4Channers are forever coming up with new and exciting ways to be antisemitic. Here’s an Anon on 4Chan’s /pol/ board who has managed to work his hatred of cats into the equation:

I like that even this guy’s defense of dogs is based on a creepy utilitarianism; he misses the point of having dogs as completely as he misses the point of having cats.
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I have seen a meme floating around my social that basically says Cats Teach Consent. As someone who fosters stray cats – this is 100% true. 🙂
Maybe that’s why misogynists hate cats so much.
Lukas Xavier: I don’t know, maybe torture him. Hubs said the guy did ‘things’ to cats when he was younger. Shudder.
They probably don’t like cats because cats aren’t delusional racist assholes. I don’t have too much experience with cats, but to the best of my knowledge they don’t spend much time online ranting about how much they hate minorities.
Okay, then. I don’t dislike cats; they just make me sneeze, which is one of the reasons I have dogs instead, but I’ve yet to see a circumcised cat.
Maybe the OP has?
All kidding aside, it’s like the OP failed to understand the usage of cats in rodent control.
@Naglfar The Rabbi’s Cat is great. Joann Sfar is amazing.
The behavior of our cats would seem to indicate that they at least like us a lot; they seek attention* from us on a daily basis.
My conclusion is that cats can be well-disposed towards humans and are smart enough to avoid people who hate them.
tl;dr Cats do love, they just don’t love the OP!
*the attention/affection seeking behavior is very markedly different from food-seeking behavior with these two, as well.
Yep. One of ours is a feral who got into the habit of dropping in for food (The big one tolerates him – mostly). He’s still fairly wild and not one for being petted, but he’ll sometimes come in, eat, then sit in the door between the kitchen and lounge for an hour, just for the company. Purrs a bit when you talk to him, too.
I dunno, this cat definitely appears to be Muslim:

By this standard my mom’s puppy is more Jewish than my dog.
Also it’s a dumb standard
Mr. Parasol and I love each and every one of our cats, including the ones no longer with us.
My only other contribution right now is to share a new slang term I heard: rat-licker. It means “someone who isn’t being careful during a pandemic,” as in not wearing a mask or indulging in other behavior that is about as sensible as licking a plague rat.
And don’t even get me started on rabbits, those marxists know what they’ve done.
All that aside I would love to get a bunny and a kitty and raise them together. It’s been too long since I’ve had an animal friend in my life.
And ant farms. Communism in a box, I tell you.
@Katherine the Adequate:
It’s very common for people who take pleasure from cruelty to animals to also be violent or sexually abusive towards people. But I’m sure it’s perfectly fine that this guy is a Catholic priest, a group who famously never abuse their power.
And they’re underground society that they’ve been building up for years? Ant farm owners are just virtue signaling to the mass conspiracy.
That’s because the modern big L Libertarian party was always a bunch of racist grifters trying to repackage a Neo Confederate race war for a new audience. The party virtually lost it’s left wing overnight in 2008 when Ron Paul’s racist newsletters came back into the public eye. Most left libs has no clue.
On paper Libertarianism appears to be a “reasonable” philosophy because it has a lot of “stopped clock” points. But any attempt to apply it reveals it’s Social Darwinist roots.
Anyone calling themselves a Libertarian today is either too young/privileged to know better, a naive fool or a closet racist/white supremacist too cowardly to come out and admit it.
Tldr, they’re a bunch of lying, racist grifters.
Oh, and IIRC, Hitler hated cats. Make of that what you will.
Hitler was also a vegetarian. Reading too much into his habit isn’t particulary fruitful.
TBH thoses assholes hate everything, they just need to come up with reasons for each. I don’t think they like dogs much given that the dogpill is a thing.
They appear to be horrible abusive dog owners.
We raised a rat with our dog and now they’re besties and cuddle and play together.
I love rodents and that sounds particularly adorable. Though, I didn’t have that experience with my childhood cat and my hamster. However, my hamster did have a wild ride one night as she got out of her cage, gathered a wad of toilet paper, went downstairs and made a nest behind a cabinet. Our cat didn’t lift a paw.
Here’s a pic:
I’m glad this turned wholesome really quick. Thanks for this!
My daughter and I used to have pet rats. They were the absolute best, even it they’d occasionally chew something I’d rather they hadn’t.