The Buddha, legend has it, spent his younger years living in an opulent palace that was also, in a way, a prison — designed to make sure he never saw the reality of suffering in the real world. But in his late twenties he decided he needed to see the world outside the palace walls.
On his first trip out, he saw an old man, and learned about the phenomenon of aging. On subsequent trips, he saw a sick man, a corpse, and a religious ascetic. He learned that life was fleeting and suffused with suffering. This insight was the spark for the spiritual quest that led to his enlightenment.
One regular commenter on Incels.co seems, like the Buddha, to have discovered the phenomenon of aging, though his discovery hasn’t led to any wisdom.
“Even if I get a teen or early 20s girlsfriend she will age out,” Total Imbecile sadly reported in a recent post:
I dont know how guys cope with this
No matter how pretty your girlfriend is she will eventually grow old, everything is transient …
Each year you turn 1 year older while some girl whos your 10/10 becomes a teen and starts living her prime
And even she will eventually age out of her prime
Its just brutal, I hate the agepill
Total Imbecile, like the Buddha, realizes that life is transient and painful; unlike the Buddha, he uses this insight as an excuse to lament that hot 13-year-olds won’t be hot 13-year-olds forever. Euggghh.
In a followup comment, he told the sad tale of a recent shopping trip:
I was @ my local target today and I noticed this girl who had like blonde hair but it was almost orange
Anyways I realized I wanna marry her but then as she was walking I noticed an old guy walking in the opposite direction and it hit me
Even if I marry her, 50 years from now I will be that old guy and somebody else will be that college girl, my wife will be old and her hair will probably go white, she wont be a college girl forever
I wanted to kill myself right then and there
Don’t worry, dude; with this attitude, even if you somehow magically manage to find a girlfriend, she’s not going to put up with your shit long enough to grow any older.
An incel called Transcended Truecel agreed with Imbecile’s bleak assessment of the world.
Yup, I was once thinking about this. Even if you somehow get a Stacy, every passing year her looks degrade, day by day. Eventually she will become old hag. It was very brutal enlightenment. Destroyed my desire to ascend by a large degree, after realizing this, I no longer care for trying to ascend as it’s not possible and not even worth the effort either. Best to money max and cope
In a followup comment, he added:
Imagine putting all this effort for foid and finally ascending , just for her to expire a few years in . Really unideal
Boo fucking hoo. Like you’e going to age like fine wine?
Seriously, dudes, go read Siddartha or something. Get a little bit of perspective on life.
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I’ve stumbled across that site before and it is a cesspool.
As for brain bleach:

I couldn’t find this in GIF format but it’s one of my favorite cat videos.
Adorable kittens you say? Let’s see if I can get this to work …
Naglfar, PoM, thank you both. They are purrrfect *snorts with laughter at own rather sad pun*
clicks around on that website
Yeah that’s pretty bad. My “favorite” was one bit where they advised one 24 year old man to spank his 18 year old wife and take away her debit and credit cards because she told him “you’re not her father” when he ordered her around. Oh and he says they’ve been married for a year.
I really hope his wife gets out before things get any worse.
(They seem to be giant covidiots too, whining about how safety measures are costing them their freedom, which is the fault of feminism somehow.)
“Wah wah wah, mean feminists won’t let me get a haircut because I’ll spread a deadly plague. My freedom is more important then hundreds of thousands of lives. But only mine! Half the population should live in a relationship that sounds more like a hostage situation!”
Libby Anne at Love, Joy, Feminism has been doing reviews of bad Christian books this year. She’s currently reviewing a novel called The Vision, written by Debi Pearl. Her husband Michael Pearl is the author of To Train Up a Child, a “Christian parenting” book that advocates methods that are quite obviously child abuse.
@tim gueguen
I remember hearing about that book. IIRC it advocates, among other things, beating a 4 month old with a length of plastic tubing for trying to crawl upstairs.
@An Autistic Giraffe:
“Covidiot” seems to be the new “sheeple”, though. It has very different implications depending on who’s saying it. I’ve seen a lot of people using it to mean along the lines of “idiots who take this fake plague seriously”.
Most of my exposure to Autism Speaks comes from Respectful Insolence, admittedly. I don’t have very many people diagnosed as autistic in my close social circles. (I know some people who are autistic, one of whom mentioned this when asking people to be quiet and orderly during a demonstration he was doing because he had trouble dealing with too much at once; and I have a few close friends who probably would have been diagnosed if people were more actively checking for such things forty years ago when they were growing up.) But between that and some of my own observations, yes, I can see that sort of thing happening.
