Now the incels are not only jealous of Chad Thundercock, the mythical superhunk who supposedly has regular hot sex with every woman on earth; they’re also puke green with envy of Chad’s insect equivalent: Chad Thundercockroach, an actual bug, who gets more female attention in a day than the average incel gets in a lifetime. Supposedly.
In a rant recently posted to the Incels.co forums, an angry young man who goes by the name of Billowel urges his fellow angry young men to “take the bugpill” and acknowledge that, in the eyes of women at least, they are lower “then dogs, cats, rats, spiders, cockroaches, [and] ants.”
Why? Because there are some hot young women that keep these assorted critters as pets.
“Women only find about 5-15% of man ‘attractive,'” Billowel begins,
This mean that the rest of man are nothing more then disposable garbage whose value is solely on their skills(skills that can benefit society) and manual labour.
Yet some of these man-hating ladies keep everything from dogs and cats to bugs as pets — allowing these lucky beasts to live the incel dream as lazy-ass NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).
And by “keep as pets” Billowel also means “have sex with,” because he assumes that some huge percentage of women are out there having sex with dogs and any other animal they can figure out how to have sex with. Incels call this “the dogpill.”
look through this list and see how absurd our lifes are. Whilst dogs tongue kiss virgin jbs [jailbaits] and sometimes even get to pump their wombs full of cum ,we are left to rot and contemplate ropes and copes.
This is all happening in your imagination, dude.
Women wash dogs,hug them,kiss them,cuddle with them, fed them, take them to the veterinary, sometimes hand prepare food for them (i will never have dinner served by my cute wife,but a dog will), and makes sure he has [everything] that he needs to spend hs day.
the epithet “living a dog’s life” is no longer appropriate for the incel. We are worse then a dog. A dog even gets a painless death at the the end of his life in an infirmary whilst people like my truecel uncle died because the nurses where doing who knows what(probably fucking a chad patient or sending nudes like the whores they are). For 6 minutes till his mind went blank he screamed this world and the other,yet no nurse came to his rescue. Nothing is more horrible then a women in any position that isn’t motherhood.
I really doubt that the nurses were fucking Chad while your uncle died, dude.
But it gets worse. Women love cats and dogs. But they also don’t mind bugs.
He posts a YouoTube video of a woman with a pet jumping spider.
Can you imagine a female being so excited about an incel?She oozes out joy whilst talking about spiders and teaching other women how to take care of FUCKING SPIDERS. She literally buys shit for a fucking SPIDER. Can you imagine not only getting hit by a women, grabbed by her because she likes how you look, but also to receive presents and to be taken care off as if you were royalty? all for fucking free?
He wants a servant as much as a girlfriend.
You cannot have this,but a fucking spider can because women find them adorable.
Even fucking rats receive more love then us.
He shows us a video of a woman with a pet rat.
He shows us a video of a woman with hissing cockroaches as pets.
A fucking cockroach,we are lower then a fucking cockroach. Can you imagine. We have never been touched, or hugged or kissed by a women, yet a fucking cockroach is allowed to caress her skin as if he was her lover all because the female finds them “cute tehehehe”
He’s jealous of a literal cockroach.
Dude, the cockroach isn’t “caressing her skin as if he was her lover.” Nor does he have any desire to be her lover, what with him being a cockroach and really only being interested in lady cockroaches. He’s just wiggling his legs, as bugs are wont to do.
A fucking cockroach gets to hit all the milestones of intimacy (minus sex but that’s because the cockroach cannot have sex, for if it could i wouldn’t be surprised at what a women would do with it).
Let’s just move on quickly because I don’t even want to think about this.
a cockroach is love[d] by a foid and taken care like a neet king whilst we rot.
This is pretty much the life he wants, but with a hot “JB” girlfriend taking the place of dear old mom:

He continues, getting madder by the sentence.
that becky whom you had a crush for and loved, prefers to have a cockroach and pamper him with all types shit yet seethes in anger at just imagining(just IMAGINING)you laying one finger on her skin.
Give what you’ve written so far, can you blame her?
now the question remains.Are we lower then ants?
Now a video about ant farms.
millions of normies and women take care of ants whilst you rot.
We are lower then bugs. Jfl, at normies approaching women when women find a cockroach more valuable then them kek.
take the bugpill
Naturally, the commenters think that Billowel is onto something, One insists that “females stick cockroaches in their cunts.,” and I can only hope he’s just misremembering an old 4Chan meme and doesn’t really think this is true.
Anyway, I think I’m going to lie down for awhile. I think this post has ruined my dinner.
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Entitlement and obsessive self-loathing are a really bad combination. Not only is this guy jealous of an insect, the only people he talks to about it are fellow incels who encourage him because they’re equally spiteful. I’m actually worried that Billowel has the potential to go on a shooting spree or commit a similar act of violence. I hope someone stops him before he lashes out.
It brings joy to my heart that incels cry themselves to sleep over the fact that I love my cats and my houseplants 10000x more than I will ever love them.
Did this guy read Kafka’s Metamorphosis and take away the completely wrong message? To be fair, I didn’t really get the point at the time either, but at least I didn’t think it meant this.
[citation needed]
Swap out “men” for “the working class” and this would be a weirdly accurate indictment of capitalism.
I’d argue that not everyone under that descriptor is lazy. A lot of people can’t find a job in the current economy, are disabled, or otherwise unable to do those things.
My dog has never gotten dinner served by a cute wife because she’s a dog and doesn’t have a wife. I more think of myself as her big sister, definitely not her wife.
Someone has been watching too much naughty nurse porn.
That sounds kind of creepy and non-consensual. I’ll pass.
I know this was probably referring to sex with humans in the original context, but does he think cockroaches don’t mate?
