For some strange reason, hateful people spend a great deal of their time explaining to people that they’re not hateful, really, just misunderstood. Literal Klan members will swear up and down that they’re not racist; misogynists insist they don’t really hate women. And those who hate fat people will try to pretend that they’re just worried about said fat people’s health.
In the MGTOW2 subreddit — a supposedly non-hateful spinoff of the original MGTOW subreddit — one of these fat haters has announced to the world that he doesn’t “hate obese women. Feminists do.”
“The so-called fat acceptance movement claims that anyone who doesn’t rave about the alleged beauty of obese women hates them,” he wrote.
That’s not true. I don’t hate obese women. I just don’t think I’m obligated to lie to them.
… by telling them they look nice.
Furthermore, I think feminists are being cruel to obese women by lying to them that they look wonderful when they don’t. I don’t go all out of my way to insult fat women. I just leave them alone. I just won’t lie to them and give them false hope. I find that wrong.
The problem, as he sees it, is that all obese women are by definition ugly, so treating them as anything but ugly monsters is mean.
If a woman is obese, it’s impossible for her to look attractive. That’s just the way it is. I don’t think it’s being kind to her to hide that truth with some bogus narrative that says all women are beautiful.
How noble this fellow is for never giving a fat woman a compliment.
That’s bogus BS. If you tell her she can be super attractive with enough inner beauty even if she weighs 400 pounds and has cellulite, you’re just setting her up for failure. That’s how you would treat someone you hate.
How hateful it is to be nice to fat people!
Naturally, this bold truth-teller was recieved warmly by his fellow MGTOWs.
“I don’t hate fat woman,” wrote one,
but I do hate that they’re forced on us on tv shows. Not that I watch network tv but the occasional ad I catch that has a young fatty as a protagonist makes me feel bad about society.
He doesn’t hate fat women; he just hates seeing evidence that they exist on television.
“This is women jeopardizing women; nothing new lol,” wrote another.
Like how post-wall feminists convinced young women to cut their hair short because “it’s not their obligation to look a certain way for men” while I was just a simple guy that wants a long haired beautiful girl for myself then suddenly I was branded sexist/mysogynist like wtf lol. Just one of the things I realized when I went MGTOW
Ah yes, the well-known plot of older women sneakily convincing their younger rivals to cut their hair short. Definitely happened.
Then there was this guy, who didn’t even pretend that he wasn’t hateful.
The evil part of me wants to support the “beauty at any size” movement because that means more fat people dying.
What a lovely group of non-hateful men.
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I’ve never seen feminists demand men call fat women – or women of any size and shape – beautiful. The more feminist argument is actually that women shouldn’t be evaluated mostly by their looks. It’s corporations trying to bank off of inclusivity that see the expanded definition of beauty line. The only time you need to be judging a woman by appearance is if she’s a potential romantic or sexual partner. Then, go ahead and have your preferences.
I guess this guy doesn’t know how cellulite works. It’s not uncommon for women who fairly slim to have some.
I don’t find visible overweightness attractive, but I don’t see a reason to believe that it’s the case for everyone. And for some reason, I never ever had a situation where I had to lie to someone I find unattractive, because actually most people rightfully don’t care about my opinion on their attractiveness, and the select few that do are the one I have no reason to lie to.
The closest to that situation is if someone overweight asked me if he or she should lose weight. Which actually have a ton more to it than attractiveness. For example, problem to move around, or opportunity to change lifestyle would influence my answer much more than attractiveness.
I have never seen someone overweight in a serie. I am pretty sure the poster talk of women like Rebel Wilson, but that’s a pretty big stretch to say they are overweight. And she’s *certainly* not 400 pounds either. Did they ever seen such an individual ? Maybe it’s european bias, but that seem about as common as people who are 2m20+.
Also, cellulite is natural on women, something about being a way to store fats for pregnancy. You can have cellulite and be underweight, believe me.
(note : “visible” is because a lot of assholes suddenly find someone unattractive after discovering their weight, which is stupid and show how arbitrary thoses normes are. Also, some people are heavy because they are ripped, and apparently muscles is denser than fat tissue, so a climber or a gymnast can be much heavier than one would expect)
Wait, I thought feminists were all fat and trying to make other women fat too. Have some consistency, for once!
Weird. I’ve never told people I hate that they’re beautiful.
You’re not getting my hair, old ladies! I’m on to you!
In all seriousness, do most men dislike short-haired women? MRAs are vocal about it, but I don’t know if most non-MRA men think this and just are quieter about it. I like short-haired women, but I’m not a man.
IIRC about 90% of women will develop cellulite at some point, so that sentence stuck out to me as well. Does he maybe not know what cellulite is and is just throwing it around as a word?
If they have, they probably wouldn’t know weight anyway as people are bad at eyeballing weight.
I am about to be 39, and I am definitely a fat feminist, but I would never tell another woman of any age what to do with her hair. I wore mine long for social pressure reasons when I was young and started cutting it super short as I got older because I finally had the courage to wear it like I wanted it. I had a friend whose Mom forced her to cut it short as a kid, who now wears her hair long, as SHE always wanted. It’s just too personal to be telling another person how they should wear their hair. I feel the same way about wearing or not wearing makeup. I do, but not doing it because you reject gender conforming pressure or wearing it because it makes you feel beautiful are, to me, both valid, and so are lots of other reasons.
