anti-Semitism TERFs transmisogyny transphobia

TERFs and guns: two terrible tastes that taste worse together

Saidit is a “free speech” Reddit clone that’s teeming with the sort of people who tend to get banned from Reddit. That is, the worst. As I noted in a previous post, some of the former denizens of Reddit’s banned Incels subreddit have taken up home there, as have several thousand TERFs, who are trying to recreate the peculiar, er, magic of the recently shut down GenderCritical subreddit.

While most of the r/GenderCritical refugees have ended up in Saidit’s own GenderCritical forum, a few dozen of the more extreme TERFs have founded an even more reactionary Saidit forum called 5thWaveFeminism.

The forum wears its backwards politics on its sleeve, declaring its opposition to

men posing as women, pornsites running trafficking operations and the liberal left kicking out women in favor for these subhumans. We are fed up, hence why we decided to create a whole new wave rejecting left wing/liberal feminism and their hatred of women. This community is proudly anti-antifa and anti-BLM.

We will ban TIM’s, Rapestars and other degenerates. 

TIM, by the way, stands for “Trans-IdentJewsified Male” — TERFspeak for trans women; “Rapestars” is the subreddit’s favorred terminology for “porn stars,” because in their view all porn is rape. Oh, and “degenerate?” That’s just a Nazi dogwhistle. It’s as if TERFs and 4chan had a baby.

So what to these self-declared 5th Wave Feminists like to talk about? The evils of drag and BDSM, and the alleged role of Jews in promoting “parasitic” trans ideology to teens.

And guns. They really like to talk about guns.

One commenter called LoveNotPorn really seems to be looking for an excuse to shoot a trans woman in “self defense.” In a post titled “Encountered a TIM in the wild,” she writes:

Today I went to get some gas and when I went into the gas station a TIM was stood talking to the cashier. They had long blond hair, pink leggings and some kind of vest on, I could tell they were a TIM despite them wearing a mask. I waited until they left and went up to pay for the gas.

Fortunately my state (Mississippi) allows open carry and I was carrying at the time so if he did try to rape or abuse me, I could have defend myself easily and be defended in law.

Yes, I’m sure the random (possibly) trans women you spotted at the gas station was planning to “rape or abuse” you.

The same commenter put up a photo of her and her husband’s guns in another post, so I don’t doubt she really was carrying at the time.

In another post, a commenter called StingingDove fantasizes about performing citizens arrests on people involved in the porn industry.

Does anyone know citizens arrest laws in LA or California AND/OR Canada? Given how pornhub is trafficking CHILDREN and no one is doing anything, i feel the need to perform a citizens arrest on the people behind this brainwashing and the damage to our children.

I do not want my teenage son to ruin his body by becoming transgender from watching porn, i do not want my daughter to become a lesbian and be brainwashed into becoming a pornstar.


PORNHUB is trafficking children into their disgusting industry, they have a section that has MEN PRETENDING TO BE WOMEN RAPING TRAFFICKED WOMEN. They have women performing sex acts on other women on the site, which should be illegal, they promote and encourage women to promote their own rape and self rape.

Self rape?

We need to arrest not only the people behind this disgusting site, but also those women who are willing to act and promote these acts.

I will be travelling once the fires have stopped, a friend from WoLF has given me a list of addresses and names of people involved in these crimes. I have been planning how to arrest these people. Does anyone know if i will be put in jail if i carry a gun and handcuffs into california?

I hope this elaborate fantasy remains a fantasy. This is close to QAnon-level derangement.

H/T — Regular commenter Naglfar. Thanks!

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4 years ago

Ummm…”anti-antifascist”? Why not just say “fascist”?

4 years ago

These people sound like a weird hybrid of Andrew Anglin and Valerie Solanas.
I would have expected TERFs to be happier now, their favorite author just released a really transphobic book. Though I guess bigots will never be happy as long as the object of their hate remains breathing.

Trans-IdentJewsified Male

And when I thought they couldn’t get much worse…

The evils of drag

So much for claiming to support GNC people.

They had long blond hair, pink leggings and some kind of vest on, I could tell they were a TIM despite them wearing a mask.

Because no cis woman has ever had long blonde hair, pink leggings, or a vest. /s
At least 90% of times when TERFs claim to have clocked a trans person, they have just found a cis person who didn’t look exactly like their stereotype of what a man or woman should look like.

Given how pornhub is trafficking CHILDREN and no one is doing anything, i feel the need to perform a citizens arrest on the people behind this brainwashing and the damage to our children.

The issue of Pornhub is sticky (no pun intended). It definitely has many issues and is rife with problematic content and doesn’t pay well to sex workers, so I don’t like that site at all. However, SWERF/TERF campaigns against it seem to be ineffective and don’t actually try to help sex workers. They also appear to think that all porn = Pornhub.
Do they know that the performers aren’t the ones who run Pornhub?