Don’t tell him about centipedes.
“Females stick cockroaches in their…”
Ok, I’m a dude and I just crossed my legs at that thought! Sheez.
Incels wallow in their self-loathing and spend an inordinate amount of their free time hating women. Why would anyone want to be around them?
Okay. And here I thought I’d read everything. Apparently not.
It’s slightly insane how hard the incel community (if community is the word) will go to (a) denigrate themselves, insisting that they are somehow subhuman masses of genetic waste, unfit for breeding, and (b) manage to make me agree with them on that point, at least. At least half the incel related posts on this site relate this peculiar stance…
“I am a mess, an inferior worm, unfit to live, and all the women can tell this, They won’t have anything to do with me, I can’t blame them, I’m a horrible subcreature.
“It’s still massively unfair that they won’t screw me.”
Which seems to be how most of the arguments mentioned here break down.
But damn. Even the most rabid self-hating woman haters in that pack at the worst proclaim that the greatest “crime” so far has been that women prefer dogs to them. (I would too. And I’m a guy.) At least, until now.
But now they’re suggesting that women hate them so much that they’re willing to look not only outside their species for companionship, rather than subject themselves to the incels tender graces (meaning, screwing them and getting them a sammitch when not screwing them), but outside their bloody phylum?
Mr. Futrelle, I– wait. Normally I’d join you in mockery of these fellows, but they may have something there. After all, I’d likely prefer similar company to them myself, were I female– I know I would now.
Oh, well, oh sagacious dogpillers, all is not lost. You may still have a chance with the paramecia family….
These guys are all anticipating the apocalypse after which the foids will have fewer choices for mates, but little do they know they will still have competition from sexy cockroaches.
As a woman who has a pet snake. Yes incels, you are lower then my pet snake and I will gladly hold and take care of my snake then you.
Red pills, Black pills, Purple pills, Dog pills, Spider pills and now Roach pills?! That’s quite the pharmacy! Can’t say I care for the side effects, though.
I mean, I love your cats and your houseplants more than I will ever love these people, because cats and houseplants are good, and these guys are NOT.
It’s pretty simple. Incels are so shallow that they would never be nice to a woman unless they want to have sex with her. So they project this attitude onto women and assume we only show care for our pets because we want to have sex with them.
This is not the case.
However, I do agree that they are lower than cats, dogs, rats, spiders, cockroaches and pretty much everything else ever. Except Republicans.
And which part of man is that? Does it vary by woman, or by man?
Dude, if you like spending all day alone at home working on a chew toy, you don’t necessarily need a woman for that. (I’m speaking from experience.)
What exactly are those milestones, other than sex and caressing her skin with your front limbs?
I know how terrible incels are. I read the title and assumed what it would be about and I was indeed correct, and yet… it somehow is so preposterous and soulcrushing as to be unbelievable at the same time.
@ .45
RE: crossing of legs:
Because of the subject, I had to google “world’s largest cockroach”. It’s 3.8 inches long and 1.75 inches across. Because I’m me, I did a quick calculation over an idealized shell shape under the pressures of an average vagina at maximal muscle contraction (available in an article from the NIH if you wondered) and found the cockroach would easily survive.
A quick poll of available women reveals the woman might not.
So if my understanding is correct, this guy wants a woman who will both serve him hand and foot and buy everything for him, all while cuddling him and being ready for sex whenever he wants it?
What is this I don’t even
They have started to be in territory too weird for niche porno. Do they takes drugs to be that hateful and delusional ? In term of sheer hatred, they are worse than the actual, dyed in the wool, neonazi I had the “privilege” to talk with.
From the same discussion:
Soon? Not soon. Now. I would prefer the company of any microscopic organism anywhere — fun fact, guys, they’re everywhere, not just in a petri dish; that’s science — to the company of an incel. A microscopic organism’s mild personality makes it much more attractive than you. Yes, sometimes microscopic organisms are dangerous. But you guys are always dangerous.
You want to know under what circumstances I would prefer the company of an incel to any current company? That would be when someone is pointing a loaded gun at me. If you want to save me then (highly unlikely, I know), that would be fine. But the moment I get a chance, I’m taking off.
If you’re rotting, it’s because you’ve chosen to rot. I’m not going to love a guy who hates women. That’s common sense.
Gosh, he seems nice. What woman (er umm, barely legal girl) wouldn’t jump the chance to sacrifice body and soul to this dude. I’m in agreement with personalpost that he’s not far from a shooting spree. That is some very scary messed up thinking.
My dog-lover concurs
“When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself facepalming over incels’ stupidity.”
Somebody is seething in anger at imagining something, but it ain’t her.
I would imagine most incels in the US are Republicans, so those groups have some overlap.
@Kat: In all fairness, a yeast infection would be less annoying and easier to get rid of than your average incel.
So what? A woman who cares for a cat, feeds her, takes her to the veterinary and cuddles her is a kind-hearted person. What’s wrong with being kind? Maybe if that guy just took the time to take care of a pet, he would understand that kindness is its own reward.
True. No yeast infection has ever doxxed me.
Scuttling, hiding in grocery bags, and snacking on leftover Twinkies.
I suppose the next logical (well, “logical”, eh) step for them would be to realise some women have hobbies that include inanimate objects, and expressing jealousy over how those women tenderly caress their model ships or sewing machines or books or whatever. “I wish a woman would give me the attention she gives her jar of sourdough starter”, “Look how she’s hugging that football to her chest, but she would never consider hugging us like that, she’s probably fucking it after the game” etc.
A part of me feels like they must know it’s actually ridiculous, but then, they do seem to be able to fully convince themselves of a lot of very ridiculous things.