
Should I change the name of the blog to “We Invented Your Fucking Tampoons, for Fucks Sake?”

By David Futrelle

Maybe it’s time to change the name of this blog.

As many of you know, the current name is an ironic reference to a rant by one MRA type who was angry that women weren’t showing the proper gratitude for all that men had allegedly done for them over the centuries, and who at one point in his rant blurted out “we hunted the mammoth to feed you,” as if he himself were some sort of manly mammoth slayer instead of just some dude ranting on the internet. (Never mind that our ancient ancestors mostly ate plants and smaller game as opposed to these giant monsters with sharp tusks who could easily kill them.)

“We Hunted the Mammoth” has served ably as the name of this blog for years. But now I’m wondering if I should rename it “We Invented Your Fucking Tampoons [sic], for Fucks Sake,” in homage to this exceedingly angry rant from the forums.

[RageFuel] How dare women disrespect men when we gave them everything they have now?

Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
47d 16h 6m
Yesterday at 4:30 PM

Bitch, we built the fucking society you're benefiting from so much. We allow you to work, vote, we gave you rights, we created the medicines and technology you use every day. We gave you education to learn to bitch about how misogynistic (ugly) men are. We invented your fucking tampoons, for fucks sake. You're so stupid that you wouldn't be able to survive a week without being a whore on OnlyFans. And you dare to tell me on my face I'm too ugly to date you're used up ass? Fuck you whore, I hope you get raped on a empty alley

Who’s this “we,” dude? You haven’t built or invented anything. You can’t claim credit for all the achievements of men throughout the centuries any more than a woman can claim credit for everything women have done to keep civilization running. Wishing rape on someone — real or imaginary, I can’t tell — who turned you down for a date is not an accomplishment. Nor, it goes without saying, are attitudes like this particularly conducive to getting dates in the future.

On the forums, of course, almost all the commenters agreed with Uglyme. “Amen. A fucking men,” wrote a commenter called TheLastSorrow, declaring women to be “[t]he most ungrateful gender hands down. They deserve to get abused.”

VinventVanCock agreed, praising Uglyme’s rant as “[p]oetry, hoes should be beaten and enslaved to learn manners.”

Meanwhile, someone called Copexodius_Maximus suggested that Chads were as lazy and ungrateful as women.

Males have to do all that stuff cause we are inferior and have to make up for our ugliness in order to attract women. Chads don’t need to innovate or build, women throw themselves at them, and even take care of them like Jeremy Meeks. Women don’t need to build shit even if they could because they can mostly all attract mates without money or status.

Women love beta males for building society for them, so they can be safe and comfortable enough to fuck Chad more.

Mainlander complained that women aren’t giving out gratitude sex to men for allegedly building the world:

Women are not very good at gratitude and they are utterly incapable of even thinking about doing something sexual or romantic out of gratitude.

“Gratitude sex” is not a thing. It’s especially not a thing when the men demanding it 1) haven’t done anything worthy of gratitude and 2) are so steeped in misogynistic hate that it seeps out their pores.

PS: I’m not going to change the name of the blog.

H/T — ExpelIncels

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit:

Language-wise: bassoon, buffoon (though in French the word almost only ever means “court jester” these days), cocoon, doubloon, monsoon (though in French the first syllable is different too, it’s “mousson”), pontoon, typhoon, pantaloon, rigadoon. Not that I own a rhyming dictionary for some weird reason or anything.

And then there’s another Wabid Wabbit who pioneered the term “maroon” (a self-aware malapropism)—which could be usefully applied to the self-anointed Tampoon Inventor. Bugs is also directly responsible for the mutation of the term “Nimrod”—sarcastically likening Elmer Fudd to the legendary hunter-king of the Tower of Babel—into a synonym for “nitwit”.

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
4 years ago


No, that was a joke reference to a character in a TV show with the same name but opposite personality.

4 years ago

You said above they don’t think parents deserve respect. Those two stances are incompatible.


Block quotes wouldn’t work again, so…

I said “one or two.” You don’t read too well, do you? Why do I have to say anything twice?

On antisentimentality, one of my favorite writers happens to be Katha Pollitt, who is a diehard lefty, somewhat optimistic, has a daughter and was married twice, and likes certain romantic movies. She’s also pretty tough and antisentimental. In other words, emotions and stoicism CAN coexist in a person. (Another example would be the former ACLU board member Wendy Kaminer – but in a way, I’d say she’s not stoic enough, since she can be kind of condescending and rude even to her FANS. I’ve seen it happen, and no, the fans don’t appreciate it. Pollitt is far more gracious.)

And “addicts and sellers” are clearly those who consume or sell huge amounts of candy or media pablum (Disney, for one) and get their health and perspectives twisted as a result.

4 years ago

@An Autistic Giraffe
Sorry, I didn’t get the reference.


I said “one or two.” You don’t read too well, do you? Why do I have to say anything twice?

I read fine. You have to repeat things so you can move the goalposts and change what you’ve said.