A lot of it is sadly just things that are ‘normal’ taken to extremes. Most people don’t like admitting they may have been wrong, so once they latch on to an explanation they tend to defend it. People like finding communities of people with similar experiences. Now you have a ‘critical mass’ of anti-vaxxers and the whole echo chamber they’ve built up with a combination of active grifters and the generations of people suckered in who don’t want to admit they’ve spent the last several years being wrong; season with the whole discussion about how women (and not only women) often feel (with good reason) like they’re mistreated by standard medical care and thus start with a distrust of doctor’s explanations… it’s become self-sustaining at this point.
Fred Clark used ‘Bad Jackie’ as part of a parable to describe the sorts of people who, when presented with evidence that the horrible conspiracy they believed in was false, doubled down in it because so much of their self-image was based on being better than and in opposition to these horrible (but fictitious) people that they would rather the world be ruled by the devil than admit that sometimes things just happen.
@Victorious Parasol:
I did at one point, but stopped keeping track after a while.
There was actually someone else doing a takedown of Atlas Shrugged earlier, via an old (and long-moribund) blog called ‘Welcome to the New Scum’. The blogger first mentioned it in a post called ‘Stupid Things Libertarians Say, Part II: Simplicity Itself‘ where he ripped into Atlas Shrugged as part of what was wrong with that whole line of thinking:
Which, from other things I’ve read about her, no, she never really did.
@Alan Robertshaw:
*groans* As if we didn’t have enough evidence already that Trump is running the Executive as if he were a Mafia don and the job of everybody else just to protect him. Barr’s going to have to rely in the right-wing circuit in the future because no reputable legal department will touch him after him actively lying all over the place in support of Trump.
@Alan : it was Louis XIV. Basically the prequel of Napoleon : someone who want to rule the entirety of Europa, is a decent to good administrator, a pretty good warlord, and someone who don’t like sharing power at all.
Nowaday, a good comparison would probably be Putin.
Also, he sold Louisiana to american IIRC, which mean he inadvertantly made future relation between USA and France a lot easier.
@an autistic giraffe
Yeah I have seen this before, and the whole movement behind this book and Autism Speaks is monstrous towards autism and I think the whole perspective of seeing autism as an ‘epidemic’ is really manipulative and outrageous to me.
I have a bunch of friends with autism and also happen to work with supporting a lot of folk with severe autism and I would never ever want to change anything about who they are.
I have seen other programs such as the ‘Son-Rise’ program which has what they call an ‘Autism Treatment Programme’ (https://autismtreatmentcenter.org/son-rise-program-principles/), and it really saddens me that people with these experiences and differences can’t just be taken as they are, but that they need to be ‘cured’.
I’ve only ever seen it used to mean the opposite: to refer to conservatives who think it isn’t real or who act in a way that puts themselves or others at risk. I imagine it could be used the other way, but in my experience I’ve only heard it one way.
@ Alan, @ Threp:
I’m just going to assume Christopher Lee suggested that one.
@ Jenora:
At one point some of Fred’s regular readers came up with a fix-it headcanon: that pretty much everyone *except* for the books’ main characters were found worthy and Raptured at the start, and that the legions of Hell were stuck having to impersonate the supposed remainder of humanity so that these losers would have a fair chance at redeeming themselves. Demons are really bad at acting human, but the series’ “heroes” are too wrapped up in themselves to notice anyway.
Speaking of horrible books,
Several months ago I mentioned a Finnish political scandal involving an MRAish diatribe published by the rightwing think tank Suomen Perusta.
SP had been given a public grant of 120,000 e for “political research publishing” that “promotes equality”, among other conditions. Now, after a lengthy investigation, a measly 10,000 of that grant was ordered to be paid back – the amount SP had spent for compensating the author of the aforementioned diatribe.
Raven smiles sometimes when she’s with her friends, or in the new teen titans movie, she smiles when she’s with her boyfriend Damian Wayne (i ship so hard)
@Moon Custafer:
*bwahaha* I don’t recall seeing that one, but I like it.
The scary thing is, both LaHaye and Jenkins had children. And yet they wrote this series of books where every child on the planet disappeared… and after a period of shock measured in hours at most, everybody went on with their lives. It really makes you wonder what kind of parents they were.
Wait. You can get paid 10 grand for writing MRA “just so stories” bullshit?
There’s a career path I’d not considered …
Threp – Yep. Apparently, the book is mostly anti-immigrant crankery, with a strong side of “they’re taking our women”, with references to various news stories and social media rants.
Domanic Nobel did a charaty live stream of the mister by el james I managed 2 hours of it. there is lots of snark and his 50 shades videos are great.
I remember watching an old episode of law and order: SVU where this actually happened. The girl was like 30 and And she’s all “but you said you loved me” but the pedophile was like ew, no thanks you’re old. I don’t know why I watch that kind of stuff. The site looks great BTW.
Trump as piss poor “A Few Good Men” tribute act.
Deleted — posted in wrong thread.