dogpill incels misogyny

The incels’ new enemy: Chad Thundercockroach

Cockroach Chad getting all the babes

Now the incels are not only jealous of Chad Thundercock, the mythical superhunk who supposedly has regular hot sex with every woman on earth; they’re also puke green with envy of Chad’s insect equivalent: Chad Thundercockroach, an actual bug, who gets more female attention in a day than the average incel gets in a lifetime. Supposedly.

In a rant recently posted to the forums, an angry young man who goes by the name of Billowel urges his fellow angry young men to “take the bugpill” and acknowledge that, in the eyes of women at least, they are lower “then dogs, cats, rats, spiders, cockroaches, [and] ants.”

Why? Because there are some hot young women that keep these assorted critters as pets.

“Women only find about 5-15% of man ‘attractive,'” Billowel begins,

This mean that the rest of man are nothing more then disposable garbage whose value is solely on their skills(skills that can benefit society) and manual labour.

Yet some of these man-hating ladies keep everything from dogs and cats to bugs as pets — allowing these lucky beasts to live the incel dream as lazy-ass NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).

And by “keep as pets” Billowel also means “have sex with,” because he assumes that some huge percentage of women are out there having sex with dogs and any other animal they can figure out how to have sex with. Incels call this “the dogpill.”

look through this list and see how absurd our lifes are. Whilst dogs tongue kiss virgin jbs [jailbaits] and sometimes even get to pump their wombs full of cum ,we are left to rot and contemplate ropes and copes.

This is all happening in your imagination, dude.

Women wash dogs,hug them,kiss them,cuddle with them, fed them, take them to the veterinary, sometimes hand prepare food for them (i will never have dinner served by my cute wife,but a dog will), and makes sure he has [everything] that he needs to spend hs day.

the epithet “living a dog’s life” is no longer appropriate for the incel. We are worse then a dog. A dog even gets a painless death at the the end of his life in an infirmary whilst people like my truecel uncle died because the nurses where doing who knows what(probably fucking a chad patient or sending nudes like the whores they are). For 6 minutes till his mind went blank he screamed this world and the other,yet no nurse came to his rescue. Nothing is more horrible then a women in any position that isn’t motherhood.

I really doubt that the nurses were fucking Chad while your uncle died, dude.

But it gets worse. Women love cats and dogs. But they also don’t mind bugs.

He posts a YouoTube video of a woman with a pet jumping spider.

Can you imagine a female being so excited about an incel?She oozes out joy whilst talking about spiders and teaching other women how to take care of FUCKING SPIDERS. She literally buys shit for a fucking SPIDER. Can you imagine not only getting hit by a women, grabbed by her because she likes how you look, but also to receive presents and to be taken care off as if you were royalty? all for fucking free?

He wants a servant as much as a girlfriend.

You cannot have this,but a fucking spider can because women find them adorable.

Even fucking rats receive more love then us.

He shows us a video of a woman with a pet rat.



He shows us a video of a woman with hissing cockroaches as pets.

A fucking cockroach,we are lower then a fucking cockroach. Can you imagine. We have never been touched, or hugged or kissed by a women, yet a fucking cockroach is allowed to caress her skin as if he was her lover all because the female finds them “cute tehehehe”

He’s jealous of a literal cockroach.

Dude, the cockroach isn’t “caressing her skin as if he was her lover.” Nor does he have any desire to be her lover, what with him being a cockroach and really only being interested in lady cockroaches. He’s just wiggling his legs, as bugs are wont to do.

A fucking cockroach gets to hit all the milestones of intimacy (minus sex but that’s because the cockroach cannot have sex, for if it could i wouldn’t be surprised at what a women would do with it).

Let’s just move on quickly because I don’t even want to think about this.

a cockroach is love[d] by a foid and taken care like a neet king whilst we rot.

This is pretty much the life he wants, but with a hot “JB” girlfriend taking the place of dear old mom:

He continues, getting madder by the sentence.

that becky whom you had a crush for and loved, prefers to have a cockroach and pamper him with all types shit yet seethes in anger at just imagining(just IMAGINING)you laying one finger on her skin.

