
Should I change the name of the blog to “We Invented Your Fucking Tampoons, for Fucks Sake?”

By David Futrelle

Maybe it’s time to change the name of this blog.

As many of you know, the current name is an ironic reference to a rant by one MRA type who was angry that women weren’t showing the proper gratitude for all that men had allegedly done for them over the centuries, and who at one point in his rant blurted out “we hunted the mammoth to feed you,” as if he himself were some sort of manly mammoth slayer instead of just some dude ranting on the internet. (Never mind that our ancient ancestors mostly ate plants and smaller game as opposed to these giant monsters with sharp tusks who could easily kill them.)

“We Hunted the Mammoth” has served ably as the name of this blog for years. But now I’m wondering if I should rename it “We Invented Your Fucking Tampoons [sic], for Fucks Sake,” in homage to this exceedingly angry rant from the forums.

[RageFuel] How dare women disrespect men when we gave them everything they have now?

Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
47d 16h 6m
Yesterday at 4:30 PM

Bitch, we built the fucking society you're benefiting from so much. We allow you to work, vote, we gave you rights, we created the medicines and technology you use every day. We gave you education to learn to bitch about how misogynistic (ugly) men are. We invented your fucking tampoons, for fucks sake. You're so stupid that you wouldn't be able to survive a week without being a whore on OnlyFans. And you dare to tell me on my face I'm too ugly to date you're used up ass? Fuck you whore, I hope you get raped on a empty alley

Who’s this “we,” dude? You haven’t built or invented anything. You can’t claim credit for all the achievements of men throughout the centuries any more than a woman can claim credit for everything women have done to keep civilization running. Wishing rape on someone — real or imaginary, I can’t tell — who turned you down for a date is not an accomplishment. Nor, it goes without saying, are attitudes like this particularly conducive to getting dates in the future.

On the forums, of course, almost all the commenters agreed with Uglyme. “Amen. A fucking men,” wrote a commenter called TheLastSorrow, declaring women to be “[t]he most ungrateful gender hands down. They deserve to get abused.”

VinventVanCock agreed, praising Uglyme’s rant as “[p]oetry, hoes should be beaten and enslaved to learn manners.”

Meanwhile, someone called Copexodius_Maximus suggested that Chads were as lazy and ungrateful as women.

Males have to do all that stuff cause we are inferior and have to make up for our ugliness in order to attract women. Chads don’t need to innovate or build, women throw themselves at them, and even take care of them like Jeremy Meeks. Women don’t need to build shit even if they could because they can mostly all attract mates without money or status.

Women love beta males for building society for them, so they can be safe and comfortable enough to fuck Chad more.

Mainlander complained that women aren’t giving out gratitude sex to men for allegedly building the world:

Women are not very good at gratitude and they are utterly incapable of even thinking about doing something sexual or romantic out of gratitude.

“Gratitude sex” is not a thing. It’s especially not a thing when the men demanding it 1) haven’t done anything worthy of gratitude and 2) are so steeped in misogynistic hate that it seeps out their pores.

PS: I’m not going to change the name of the blog.

H/T — ExpelIncels

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ threp

not only rescinding his exile, but make him one of Nero’s tutors

I subscribe to the totally apocryphal theory that Claudius chose Nero so as to be the worst possible emperor thus ensuring the people would re-establish the Republic.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I don’t know why Ben Shapiro thought saying “facts don’t care about your feelings” was ever a good idea.

First, if you take it at face value, it’s way too obvious: facts don’t care about anything, because facts aren’t conscious beings! I suppose the intended meaning is “something isn’t a fact just because you feel it should be,” but it’s poorly worded.

Second, it’s still very easy to turn it against the opinions that Shapiro has. (“You don’t like the fact that people use they/them pronouns? Hmm, well, facts don’t care about your feelings,” etc.)

Third, feelings have their place. Of course, people can’t base all their decisions on feelings, but oftentimes the “feelings” conservatives object to are useful ones like empathy.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


I subscribe to the totally apocryphal theory that Claudius chose Nero so as to be the worst possible emperor thus ensuring the people would re-establish the Republic.

There are worse theories – didn’t Graves give a more than passing nod to that one in Claudius the God? Though I do subscribe more to the generally accepted “Mom poisoned, bought off, or framed all the possible competition” theory. Agrippina were a rather impressive and astute political player.

4 years ago


I don’t know why Ben Shapiro thought saying “facts don’t care about your feelings” was ever a good idea.

I don’t think Ben thought about it because he doesn’t do much thinking, period.

it’s still very easy to turn it against the opinions that Shapiro has.

