/pol/ 4chan anti-Semitism kitties

“Cats are the real Jews,” confused 4Channer argues

4Channers are forever coming up with new and exciting ways to be antisemitic. Here’s an Anon on 4Chan’s /pol/ board who has managed to work his hatred of cats into the equation:

I hate cats. They're the real Jews. They do not love, they are parasites that infect their host for their own gain. Dogs can easily be trained to work for the hosts gain, and even when they're only trained to be social symbols, they help families bond.

I like that even this guy’s defense of dogs is based on a creepy utilitarianism; he misses the point of having dogs as completely as he misses the point of having cats.

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Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

The various kitties and puppies in this thread are adorable! We had 4 cats for the longest time (though one recently died, of old age). They are lovable furballs.

Moon Custafer, I couldn’t get your image to load, and I really wanna see it! Do you have a url for it?

4 years ago

@ Naglfar

My condolences for your allergies.

As a side note, it now makes sense that there’s so many stray cats here in Israel- they are, after all, the real Jews. I guess all of the humans living in Israel are just here to be cat slaves.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

cat mitzvah

I’ve got two thesaurus apps running. One on judaism and one on cat stuff; and the best I can come up with is Meowzel Tov!

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Yom Kippurrrr
Meowtza Ball (of yarn) Soup

That’s what I’ve got.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Yom Kippurrrr


Tu b’shevcat?

@ moon custafer

Look at his little prayer mat!

Last edited 4 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@ Moon Custafer

OMG it’s the cutest ever!

4 years ago

Simchat Torah

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Yeah, this is the second post Iā€™ve seen in which a cat has their own prayer mat so they donā€™t block the humans.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Oh, come on …


Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
4 years ago

Can I ask where this useless piece of crap gets off calling Jews (& cats) “parasites”.
What the fuck has HE ever done for society? Why does he think that everyone but him has to justify their existence? Where does he get off assigning to them their roles in life, solely based on his needs being met?

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Alan, I love it! My cats do the same (well, that, and also wander in front of me right where my knees are going to land, and also climb into my lap at the end. I just say they are really really involved, mashallah…?

My sister-in-law is Jewish and has to beloved cats; I’ll pass these jokes on to her.

4 years ago

@ bookworm

My sister-in-law is Jewish and has to beloved cats; Iā€™ll pass these jokes on to her.

Do be sure to tell her that she’s not a REAL Jew, but her cats definitely are.
(I joke)

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Mean
4 years ago

Like the cat jokes. šŸ˜€

What do you guys think cats would change in other religions? Like, what would be the rituals in the Catholic Church? Would they be inclined to chase the Cardinals for the pleasure of the Purrrrope? Teach the use of catnip incense as part of the Catechism? Something else?

(I donā€™t know Islam well enough to make any suggestions there, sorry. šŸ™ )

epitome of incomrepehensibility

My only other contribution right now is to share a new slang term I heard: rat-licker. It means ā€œsomeone who isnā€™t being careful during a pandemic,ā€ as in not wearing a mask or indulging in other behavior that is about as sensible as licking a plague rat.

That reminds me of this comic about semicolons – the example for two sentences that you wouldn’t join with a semicolon is “I fought the bear and won. Also, I never kiss plague rats on the mouth.”

(I mean, you could grammatically. Logically, yes so. And now I’m thinking philosophical thoughts about where grammar ends and meaning begins, when I just meant to link to the silly Oatmeal comic.)

But as for rats and dogs/cats, those photos are adooooorrrrrrable. And the cat with the prayer mat!!

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw : to be fair with the cat on your meme, a rodent of that size border on “too big to hunt” for a relatively small cat like that.

One of the reason for which cat domestication was probably much less dangerous than dog domestication is that cats, in addition to generally being smaller, also are tooled up to kill prey smaller than themselves, while dogs are tooled to be able to kill prey much bigger than themselves.

In other words, I believe that the people responsible for domesticating dogs were fearless, the one responsible for domesticating cats were good at diplomacy, and the one responsible for domesticating goats good at climbing :p

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Ohlmann,

and the one responsible for domesticating goats good at climbing

Also ridiculously sarcastic and possessed of a sly sense of humour. Goats clearly have those traits embedded deep in the genes. ?

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

What about Rosh Hachatnah ?

4 years ago

Speaking of Jewish holidays though, shana tovah umetukah to everyone!
(Rosh Hashanah starts tonight)

4 years ago

Iā€™ve only rarely in my life not had a cat. I usually had dogs too, once I could afford to live in a house instead of an apartment. People who donā€™t have pets when they could start off with a down check with me. Of course many such people are fine once I get to know them. But in my experience, many such people are not very nice.

The whole idea that cats are aloof is ridiculous. Cats who live with you treat you the way you treat them. If you treat them like a pretty piece of furniture, they treat you like furniture. If you treat them like a beloved companion they treat you like a beloved companion.

i had a pair of rats once. My big old orange and white cat Mike would lean up against their cage and they would groom him enthusiastically. I always carefully supervised their interactions with him outside the cage because I was worried they might trigger a prey response. Mike always treated them with affection.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

i was just on tumblr and saw a whole thread of Muslim cats, so I thought I’d put the link here:

4 years ago

Threp – That is so sweet! Cats are individuals and thrive when allowed to be who they are.

Our dear, departed Catbeast was never one to like being held. He got better, but only because I insisted he be able to tolerate it (treats helped) in case we had to stuff him in a carrier to evacuate if there was a vet emergency or fire. But if he sat with you on the couch, you were very highly favored, indeed!

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago


What do you guys think cats would change in other religions? Like, what would be the rituals in the Catholic Church?

There actually is already a ritual in the Catholic Church dealing with cats. Well, not just cats. The feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi in October usually includes a blessing of the animals. Many Catholic churches actively encourage parishioners bringing their pets in to be blessed on that day.

(Saint Francis is actually one of the rare saints to be honoured by multiple non-Catholic churches as well. He was also the founder of the Franciscan Order of monks, and the one who the current Pope named himself after.)


Cats are individuals and thrive when allowed to be who they are.

That’s certainly true. My family’s first cat, Missy, was a silver tabby who was very much the huntress. Caring but aloof, she got along well with everybody in the family except my grandfather, who was more of a dog person. Her favourite spot on the house was on top of the refrigerator.

Chloe was a calico/tabby patterned longhair who was the clever one who lead my sister’s beagle into missing a turn while chasing her.

C’fer was a thin and rather quiet shorthair tortoiseshell who was the one most likely to hide under the bed when things got loud, but was also quite happy to be a lapcat even if she did tend to try to climb people with claws out. She was also pretty much immune to catnip. (Apparently a significant percentage of cats are.)

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Redsilkphoenix,

I donā€™t know Islam well enough to make any suggestions there, sorry

I think we’d see some changes. Probably no fasting, for starters, given the way they scream if I’m late to feed them. And I can’t see my lazy kitties interrupting their naps to pray five times a day. A million times more wudhu, though. Hmm…

I asked my family this and now they’re all trying to think of suggestions. ?

4 years ago

Have you seen the LOLCat Bible?

Are your cats talkative? Maybe they could take up the post of the muezzin (or should that be, meowzin).