antifeminism memes misogyny MRA

MRA memers stand firm against bullshit they just made up

Nope, you’re not the only one who has noticed this

No doubt you have noticed that, despite the assertions of Men’s Rights Activists to the contrary, men are not actually the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.

And so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that MRAs spend so much of their time raging not against real injustices in the world but rather against the straw feminists that exist only in their own minds.

MRA memers are especially enthusiastic fighters in this war. So let’s take a look at some of their work.

Here’s one memer taking a stand against the “pro-statutory rape when women are the rapists” wing of feminism, which of course is not a thing.

And one suggesting that feminists think child abuse is fine as long as it’s a woman doing the abusing.

Here’s a meme targeting alleged anti-beard feminists:

And here’s a meme excoriating feminism for its alleged hatred of fat men:

Not to be confused with anti-skinny women feminism, which demands that all skinny women make themselves fat.

Or whatever kind of feminism this is:

Here’s one on the wholly imaginary “objectification is only good when women do it” brand of feminism.

And let’s wind up this little meme roundup with one on the evil of feminists allegedly forcing women to get education and jobs.

Congratulations, MRAs and antifeminists generally for so creatively conjuring up so many boogeymen (or rather boogeywomen) to scare yourselves with.

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Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Alan,

But décolletage, in a French art gallery! What is the world coming too?

Agreed! I mean, it’s not like there’s any recent history in France of women’s clothing being policed, on beaches for example.

/s. All of the sarcasm.

4 years ago

@Jenora Feuer:

I recall hearing about at least one case in the U.S. years back where some ‘tough on crime’ District Attorney charged a sixteen or seventeen year old woman with child pornography because she’d sent a nude picture of herself to her boyfriend.

Sadly, that happened many times, and at least a few times the other way around. And there was at least one case where a boy sent pics to his boyfriend. Fortunately in most cases the not-quite-legal-adults involved got off with a slap on the wrist and a warning as to why this is a terrible idea under the current legal climate.

4 years ago

@Bookworm : I do advice to stay very far away from that story. It’s basically a bunch of far right guys provoking the governement, and the government reacting in the most stupid and counter-productive way possible. There’s also a bunch of well-intentioned people who didn’t read the details and are unintentionally helping thoses far righters.

The only good way to deal with that is A – ignoring it as much as possible and B – vote out the wanker politicians who either didn’t see the trap or thought that pouring oil on the fire is a good thing.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

@ Ohlmann,

 I do advice to stay very far away from that story

Which story? If you mean the art gallery thing, I must admit I skimmed the link Alan gave, that’s it, so I’m not sure what else might be involved?

My sarcastic comment about France policing women’s clothing on beaches refers to Muslim women wearing hijab/full-color swimsuits forced to disrobe on French beaches. It was in the news a few years back; here is a link:

Obviously it hit rather close to home for me. Are you referring to something different? I’m confused, sorry!

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

I would also add, though I have never been to a BEACH in France, I have been treated very badly over my hijab there, so I have some personal experience with this issue.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

Sorry for spamming the thread with a ton of comments. I just re-read my last one and I think I come across as angry. I’m really not, or not at you, Ohlmann. (Angry at prejudice though, yes). Sorry if I seemed like I was lecturing you.

4 years ago

Why don’t ya refute em??

4 years ago

As if you ain’t seein all the “Allmenarepotentialrapists”??

You’re insane

4 years ago

First meme is true

Prison sentences for women??

4 years ago

Also yes
Feminazism is about controlling men

“The “Real Man” phrase
Only a real man will take care of kids that aren’t his”

“Only a Real man will…”

Anytime the Real Man argument is brought up
What follows up is what men should do for women

Also Feminism in many ways maintains Male Expendability

Which is what MGTOW is Against

4 years ago


Why don’t ya refute em??

To refute something it needs to be coherent enough to make a clear rejection. These memes are nowhere near coherent enough to bother refuting. It’s a “not even wrong” situation.

As if you ain’t seein all the “Allmenarepotentialrapists”??

What do you mean? Where did we say that?

You’re insane

Cut the ableism.

Prison sentences for women??

Fact: women getting shorter prison sentences and male victims of sexual assault being ignored are both results of the patriarchy. Female judges are more likely to give longer sentences to women than male judges. As for male victims of sexual assault, feminists have done far more for them than MRAs ever have.

“The “Real Man” phrase

Only a real man will take care of kids that aren’t his”

I’ve never heard a feminist say this. Most feminists are against gender stereotypes like the idea of a “real man.”

Also Feminism in many ways maintains Male Expendability

How so?

4 years ago


I guess you completely misunderstood Schrodinger’s rapist. It’s not that all men have the potential to rape, it’s that about 8% of men are rapists and we have no way of knowing which men they are.

4 years ago

Prison sentences for women??

Cupcakes for birds??

DVDs for Tuesdays??

Flowers for Algernon??

Saying something without context followed by two question marks is not an argument??

Also yes
Feminazism is about controlling men

“The “Real Man” phrase

Are you sure it’s feminists who are going on about which men are and aren’t real men? Are you sure it’s not women you don’t like? Is there a chance you think the word “feminist” actually means women you don’t like? I just ask because policing who is and isn’t a “real man” is an aspect of patriarchy, which is the thing that feminists famously aren’t very fond of.

In any case, I am a feminist, and I can tell you that it is my position as a feminist that all men are real men. I am also a thinking, feeling human being, and as one of those, it is my position that anyone who would form a parental relationship with a child but would then completely reject that child if they found out that they do not share biology, something the kid cannot even control, is a garbage heap. All men are real men. Some real men are garbage heaps.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

What the –? Who is this philosoph person? New troll?

4 years ago

I guess he’s new around here, but his shtick certainly isn’t.