So here it is, folks: the new We Hunted the Mammoth, which is exactly the same as the old We Hunted the Mammoth, but with a cleaner and more up-to-date look.
Hopefully this move to a newer WordPress theme, and some behind-the-scenes tinkering, will help to prevent the glitches that have been knocking the site offline in recent days.
The new theme should preserve the same basic functionality of the old theme when it comes to things like commenting and navigating. (In case you’re wondering, the “Recent Posts” and “Recent Comments: widgets are now at the bottom of the page.)
I may do some additional customizing of the theme in days to come. Let me know what you think of this new look!
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
We Hunted the Mammoth relies entirely on readers like you for its survival. If you appreciate our work, please send a few bucks our way! Thanks!

We’re doing lists now? We’re doing lists now.
Aaand the tag buttons aren’t there when I try to edit.
Code for the above looks like this:
Ohhhhh, UL and OL are for LISTS!! I guess i could have googled, hahahah.
It’s really annoying that if i add something in the middle of what i’ve typed, the end of what i typed just disappears. I’m guessing (i am not a coder/webdesigner) that it’s the cursor going to a new line at the bottom of the comment box that extends the box… which does ‘t help me if i’m adding links or text anywhere but the bottom.
Also, on my phone, blockquote and spoiler are both cut off.
ETA: It would be nice for the buttons to show up when editing as well, if that is possible!
ETA (Again): Thank you Ariblester for showing how they work. 🙂
There also has to be an edit timer, because i can’t edit my two previous comments anymore.
If i click on the ‘last edited by rhuu’ link below those losts, it’s broken. Is it trying to find my user profile, maybe?
Edit the third: In fact, i click the gear > page not found. I go back, and ‘edit’ is showing. I click that (it worked for my first edit) > page not found. i go back, and i can edit!
Wait, where did my images go??
Testing: there should be a cute puppy under this.
(Also these buttons are really annoying, they cover my text as i type! They are on top of my keyboard, but since the comment window is right *above* my keyboard, they cover stuff. Like so: (if the image posts)
Testing the new comment plugin.
Okay, my images are disappearing, but if i edit the comment, i thiiink that is what the link is trying to link to?
That is the link to the image, sort of.
NOPE, can’t get it to paste in, even using the ‘code’ function. :/
I removed the image format ending, maybe it’ll work now.
Edited: i don’t think it’s showing the edited comments, in full.
Sorry for so many posts!!! Last one for a bit, inswear. The comments aren’t showing the edited comments, after a refresh. It looks like it posts, when i hit ‘edit’ the extra information is there, but i don’t see it on the page. :/
We’ve gone vertical in the comments again.
It might be the comment plugin causing it.
Hey, David! Looking good so far!
Do you want some free, professional icons for your comment box widget? It will make it clearer to people what things like OL are for if you use these icons. Here you go! https://material.io/resources/icons/
I’m seeing that issue also happening on a lot of older posts (in addition to all embedded images missing).
Trying to embed an image:

Edit: now the image is doubled. Let me try something else.
I just pasted the URL, which used to work, but now it’s doubled with extra HTML text that I didn’t type around it.
And now the image is gone, there’s a weird link I didn’t type, and the edit function is broken. Anyone else having these issues?
ETA: and on my laptop it’s all gone vertical. Unless I make the browser window narrower which somehow fixes it.
A friend tried clicking on my comment from the recent comments and it did this:

Looks like my image vanished, too. I had assumed the vanishing was due to people uploading them and something to do with them not being permanently saved, but mine was a link to an image stored on a completely different server, so it’s not that.
Interesting. The link in my nym in this post leads to the WHTM url with my image url included after it.
That seems to be what happened when I posted my image test. It was supposed to show a picture of a mammoth, but first it appeared doubled, then it disappeared and now there’s a link like you described.
Ok let me try with a couple of images:

Uploaded with the little button on the bottom of the box:
Huh, well my image test didn’t work properly at all, but it did put up the image I uploaded with the upload button on the right of the text box. So maybe use that?
Has it straightened out?
Edit – it seems to have! So that were the problem, and using the insert picture button seems to fix it.
Is anyone getting the “server not found” message when posting? I know some of you mentioned it before.
In other news: it doesn’t seem possible to move the box to the end of the comments, but if you click the floating comment button on the left, wherever you are in the comments, you’ll automatically be taken to the box.
Embedding images seems to be borked but uploading them seems to work.
There’s one other comments plugin I can try; I’m just a little bit wary of it because it only has a handful of installs, vs the one I’m using now that has 80,000 and a very high rating.
I’ll warn you folks before I try it so you won’t be blindsided by a completely different and possibly wonky comment experience while I test it out.
The comments box is hardly usable on this page (although obviously I made it work) because the vertically-aligned comments at the bottom of the page have extended the page sideways and there is no scrollbar.
On desktop, all the comments from Rhuu’s post trying to include a puppy image (https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/09/03/welcome-to-we-hunted-the-mammoth-3-0/comment-page-2/#comment-3650102) to David’s post with the Cookie Monster image ( https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/09/03/welcome-to-we-hunted-the-mammoth-3-0/comment-page-2/#comment-3650121) are arranged vertically, side by side with each other (and are essentially unreadable). There’s no such issue with the mobile site.
I’m having the same issue. I fixed it by shrinking the browser window. Rhuu was trying to post an image when it started and David posted an image to end it, so maybe it’s a glitch relating to images.
I think I just fixed the image embedding problems. And maybe that has fixed some of the other bugs?
Dunno what David did just now, but it’s fixed in this thread for me – laptop, Firefox.
Just checked, also fixed in the Ron Jeremy thread and in an archive thread I happened to remember had gone vertical too (https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/01/18/women-just-have-some-random-itch-or-bowel-movement-and-think-they-had-an-orgasm-sex-genius-explains/) , so it seems to be a fix fix.
Nice one!
Yeah, the vertical comments have been fixed now! Thanks David!
That definitely fixed the problem for me. Thank you!