Also, I’ll bet 10 to 1 the OP is a QAnoner.

i do not want my daughter to become a lesbian and be brainwashed into becoming a pornstar.

So much for TERFs defending lesbians.

Self rape?

The last time I heard this term was when the troll SRLO used it to refer to masturbation. Is this what they think solo scenes are?

I have been planning how to arrest these people. Does anyone know if i will be put in jail if i carry a gun and handcuffs into california?

I don’t know the citizen’s arrest laws in California, but I do know that if this commenter is serious, they will probably show up at a random house, which may or may not be the home of a porn star, and shout something incoherent then open fire. I sincerely hope they don’t actually try this.


You’re welcome! 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

I suspect “self rape” means masturbation, probably with some kind of dildo or other toy intended for penetration. Which is eerily close to those anti-masturbation Christians.

On another note, and not to be That Person, but I’m going to assume “Trans-IdentJewsified Male” is a typo, in which case it’d probably be worthwhile correcting it…!

4 years ago


On another note, and not to be That Person, but I’m going to assume “Trans-IdentJewsified Male” is a typo, in which case it’d probably be worthwhile correcting it…!

It could be, since the acronym usually is from “trans-identified male,” but given that these TERFs are more mask-off antisemitic than most, I am not so sure it is a typo.

Which is eerily close to those anti-masturbation Christians.

It’s not the only thing that sounds similar to Christian fundamentalists. WoLF (which they claim is a source of addresses) is a sockpuppet group funded by the Religious Right.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I think the citizens arrest idiot is going to get crunched rather badly, either by whoever she tries this crap on, or (hopefully) by the cops. Which I’d be fine with, except she’ll be blaming her attempted victims and becoming a million times worse.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I do not want my teenage son to ruin his body by becoming transgender from watching porn, i do not want my daughter to become a lesbian and be brainwashed into becoming a pornstar.

There’s so much wrong in this one sentence, I don’t even know how it’s possible.

And self rape? Are TERFs starting to meld with the no-fappers now?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

How can you be a TERF if you’re not feminist, much less radical feminist?

They say this term is an insult, but I say it’s a compliment that they don’t deserve.

4 years ago

@Crip Dyke
I’ve started seeing people on Twitter call them TERs, which seems to serve a dual purpose of not being flagged by Twitter as a slur and also removing anything that would suggest that they are feminists.

4 years ago

Sigh. They’re all just joining together in to one amorphous, unstable blob of evil, aren’t they? Absorbing many of the ideas of all the adjacent groups in the mess, meanwhile hating most of the non-adjacent groups just as much as they hate everyone outside of the blob. The one thing they all have in common is that they’ve all but lost the culture wars and refuse to surrender. This is going to be a mess. Let’s just hope it that they inflict most of the damage on each other…

In regards to this one in particular: Watching a variety of porn can expand your sexual interests, and admittedly, give you some messed-up ideas if industrial-style porn is your only source of knowledge about sexuality, but it can’t fundamentally change who you are. Watching and liking girl-on-girl, for example, doesn’t turn straight cis men into lesbian transwomen (let alone ones who specifically target and rape random women who are clearly hostile and packing guns – that’s not even how rapists work), but it might make him at least moderately interested in MFF threesomes. Or it might not. Porn can be good or bad, but it’s just not that powerful.

4 years ago

Thoses peoples are vile. Also, very stupid.

I personally believe it’s a rather big self own to loudly say that one’s childrens are so influencable and weak that they need to be protected from everything.

ED James
ED James
4 years ago


Could not have said it better myself.
Also, what in the name of Jonny Sins c*ck is WoLF suppose to be?

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
4 years ago

proudly anti antifa = proudly fascist

I prefer FART (Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe) over TERF

And now there is an ammosexual wing of FARTs. Yay.

The neolithic revolution was the biggest mistake humanity ever made.

4 years ago

Like, Pornhub has legitimate issues that need addressing, but arresting the ACTORS is not gonna do jack shit. Mainly because the issues stem from the business side of the site, which IS A BUSINESS and therefore has owners who are profiting off of the entire thing, even without fixing the many issues with the site and wider business. But the idea of it as a business instead of just some, idk, collection of degeneracy seems beyond these folks.

On the other hand, freaking out that a random person you think may be trans at a gas station was SO TOTALLY going to rape you is more of an indicator that you may need therapy or anxiety meds to deal with your issues. That is QUITE a jump.

4 years ago


So much for TERFs defending lesbians.