Give what you’ve written so far, can you blame her?

now the question remains.Are we lower then ants?


Now a video about ant farms.

millions of normies and women take care of ants whilst you rot.

We are lower then bugs. Jfl, at normies approaching women when women find a cockroach more valuable then them kek.

take the bugpill

Naturally, the commenters think that Billowel is onto something, One insists that “females stick cockroaches in their cunts.,” and I can only hope he’s just misremembering an old 4Chan meme and doesn’t really think this is true.

Anyway, I think I’m going to lie down for awhile. I think this post has ruined my dinner.

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Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
4 years ago

Soon foids would prefer the company of microscopic organisms

Well I quite like some microscopic organisms. The ones that produce alcohol, cheese, yogurt, bread and saurkraut bring joy into my life. Incels don’t.

4 years ago

@Penny Psmith

“Look how she’s hugging that football to her chest, but she would never consider hugging us like that, she’s probably fucking it after the game”

The footballpill?

I’m rather surprised that they haven’t gotten jealous of dildos and other insertable sex toys yet. Unlike cockroaches, many people do put toys inside their vaginas, so I’m wondering when incels will complain about that.

4 years ago

To be fair, I am in a very intimate relationship with my gut flora, and they certainly do things for me no human ever would. It has never occurred to me to be jealous of other people’s gut flora, but maybe I just don’t have the right internet lack-of-support group.

Last edited 4 years ago by moregeekthan
4 years ago


Scuttling, hiding in grocery bags, and snacking on leftover Twinkies.


How is this different from how uncles normally operate?

Oh, wait, you meant the cockroaches.

4 years ago

Sorry, that was supposed to be “incels,” not “uncles”–damned autocorrupt.

4 years ago


internet lack-of-support group

That’s a good way of describing the manosphere.

4 years ago

Women don’t want to be around people who think like this. No matter their sex or gender or how attractive they are.

Also, projection bingo.

Last edited 4 years ago by Trying
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

“Well-adjusted women would prefer to have pets than support mooching men who hate them” is apparently news now.


I’d argue that not everyone under that descriptor is lazy. A lot of people can’t find a job in the current economy, are disabled, or otherwise unable to do those things.

The essence of NEET is that you’re not looking for a job, education, or training either. Jobless people who want to be employed are not NEET and losing one’s job in a bad economy doesn’t make a person NEET. NEET people (mostly men but some women do qualify) are professional mooches.

4 years ago

These guys only care about what a woman looks like and are so very angry because they think women only care about what a man looks like.

This guy doesn’t want a woman anyway. He wants a mommy, to feed him and wipe his butt and tell him he is perfect, and oh, yes to have sex with him and tell him he is wonderful.

4 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

I like your approach to the problem. Very practical. Also, your last sentence made me genuinely lol.

4 years ago


The essence of NEET is that you’re not looking for a job, education, or training either. Jobless people who want to be employed are not NEET and losing one’s job in a bad economy doesn’t make a person NEET.

Apologies, I thought it just meant anyone who didn’t currently have a job and wasn’t in education or training.

In my defense, Wikipedia does say:

The NEET category includes the unemployed (individuals without a job and seeking one)

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago

Yeah that’s the main reason I don’t really like the NEET term all that much. We have this vague idea of what it should mean, but outside of really explicit examples it’s hard to make a hard classification as people have many different reasons as to why they’re literally NEET, or even why they’re not looking for EET (i.e. discouraged workers).

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago


This mean that the rest of man are nothing more then disposable garbage whose value is solely on their skills(skills that can benefit society) and manual labour.

Your problem is with capitalism. Why are you blaming women?

@Airis Damon:

Red pills, Black pills, Purple pills, Dog pills, Spider pills and now Roach pills?! That’s quite the pharmacy! Can’t say I care for the side effects, though.

“If you develop a rash, joint pain, or the sudden urge to spray bullets indiscriminately at school, work, or in a public venue, discontinue use immediately and call your physician.”


They have started to be in territory too weird for niche porno.

Oh, you sweet summer child. Evidently you’ve never heard of genki …

Last edited 4 years ago by Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

 Unlike cockroaches, many people do put toys inside their vaginas, so I’m wondering when incels will complain about that.

