Ah, the Nice Guy, perpetually confused that women aren’t vending machines that dole out a serving of sex for every five kindness tokens you insert in them.
Here’s yet another Nice Guy, captured in the wild by a commenter on the Nice Guys subreddit, expressing his indignation over what he sees as a terrible breakdown in the pussy-distribution infrastructure.

Dude, just stop. Have some respect for women, and some respect for yourself. The world doesn’t run on pity sex; never has. And that’s a good thing.
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Seems appropriate that the name-censorship bars all look like dicks.
I picture these guys as being in their early twenties, and I wonder how they’d react if I turned up and went: “Here’s a cake I baked you. Now can we have sex even though I’m old enough to be your granny?”
Well, I’m preyty certain I know how they’d react really.
Testing, 4 5 6
(1, 2 and 3 were taken)
@Sheila Crosby
You never know, the cougar trope is quite common in media. You might get lucky (though I wouldn’t expect the sex to be any good given the ages of the men).
Content warning sexual predation
They are also the most tenacious, conniving, selfish, and destructive. I’ve been asked to help present this issue, and the issue of bigotry in the fellowship, at organization meetings. I’ve realized over the years that many members PARTICULARLY my brothers… do not consider these to be important. My sister’s in recovery feel unsafe, but that’s no big deal.
Since trump, there has been a meteoric rise in overt bigotry as well. Members, again, particularly men, see no contradiction in sitting in the coffee shop, on social media, or even right outside the meeting hall, railing in the ugliest terms about women, gender queer people, Jews, blacks, people from “Mexican countries”, Muslims…. THEN going inside the rooms where all are welcome “regardless of….”. Apparently they don’t feel THAT spiritual principal applies outside the rooms.
I fought for years. I lost. Earlier this year I left the area.
I’m sure you’ve spent all these years respecting women and tracking bigotry just for the fun of it, like a hobby.
You’re a nice guy just as much dude
For the record, I’ve been generally a net beneficent in mundane favors with my friends, both of whom are women. When we just hang out together, they take care to share even the cost of peanuts.
Website format and color is looking solid and not overloading eye sensitivity.
Though as a heads up: some of the past comments in other topic commenting threads seem to have been… jumbled, during the site host migration; so that might require some fixing. But David your on the right track with the site so far as far as the face lift goes; do keep up the great work and good luck on smoothing out those rough edges.
I didn’t realise genitalia was detachable and could be lent out? Does that mean when OP does favours for men friends they can ask to borrow his cock? That’s how it works in ‘Nice Guy’-world, right? Favours exchanged for genitalia, right? Or am I completely misunderstanding him? (joke, much joking, I’m on a bit of a book high – I read three 300+ page books in three days and managed to get the reviews written in time).
Mr. Parasol introduced me to this song.
What I’d really like in a world with removable bits is that transitioning would be a lot easier. Presumably one would just have to find someone going the other way and swap genitals.
@Naglfar: King Missile had words about that, if I remember correctly.
What in god name did i just read.
@Naglfer, I’d like a spare set of different genitalia and a set of ‘non’ for different days, depending on where I am on the gender spectrum that day. They can be kept in the kitchen cupboard next to my medication, or in the bathroom with the clothes I’m wearing that day.
What? I think David did it because it’s a public good. Sometimes people do things because they are the right thing to do, even if they aren’t directly benefitting. I know that’s hard for conservatives to understand, but it’s sometimes the case.
@ Memories,
There’s a difference between a person, who happens to be a guy, and is nice/decent fella/kind/choose your positive adjective, and a NiceGuyTM.
I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, as I don’t know if you’ve never commented on here before. Maybe you were genuinely scratching your head in puzzlement over the term, but read the article again, and skim the site, and you’ll see the difference.
Other commenters, if Memories is a regular troll whose disingenuous behaviours are annoyingly common…I’m sorry for possibly encouraging them! ?
Like, most of my friends were guys as a kid. Tbf, I was a girl generally considered “one of the guys” so they didn’t want to screw me (also most of them had known me in pre school which was kind of a damper as well) and it’s amazing how the casual shit we did together is what some guys think is some kind of transactional system.
@ Memories
I don’t remember David ever asking to “borrow” some pussy from his readers in exchange for his work here. Do you? Could you provide a link to where?
If not, I will have assume you’re basing your conclusion that David is a Nice Guy (TM) on a belief that no man would find vicious hate directed at (largely) women, hate that has metastasized into and is in turn fed by violence, objectionable enough to be worth tracking and commenting on for its own sake. The only reason you can see that a man would take those steps is because he hopes to make women feel indebted to him enough that they feel obligated to have sex with him. That doesn’t tell me anything about David, but it does tell me some things about you.
I’m pretty sure that David doesn’t wade through screeds of the most hateful, bigoted, disgusting ideas just for the fun of it. It’s not a fun thing, to be subjected to this kind of hate regularly.
I’m pretty sure that David does this as a job. As a way to track the progression of misogyny, to provide a record that can illuminate us when incels commit acts of terrorism, to warn people about these ideas, to educate about these mindsets, and to entertain. And he does a great job at that.
I’m pretty sure that David is not doing this as some kind of scheme to get sex out of the commentors. That would be a fantastically inefficient gambit, considering that a huge number of us are geographically distant from David, not to mention that a lot of us are age-inappropriate, taken, or uninterested in sex with men. I’m pretty sure that almost any activity would give better odds of finding a sexual partner than curating an internet blog about misogyny (aside from actually engaging in the online misogyny, I suppose).
He doesn’t need to borrow cats from us, he’s got his own kitties.
It’s always projection with these types. They accuse the left of “virtue signaling” or “white knighting” because they constantly do those things for their own kind. And because they’re evil and selfish, they assume everyone else is as well, and that nobody has motives beyond themself.
You know, the way you just put it DOES tell me a lot about David.
None of it bad.
All the talk of removable genitals reminded me of the following video. Note that it does contain Lego violence.
Oh my! How horribly skewed and wrong this guy’s vision of friendship is! Sex certainly has never been part of my friendships and I can’t imagine it ever being so. How wrong.
“What I’d really like in a world with removable bits is that transitioning would be a lot easier. Presumably one would just have to find someone going the other way and swap genitals.”
Wow yeah, that would be a dream for me! A lovely genital barter system there they were interchangeable, so I can easily go with the changes needed in my life from day to day.
Oh, the Block Quote thing went odd when I posted – So reverted to quote marks for this post. But I didn’t get the nice red line the others have. It was a scrollabe box with a very basic font for the text. Looked odd.
Just testing to see if Block Quote works for me now.
Edit: EEk! It doesn’t seem to.