Interestingly, a gay guy I follow on tumblr has been getting a TON of shit from both TERFs and gay transphobes recently, due to a post where he asked transphobic gay men what they felt they gained by allying with TERFS, who tend to be of the “all men are evil” variety on that site. Multiple people have insisted he must not really be gay since he doesn’t care if trans people are on grindr, or if grindr has become more of a general LGBT dating app than just gay men. It’s been quite the shitshow.

4 years ago


Interestingly, a gay guy I follow on tumblr has been getting a TON of shit from both TERFs and gay transphobes recently

The same happens to trans inclusive lesbians. TERFs claim to support various minorities, but what they mean is that they will support members of those minorities who lick their boots. Most transphobes are homophobes too, including those who are gay themselves. There’s even a Twitter account that tracks examples of TERFs being homophobic.

4 years ago

On the other hand, freaking out that a random person you think may be trans at a gas station was SO TOTALLY going to rape you is more of an indicator that you may need therapy or anxiety meds to deal with your issues. That is QUITE a jump

It’s dangerous incitement, that threatens the safety of trans people AND women who are not gender normative.

Wanna talk about bathrooms? I don’t know how many times during the military I’d go to use the head and some service man’s wife would act all shocked and ask if I was a man. You’d think being married to a grunt would have exposed her to fit women, without makeup….

It’s happened in the civilian world too, a female security guard who confronted me outside the restroom in a store. She insisted I was a man….which was a bit embarrassing when her male supervisor was called. I was all for just calling the real cops….which she lost enthusiasm for soon after. I was informed by a real cop trainee later, that unless a crime was being committed, there is no legal right to badger people about how they use the restroom.

My point is, these people overly concerned about what people’s sex or gender are not only a menace but could get themselves or their employer into serious legal hot water when they inevitably guess wrong.

It’s not just transphobic… it’s reckless

4 years ago


It’s dangerous incitement, that threatens the safety of trans people AND women who are not gender normative.

Indeed, since there are far more GNC cis women (or even cis women who present gender conforming but happen to look a little bit masculine) than there are trans women, it’s far more likely that some TERF who is out to shoot trans women will end up shooting a cis woman.

For instance, my mother is a cis woman with elevated testosterone levels (possibly due to some form of PCOS, she’s not sure) and although she presents as feminine, people have asked her on at least a few occasions if she is a trans woman because she has a more masculine face and is muscular. Thankfully she has never been assaulted on that basis, but I do worry about her with all the TERFs around who declare that any insufficiently feminine-looking woman is a “TIM” and a threat.

4 years ago

It just seems so many folks on the right are:

1) I am very unhappy about something.
(We’re probably unhappy about different things, but I get the sentiment.)

2) I need to find out the person responsible and shoot them.
(Just no. This is fractally wrong. There is no one person. You couldn’t find them if there were. You couldn’t shoot them if you could find them. Even if you somehow did, it wouldn’t help, and you’d be a murderer.)

Some Chick
Some Chick
4 years ago

This is no way these are actually a)feminists of any kind and b)real people. This sounds like bad fanfic written by a conservative teenagers LARPing as a TERF. Not that TERFs aren’t terrible in their own right. But this is just unbelievable even by their low standards.

4 years ago

@Some Chick
Unfortunately, having seen TERFs online amongst each other, this isn’t beyond the pale for them. They openly ruminate at their events about wanting trans people to die. These ones might be a bit more mask off, but the rhetoric they’re using isn’t too different from mainstream TERFs.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
4 years ago

proudly anti antifa = proudly fascist

I prefer FART (Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe) to TERF

4 years ago

@Naglfar, Some Chick

Here’s the thing…real or not, they’re hosting this on their own website now? They may be in violation of registrar or hosting TOU.

Someone should look into it….

4 years ago


Here’s the thing…real or not, they’re hosting this on their own website now? They may be in violation of registrar or hosting TOU.

Someone should look into it….

They’re on Saidit, which appears to have very few rules (no porn and no illegal substance sales but that’s about it) and is hosted by Cloudflare, the infamous former hosts of 8chan and The Daily Stormer who only dropped those after the Christchurch shooting.

4 years ago

@ED James

Also, what in the name of Jonny Sins c*ck is WoLF suppose to be?

Women’s Liberation Front. It’s a group that masquerades as a radical feminist organization but in reality seems to only care about opposing trans rights and is known to receive most of its funding from Religious Right groups.

4 years ago

@Cryp Dyke : I don’t know if that’s what you’re trying to say, but TERF are very obviously not feminists. Just like republicains aren’t in favor of a republic.

It’s deep inside the DNA of trans-exclusionary. If you put men and women on specific roles and archetype, then you’re not a feminist. Fundamentally, trans exclusion is misogyne, and misandre.

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