I’ve already seen examples of that posted on Reddit. Basically men who are angry at how they imagine women masturbate–“Pounding themselves raw daily with huge plastic dildoes! How can they ever be satisfied by a man after that!” I think they’ve seen photos of Magic Wands and gotten confused about how they’re used. And they’re also angry about how these women are supposedly giving themselves roast beef flaps.

4 years ago


I’ve already seen examples of that posted on Reddit. Basically men who are angry at how they imagine women masturbate–“Pounding themselves raw daily with huge plastic dildoes! How can they ever be satisfied by a man after that!”

I’ve seen some posts to that effect. What I meant is that I’ve never seen them say the envy the toys directly, like how they seem to envy cockroaches.

4 years ago


It’s pretty simple. Incels are so shallow that they would never be nice to a woman unless they want to have sex with her. So they project this attitude onto women and assume we only show care for our pets because we want to have sex with them.

I think it goes beyond even that. To incels’ way of “thinking,” sex is what women are for, therefore everything women do is about sex by default. When they imagine a woman, they imagine having sex with her (or their own rage about not having sex with her) and they are unable to separate anything else the woman might be involved with from that fantasy.

4 years ago

Oh man, this seriously calls for some Haken!

4 years ago

I think there’s also an aspect of projection. They are obsessed with sex, so they project that onto women and assume everything women do is for sex. It doesn’t cross their mind that we do things for reasons other than sex because incels don’t do anything other than demand sex and moan about how horrible women are for depriving them of sex.

Some Chick
Some Chick
4 years ago

So women want to have sex every pet they’ve ever had apparently. What about men who have pets? Are incels aware there are men who have pets? And Chads! There are Chads with pets! What do they make of this, I wonder. (I don’t wonder. I can guess.)
Also, every dog I’ve ever met is far, FAR less terrible than this person. And none of my houseplants have ever made me weep for humanity. So, I dunno, dude, try having the personality of a houseplant and work up from there. Maybe literally try to be a houseplant.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Read this out to the missus and her response were “Cockroaches now? They [incels] don’t even have professional courtesy?!”

Made me laugh, anyroad.

4 years ago

Just seeing if there’s a device in my house that would let me post here. The new site arrangement seems to have become estranged from my state of the Ark computer. As for the incels, every time I think they can’t get any lower…(headdesk.)

4 years ago

OT: Trump just said he won’t commit to a peaceful transfer and said he wants to get rid of the ballot, on top of the racial animus he’s been deliberately stroking this past weeks. (I mean, he has the entire presidency, but these past weeks have been more specific than usual).

At this point, if the Republican Senate won’t take action, then the military has to step in and throw him out. I’m almost baffled at how much he can get away with. Keyword almost because White supremacy and fascism are a widespread problem in the US, but fuck’s sake, he just keeps on pushing, and pushing, and pushing.

He’s out there openly declaring he will try a coup d’état and still nothing???

4 years ago

Ok, incels are uniformly horrible but “Chad Thundercockroach” is pretty damn funny.


To incels’ way of “thinking,” sex is what women are for, therefore everything women do is about sex by default. 

Yup, because they don’t consider women human beings. They obstinately refuse to consider the notion that women have minds and feelings in which affection for a pet is not interchangeable with sexual attraction to a (same-species) partner.

To incels, women are basically inanimate providers of attention and services, and if a dog or rat or hissing cockroach “rates” attention and services from a woman, then obviously so should they. Women don’t have feelings or desires, they are merely programmed with a simple universal rating scale on which cockroaches are Acceptable while incels are Not Acceptable.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

@Some Chick

And none of my houseplants have ever made me weep for humanity. So, I dunno, dude, try having the personality of a houseplant and work up from there. Maybe literally try to be a houseplant.

This would certainly keep incels busy and off the Internet. I like your way of thinking.

mouse sparrow
mouse sparrow
4 years ago

Nope, being a NEET isn’t inherently mooching or a bad thing.

I’m a NEET.

It literally just means Not in Employment, Education, or Training.

Just because the NEETs you come across are bad doesn’t mean all are.