Indeed, the vast majority of his opinions are counter to the facts. I’ve often heard leftists use that phrase to mock him and his ideas.

Of course, people can’t base all their decisions on feelings, but oftentimes the “feelings” conservatives object to are useful ones like empathy.

They much prefer ones like rage and fear (which manifests as rage) because toxic masculinity dictates that those should be the only things they feel.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ threp

Agrippina were a rather impressive and astute political player.

And a good swimmer by all accounts.

Better last words than her lad too I think.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

She’s almost as tough as your favorite from that time 🙂

Though first in my heart of the lot of them will always be Livia.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ threp

It’s ironic that Boudicca’s famous speech may have been written by a Roman.

Having said that, he is supposed to have recorded Suetonius’ speech pretty accurately, so he had the first hand accounts; and there’s also that criterion of embarrassment thing.

Boudicca’s speech is not exactly flattering to Rome, so maybe it was recorded more or less verbatim?

ETA: Oh yeah. Don’t you think The Sopranos is just One, Clavdivs fanfic?

4 years ago

I’m a longtime lurker who ones on here about once a month and binge reads.

The poster Lenona has me sort of baffled and somewhat intrigued. Most of her comments are quoting really obscure people and articles from long ago. Lenona are you a librarian or a professor or in some profession that requires you to search for and consume such material? I can’t help but wonder if your consumption of such material has made it so that you too caught up in the theory of life rather than in the reality of life? I feel like you don’t connect well with other posters because you often sound like someone who read about life rather than someone who is out and about. When you pop into discussions it sometimes looks like one of those bots who is programmed to pick up on certain keywords and give a preprogrammed response.

Also what is your angle? Because you quote so many sources that I am not familiar with I’m not sure where you are coming from. A lot of your points and views sound almost identical to socially conservative Catholic viewpoints that I grew up around and a lot of the things you repeat in various threads (women shouldn’t have one night stands, random digs at fat people, a presumption that teenagers are lazy and small children need more discipline, stereotypes about gays and lesbians, digs at the disabled….are all things I commonly hear and see in conservative circles. I feel like most people here, even trolls, have a viewpoint and I know where they’re coming from whether I agree or not but I’ve seen your comments for the first time on today’s reading binge. I’ve probably read a few dozen comments written by you today so I assume you’re not a troll due to the amount of time you’ve spent on the site engaging and yet I’m none the wiser as to what viewpoint you are bringing or what angle you are coming from. Perhaps you would consider giving your own opinion in your own words for a while rather than quoting from random sources or putting obscure peoples views into your own words. I (and I’m sure many others) don’t have the time to go googling these people to see who they were, what they believed in and by extension what you are trying to say by quoting them. You’d fit in and attract less ire if you have your opinion and backed it up with the lives experience that has brought you to this conclusion rather than quoting stuff from 1978 of linking to a study from Italy or whatever.

Hope everyone is staying safe and looking forward to better days.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

@ LindsayIrene:

Is that a cross between a harpoon and a tampon?

oh… my…. 🙁

@ Naglfar:

They much prefer ones like rage and fear (which manifests as rage) because toxic masculinity dictates that those should be the only things they feel.

those are the only feelings that don’t require an “escape plan” for when your toxic buds catch you feeling them….

re: positivity from trump…???

Just listen to Bullshit Barbie re-translate his blather into something resembling words… then… b.e.l.i.e.v.e.

4 years ago

IIRC Tacitus wasn’t notably fond of the Rome in which he lived, feeling that it had lost its virtue compared to the good old days, and it wasn’t like he’d been in command of the Ninth when Boudicca chopped them to dogmeat, to it’s no skin off his back if the people who were in charge look like assholes in his version. Probably beneficial, cos those guys were the competition.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ dali

So that’s why the original speech was:

Have no fear whatever of the Romans; for they are superior to us neither in numbers nor in bravery.; not like back in Tacitus’s day. He was well hard; and good looking.

And here is the proof: they have protected themselves with helmets and breastplates and greaves and yet further provided themselves with palisades and walls and trenches to make sure of suffering no harm by an incursion of their enemies. Tacitus used to fight out in the open, in just his pants. And then get the drinks in afterwards. I’d vote for him.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

Re “kids these days”…

Because I feel like you all deserve the hilariousness of Kari Maaren’s music, especially when she’s singing about grumpy vampires.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

Sorry. I don’t know how to edit that first comment or if that’s even a link…

4 years ago

Bookworm in hijab wrote on
August 30, 2020 at 9:04 pm:

Re “kids these days”…

Because I feel like you all deserve the hilariousness of Kari Maaren’s music, especially when she’s singing about grumpy vampires.

