antifeminism memes misogyny MRA

MRA memers stand firm against bullshit they just made up

Nope, you’re not the only one who has noticed this

No doubt you have noticed that, despite the assertions of Men’s Rights Activists to the contrary, men are not actually the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.

And so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that MRAs spend so much of their time raging not against real injustices in the world but rather against the straw feminists that exist only in their own minds.

MRA memers are especially enthusiastic fighters in this war. So let’s take a look at some of their work.

Here’s one memer taking a stand against the “pro-statutory rape when women are the rapists” wing of feminism, which of course is not a thing.

And one suggesting that feminists think child abuse is fine as long as it’s a woman doing the abusing.

Here’s a meme targeting alleged anti-beard feminists:

And here’s a meme excoriating feminism for its alleged hatred of fat men:

Not to be confused with anti-skinny women feminism, which demands that all skinny women make themselves fat.

Or whatever kind of feminism this is:

Here’s one on the wholly imaginary “objectification is only good when women do it” brand of feminism.

And let’s wind up this little meme roundup with one on the evil of feminists allegedly forcing women to get education and jobs.

Congratulations, MRAs and antifeminists generally for so creatively conjuring up so many boogeymen (or rather boogeywomen) to scare yourselves with.

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Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Feminists say that they want to stop objectification, but LOOK! Some ad agency that wouldn’t be considered feminist in a million years produced an ad that sexually objectifies men in addition to the thousands of others it produced that sexually objectify women.

It MUST be a feminist plot to create a double standard.


4 years ago

I feel like I’ve seen at least a few of these before. The beard one and the one with the guy and the fat woman shaking hands angrily look familiar, at Leary’s

Here’s a meme targeting alleged anti-beard feminists:

I don’t have anything against facial hair in general, I just don’t like growing it myself. If someone else wants to grow a beard, more power to them.

here’s a meme excoriating feminism for its alleged hatred of fat men

Don’t MRAs actually hate fat men? I seem to remember a bunch of memes mocking David and other feminist men for being fat.

Or whatever kind of feminism this is:

Am I the only person seeing the parallels between this image and the bisexual pride flag? I don’t think that’s intentional though.

the evil of feminists allegedly forcing women to get education and jobs

I remember when that happened. Anita Sarkeesian broke into my home and stole all my pots and pans and put locks on the kitchen doors. Then Zoë Quinn dragged me to college and made me get an education. Now I have to have a job or they’ll hit me with a whip. /s

Congratulations, MRAs and antifeminists generally for so creatively conjuring up so many boogeymen (or rather boogeywomen) to scare yourselves with.

MRAs right now:
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
4 years ago

Beards are hot. considering a lot of attractive men have beards, they are really making stuff up.

4 years ago

In fact, I don’t really care for beards.

4 years ago

O/T: Best of luck to any Pacific Northwest Mammothers.

Re: beards
Is it possible that MRAs think feminists hate beards because they overheard TERFs using the word “beard” as an insult (they use it as an insult for men who support trans* rights, sort of like the male equivalent of “handmaiden”)?

There are also some women with good beards:
comment image
(Photo courtesy of @TheQueenViking)
I’ve considered growing a beard, but I don’t because it makes me dysphoric. More power to any woman who does, though.

4 years ago

So… since I feel like going down the list one by one:

Statutory rape: I don’t know who was cheering Woman-on-underage-boy sex during the handful of high-profile cases of it during the ’80s and ’90s, but somebody was. Given that the tone was “high five for bagging the hot MILF, dude” most of the time, I suspect few if any of them were feminists. Of course, nobody does that anymore, except in the fevered imaginations of anti-feminists.

Child abuse: Women are more likely to commit child abuse than men… but are also more likely to have access to children than men. Men who do have access to children abuse them at higher rates. You can’t actually draw any definite conclusions from this without first disentangling complex social factors. Regardless, nobody thinks child abuse is good regardless of who’s doing it.

…Also, “child abuse” covers a wide variety of things, not all of which are literally or even metaphorically violent (except in the broadest and most abstract sense, but still do long-term damage, all the same). As far as I’m aware (and someone correct me if I’m wrong) inflicting direct physical harm on children is more of a male thing, anyway.