Even if there were only one of two espousing this view, if others aren’t actively condemning them they are complicit. As the saying goes, if there is one Nazi at a table and there are 9 other people interacting with him normally, there are now 10 Nazis at that table.

And “addicts and sellers” are clearly those who consume or sell huge amounts of candy or media pablum (Disney, for one) and get their health and perspectives twisted as a result.

It certainly isn’t any of your business what media other people consume, but even aside from that, repressing one’s emotions isn’t healthy either.

4 years ago

And “addicts and sellers” are clearly those who consume or sell huge amounts of candy or media pablum (Disney, for one) and get their health and perspectives twisted as a result.

This seems abelist and narrow-minded. So far I can see your view of children seems to be a very specific stereotype, like a cartoon. When actually children have as many different behaviours like adults. I have never been out to a restaurant, on plane or train, and seen children disrupt like you say. Even in Macdonald’s. I travel a lot so I experienced a lot of different cultures and sharing small space with different nationalities and people. And generally who is most disruptive is other adults, especially white adults about much age (I am almost 30). Children generally, when they disrupt do so becuase they are children (babys crying on a plane, child hitting my seat because of game). Most of the time if you ask kindly, the child will stop. But if you ask adults? Normally it is an argument, they make excuses and now YOU are the bad guy for just wanting some peace and quiet.

To me it seems you are arguing against a stereotype of children from movies, not real life. And anyway, parents are not there to control or hurt or stop their children from having fun, they are there to protect that child and prepare them for the world. Children running around and giving migraines and breaking legs is so exaggerated and unlikely it is actually funny! This is not a real problem. Elderly and disabled people have a much bigger risk from other adults, children generally dont have the power to hurt like adults do to elderly and disabled people.

Do not celebrate traditionally strickt parents, this value is the value of abuse and patriarchy.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh good. Yet another thread where Lenona comes in, makes judgmental statements and then gets all huffy when people object.

Lenona, if people keep misinterpreting you, it’s on you to communicate more clearly and say exactly what you mean. Or maybe we’ve got your number and you don’t like it?

4 years ago


To me it seems you are arguing against a stereotype of children from movies, not real life.

This is basically how she acted regarding teens and sex in a previous thread, so it’s in character.

4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox

And then there’s another Wabid Wabbit who pioneered the term “maroon” (a self-aware malapropism)

Unfortunately, that’s probably not a malapropism, deliberate or otherwise, but a racist stereotype

Speaking as someone who actively dislikes the presence or proximity of children, and isn’t fond enough of humanity in general to feel there’s any pressing need to make more, fuck off and go hug a cactus. Misanthropy is a personality trait, not a political position. Unrelated, you are in no position to claim the ground of ruthless pragmatism, having made not a single statement connected in any measurable way to reality since you came here. Also, go read
Homage to Catalonia if Leftist Stoicism is your bag. Furthermore, if you’re going to wank on about Stoicism, for pity’s sake read some Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. Your blistering ignorance on every topic you choose to expound on is insufferable and obnoxious.

4 years ago

I don’t know anything about Stoicism, but I’ve seen enough (non-depressive) people bring it up in discussions about depression (if, as a depressive, you feel nothing/numbness, that’s great because you are free from passion!!) that I assume most people bringing it up in internet discussions are about to lay down some bullshit.

4 years ago

I can’t having with it myself, but I am passing familiar, which is more than anyone I’ve seen shove it into a random conversation appears to be. It’s basically a way to say “I’m a pretentious asshole, but that’s good because philosophy.”

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Hey, was “cartoon” on Rabid Rabbit’s list? Because that’s another one with the on->oon pattern (originally carton, or really the Italian cartone, was a piece of cardboard, then a quick line drawing on one, leading to the other drawing-related senses of “cartoon”).

Honestly, at this point I’m starting to be surprised that English let tampons keep their -on ending after all. 🙂

(Also, how did Lenona derail another thread to pointless arguments about issues that don’t actually exist, through quotes of texts that don’t matter? That’s kind of a weird dynamic.)

4 years ago

Aren’t you guys tired of jerking Lenona of– er, around by now?

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

Also also, nobody is addicted to either candy or Disney movies[*], what the hell. Children (and adults) like them, some like them a lot; in some ways, especially in regard to candy, they might have more of it than is healthy for them (or they might drive their parents despondent by watching Moana every day for a month). That is still not a frigging addiction, and calling it one is minimising what addiction really is and what people who suffer from it go through. I don’t know if it would count as ablism, but kinda feels like it to me, on the same line as using terms like “cr*zy” or “ret***ed” (censored here for the sake of moderation) for behaviours you don’t like.

[*] I suppose there might be some people who have unhealthy psychological attachments to certain foods, possibly even to certain media, but that’s not what’s usually meant when people like Lenona talk about “sugar addiction” etc., so I allowed myself a bit of generalisation.

4 years ago

Well considering @lenona wants to harasses teenagers for their sex lives I’m not surprised if she wants to harasses younger ones too. She seems like the so out of touch adult that children would just point and laugh or say something like “lady stop staring at me because of my piercings or hair” and then she would call them a brat for that.

