The Buddha, legend has it, spent his younger years living in an opulent palace that was also, in a way, a prison — designed to make sure he never saw the reality of suffering in the real world. But in his late twenties he decided he needed to see the world outside the palace walls.
On his first trip out, he saw an old man, and learned about the phenomenon of aging. On subsequent trips, he saw a sick man, a corpse, and a religious ascetic. He learned that life was fleeting and suffused with suffering. This insight was the spark for the spiritual quest that led to his enlightenment.
One regular commenter on Incels.co seems, like the Buddha, to have discovered the phenomenon of aging, though his discovery hasn’t led to any wisdom.
“Even if I get a teen or early 20s girlsfriend she will age out,” Total Imbecile sadly reported in a recent post:
I dont know how guys cope with this
No matter how pretty your girlfriend is she will eventually grow old, everything is transient …
Each year you turn 1 year older while some girl whos your 10/10 becomes a teen and starts living her prime
And even she will eventually age out of her prime
Its just brutal, I hate the agepill
Total Imbecile, like the Buddha, realizes that life is transient and painful; unlike the Buddha, he uses this insight as an excuse to lament that hot 13-year-olds won’t be hot 13-year-olds forever. Euggghh.
In a followup comment, he told the sad tale of a recent shopping trip:
I was @ my local target today and I noticed this girl who had like blonde hair but it was almost orange
Anyways I realized I wanna marry her but then as she was walking I noticed an old guy walking in the opposite direction and it hit me
Even if I marry her, 50 years from now I will be that old guy and somebody else will be that college girl, my wife will be old and her hair will probably go white, she wont be a college girl forever
I wanted to kill myself right then and there
Don’t worry, dude; with this attitude, even if you somehow magically manage to find a girlfriend, she’s not going to put up with your shit long enough to grow any older.
An incel called Transcended Truecel agreed with Imbecile’s bleak assessment of the world.
Yup, I was once thinking about this. Even if you somehow get a Stacy, every passing year her looks degrade, day by day. Eventually she will become old hag. It was very brutal enlightenment. Destroyed my desire to ascend by a large degree, after realizing this, I no longer care for trying to ascend as it’s not possible and not even worth the effort either. Best to money max and cope
In a followup comment, he added:
Imagine putting all this effort for foid and finally ascending , just for her to expire a few years in . Really unideal
Boo fucking hoo. Like you’e going to age like fine wine?
Seriously, dudes, go read Siddartha or something. Get a little bit of perspective on life.
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Wait until he realizes that everyone will eventually die. Most people seem to learn this around age 4.
And so will you, and everyone else. Getting older may not be pleasant but it beats the alternative.
Yes, they will grow up and will know better than to interact with incel pedophiles.
Does he mean red hair? He could just say that.
Weirdly, he doesn’t seem concerned about how aging will affect his own body. Does he know that men suffer age-related ailments as well, and generally live shorter than women?
If they do, I hope they don’t make 8 hour long improvisational music compositions about it.
IIRC incels don’t like the Buddha anyway, as he was a “GigaChad.”
Personally I like seeing older couples. There’s something very beautiful and #relationshipgoals about seeing two silver-haired people who have obviously been sweethearts for years and years.
@Victorious Parasol
My great-grandparents on my mother’s father’s side were married for 68 years. They were possibly the best-matched couple I ever knew, they survived together through more than half of the 20th century, running a series of small businesses and being active in left wing politics and the civil rights movement. They met as teens in a Manhattan tenement house in the 1930s, married a few years later, and stayed firmly by each other’s sides until his death in 2005 at the age of 89. Both my great-grandmother and great-grandfather were characters in and of themselves, and I’ve got plenty of family anecdotes about them individually and together.
O/T: I’m not sure if the new site background looks this way to other people, but on my phone it looks pink. I like the color a lot, and it will make toxically masculine misogynists upset.
Yes, old age is a cruel thing and the loss of attractiveness is probably the least bad part of it. There’s also the slow and inevitable breakdown of each and every part of your body as well as your mind, and while some people manage to get through their 50s-60s relatively unaffected by the effects of aging, it tends to go downhill from there and fast. Perhaps science will eventually figure out how to reverse aging to some degree, but I can’t count on that and in any case surviving one day at a time is more important than a future that may or may not come.