Anti-beard: Women have preferences. *I* personally don’t care for beards, though that ends up not mattering much (I’ve dated a few men with beards, because personality ends up overriding everything else). Other women might be into that, and I’m not going to beardshame them, because that’s stupid and shallow. Saying that “beards are gross” isn’t kosher, and I suspect that if anyone’s saying that, they’re mostly not feminists. I also suspect that they’re confusing it with “neckbeards are gross” (which is a personality stereotyping thing, not a physical thing) or even “your beard is gross” (seriously, clean *all* your body parts).

Fatshaming men: I don’t know of any feminists who fatshames men but not women, though I used to know a few not-very-good feminists who fatshamed both.

Thinshaming women: I’m aware that this is a thing, due to seeing a large number of complaints about it over the years, but I’ve never actually seen it happen anywhere, not even on the internet… and I lurk a lot of places on the internet. Closest I’ve seen was the “eat a cookie” snipe on the show Ally McBeal.

“Sorry for being a man / Stop raping me”: As memes go, this one is practically ancient. I think it comes from the non-self-aware “I’m not responsible for what other people of my type and/or in my group do and shouldn’t have to apologize for them — You! Apologize for all the bad things which may or may not have been done by the extremists of your type and/or in your group!” type of attitude prevalent in socially dominant groups.

Objectifying men: Since this isn’t the time or place to open the potential can of worms involving my beliefs about objectification (and I suspect my definition of it doesn’t quite match most peoples’, anyway), I’ll just go with “deliberately provocative ads are apropos of nothing”.

Out of the kitchen: There was a time when some young, educated feminists who didn’t quite get what feminism was really about were kitchenshaming housewives. This still happens, albeit very rarely, but considering that Reaganomics largely killed the one-income family, perhaps people ought to look elsewhere for the cause of the dearth of housewives… and househusbands, for that matter.

Last edited 4 years ago by Snowberry
4 years ago

Back when I spent time on Raw Story (mostly for Pandagon), I was called a man hater and a feminazi for insisting that it was bad for grown women to have sex with thirteen-year-old boys. Men in the same discussion were all, like, “Hur hur hur, wish I’d had a teacher like that, his friends are so jealous!” One of them was so irate at how I was ‘misunderstanding how boys are different from girls’ that he threatened me and got booted off the site. Soooooo, yeah, it’s definitely not feminists cheering on lady pedos.

an autistic giraffe
an autistic giraffe
4 years ago

considering that Reaganomics largely killed the one-income family, perhaps people ought to look elsewhere for the cause of the dearth of housewives… and househusbands, for that matter.

Obviously feminists forced Reagan into introducing Reaganomics so they could make it impossible for women to just stay at home DUH!

Then feminists unleashed the Coronavirus so social distancing would make it hard to get laid. And don’t get me started on all the CO2 feminists are pumping into the atmosphere…

4 years ago


I don’t know who was cheering Woman-on-underage-boy sex during the handful of high-profile cases of it during the ’80s and ’90s

I don’t know about in the 80s, but today it’s MRAs cheering it on. There are quite a few posts in the archives of this blog looking at MRAs who think boys are lucky to be statutorily raped by teachers.

@An Autistic Giraffe

And don’t get me started on all the CO2 feminists are pumping into the atmosphere…

It’s turning the friggin’ frogs gay! /s

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
an autistic giraffe
an autistic giraffe
4 years ago

It’s turning the friggin’ frogs gay! /s

I know. And not just frogs, homosexuality has now been documented in hundreds of species of animals. Clearly because feminist propaganda is turning them gay.

Way back in 1892, naturalists observed that “Elephants are committing vices and crimes of sexuality prohibited by the rules of Christianity.” Who do you think it was turning the Elephants away from being good Christians? The Suffragettes that’s who!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I finally stopped watching Bill Maher for good because he said that boys who were raped by women were lucky to get laid and it pissed me off so fucking much. I didn’t hear any complaints about the episode from MRAs though.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Those memes are hilarious! It’s also funny to see these miggies and mras arguing with their imaginations.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I didn’t hear any complaints about the episode from MRAs though.

You wouldn’t. They’re the dipshits as say it most.

I like having a beard – have had one (with a three year gap at the start of my career when I were banned from doing so) for all my adult life. Could do with them being less fuss to maintain though.

4 years ago

The MRAs, stretching anything up to the point it support them, exhibit A.