Bookworm in hijab wrote on
August 30, 2020 at 9:07 pm:

Sorry. I don’t know how to edit that first comment or if that’s even a link…

The tags got messed up a bit. Fixed the link.

4 years ago

@ Bookworm

Loved the song.

Kari has also expressed indirectly the view ‘the ideal world for a vampire is one in which all the other vampires have been killed off and nobody seriously believes in vampires any more.’ I think it may be from Pratchett, but I’m not sure.

4 years ago

is it any surprise that complaints about neglectful parents – and demands for adults’ rights – are on the rise as well?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH lol. “Adult’s rights”, that’s funny, thanks for the laugh. And since you won’t understand; adults already have all the rights.

Look, I’m a full on asshole in stores because I HATE dealing with other people’s kids. But even I can tell you one thing, people who judge parents for ignoring misbehavior based upon 2 seconds of observing those parents are morons. If no-body’s getting hurt, a lot of times ignoring misbehavior is literally the most effective discipline there is, and yelling, taking out of the store, etc. is either too abstract or takes too long to be effective.

4 years ago

Ugh, looks like I’ve made a donation to the blockquote monster. Guess I don’t get an edit button either.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago


That, or she sounds like the person who complains all the time about “kids these days” and is angry about teen activists like Greta Thunberg.

I complain about kids these days all the time. But to be fair I complain about everyone these days and the kids I’m complaining about have machine guns and shit and are alt-right toerags so like, it’s totally justified.

@ Eddy

@ LindsayIrene:

Is that a cross between a harpoon and a tampon?

oh… my…. ?

That was my reaction too, and then someone said something about sticks and tamping them in there like ramrods in muskets, and I noped right out from the inevitable case of “tampon gonna get stuck in and fester and get infected” that was gonna result in.

4 years ago

I always hear the Shapiro catchphrase as “facts don’t care about your feelings”. They should always care about his feelings though. He feels that there are such things as biological pronouns — how dare facts dispute that?


Stoicism doesn’t seek to eliminate emotions though, although some modern proponents seem to get it mixed up with being a Vulcan.

IIRC even with Vulcans, it’s more about controlling your emotions and less about not having them.

4 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

But to be fair I complain about everyone these days and the kids I’m complaining about have machine guns and shit and are alt-right toerags so like, it’s totally justified.

That’s different. I think there’s a big difference between the kids that conservatives take issue with (activists and minority kids) and the ones you or I have a problem with (murderers).


They should always care about his feelings though. He feels that there are such things as biological pronouns

Somehow that’s even one of his less ridiculous views. Where does he think the biological pronouns are coded? Are they in the SRY gene? Androgen receptors? And, what does he make of languages like Armenian that don’t have gendered pronouns? Do Armenians not have these “biological pronouns”?

A Distracted Medievalist
A Distracted Medievalist
4 years ago

@ Kevin,

That’s the premise of Charles Stross, The Rhesus Chart, though I don’t know whether that’s the origin or whether it’s a riff on an established trope. Recommend, anyway.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Shapiro bothers me more than most of the dork right, because his crap is very, very deliberate. It’s not unthinking, and he does have something approaching a normal conscience – if he didn’t he’d not have resigned immediately from Breitbart over the Michelle Fields assault. (Yes, I know he used his pull to set up on his own afterwards, but it WAS afterwards, not the following day).

The normal grifters and bullshit artists I can sort of dismiss, or at least find amusing in their terribleness, but he actually offends me.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

DP, because I just noticed this and my previous is in WordPress limbo so no chance to edit it:


Don’t you think The Sopranos is just One, Clavdivs fanfic?

Grab an old tale, file the serial numbers off, slap on a new coat of paint and you’ve got yourself a telly series.

It is the way. 🙂

4 years ago

I always thought the expression was “biological” pronouns on purpose, because calling them “genetic” pronouns would just invite too many questions about how people in ye olden days supposedly knew each other’s genotypes to determine what pronouns to use. I mean, biological sex was such an obvious and clear-cut thing before kids these days invented 72 additional genders, so it’s obviously reasonable to say that certain pronouns were used to refer to certain biologically distinct groups. /s

Regarding Armenian pronouns, it would be interesting to know if they’ve also had people calling for gendered pronouns as some have done with Finnish, but I suppose Armenian has been around in written form for much longer, so it’s probably had a different set of hassles.