abortion MGTOW misogyny nice guys

MGTOWs celebrate the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in their own inimitable way

Somehow it’s always all about them

Some Men Going Their Own Way are reacting to news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death with a certain malicious glee. “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead,” writes one fellow in the MGTOW subreddit. “HAHAHA prayers do work, now let’s end abortion,” responds another.

But others in the MGTOW world are taking the discussion into, well, some rather unusual places. Consider this exchange:

megachrispercent 39 points 20 hours ago 
And the "conservative" women that scream "save the children" are saying we have to "respect her" because she died since she "paved the way for women in politics."

Yeah, she's responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn babies and was a staunch feminist, but you "conserrrrvative" women keep acting like she was some icon.


[–]ncarolina66 12 points 19 hours ago 
She was an icon......she conned a whole generation of women to believe it's perfectly okay to murder their baby's in order to keep their swimsuit bodies.


[–]PyroPowder 5 points 19 hours ago 
Female own group preference, nothing more. They would rather be around a cunt and be a cunt than be around and nice to genuinely nice guys.

Apparently the big constitutional issue now in the wake of Ginsburg’s death is whether women should be allowed to be, er, cunts to “genuinely nice guys” like, presumably, Mr. PyroPowder here.

And then there’s this guy, who seems more than a little preoccupied with exactly who the ladies allow to come inside of them.

UpshotKnotholeEncore 12 points 18 hours ago 
I was just reading some of the comments over on /r/TwoXChromosomes/ about this news. Wow, so much of it is concern for their abortion rights. So many of them just want lots of careless sex with losers, but don't want politics to interfere and actually give them consequences.

I'm close to just giving up on Reddit. Every sub is infected with feminism in some way. I was active on /r/ChildSupport because it's a legit subject that's dear to me. But, I swear to God, the sub should be renamed /r/I-Let-A-Loser-Cum-Inside-Me-And-Now-I-Want-To-Profit

Dudes, I thought you were all “going your own way.” Why should you care who women sleep with? Why do you care if they’re nice to “nice guys?” Why does everything always have to be about you?

Also, Mr. Upshot, if you don’t want women “profiting” from child support, why don’t you support abortion rights? You’re not even making sense by your own absurd standards. I thought you were supposed to be the logical ones.

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4 years ago

It’s not just them. Half the Republican party seems to be reacting in almost the exact same way.

Surely, we are cursed.

4 years ago

why all this virtue signaling about abortion? I thought one of their major pissy points for recruiting misogynist youth was that it’s so unfair that men don’t get to abort unwanted children?
Anyone explain this to me , please. Or did u answer my question in my first sentence?

Last edited 4 years ago by hexum7
Critical Dragon1177
Critical Dragon1177
4 years ago

Given the fact that these are MRAs, how much you want to bet these “pro life” fanatics take no issue with men leaving women to raise the children by herself that they impregnated her with that she doesn’t want?

Last edited 4 years ago by Critical Dragon1177
4 years ago

And the “conservative” women who scream “save the children”

Why hello, QAnon.

so many of them just want lots of careless sex with losers

If I wanted sex with losers, I’d fuck the denizens of r/MGTOW.

I’m close to just giving up on Reddit

Well, he can also move to Saidit and hang with the incels, Nazis, and TERFs. I’d guess most of those are also anti abortion.

It’ll be 2 halves by tomorrow morning. Republicans don’t hold dissenting opinions for long.

It’s just like the US GOP position: they don’t want women to control their bodies, and that’s it. Whether that’s by restricting abortion or making it a man’s decision to force a woman to get an abortion or carry a pregnancy to term, they just want to restrict women.

4 years ago

Has the inevitable creepy ranting about her Jewishness started yet?

4 years ago

They would rather be around a cunt and be a cunt than be around and nice to genuinely nice guys.

(sighs) These guys have no self-awareness or sense of irony, do they? Just none at all.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I thought one of their major pissy points for recruiting misogynist youth was that it’s so unfair that men don’t get to abort unwanted children?

They want to be able to financially “abort” their unwanted children. They are okay with the woman to still carrying to term and raising the resulting baby, but without any monetary or other support compelled from the father. Sometimes they hold this belief and anti-choice views at the same time, meaning that they would like to force women to carry their offspring and raise the child alone with no help. There is no limit to the depths of male entitlement in the MGTOW circuit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


I’m glad you showed up. I was thinking about you today.

I saw this earlier.

I thought you might have some views on the topic because of your work. Anyway, the links are there in case it’s of interest to you.

4 years ago


I think it’s because they want to be the only ones deciding. The fact that it’s the woman’s choice (because it’s our bodies) is what upsets them. They want to be the only ones who can choose whether or not a woman is pregnant.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Abortions give you a swimsuit body? Who knew? Careless sex with losers sounds like an interesting prospect, too. Miggies certainly live in a different universe, don’t they.