The MRAs, believing any loss of control mean no control at all, exhibit A.

4 years ago

Why are all “men’s rights” memes just stock photos of women? Like literally all of them

Last edited 4 years ago by NewtonThePlant
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
4 years ago

Wants to be in kitchen.

Forced to get a real education and job.

Some women want to be “in kitchen” — but first they go to Le Cordon Bleu.

4 years ago

Here’s one memer taking a stand against the “pro-statutory rape when women are the rapists” wing of feminism, which of course is not a thing.

No, that’s YOU who believe that female-on-male rape is not a thing! Just recently, I found an mocking a r/teenagers post titled “Men can indeed be raped”, where a teenager describes being raped by a female (now ex-) friend raping him, as “[JFL] Chad crying because a foid sucked his dick”.

And here’s a meme excoriating feminism for its alleged hatred of fat men:

Hm, the fact that fat men are represented by a schoolboy practically begs for jokes about MRAs being emotionally stunted man-children who are still bitter about their schoolboy crush on the cheerleader when they entered highschool being unrequitted…

4 years ago

@An Autistic Giraffe

Way back in 1892, naturalists observed that “Elephants are committing vices and crimes of sexuality prohibited by the rules of Christianity.”

This reminds me of a more contemporary incident in Poland where a local government official got very angry that one of the elephants in a local zoo was gay.

4 years ago

Re: suffrage and indecent elephants

I just remembered a brilliant pun in the Finnish dub of the original Lion King – I haven’t even seen the English version of that.

It was in the scene with Zazu reporting mundane “administrative issues” to Mufasa, like various animals misbehaving. One of the items on the report was “Norsut kärsivät toisiaan”.

At face value, this would mean “Elephants suffer/grudgingly tolerate each other”. However, since elephants have a proboscis (kärsä), you could see the verb kärsiä (“suffer”) in a novel meaning, as in “Elephants use their proboscis to touch/grope each other”. There’s an obvious analogue to koura (“hand”) and kouria (“grope”).

Naturally, we can also imagine this unwanted touching being the reason why the elephants would get on each other’s nerves.

And now, we learn that suffrage is the reason why the elephants are so insufferable…

4 years ago

Totally O/T, but I was curious about this, so I have a question for our British mammotheers:
Is there any QAnon presence in the UK? I know the conspiracy theory originates in and centers around the US, but is it at all promoted or believed by any in the UK?

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Is there any QAnon presence in the UK?

Bound to be. We have our fair share of conspiradolts and generally shitty people. Vaguely recall Carl of Swindon at least flirting with the notion (and now you have the image of Carl of Swindon flirting in your head. I’m not sorry 😛 )

Though since our paedophile ring was/is actually real … it’s not exactly surprising if there are QAnon types.

On the subject of the actual post – there is one of these memes that bugs me, and that’s the Kelly one. I just totally detest the whole “Real women are X” thing. Police your damned self, not other people.

4 years ago

Calorie dripping? It drips calories? Calorie dripping??

4 years ago


Though since our paedophile ring was/is actually real

I assume this is a reference to Jimmy Savile?

The reason I was wondering if there were British QAnoners is because I noticed that QAnon babble about “save the children” sounds quite similar to UK TERF rhetoric about “safeguarding children” from organizations like FairCop and LGB Alliance, so I was wondering if there was possibly any overlap, which would require QAnon to have followers there.

I just totally detest the whole “Real women are X” thing.

To be fair, I’ve never actually seen any feminists shame women for being too thin. I’ve seen non-feminists do it, but this seems to mostly be a straw feminist thing. I’m quite thin and the only people who have ever criticized me for it were my grandmother (very much not a feminist) and some men (probably because I was male-presenting then and I didn’t have much upper body muscle).

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


I assume this is a reference to Jimmy Savile?

I wish. It’d be kinda nice (note: sarcasm) to only have had the one group of famous and powerful shorteyes. It’s the Dolphin Square scandal. Decentish lead in from the Guardian here:

4 years ago

Ah, I was unaware of that incident.

Of course, in America there have also been pedophile and sex trafficking rings linked to political officials. As expected, they were almost all linked to conservatives from red states, which just goes to show how hard Republicans are projecting when it comes to QAnon.

Last edited 4 years ago by Naglfar
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