memes misogyny MRA

Fact-checking Men’s Rights memes

No fact-checking required with this one, which is so low-effort it barely even counts as a meme

It’s meme time again, in which I present a number of Men’s Rights memes I’ve found recently and mock the shit out of them. I will also be providing rudimentary fact-checks for some of them.

So let’s get right to it. The first couple of memes are attempts to prove that feminists are hypocrites who hold contradictory beliefs on an assortment of topics.

Er, femininsts have also pushed hard for paid paternity leaves and would be thrilled if men involved themselves more in child care.

Feminists don’t believe that women can’t be abusive; they believe that they are less likely to be abusers than men — because they are, at least when it comes to the severe sorts of abuse that land women in hospitals for domestic violence at much higher rates than men.

As for combat, well, women do tend on average to be smaller than men, but by this logic short men should also be kept out of the armed forces. In any case, very few wars these days are decided by fist fights.

Yes, it’s true that feminists sometimes celebrate women for acting in ways that have been seen as traditionally masculine. But they don’t celebrate women acting like dicks on crowded subway trains.

Here’s one more Schrodinger’s Feminist meme; it’s the last one, I promise.

Feminists don’t give a shit how many women pickup artists sleep with; what bothers us are the pickup techniques in question, which involve mind games and manipulation and sometimes outright rape. And it’s not exactly news that the whole Red Pill/pickup scene today is rife with misogyny.

Here’s a meme attacking feminists for (allegedly) resorting to ad hominem in arguments.

And here are memes happily resorting to ad hominem, mocking feminists as allegedly all fat and ugly. (Don’t ask me to explain the point of the first one because I’ve never seen any feminist say anything remotely like this to an anti-feminist.)

Not much to say about this next one except that MRAs really seem to enjoy fantasizing about hitting women.

Here’s a perplexing one. Am I missing something here or is this completely incoherent?

Also, I’ve never seen a feminist say anything like this ever.

This one has a fact in it.

In this case the fact is actually true, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. It’s just that this percentage has nothing to do with some imagined plot against men by the evil gynocracy; men make up the overwhelming majority of prisoners because men commit the overwhelming majority of crimes. Now, it’s true that a lot of those in prison are there because of bullshit drug charges and the like, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish that has much more to do with race and class than it does with gender.

Here’s one final meme I’m not going to bother to fact-check because I can’t even fucking read it.

Graphic design is my passion!

H/T — The MRAmemes subreddit, where I found all these lovely memes.

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4 years ago

This would he the same Tucker Carlson whose employer just defended him in court with the claim that no reasonable person would take him seriously?

Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

I believe (but haven’t checked) that men get longer sentences on average because they’re more likely to be repeat offenders. Female first offenders get longer sentences than male ones.

As I say, this is something I remember, and I have a fallible, human memory. Also, it might have been true in one place 30 years ago rather than generally true. Does anybody know more?

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Re: Women and Prison

@ Shiela, and anyone else who might be interested.

This paper goes into some of the factors, from a UK perspective anyway.

There are a number of issues. Reasons for offending, nature of offending, and particular vulnerabilities.

Primarily though it’s to do with ‘inter generational’ offending.

Women tend to be primary carers of children. If women go to prison kids often go into care. And there’s a link between spending time in care and future offending. So there are more schemes to divert women from the criminal justice system and/or use alternatives to custody.

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
4 years ago


When I see a cis woman spreading misogyny, never once have I assumed she was a closeted trans man on that basis.

You don’t, but TERFs often do. Trust manospherians not to know the difference. Although the feminist in that picture looks like a caracature of a trans woman, so who knows.

Last edited 4 years ago by Citerior Motive
Buttercup Q. Skullpants

The “kalm – panik – kalm” one is supposed to be “panik – kalm – panik”, with a surprise twist that undermines the middle panel. Lordy, they’re terrible at meming.

Is the “narrow door” supposed to be a Scripture reference, implying it’s ok to call people feminazis if you’re born again because Jesus will protect you from the consequences?

Last edited 4 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I think it’s supposed to be “feminazis are all fatties”.

Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

Thanks Alan. And thanks for the summary.

4 years ago

Once more, for the misogynist at the back of the room:

We live under patriarchy which is oppressive to both men and women.

They think their lists of things that are bad for men are “gotchas” that disprove the existence of patriarchy. In fact, they are examples of it’s pervasiveness.

4 years ago

What really makes me facepalm is how MRAs occasionally accidentally stumble upon a way that patriarchy and/or toxic masculinity hurt men, but instead of trying to fix it they blame feminists and try to use more patriarchy. It’s like noticing your house is on fire, then trying to put it out by pouring gasoline everywhere.

4 years ago

dormousing it said

I’ve read that people tend to become more gullible, as they age.

This appears to be a thing. It seems that a region of the brain that is responsible for that can deteriorate. It doesn’t appear to affect everyone.

It’s also true that some people get paranoid when they get older. It happened to my dad. He got very distrustful of contractors and refused to hire cleaning help even though he could definitely afford to. On the upside, he would simmer down if I looked up contractor ratings online for him and did a bit more cleaning whenever I mentioned housekeeping services, lol. But he’d never watch Fox Noise on a bet or listen to any sales pitch on the phone.

tl;dr – We’re still individuals, even when we’re old.

It occurs to me that you probably didn’t mean to lump all us olds into a homogenous, gullible group. My apologies! I wasn’t cranky about it; there are too many other things to be cranky about these days. Chalk it up to me being a bit more paranoid than usual, lol. Maybe I take after my dad, but it’s probably more about the times we’re living in.

I love you all because you help keep my brain from breaking.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Interestingly, section 7 has actual empirical data to support the leftist contention that: “the interests of the capitalist rulers are pitted against those of society”.

I wonder if this will suffice to convince any libertarian or fiscal-conservative ideologues? (My guess is “no”.)

4 years ago

@Naglfar — you get me!
@Everyone — I should never post from my phone: it’s for its? I do know the difference and I am legit embarrassed.

Cathy F
Cathy F
4 years ago

Re: Manspreading. What I have read, and it seems true to my experience, is that all people sit with legs spread somewhat if left to their own devices. However, we spend decades training it out of anyone identified as a girl for being “unladylike.” So now it’s coded masculine, and has nothing to do with external genitalia.