinda cute, to be honest. About as cute as the simple origami deer I like to fold sometimes.
I’m sorry, but I can’t read this without thinking they’re referring to betta fish. Yes, I know the spelling is different, but it makes the whole thing a lot more entertaining.
Fellas, is it beta to learn how to spell “beta”?
Nah, she turned you into a beta buck tampoon.
Am I the only who is curious to know the answers? People on any given website will ask a lot of stupid questions. Some might be trolls asking dumb questions (it’s reddit afterall, there is a lot of trolls there). The answers are a much more telling as to what type of people frequent the subreddit.
Of course they would forget that not all feminists are women and it would be pretty counterproductive for us to be supporting feminism if we were expecting to be killed later…..
Please, we can’t kill all the men until we have full female/female reproduction. As the TRPers have taught us, that’s literally the only reason for having men around, not because we value them as human beings or anything. Oh wait, we’re also supposed to want them to do our manual labor. So I guess we’ll need some robots, too.
‘do feminists want to kill all men?’ pfft no, just y’all /s
From the same TRP discussion:
Yes, this has been our goal from the very first time a cave woman complained about her male companion. Our long-term plan is (1) votes for women; (2) free tampons in all public feminine hygiene dispensers; and (3) “kill all men.”
Women have won the vote almost everywhere in the world. We’ve made gains in the fight for free tampons. After we’ve won that battle, which should take maybe a few more months: “No more men.”
Wait, is this a question or an accusation ? I read it as “How dare you feel empathy for women while pretending to be red-pilled !” but i am probably wrong.
If this was a genuine question, well, the answer is easy : you can not. The two are mutually exclusive, though you can be none of both.
Wow are these dudes concerned about being Beta. It’s pretty sad to see something like that just so totally consume them, even if they’re jerks.
On the other hand, I find it VERY eyeroll worthy that Prince Harry, a rich white dude who married a freaking celebrity woman with the looks to match*, is considered “beta” just because he finally got sick enough of the British tabloids abusing his wife like they did his mum and left to raise his kid more quietly. Like, dude’s sixth in line for the throne right now, backing off makes sense anyway.
*yes I know there are racists who think it disqualifies Meghan from hotness but srsly, she’s gorgeous.
I personally can’t imagine anything more alpha than seeking permission from a bunch of online strangers to do things.
The best piano players obsess over its effect on their SMV.
@ kereea
The Royal Family and government here refer to the concept of “an heir and a spare“.
So once that is assured the next in line of succession can stand down. And do things like collectively travel on an aeroplane.
Prince Harry will also be well aware, in addition to the pressures on his own mother, of what happened to his Grandmother’s own father; and how his accession to the throne is blamed for his subsequent ill-health and untimely demise.
I think that’s a good cardio workout, but you might want to mix in some “lift all men” and “kick all men” to build muscle mass.
And to get some leg exercise, try “squat all men.”
*cocks head* Which dude was Harry’s great-granddad again? I’m sure I’d recognize the name, but I can’t recall who he might be off the top of my head.
Also, I’m not sure the American tabloids are that much of an improvement over the British ones. The stories I see in the headlines about them are along the lines of ‘Evil selfish Megan tears apart royal family for shits and giggles; makes Queen cry during her twilight years when she should be happy playing with the great-grandkids instead’. Then again, I wonder if Megan’s arrival in that family accidentally set off some fault lines in their relationships, and that’s what she’s being blamed for in the tabloids
I think he was George VI, but I’m not British so I don’t know for sure.
The tabloids are probably blaming her because she’s a woman of color and it’s easier to stir up rage against her than against her white husband. AFAIK both she and Harry are happier with more separation from the royal family and don’t want the media circus, but I don’t really follow the British royal family so I don’t know.
@ redsilkphoenix & naglfar
Indeed; as portrayed here. In a scene that seems quite apposite.
@Redsilkphoenix and Harry’s great grandfather: if you’ve seen “The King’s Speech,” that movie was about the current Queen’s father.
Elizabeth’s father became king when his brother abdicated for Wallis Simpson (like Naglfar, I’m not sure if George was the 6th, but he was a George).
O/T: TERFs are now declaring that they will not vote for Biden because he doesn’t use the same dictionary definition of “woman” that they do and will “give away their rights” to trans people.
Losing your right to abortion to own the trans.
FWIW I don’t know what Biden’s stance on trans people is, it’s probably not great or maybe is just performative, but I’m still voting for Biden because he’s better than Trump.
Good to see you back again.
@Nagflar, Alan, ObSigJag,
Thanks for the info. I have heard of him and his brother before and know at least a bit of that history. For some odd reason I just didn’t think of George in terms of ‘great-granddad of current batch of royals’. Live and learn.
And thanks for reminding me I need to track down The King’s Speech and watch it sometime. It seems like a really interesting movie based on what little I’ve seen and read about it over the years. The last movie I saw based on the lives of the Royals was 2017’s Victoria and Abdul, which I found to be a good movie, though I guess it did have some problematic elements in how it depicted certain events in it.
Oh, btw in other OT news, the New York Times somehow managed to get ahold of Trump’s tax returns, the ones he refused to release for the last few years, and published their findings Sunday (I think). And if this summary is anything to go by, ruh-roh…for Trump.
ETA: just re-saw the earlier comment by Nagflar about betta fish being better than these beta guys, and they’re right. The fish are definitely nicer than these guy:
And, predictably, he has already declared it’s fake news.
Unfortunately, 40% of the country doesn’t care and won’t care so long as he says so. This would be a career-ending scandal for any other president, but it doesn’t rank in the top 10 worst things Trump has done and will be forgotten about in a week.
@ redsilkpheonix
Wow, those fish! If intelligent design is a thing then I’m guessing the designer is Zandra Rhodes.
@ naglfar
Trump is simultaneously saying the tax returns are fake, and illegally disclosed. Which to me does seem a teeny bit internally inconsistent. But what do I know?
In other Trump news, a campaign database was leaked that shows his effort to suppress turnout of 3.5 million African American voters.
@Alan Robertshaw
Or, in other words, he’s doing that old bit about “I didn’t murder anyone. But definitely don’t check the closet! There are definitely no bodies in the closet! None in the fridge, either! Or the basement!”
He’s been pushing this line all along. If he didn’t have anything to hide, he wouldn’t have been so opposed to releasing the returns.
Yeah, male bettas (which those pictures feature) are beautiful. The females don’t have fins anywhere near as fancy as the males, but they’re still pretty in their own right.,q_auto/1397630-right-1
A pity they have a reputation for being bad tank mates with other fish, because they’re actually pretty decent with company, male and female both. You just can’t keep two males in the same tank without a barrier separating them, or if they’re both in a very large tank. Females will nibble each other’s fins, but otherwise won’t try to fight to the death or anything like that.
(Another thing for my impossibly-long to-do list: get and keep bettas again. They were cool to watch.)
“… makes Queen cry during her twilight years when she should be happy playing with the great-grandkids instead”
That’s been a major theme over here in the tabloid reporting, which I find very annoying because the Queen apparently didn’t turn up for Prince Charles’ actual childhood birthdays and her favourite son is an utterly indulged, morally absent paedophile that she’s gone out her way to protect. I know they are real people with thoughts and feelings and all that, but they are very much not a normal family. Like Camilla used to have a servant follow her round just to clear up the ash she tapped on the floor from her endless ciggies.
Speaking of fragile masculinity, right wing blogger Matt Walsh went on a rant about how emojis are for women and children and men who use them are shaming their male ancestors.
Unsurprisingly, he’s getting dunked on pretty hard.