Sorry to interrupt; but I’m sad to say Ruth Bader Ginsberg has passed away.
That’s obviously sad on a human level; but there’s also the risk of who will replace her. Hopefully there’ll be no time for a confirmation of a new justice prior to the election.
Hunh. I knew someone who had been over 400lbs once. Granted, by the time I met him he was down closer to 320, meaning he’d lost all the fat but kept the muscle that he’d needed to carry all that around. He was also somewhere around 6’6″, and with most people he could pretty much grab them under one arm, heft them up over his shoulder, and walk off.
Generally a nice guy, too, though didn’t always notice when he’d annoyed people. (Real nice guy, not Nice Guy™.) Also still alive in his fifties, though I don’t talk to him as much since he moved.
Honestly, most of the seriously overweight people I’ve known have been men.
Well, that just makes it even more important that something gets done about the U.S. Senate and that Enabler-In-Chief Mitch McConnell gets thrown out as soon as humanly possible.
@Alan Robertshaw
I am praying that Trump fails to nominate another before the election. I know the Republicans do not have any decorum or decency left, but maybe by their own error they can be halted at this pass.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an inspiration to many of us. She will be missed.
I am really not looking forward to Republicans mocking her for the next few days. Or Trump’s inevitable backhanded eulogy.
@Jenora Feuer
This is one of the issues with BMI as a way of measuring weight: it doesn’t account for musculature, which is denser than fat. According to BMI, most professional athletes are obese because they have muscle.
May she rest in peace. She was one hell of a fine person.
Nobody I know in the medical field thinks BMI is useful. At all.
When I signed up for a gym a while back, even the personal trainer thought BMI was useless, and what was done there for testing was some combination of physical pinch and pressure test which was supposed to provide a better impression of how much of that mass was actually fat versus muscle.
Mostly the body positive stuff is “you don’t need to be beautiful to be worthy of respect and love” not about telling people they are beautiful no matter what they look like, but that their body is good enough because it’s there. There a human being and that’s enough reason for them to be respected and cared for.
@Jenora Feuer
That’s what I figured. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop doctors offices (at least in America) from displaying charts of it, though.
I agree with this idea. It’s great for people to feel and be seen as beautiful regardless of how they are, but it’s even better to dethrone the idea (especially applied to women) that beauty should determine whether someone deserves respect. It shouldn’t matter whether someone is beautiful, they should be treated well by others regardless.
Sorry to suddenly go OT here, but I thought I’d pass on the information that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died.
It is always great for people to like themselves and like how they look. I have a good friend who was attacked by a dog when he was a little boy. he’s very disfigured from it. He is not a beautiful man, he knows this. little kids and babies cry when they see his face a lot. Some people have actually yelled at him for showing his face in public.
But that is not who he is as a person. He is kind and gentle. He is a good person who does good things and helps other and that is where his worth lies. He is one of the people the body positive movement is for.
@Alan Robertshaw:
That’s not the only potential problem here. There’s an elevated likelihood that the court will have to weigh in re: the election, as happened in 2000, and there’s no doubt whatsoever that the vacancy will be exploited to try to goose Repug turnout.
Anyone else think the timing of this is extremely suspicious? Right before an election that gives the Repugs a decent chance of losing at least one of the WH and Senate; right before an election that the court could have a hand in deciding; and right in the middle of a significant episode of civil unrest?
There had better be an investigation, and the Repugs had better not be able to control or influence that investigation.
And the Dems had better avenge Merrick Garland with their own filibuster of Trump’s nominee, to ensure no confirmation can go through ahead of the election and citing the exact same arguments Repugs used when blocking Garland’s nomination in 2016.
@Jenora Feuer:
I saw some sort of electrical conductivity test used at one for the same purpose. But it seems there’s a much simpler way, and one discovered three thousand or so years ago by Archimides, no less: Measure how much water someone displaces in a bathtub.
If you can calculate someone’s density (lower density = more of them above the waterline) you can estimate how much of their weight is fat vs. muscle.
Oh, and one more thing on this terrible, awful, no good fucking day:
I have only four words in response to this: “I told you so.” 🙁
Bruh, have you even seen a set of thighs in your life?
First day of the Jewish new year, too.
How are we even going to survive?
I wrote about RBG on my blog.
We’re really going to miss her.
And moscow mitch has vowed to hold a vote on trump’s replacement, because of course he is.
I got ninja’d well in advance, oops.
Of course he is. Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about being hypocrites.
What the hell?
I just left a comment on RBG’s death and link to a longer comment on my blog, and I come back again & the comment is completely gone. What’s up, Akismet?
@Crip Dyke
It’s still there, posted 8 minutes before your most recent. Just used it to click through and read your piece.
Don’t forget – when you comment, your comment sits at the top of the page til you refresh.
@Crip Dyke
I can see your comment.
The hypocrisy is the point. It gets votes.
Didn’t even wait for the corpse to cool.
So, anyone got kompromat on Moscow Mitch?