Also as someone who wants at least 3 kids. Go fuck yourself you trash lol

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ dali and lindsayirene

It’s basically a way to say “I’m a pretentious asshole, but that’s good because philosophy.”

At the risk of being a self demonstrating article, I’ll stick in a defence of ‘big S’ Stoicism.

I totally understand how annoying and ignorant it is to just say to people in distress ‘just pull yourself together and ignore it’; but that’s not Stoicism that’s just callousness.

I find there’s quite an overlap between Stoicism and Buddhism; and I personally find it helpful; but I appreciate plenty of other approaches to life are equally valid. To quote the Levellers: “There’s only one way of life, and that’s your own (your own, your own).

I do begin each day though with the guidance from Meditations. I found it a particularly useful tool for dealing with some people I encounter.

Stoicism doesn’t seek to eliminate emotions though, although some modern proponents seem to get it mixed up with being a Vulcan.

Stoicism recognises emotions are an innate part of being human. It only cautions against making judgements based solely on emotion not facts.

I wonder what the original Stoics would have made of Trump’s approach to campaigning?

4 years ago


She seems like the so out of touch adult that children would just point and laugh or say something like “lady stop staring at me because of my piercings or hair” and then she would call them a brat for that.

That, or she sounds like the person who complains all the time about “kids these days” and is angry about teen activists like Greta Thunberg.

@Alan Robertshaw

Stoicism recognises emotions are an innate part of being human. It only cautions against making judgements based solely on emotion not facts.

I wonder what the original Stoics would have made of Trump’s approach to campaigning?

You bring up an interesting point here. Conservatives claim that “facts don’t care about your feelings” and to be anti-emotional, but that’s projection. In actuality, they base all their decisions on feelings, but only on ones like anger and fear, and are confused when leftists make decisions that are not solely based on anger and fear.

4 years ago

No, the Levellers said

We the free People of England, to whom God hath given hearts, means and opportunity to effect the same, do with submission to his wisdom, in his name, and desiring the equity thereof may be to his praise and glory; Agree to ascertain our Government, to abolish all arbitrary Power, and to set bounds and limits both to our Supreme, and all Sulwrdinate Authority, and remove all known Grievances.

There’s a great long rest of it, but it proclaims democracy with a widespread franchise, freedom of religion, and a wide variety of economic reforms. It a lovely counterpoint to people who blither about the allegedly unique ideals allegedly set forth in the founding documents of the US some century and change later.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)

I wonder what the original Stoics would have made of Trump’s approach to campaigning?

They’d simply accept it as something that is, much like earthquakes and pyroclastic rains. 😛

4 years ago

Well, I think the actual reaction of stoic to Trump campaign would be “AH WHAT IS THAT SORCERY ? HOW DO YOU HAVE BOX WITH MOVING PICTURE ON IT ?? WHAT DOES THAT HORRIBLE SOUND ???”. Because it’s probably pretty hard to keep your cool and not let your emotion come out when confronted with a period as different as the modern era :p.

Maybe we should ask David to ban Lenona ? Each of his or her posts are deeply displeasant to me and novelty have worn off.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ dali

I was thinking of the crusty Brighton band.

But, speaking of the original Levellers, you might like this.

Little project a mate did a while back (and to go full circle actually features a couple of the guys from the Levellers as in band)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ threp

much like earthquakes and pyroclastic rains.

Yeah, but with those they could have said “Ah well, at least now we can put in place that remodelling plan for the town centre and plant some nice vineyards.”

I think even Seneca would be hard pushed to find anything positive in Trump; and he worked for frikkin Nero.

4 years ago



To be fair, this is not too different from my usual reaction to Trump’s speeches.

Each of his or her posts are deeply displeasant to me and novelty have worn off.

She’s also starting to throw up some alt-right dogwhistles. Fearmongering about the “excesses” of society isn’t too far from rambling about the “decadence” of “Western Civilization,” and the emphasis on antisentimentality has shades of Ben Shapiro’s “facts don’t care about your feelings” trolling.

@Alan Robertshaw

I think even Seneca would be hard pushed to find anything positive in Trump; and he worked for frikkin Nero.

I like Alexis Filth’s take on Nero vs. Trump (paraphrased because I can’t find the exact quote): At least Nero had the musicianship to play a fiddle while Rome burned. Trump couldn’t even do that.

4 years ago


I was thinking of the crusty Brighton band.

I know, I just couldn’t resist.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ dali

Fun fact: Apart from the New Model Army* influence, the Levellers also took their name from the area of Brighton they used to live in.,_Brighton

(*As in band again. Justin, the singer, used to go by the name ‘Slade the Leveller’; mainly for signing on reasons)

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)


I think even Seneca would be hard pushed to find anything positive in Trump; and he worked for frikkin Nero.

He’d have managed something. Managed to talk Claudius (a fairly sensible guy for a Julian, but with whims of steel) into not only rescinding his exile, but make him one of Nero’s tutors. He had the gift of the gab, that one. Outclassed his old man seven ways from Sunday.