Last edited 4 years ago by Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

hexum7, Yes, save the babies so they can be neglected, abandoned and used to punish women! So pro-life, these miggies.

4 years ago

@Katherine the Adequate

My personal hypothesis is that conservatives oppose abortion because it’s more fun to watch people die of starvation, malnutrition, preventable disease, natural disasters, neglect, state violence, vigilantism, racism, poverty, stress, and despair.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

They would rather be around a cunt and be a cunt than be around and nice to genuinely nice guys.

Why, yes, I would rather be around anybody else than you and your ilk. “Genuinely nice guys,” my ass.

4 years ago

@KindaSortaHarmless I believe they simply believe in the “pull oneself by one’s bootstraps” bullshit as to why they oppose abortion and any form of social support.

At this rate, considering how our world is turning to, I sometimes feel like abortion may be far more merciful for everyone. Or just not fucking without a barrier or pulling out. I’m pretty damn annoyed by the societal pressure to have kids anyway, when the society we will all live in will be boiling, fascist and polluted.

Many people would still believe abortion is murder, hence why it remains illegal in mostly Catholic majority countries including the one I was born at. My country was oddly deemed to perform only behind Rwanda, Sweden and Norway in some gender equality survey, but I guess that survey didn’t analyse social pressures of each society and mostly how many women were in X workplaces.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon
North Sea Sparkly Dragon
4 years ago

Not making sense by their own absurd standards is par for the course with misogynist, surely?

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

In several cases, RBG fought for men’s rights:

Ginsburg argued that the Social Security Act of 1935 discriminated against men like Wiesenfeld based solely on their gender, and that intermediate scrutiny should be applied when evaluating such gender distinctions.

If MRAs actually cared about men’s rights, she’d be a hero to them.

4 years ago

Just read the comments on this. It’s no wonder the monosphere’s myths and bs keep spreading into the mainstream. ☹

4 years ago


I think Warren Ellis (yeah, I know) nailed it when giving these words to the villain in No Hero:

“The more people alive there are, the more people there are to earn money that will eventually be given to me. Also, the more people there are to breed girls whom I will eventually fuck.”

4 years ago


That line could almost be something Warren Ellis said to one of his victims TBH. I guess it took one to know one.

4 years ago

First, Rip RBG. Second, what the actual fuck do these mgtows (should say just bitter pro life men) want? Forcing women to have babies and all the responsibility that comes from that while mgtows should be off the hook for child support and child care because….. Women had the babies.

I can recall a time when I read some redpiller or mgtow write about in their perfect world, all women were fucked and forced to stay inside a home with no money or means of support, forced to have kids whether they want to or not and suffer indefinitely for the crime of being born female (transwomen obviously excluded due to bigotry. Some mgtows are pro trans movement only out of spite because they think transwomen are a fetish/mental illness and believe they are just men “being better women than actual women”) while men on the other hand, were allowed to live life and travel with ZERO accountability. They want to escape everything yet blame women for men who escape fatherhood responsibilities. They project so damn hard onto women about not wanting to take responsibility it’s just plain pathetic. I know alot of guys who fall into mgtow and misogyny suffer from depression and low self esteem and are manipulated into staying in this mentality by older members because misery loves company, so I hope those guys eventually see the light. But until then, reddit should grow a spine a pull the plug on this sub and trp. As should youtube and Twitter. They are already connected to actual terrorists who’ve committed crimes. And those suffering need actual therapy, not a reddit account

4 years ago


Some mgtows are pro trans movement only out of spite because they think transwomen are a fetish/mental illness and believe they are just men “being better women than actual women”

I’d argue that isn’t really pro trans as much as it is fetishizing trans women. A lot of red pillers seem to be chasers, which are still transphobic but manifesting differently.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


It is 100% true that women are routinely erased when it comes to designing the built environment. Your links are interesting. Thank you!

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
4 years ago

Somewhat related: I found a brief by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (no, not the Canadian intelligence agency) regarding terrorism in the US. Probably none of this will be news to anyone here, but it is all laid out clearly and with no nonsense. [Spoiler: right wing terrorism is on an upswing. Incels are mentioned]

The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

Last edited 4 years ago by Fishy Goat
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


She raises some very good points as related in the body of the article, but personally I just love the headline.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
I have rather mixed feelings about DiMezzo. On the one hand, I do agree with many of her platform points like the “fuck the police” line and I do want to see more trans representation in politics. However, at the same time she is also an anarcho-capitalist nihilist with some problematic friends and views (for instance, those expressed on her YouTube channel).