Not completely related: I feel bad for all the little kids who had the misfortune to grow up with Trump as their president, and even more so for the ones suffering through this pandemic. I fear it’ll basically wreck their lives before they can even get started unless miracles start happening real soon.
On my computer, you can switch between a dusty pink “day” mode and a dark blue with white text “night” mode.
I think Tom Lehrer addressed just this sentiment in his tender love song, “When You are Old and Gray”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv-c1-4kJ7w
I have a solution for the incels- just date a mannequin. She’ll never grow old and never leave, it’s the perfect partner for doofuses like these folks.
That also means they’ll stay away from living women. I’d happily donate to buy every incel a mannequin if it meant no more Elliot Rodgers.
To be fair, Total Imbecile did have enough insight to name himself correctly.
Perhaps the revelation that women age wouldn’t be so painful if these dudes started actually valuing women for something other than their looks.
They seem to believe they’ve going to age like George Clooney when in fact they’ll probably age like Steven Tyler.
Oh no Entropy.
Getting old isn’t so bad. Beats the alternative.
Does he really believe he will be attracted by teenage girls forever? I mean, I’m ok with teenage boys being attracted by teenage girls. Middle-age men attracted by 13-year-olds? So creepy…
@ Naglfar
Do they really? I totally did not realize that at age 4 and thought everyone would live forever. Thus at age 11 I was horribly distressed to see the corpse of my favorite teacher and this was the point when the “everybody dies, no, really” bomb hit for me. Is it very abnormal to not be aware of this until so late an age?
Unrelated: the comments box is at the top of the comments now? You wot mate?
I dont know how guys cope with this
No matter how pretty your girlfriend is she will eventually grow old, everything is transient …
Each year you turn 1 year older while some girl whos your 10/10 becomes a teen and starts living her prime
And even she will eventually age out of her prime
Its just brutal, I hate the agepill
Becomes a teen? That means she’s now 12? Or is she 10 and 10/10?
Total Imbecile, you had better be 10 years old yourself. If not, you have a chance of landing in prison. Talk about brutal.
Extra cultural yikness : in France, college is 11-15. Which make “college girl” look *particulary* bad.
(the extract shown in the article more point toward 15-20, but with incel you never know)
Incels: We want loving, meaningful relationships but women won’t give us a chance because of our looks! Women are shallow bitches!
Also incels: What’s the point of staying in a relationship if she’s going to get old and stop looking good?
My visual impairment thanks you. It’s especially the right side of my vision that is nonexistent so I hadn’t started looking for the icon until you made me aware of its existence. Nightscreen is much easier to read for me. Thanks for the option, David!
As for aging, the one thing I really fear about that is dementia.
Off topic, but while I was watching a video I got an ad for the Trump campaign. The first half was the Orange One rambling about people with boats being awesome. (Okay, they were specific people, but still.) The second half was him claiming that “liberal extremists” want to raise your taxes “5 or 6 times” which is “crazy” because they’d have to raise taxes “300%”. Initially I thought he was saying that it was raising taxes up to 5 or 6 times the current levels so that you’d have to pay 300% of your income – but the wording was so vague and disjointed that I later thought of three other interpretations, only one of which isn’t completely stupid.
This is the best he can do? Really? I mean, his rambling incoherence barely matters to his diehard fans, but they’re not the ones who need to be convinced to vote for him.
@Snowberry : like all fascist dictators, he don’t need more than his fanbase. He will just ignlre the vote of the others one way or another.
Looks like we found where Incel meets MGTOW. Probably also how they keep them in the cult once the younger ones grow up a bit and realize they’re not some fictionally hideously deformed levels of ugly but still have to insist there’s no reason to get a woman.
However, isn’t admitting you don’t WANT to get a woman admitting you are no longer an incel? The dang term means “involuntarily celibate” and if you’re admitting it’s voluntary, you are thus no longer incel. LOGIC, people.
@Big Titty Demon
All I know is that 4 is an average, so I’m sure there are exceptions. I’m sure there are other factors involved as well, like whether anyone close to them has died.
I think they should read “Steppenwolf”.
A man develops an elaborate, self-pitying world view that casts himself as an outsider in a declining society and then has this world view systematically ripped to shreds.
O/T but I find this a bit interesting.
Firstly because there’s just something I find a bit bizarre about the idea of a terrorist theatre group. Reminds me of the nihilists in Big Lebowski.
But also that Norway has an offence of ‘attacks on democracy’